>White nationalist
>Can't even define what white is
Seriously, why is this so hard for white nationalists? All they need to do is define precisely what the criteria are of being white, so we know exactly who is white and who is not. But they are completely incapable of doing this, stuttering like idiots and avoiding the question whenever it is brought up.
White nationalist
Other urls found in this thread:
Huwhite nationalism is retarded and leads to cultural degeneracy and unneeded dilution between tribes.
However, that does not mean I'll allow my people or anyone's people to be destroyed via neither eradication nor intermingling. Humanity's genetic diversity is crucial biologically.
So you are for the preservation of every single human race on this planet, because you think they as races have worth in and of themselves?
Alright, two questions.
One; how exactly are you going to accomplish that.
Two; how exactly are you going to halt the process of evolution changing these races to the point of them not existing anymore?
>light skin & light hair & light eyes
Definitely white.
>light skin & light hair or light eyes
Probably white.
>light skin but dark hair and eyes
Maybe white, more information needed (like ethnic background, religion, etc.) to determine whiteness.
NB: Jews are an exception and are not counted as white, either from genetics or because they are perennial race traitors and have forsaken the right to be called white anyways.
Also I wasn't posting for anyone else than you OP. You have misgivings about many things. Instead of making le epic troll threads you should instead help bring about proper discourse. This thread is WEAKsauce as far as bait goes.
Hell try reading Mein Kampf and Siege. Maybe you'll find you lean closer to fascist revolutionary ideals than cuckunism.
Also it is accomplished by self determination of peoples and evolution is inevitable and gradual. The self-suicide of the bloodline is the least desirable attempt to replicate and accelerate evolution and accomplishes nothing intended really.
People born in Europe or tracing their ancestry to Europeans
Pretty simple qualification
Hey thanks for replying to the thread without putting sage in the options field dickweed.
Kill yourself.
>light skin & light hair & light eyes
>Definitely white.
I'm glad you accept this adorable child as being definitely white.
>How dare you ask a question about my beliefs which I cannot answer? Clearly you are a TROLL!
You too. Fuck off newfags this is a le troll thread. Leave it and stop bumping it to the top with your shitposts.
Read the rest of the post kid. I'm out.
>leftists hate white privilege
>are so uninformed they have to ask people what a white person is
>People born in Europe or tracing their ancestry to Europeans
According to this definition a Nordic man and a Greek man are both white, but a Turk is not. Despite the fact that the Greek and Turk are far more genetically similar than the Nord and the Greek.
okay one final interjection
Just looking white doesn't mean your children won't have some melanin in them if you have nonwhite DNA. Also, what about mischling Jews?
>he determines if people are white from their skin
>not their nose
Would a more specific definition be someone with neanderthal heritage none of the African haplotypes and no denisovan/australoid ancestry? That basically leaves only pure Europeans (or almost pure)
Question, what is a real example of communism?
A. Soviet Union
B.North Korea
C. China
D. Made Up Fairyland
>How dare you ask questions about my own beliefs which I am completely incapable of answering!? I'm leaving!
I did sage, you retard.
pink nipples + round eyes = white
pretty simple
>race war happens
>white ethnostate is formed
>DNA tests are issued
>45% of the race war veterans are deported or executed for having nonwhite or Jewish DNA they didn't even know about
Tell me this won't happen.
>Can't even define what white is
SJWs cannot figure out who is white unless they want to blame someone.
>White nationalist
>>Can't even define what white is
this will happen. purity spiraling is a real thing. this is why white nationalism will never be a thing except in slav shitholes and backwards countries because their definition of white is so loose and non-specific that it's basically a reverse one drop rule as long as you look the part.
>White nationalist
>>Can't even define what white is
>tfw a female has the most masculine jaw
Its simple.
Anyone from Argentina is white.
Racial expert here. Ask me anything.
How the fuck do any of you all expect this to work? You can't have a white ethnostate in the U.S. I don't really know what to think of Spencer. I think he kind of makes young conservatives look bad.
Do black nationalists define it? What about Asians? Just because there are shades between yellow and orange that are difficult to call which category it belongs to doesn't mean that they are the same and there is no yellow. It also doesn't mean all yellow should be mixed with orange.
I think they can count as white if it's not maternally. They'd be counted as goys by the Jews and they were accepted in germany (as long as they didn't reproduce with other mischlings).
i honestly think you folks label anyone who is pro Western, pro American or pro European as White nationalists.
Similar to you folks shutting down debate with the words like racist, sexist, xenophobic or islamaphobic.
Its not gonna work anymore sir. Trump is going to win in 2020 and conservative parties are going to dominate in the coming elections in Europe.
You have lost. Get over it.
>OP asks a simple question about a word which Sup Forums uses all the time
>OP points out the obvious flaws in the definitions given
>Sup Forums spergs out admitting they have no idea what the word actually means
Every time. I'll answer the question though. White is a term which became used in the colonial era to make distinctions between the European settlers and the natives. It was always a colonial term and was never really used in Europe until the era of mass migration, seeing as people from different nations were already seen as being genetically distinct. Polish and Italian immigrants were seen as being lesser races here in Denmark, for example. The European white nationalists are attempting of applying an American word for a race which doesn't exist to a place where that word NEVER belonged.
>people born in europe
by this definition my 4 hapa cousins are white along with half of the pakis and turks there
I think of anglo or of european descent when I think of white unless they're a colored individual
Like Varg or Richard would be examples of white but slavs/spaniards/italians wouldn't be white
>Seriously, why is this so hard for white nationalists?
when somebody ask ''whats white'' you instantly know that person is retarded and tries to score some weird retarded relativist point. its clear 99,9% of the time when somebody is white
I think they will succeed in getting white identity going. The Jewish governments are trying to tell people just because a shitskin was born on this piece of land or imported by cucks he is automatically Swedish, German, British or whatever the kike government says
Retardation. Slav/Spanish/Italian is not a signifier of race. One is a language group and the others are nationalities. Nationalities are barely 200 years old, race is thousands of years old. Language is irrelevant to race.
Are you stupid? Spanish, Slav and Italian are all ethnicities, they have their own unique genes
If it's that clear, then why are you unable to give a simple definition to the word?
>Tara McCarthy, open white nationalist, makes a video revealing that she's 1/8 Indian
>gets a ton of dislikes and people calling her a mudblood who would never be allowed in a white ethnostate
>EdgySphinx, half Egyptian skeptic Youtuber, "comes out" as a white nationalist
>gets a ton of dislikes and people calling him a mudblood who would never be allowed in a white ethnostate
Define "clear"
Varg and Richard have to be 2 of the ugliest "superior Aryans" to walk the planet.
If aryans are so superior, why do they let shitskins invade their countries ? Why aren't they proactive ? They're like lazy niggers. It's the Jews doing it, right ? So, then they're the superior race maybe ? It's apparently either the Jews or arabs because they're invading or organizing the invasion of europe in record numbers and the "superior aryans" arent doing shit about it.
The borders of Europe have been reset hundreds of times. What is now Italy used to be Austria and vice versa. Slavs span the entire continent, a Belarussian is not identical to a Bulgarian. Spain is a confederation of different peoples as documented from antiquity to modern times. Even more so, the ancient european races were nomadic and thus not limited by land borders, but rather physical topology (mountain ranges etc.)
>White nationalist
>Pure coincidence
This such a retarded argument that I keep hearing over and over again. Listen faggots: not all yuropeons are created equal. If we're going to say that pan-Europeanism is bad, we might as well be honest about why it's bad. It's not bad because le polish identity will be lost. It's bad because it will dillute germanic and nordic blood. However, seeing the current state of yurop, if it's diluted with eastern yuro blood, rather than arabic or african, I think it's a compromise worth making.
This, pan europanism is cancer.
Also, reminder that (((Jared Taylor))) is pro Jew.
>Not their skull shape, nose, and forehead.
Learn the FST
This is true. Also, the current Italian nationalist movements seek to separate northern Italy from southern Italy, because they see the northern Italians as being a different ethnic group than the southerners.
Why is it bad? I see you've got your flag on.
Tara McCarthy is also half Jew.
Yeah this is the real problem with white nationalism and why it probably won't work. Purity thinking will destroy the movement long before it can make any meaningful difference.
>attacking pro-white figures
sage, leftypol faggot.
The reason they won't try to define white is that they're intellectual cowards. They know they'll be forced into a quantitative statement such as "100% Aryan genes" (oh, 97% or higher? why not 96%?). And they know that they don't have 100% Aryan genes.
You're Jewish.
Crazy Hapas on Reddit care claiming that many White nationalists are marry Asian women.
Is this true?
I rest my case. You fuckers are doomed to purity spiral yourselves off a cliff.
Specific cultures. You don't want an Iberian to mix with a Russian nor Anglo with a Greek, etc as it would not only mix and dilute their genetics but also their culture.
I know what the FST is. How does your graph prove that Slavs, Italians and Spaniards aren't white exactly?
It's because they are controlled opposition, OP. They can't say anything their (((masters))) didn't previously approve of.
Do you pagan germophile faggots always label your former heroes as Jews or CIA operatives when you find out they're socialists ?
If you can't trace your families lines 500 years at the very least you are questionable. 99-100% Euro dna is white, lower than that is colonial/mixed.
The only culture worth preserving of the ones you listed is Anglo, and even that is highly, highly debatable.
you're a retard. You know if you're white, and I can tell to. You look it, and you act like it. Not very complicated, but you fucking autists malfunction at Spencer's (and other alt-right figureheads') hesitancy to give you some genetic equation for whiteness.
Stupid fucking jew
Basically, you can safely ignore the ass burgers until they give you a genetic description of white. Until they do, their movement has no intellectual/scientific foundation.
so it's 100% cosmetic
I'm Catholic as was majority of NatSoc Germany.
Hello Schlomo.
You dumb faggot. Anyone can pick a hideous example of one race, and a beautiful example of another. How about you replace that chick with lena dunham.
Nah, but a lot of regular right-wing white men do. Based Stick Man, Mister Metokur, etc. Also, with the sheer number of weebs occupying the WN community, you have to suspect the secret Asian fetish runs strong here. Especially since most white women are whores.
Never said they were or weren't white, you said they were merely nationalities and/or language groups, you're conflating the Old World for the New World, in the Old World ethnic groups are associated with nationalities and language groups
Why does it need to be defined? You can establish a white ethnostate without ever specifying race. Just revoke the civil rights act, eliminate welfare, and wait a few generations.
Lena Dunham is a Jew.
Today, in vacuous pseudo-intellectual prattle - behold:
>their movement has no intellectual/scientific foundation
How about pro-European.
>I'm Catholic as was majority of NatSoc Germany.
No, you're a larper with no arguments.
You worship the sun god apollo then.
You're a pagan.
Am I white?
You're an intellectual coward. Your movement is for weak minds such as yours. You know you don't have 100% Aryan genes, which is why you're forced to perform all your lame mental gymnastics.
Ancestors native to Europe = white
What? Dude no one argues blacks are hideous and white aesthetics are superior.... Literally look at the culture around u lol
Your graph (without Bulgarians conveniently edited out) proves that Slavs are not a genetic group as you claimed. They cluster with Romanians, not Russians. Same with North & South Italians.
That is a pathetic criteria. Whites, as the race with the highest capacity have abstract thought, have always moved about the world willfully to escape imminent threats.
White flight is not a meme. For you to claim whites are only those people stupid enough to endure their own torture is to reject the very thing which makes whites white.
Oh, you're a leftoid. This is how leftypol addresses the race issue.
Wrong, watch the greatest story never told.
>Sun God Apollo
Is this some (((Zeitgeist))) kike disinfo?
Reason he doesn't or anybody for that matter is so we don't alienate potential allies, thought you commies where smart......oh wait thats right.
>100% Aryan genes
What does that mean you larping kang?
Outside of looking like a white person you must also be genetically white: aka of European mix - see 23&ME.
then there is culturally white:
white people are a minority in the world and should be protected and allow to keep and secure their homelands.
most white people have Christianity somewhere in their background, most have or do celebrate Christian/Pagan Holidays.
they have no problem eating pork and eating dairy and meat together, but that can change if one becomes a vegetarian or is raised as such.
white people generally like to work and contribute to making society better, they like to help.
white people like to learn new things and be involved.
white people enjoy being around other white people, people who look like they do.
white people are curious and have an average IQ that is over 100.
white people enjoy western civilization which wouldn't exist without them. that does not mean other races can not appreciate western civilization that white culture brings.
White people ended all forms of slavery.
If you are of mixed race you'd have to be at least 90% European white, you also need the Neanderthal gene and you must love western civilization and wish for it to prosper.
99-100% European dna is pathetic criteria? Explain without the extra faggy flourishes.
Could I be as much of a cuck as the men of Europe while they watch their land be invaded by shitskins and their women raped if I had 100% aryan genes?
If you don't have 100% Aryan genes, then give me a cut-off point and explain why it's not arbitrary. You won't. And that's why thinking people will never take you seriously. Enjoy the dumb rednecks.
No, dude. Come on.
That info isn't hard to find.
kys immediately
Why do I have to give you anything?
2% actually you stupid faggot larping as a nazi
>90% European white
Good luck finding anyone with that pure of DNA outside of Europe.
All 23&me does is a simple comparison of your DNA with various native populations. The problem is that with the "new French" and "new Germans" there is not an absolute measure of what "native" means.
>No dude that info isn't hard to find
Then you could provide some sources.
Dna tests are often wrong so you need a small margin of error (less than 1% in my opinion). You should also have a verifiable family tree.
You'd be surprised America has remained surprised white where it matters