He's a wearing a boy scout uniform AND a Trump hat. It's like a sign that says "I'll never see a vagina in real life".
He's a wearing a boy scout uniform AND a Trump hat. It's like a sign that says "I'll never see a vagina in real life"
> pays 50 euro a whore , see vagina in real life
checkmate fag
Boy Scouts will trample you Jew cucks and subjugate all the women to begin the thousand year Trumpenreich
I hear tiffany likes a guy in uniform. can't wait to grab her pussy.
Trump gives speech to boyscouts. Thread mocking Trump supporters and boyscouts. Really gets the noggin joggin.
Virgin detected.
>Not knowing woman become sluts for uniforms.
Why you think chairforce gets so much pussy?
The boy scouts are ubernerds and Trump is their king.
>has to go to 12 year olds for applause
You're making fun of 12 year olds. What does that make you?
This is your daily reminder that yes, women do believe making your penis touch vagina will change your stylistic preferences, they actually do believe they know who's a virgin and who isn't by what they're wearing or how they're standing.
They actually are this dumb shit retarded.
Thread full of high-school age faggot children, that use virgin as an insult, lead by an ancon so you know it even starts out completely retarded.
By the time he grows up all the bitches his age will be right leaning and will love him only lefty whores left will all be fifty and fucked up hugely
>trying to grasp the high ground
conservitards are kid fuckers.
you lose shiggy.
You can't stand it when no one gives a fuck about your faggoty ass (((revolution))) huh?
Now you've really outted yourself as a virgin. You think women go crazy for Boy Scout uniforms HAHAHAH. Yeah picturing a young mike pence in Boy Scout uniform really gets my pussy wet.
I use him as an example because he's the type of person who's Boy Scout.
>You's a virgin. You are's is fuk kid. U.R. Am Boyscout.
Babby's first troll.
>kid's do stupid shit argument
>naw lets throw it out the window and call him a no life virgin.
Tolerant left, everybody.
On a scale of 1 to Z how indoctrinated art thou?
>It's like a sign that says "I'll never see a vagina in real life".
No worries. If he's seen you, he's seen a pussy.
why do so many women write the same way
They are retarded?
already seen a vagina in real life and i don't put pussy on a pedestal like cuck op here
women are the ones making these threads or extremely lonely beta males other than that who even gives a fuck about the uneducated opinion of the inferior sex
fuck bitches and make money i say
Or jews
well yeah i always thought that was the source of this degeneracy
>implying we're cuckservatives
>voted trump
>was a boy scout
>have put benis in bagina
Whoops, your assumptions failed
Boy scouts are great. In some states you get discount hunting permits if you were ever an eagle scout. Numale leftists are just mad that they can't even pitch a tent or catch a fish.
>tfw no field hockey wife
I'm a jewish boy scout who voted for trump.
Btw Trump is a zionist. Facts are facts.
Ancoms do not get laid. It is a myth. They will at best hook up with some "strong woman" that fucks tyrone instead of them.
If you are an ancom posting on pol I can practically guarantee you are a virgin.
why do you care whether or not I see your vagina?
We can apply the Freudian concept of projection to determine how the cuck thinks. Observe how he assumes that the threat of being derided by women will influence other men. He assumes this because this is how he is influenced. As a cuck he bases his actions not on reason or principle but rather upon what he thinks will appease the opposite sex and result in pussy. Sadly the cuck can not comprehend that it is exactly this craven attitude which forever repels women from vicinity.
I'm an eagle and it's gotten me several jobs which I'm thankful for, but the organization is beyond saving now. It's just a bunch of feminized pussies teaching rudimentary first aid over and over again and doing paperwork, outdoorsmanship is an afterthought.
>the left
>known cucks for tyrone, proven time and time again in twitter bios, facebook bios, porn watching habits and other degeneracy
>has the audacity to say right-leaning male children have never seen a pussy
Seeing your wife's pussy getting slammed by Tyrone isn't anything upwards of being a virgin. It's actually quite the opposite
jesus, if youre going to leave plebbit to come troll on here, at least make good posts
Astute observation, but can be summed up by:
>Who the fuck cares what women think?
>be me,
>in highschool
>only virgin I know is a liberal
most people i know that were boyscouts are 6 foot chads fucking literally any woman they please
i was the autist who didnt do boyscouts aka never wore a uniform and voted liberal for years yet still never saw a pussy
i turn right and already women start paying attention to me. try again chang
>is a leftists
>calling out boy scouts for not getting laid
at best that's the pot calling the kettle black bud, but hey go back to orbiting that 400lb greenhair in your local co-op, I'm sure she'll give you a taste someday.
>the jews want to destroy this
tfw he will never get laid because he always tries to fuck on the first date, (out of desperation) and that info has spread therefore causing him to never get laid.
not true, when I was a kid my mom used to walk around the house naked with her hairy bagina flapping about. it's quite likely that is what turned me gay
Wait, I thought it was wrong to be against faggots? I mean, it's current year!
Also, only fat chicks play field hockey.
He's using an anarchist flag IN Sup Forums. It's like a sign that says "I'll never leave my mom's basement".