I'm really starting to wish I was Asian just like white guys use to be seen as the cool guys everyone wanted to be now it's Asians I can see the change happening in popular culture, in the world Asians are becoming seen as the cool guys of the world. It feels bad being a white guy in the asian century upon us soon all women are going to want them, movies, video games are already being made just to appease china you know I'm right.
I'm really starting to wish I was Asian just like white guys use to be seen as the cool guys everyone wanted to be now...
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every time I look at a grills profile theres always a "I'd love to visit/learn about korea or japan"
fffffff lucky bastards when will it be out turn
Asians are weird, I've never gotten the obsession with them
lmao what
as long as the graeco-roman aesthetics stand in the human imaginary, there's no way a 149cm rodent-faced rice farmer can ever become an ideal of beauty
>tfw black and wish i was asian so bad im learning korean and hoping that i can get ps and skin bleaching to look asian.
why bother, you should be appreciating your god given american rights to get the closest huwait wimmen pregnant asap
not a problem
3/10 bait, try again Cheng.
>white women
not falling for that trap
why not? America is going to fall someday soon, you might aswell get some poon
>I wanna be people like Ricegum, fuccboi asians
How fucking old are you cunt, 13?
>t. asianmasculinity poster
guessing your from boxhill melb cunt
i've seen more and more kpop fans i don't understand music isn't that great.
Did you try K-rock or Trot?
Asian culture hasn't even reached the same level of prestige held by the white ruling class and you say that?!?
Also I'm surprised you aren't in yellow fever over Asian woman.
As a white man, I can say asians definitely aren't nearly as cool as white guys. You haven't hit the same genetic lottery we have. You are however the only intellectual/hardworking equivalent of the whiteman and are consequently the only race that I have deep respect for.
LOL it's defenitly the niggers that are hyped as cool mr wang
>wanting to be Chinese
Diaspora detected. Nobody wants to be a street shitter, culturally or racially, no matter how much money your country has. You are right about whites being less popular recently, but that's because of all the Marxist movements and propaganda. Once whites are genetically assimilated, the propaganda will attack the next group of homogeneous races
Lol what are you even talking about?
Is this supposed to be bait?
you're on interpals too much
I'm sure everyone is on there knees to be another carbon copy train wreck of justin biever or miley cyrus. Fuck Jake paul are whites new idol now and he's a thousands times more faggy.
I'm asian fob and both white black and latino are cool with me.
I hate US born asians though
Chop half your dick off, you'll start to feel Asian immediately
You're not fooling anyone, chink.
femanon here, don't worry about women wanting asians, we don't. they're too effeminate. short, weak, hardly no testosterone.
>She thinks we worry
lots of white female weeaboos on interpals praising korean and nip culture. only conservative women like strong high test men
Come to Korea and all the girls are the same way towards America and Europe.
Bait aside, this is actually true. Most white kpop fangirls are usually overweight, unattractive and/or massively degenerate.
t. gook
Tell your gooklets to leave our white men alone, they need to reproduce more white babies.
Well, in China, girls flock to you if you're a good looking european. Last time I've been there, they overreacted like little schoolgirls once they've seen you sitting around at a place they go to regularly.
>tfw I look like an only slightly lower test version of that with straighter hair
Once these nofap superpowers kick in and I go to the gym more I'll be a demi-god.
Assuming you're an actual jap, can I just say, fuck the Chinese. I hate those soulless bastards so goddamned much. Every common behavioral trait I hate about jews, the chinks are almost worse about. And they're so damn ugly. Hirohito did nothing wrong, and Nanking was totally justified.
>implying women aren't overwhelmingly attracted to social and economic capital
It's fairly easy to tell whether an Asian girl will date outside of her race or not.
ITT: Triggered whitebois who know the asian century is upon us
Lol I don't know Asian girls that prefer Asian guys let alone other girls that prefer Asian guys. Black girls actually do tend to like Asian dudes though.
get out of my country you gook faggot. WHITE IS THE MASTER RACE. you wanna be asian bc they're cooler and you can be popular.. are you fucking 5 you autistic cunt?
Asians are literally cucked by mommy. Don't be mad Asian boy.
Fuck off newfag pathetic whiteboi.
It's these kind of posts that makes me think pol is infested with gooks, it would explain all the cuck and the defeatist threads and why everyone gets triggered when you shit on anime.
the asian century... hahahaha go back to your own country and live with the rest of your yellow skinned subhumans you disgusting chink
The Defeatist posts are absolutely a demoralization tactic. The cuck posts are as well. I wonder who's pushing them besides the obvious sources.
Anime is great though. youtube.com
There is a massive incel epidemic going with gook boys. You go to any Asian subreddit and it's nothing but "wahh white men taking all our women" etc..
We don't live in isolation anymore, in this globalized world being an Asian is the worst thing possible for a male. You have to compete with all the other men for women. You no longer can be that big fish in a small bond they were before international trades and travel was opened.
Typical Asian post from an Asian subreddit.
Fucking gooks stealing our jobs and women. America should have used atomic bombs in the vietnam war
Their posts are ironically a proof of the exact opposite. Chinks are so defeated in the real world that the only thing they have left for them is to spend time online shilling in a passive-aggressive manner.
I guess they are not smart enough to realize what desperation looks like to the outsiders.
>Asian media
Video games
>Europoors media
>America media
nigger shits
gee i wonder why young people want to visit asia
Just cuz you perceive something as cool doesn't mean that everyone else does. You yourself are probs Asian trying to inflate perceived coolness, or fag who loves his Twinkies yerrow.
Because young people were brainwashed by (((them))) into degeneracy?
OP I counter your gook Rice Gum with my Jake Paul
>jake paul
Your shitpostin level is off the charts leaf
>kys gook.
Nice try, eurasianTiger
>wanting to be Chinese
Yeah I don't think so Bing Donglong.
Chines are peasants, Japanese good, ok ausfag?
Is this actually a thing?
It happened once. Versus hapa makeup is a thing in Japan
hehe good 1
Even in despite of the migration crisis?