What would a second civil war map look like
I think it would be urban vs rural
I think the map would start like this
How will it change and end?
What would a second civil war map look like
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obviously it would be Midwest + The south vs West/East Coast. dunno a catchy name for it, the Coast to Coast War of 20XX? The War of the Great Divide?
Either Yugoslavia redux where the Federal government slowly loses more and more ground to various rebel armies and ultimately collaspes after a prolonged struggle or Somalia 2.0 where it disintegrates almost immediately and the war is mainly new governments fighting for control of the power vaccum.
It wouldn't last long. The blue people are the only ones who know how to produce antibiotics, vaccines, nuclear power, electronics, plastics and so on.
Even if the red people somehow won, they would all die of AIDS within 2 weeks.
We have the guns
This isn't even funny. Try harder next time
Pre-established groups/tribal mindsets of people banding together on small levels until they become a sizeable force with attainable goals and territories depending on the situation.
>user's gay larp crew that goes to rallies knows this one WN who knows some 3% crew who also is in league with LE or other WNs, etc, etc...
That makes sense
But red county's are everywhere tho
Dont think.we are headed for civil war at all, but I think you are correct, you would see an Urban vs Rural divide. Rural would have the advantage to begin with, but maybe conscription could solve the urbanites problems in ths long run.
West Georgia Reporting.
yes but the coasts would concentrate
I think it all would be determined by which or if the Fed Gov chooses, and backs with the military.
blue = no guns
red = guns
red wins
Either it ends quickly like this
Or it last to long which leads to this
The rural people will walk around while the cities become defended fortresses. Eventually the cities will collapse as their mostly liberal and snowflake populations crumble in a world without organic food and vegan options.
military wouldnt fight against there families... or at least id like to think
Yet the reds produce all the food and have most of the land, guns, military and LE support. While the blues avoid firearms like they're a plague and use every excuse to spit on and assault the "racist" cops and soldiers they rely on for protection.
Honestly can't wait for the left to asshurt themselves into extermination over Trump.
>How will it change and end?
100% red, once we kill all the leftists.
Pls let this happen.
Should I make a map
Imma do it
china israel and the urban goyim vs russia and rural ruskis
Small groups battling each other, a lot of public assassinations
Blue areas won't take up arms, but there will be a critical mass of disenfrachised vigilantes (antifa style) that launch a wave of terror.
Dont forget the UN army.
do it
you know if you think about it, with the middle being red and coasts blue, there would be no way for the coasts to communicate or efficiently xfer resources. If red takes any of the coasts, the other coast is basically done for
Oregon would starve portland to death.
Portland's water supply is vulnerable.
>end of 2018 civil war map.
Canada would protect the North East and North west KEKS. Mexico would protect the southewest. It would go contenental.
You have no idea how wrong you are.
/well Armed and supplied liberal here.
>thinking it would only last a year if the urban areas are not crushed fast enough
It'd be more complicated. It would be left alliance vs government vs right alliance
mah nigga
Come on now..... LOL thats just a ridiculous statement to even try to believe.
Either way, I'm fighting for the right wing eugenicists, whoever that may be
When the fighting starts law and order will collapse in the cities. You'll be too busy trying to keep yourself from getting raped and killed by niggers to fight off the reactionary militias.
Here's a map I made
This is the VERY start
Red being rural
Blue being urban
Rest being battle ground
Yes I know this is an election map
But this is a good and easy map so who gives a shit
Well it depends how it sparks off firstly
>bluestates cut off welfare to retards
>retards can't feed or cloth themselves
>retards die off
How is this hard to understand?
one poorly armed libcuck against a hundred crazy hillbillies up for a week on meth and drunk on moonshine. i think i know where i'm putting my money.
I'm only 12 miles from the nigger part of town, If things start popping off I don't even have a full day to escape to the country
>Virginia would become one of the main battlegrounds once again
Hope that wouldn't lead to it being sundered again, though if that is the case I hope NOVA is utterly destroyed
My question is what would it take to spark a civil war?
This is probably the accurate answer.
Trump Administration vs Antifa vs Far Right (Trump would lose their loyalty the moment he attempted to restrain them from massacring Antifa)
Lol your trying really hard tonight bud
So what countries would be allied with who (let's say that the us government is dissolved into anarchy dude to chaos for more simplicity)
I don't know but as a trans woman Democrat I am starting to feel pretty unsafe living in east Texas. I don't want to get caught on the wrong side of this thing if a civil war does break out.
niggers will start chimping before they shoot. that's your warning to get the fuck out of town. good luck to you, sir.
its not going to be massed infantry formations and tactics or even resemble any sort of organized action. its going to be chaos ,everyone Vs everyone + the 'civilians' that get caught in the cross fire.
It'd start by Russia, China and friends funding both right wing and left wing rebel groups to undermine the USA's position in global politics.
This causes groups ranging from An Caps to National Socialists to Stalinists to Antifa to have an effective military.
Left wing groups(anti fa, Aztlan, Black Nationalists, Communists, Democratic Socialists, Muslim Groups) ally with eachother. Right Wing Groups(National Socialists, KKK, An Caps, Libertarians) ally with eachother. Than the third side is the Government trying to restore order
>Trump Administration vs Antifa vs Far Right (Trump would lose their loyalty the moment he attempted to restrain them from massacring Antifa)
He pretty much looks the other way with ICE, why would that be any different?
its highly doubtful my friends and family would be slaughtered on a Pennsylvania hill side by an army of democrats.
Your supply of starbucks and dragon dildos won't get you very far.
It could also be a race war too
Or an urban vs rural
Let's mix both in for the Heck of it + that's more realistic and probable
>It'd start by Russia, China and friends funding both right wing and left wing rebel groups to undermine the USA's position in global politics.
Oh yeah, that is why I don't think this will simply be done in a week, forigneer would fund the libshits with guns and other weapons
I think it'd start after Trump leaves office.
get off federal assistance you worthless piece of shit
Wow, you're so out of touch with reality.
Wouldn't the t up administration be somewhere in a coalition with the far right? The deep state would be the government faction, they oppose trump...
As an Illinois resident, pic related
I thought it would spark if Hillry was installed, but now I know im gonna be shooting at the Hispanic/Muslim/Negroid army. Untill they turn on each other.
Well, if the blues win we inevitably make a super virus from over use of antibiotics and such anyways; so either situation we're fucked.
yo senpai check this map out.
considering all the red areas are majority republican, they already outnumber the liberals. factor in how many more of these republicans will own guns, when the dems go for the guns the republicans will win.
the southeast belt will be blacks and hippies vs conservatives. they will be completely covered by all sides so they will either commit a lot of violence and they will be allowed to stay in that belt that will be then be known as the hippie and nigger belt, or they too will be taken over.
south texas will be a real fight. i fear my ancestors will have to give up their land or keep it but the territory may become mexico.
the southwest mexican (blue) counties will probably stand their ground and become part of mexico or a new part of a mexico/america mix but they will be seperate.
northeast may start their own liberal area
the rest of the blue counties will be overtaken probably
factor in the military that will fight for us (the majority) and well be good i think. be ready to stand your ground though
when they come for the guns
Urban gains light blue states which start in CA and Jew York(reason: shit load of cities and spics)(reason 2: Newyork spreads territory from city through ships and takes part of the east coast)
>Canada protecting TWO coasts
>on a country much bigger than it
>while also dealing with its own front from the middle
if canada gets involved it's screwed
>a fucking shithole
>protecting anything
even worse
you will only be safe in the southwest blue counties or northeast
Many of us in the urban areas would fight against the Commies.
If it came to it, I think we'd win and push the (((Democrats))) back.
I don't really know what a full scale civil war would really look like, though.
It's not so clear cut.
Fuck forgot pic
I disagree. While there would be "urban v. rural' elements to it, that's far too simplistic. The battles lines are drawn along class, race, culture, religion, etc...The states are almost entirely too heterogeneous to be entirely "for" or "against."
A second civil war wouldn't be geographical like the last one with some states remaining loyal and others rebelling. Instead, the conflict would take the shape of a general nationwide "strike" of sorts, similar to a worker strike. There's no way to predict what will spark this conflict or who will end up on what side. War will scramble the playbook and force strange alliances among demographic groups that never imagined camaraderie. That's how it begins. There will be a movement of non-compliance legally and economically. From there, once the arming and shooting begins...if things get that far...the insurgency would play out, not state by state, but with roving "gangs" or militias in every state and city of note, urban and rural areas. There will be no geographic congruence to it.
The states will all officially pledge their solidarity and loyalty to the US, it's constitution, and the federal government. There will be a massive attrition rate with loyalties of individuals being questioned in every department and bureau. The enemy will be everywhere and no where. It will be the ultimate disruption for the US and the country will simply shut down except for a few basic services and bare-boned economic necessities.
I will build a wall with their dead bodies. Driving nails with my rifle.
Why not add Canada into the mix it could afford a getting involved in a war for the "right" cause
Mexico, too shitty
They have way too much of their own probs sooo
You think we are just fighting against the democrats? You're delusional if you think the republicans are on your side
There isn't going to be a civil war. Leftist know they can't win, so they will keep weakening the US, and further dividing people. Currently they would get absolutely BTFO.
Something like this
I think ALL states would have to be fought for initially
But then we eventually get blue vs red states
I think the conservatives are very clear about wanting a Free White State. Our politicians are lousy this is true, but the republican people are the back bone of this country.
It will start in the South, and will not be over until our land stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Nunavut to the Darien Gap.
You think blue state autists afraid of loud noises are going to put up a fight with boom boom sticks? lol. Do they even know how to wash their own clothes?
Blue attempts to break out of their cities to obtain food. Can't fight offensively, gets pushed back into their cities that are now gradually filling up with shit from siege warfare. Red knocks off each major city one by one until there are none left, his armies, well fed and comfortable while his enemies are starving. (Much like they are now in peacetime)
Red distributes rations and food to blue in exchange for submission and loyalty, and reinstates elections when the country goes more than 2 years without an act of political violence. When elections comes, Red wins for at least a few more terms because blue voters are dead.
If Hillary won....
Obviously the states would not side like this.
Do not underestimate the Global powers that will back their Dem shills.
Rural and suburban retards BTFO!
You realize Canada is much larger than the US, right? Trudeau is way too cucked to shit though
Here's the problem the coasts vs the middle would face. We have a giant rock wall that divides the west coast and some rural areas from the rest of the country pretty well. Then on the east coast we have the Appalacian mountain range to contend with that divides a good portion of the east coast from the mainland... plus the great lakes could further cause problems for the rural areas, since it's a free access port straight into the heart of rural America. This is also discounting the Ohio and Mississippi rivers that make it extra ordinarily easy to move cross country quickly.
About the only things I can see giving the rural areas the advantage is home territory advantage, majority share of food resoures/ most/best arable land in country, and having most of the nukes right at our finger tips with the nuclear storehouses in the Dakotas, Montana, and Colorado. Plus having access to quite a few military bases, if not all of them.
So I guess in a Civil War, while I would say the large population of cities moblized would probably wipe the board; we always have the nuclear option to start the country anew.
>Do they even know how to wash their own clothes?
that filthy hilljacks are clean. Nice try.
Yeah, yeah, once someone pulls the power
most people will be dead if they are not armed.
The US will break into several smaller countries and will look more like the Balkans.
their population is too small to be of any real threat. A couple states can take them on, this is a 300m divided country vs one that's barely 36m. Not only that, but combined with a cucked leader like Trudeau they simply don't stand a chance
>b-but mexico has decent pop
and they're useless shitskins
>Can't fight offensively
With that manpower advantage, zerg rush wins. Make examples for the holdouts.
Shitlibs try to start something when they lose again in 2018/20. Globalist powers back a civil war. Russia and Eastern Europe back the nationalists, the EU and China try to help the Globalist powers, but no foreign invader can conquer the continental US.
In the end, the US will be rechristened into the Republic of Texas, which will stretch from the Rio to the North Pole (cause cucked Canada also wants to back the Globalists) and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A new Golden Age will dawn the rest of the world will bow before our glory.
The Republic will rise again.
Very well put I agree.
>Dont forget the UN army.
What army? USA is like 3/4 of the UN army. Everybody else just contributes a few trucks and has their troops guard places 50 miles from any danger and pretend they help.
There is not necessarily absolute mayhem during war times. There is still industry happening.
Their manpower isn't that much higher. In scattered offensive operations, they will dwindle it rapidly.
It isn't like the Bush War.
END RESULTS: Rural wins because they grow the food and shoot the guns
End of map scenario
I've heard there's already plans for shit to go down after the election in 2018.
Literally 85% of the army is Republican and most gun owners are rural Republicans, it wouldent even be a contest tbqhfam.
discordapp /invite/4YtkjT
BS consider millions of refugees given jobs as soldiers to go kill American scum.
>It isn't like the Bush War.
You're right. The minority has no tech advantage here and the majority will be starving and armed.
now way senpai that state is 51 dem 49 rep