Is it ever ok to hit a woman /pol?

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when she pulls out her dick.

Not when its feminine though.

>teleports from behind you

Yes. Equal rights. Assault is assault independent of gender.

Only if she's asking for it.

it's ok if she's bigger than you and ugly. both criteria must be met.


Ask mouldy locks (Raunch vag Rosie)

>Complain about muh degeneracy on a daily basis
>Have a mindset of a literal chimp

kys my men

equal rights
>men are superfluous. women are in charge now! we're better educated and we're the future!
equal lefts
>wtf i'm the victim here! it's societies fault

Yeah that dude who punched mouldy locks was spot on

Of course.

Ever and never dont work in arguments. If she's about to push a button and nuke the whole earth?

Let me guess, women are like flowers and should never be hit, never.

I bet you are never around them Kyle, if you were you'd knew that they are sometimes violent. And the only response to violence is violence.


Imagine being in purely self defense scenario where you are in a stand-off with a mad scientist woman who is about to press a button that will launch a rocket full of VX gas into a preschool.
Would you be morally obligated to hit this woman?

Fucking finally.

Is it ever not okay?...

yes if shes being a bitch and hits you first. knock a cunt out. EQUALITY

You're very likely not equally strong though.
Using reasonable force is basic human decency. And what is reasonable force on a woman is usually very little.

It's about time someone says it.

fuck yes, just like anyone else

It's becoming more acceptable all the time as we diversify.
After all, rape is no longer a big deal.

We blame the rape victim now, not the third worlder.

>teleports behind you
>punches you in face

pic related

Yes. Women need to be kept in line. They destroy societies if given freedoms and are treated like goddesses. Look at today's world.



>I tried running him over

Hello, prison.

That's not a woman, that's a cow.

Only if you subscribe to the official ideologies of Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. Even then, what you do in the name of Islam will still be judged by Jesus Christ. Likewise, a woman never has right to hit a man. Both individuals, however, have a right to self defense whenever appropriate. It's all about context.

Its okay only if she has no way to complain to authorities about it, like, if you happen to be on extended holiday in Saudi Arabia and you control all her pocket money.
Don't fuck up your life for some slut.

This happened not far from me
fat slut running her mouth off all over sm
cops are after her also

Only if she hits you, and then it's open hand only unless she has a weapon, then you need to do what's necessary.

As she mentioned in She was throwing shit at and in his ute (nails and a chisel) breaking his window. Then (after being punched) she tries to reverse over him after his back is turned.

The media is going to spin this hard. Watch her crying in an interview with today tonight or ACA. Then

I'm calling it here and now.

show the full video cunt

Only if she is aggressively striking you first. Never in the manner shown in the OP video.

>The media is going to spin this hard
I doubt this will get picked up at all. If it does it will just be a road rage story. They''' probably both get arrested, that would make it hard to paint her as the victim.


media are shilling this hard

Nah mate. The whole violence against women, feminism, sexism memes are pushed really hard here.

Know why the redpill documentary screening was shut down before anyone could see it (in Victoria)? It's because the feminists (and the establishment by and large) kept shrieking that it would cause an surge in violence against women. They were shitting themselves that hard that all their bullshit was going to be exposed.

Check out how snide the cuck beta host is. He just can't handle it.

This is why the equality meme needs to die.

Yes edit out the part where she tried to run him over with her truck. What cuck made this video?

Women who act like men and think they have equal rights deserve equal lefts.

ok, I didn't know this was foreign

Yeah. But the shocking thing is, it's been like this for decades.
Podcast related; pardon the crappy audio quality.

But a tl;dl
>Interviewee describes changes in the domestic violence industry
>Started originally as a neutral approach; target group was all men, women and children.
>Sometime during and after sexual revolution years
>More feminists (the dyke looking kind) join domestic violence industry
>Target group focuses on women and children being at risk (men are seen as abusers)
>Children are heavily used as leverage but ultimately women are sole focus

What a pussy... all that muscle and he can't even get a KO.
This is why America has gone to shit.

Woman, no
Woman behaving like a man, yes
Womyn, yes


is she an immediate threat to anyone's safety?


This was just on the 4 o'clock news saying how evil this man is and police are looking for him, little to no mention of her throwing nails and a chisel and smashing his window and her bragging about it on faceberg

When is it ok not to?

when she behaves properly, if she ever does, allah willing

Charge your phone nigger.

>admits to attempted murder while laughing about it.

Jesus Christ, this fucking female buffoon.

They have to hit you three times for every hit back. And you hit back once, hard as you can show them that is a mistake to push a man so far.

You still shouldnt hit women. Nu/pol/ gets off on it though. It's better to say fuck off cunt, not even get angry and break off contact. They want you to react.

Women have a pathological need to bring everyone down to their childish level. Don't fall for it.

No, but I'd do it anyway.

Act tough, get roughed


Sup Forums is a feminist board.


Equal rights, equal fights.

Bad Jinder, don't make me hinder you.

I know several who beg for it