Let's be honest here Sup Forums, you hate blacks because deep down you're jealous of their superiority.
Let's be honest here Sup Forums, you hate blacks because deep down you're jealous of their superiority
>Wants to be treated fairly by the whites.
>Makes fun off them
Stop larping as a black you mongoloid.
Being a brute is not superiority its just ignorance with muscle mass.
>socially skilled
This makes my toes curl..
Black men are only "socially skilled" because dumb burgers have been conditioned to accept their dumb shit. White men can't get laid by yelling dayum, they get sexual harassment suites.
Seriously, black social skills are as bad as Asian women, I've never seen anyone else actually stare at me blankly for 5 seconds.
Asian men in Australia have some real social skills and it's kind of annoying because it does feel a bit put on or disingenuous as a guy, but women seem fine with it.
Tldr; blacks actually have bad social skills, you brainwashed moron
>socially skilled and easy going
Nah I hate them because I have to live around them. Kinda like how chinks are yellow niggers but I dont live around any sizable chinese population so I dont give a fuck about them. Out of sight out of mind except for ((them))
My body type is like the blacks guys. I'm white.
Calling another man a brute is funny and gay. You sound like a sassy hooker from the 1920's.
Black people are statistically stupider than any white man. They also were deprived of any good male role models so they are basically apes without guidance. Schools hate black kids because they are literally monkeys. Schools love white kids because they are smart, do well in groups, aren't apes and are able to think properly.
>My body type is like the blacks guys. I'm white.
Sure thing pal. I believe you.
t. mindless brute
you queer
>sassy hooker from the 1920's
I like the way your brain works
Whites walked on the moon
Blacks cant even figure out farming without help
Whites and blacks are at least 13,000 years apart
>derives pride and self-esteem from things he had no part in
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/134761861#top
Blacks aren't human;
>The gene microcephalin (MCPH1) regulates brain size during development and has experienced positive selection in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens
>Instead, our data are consistent with a model of population subdivision followed by introgression to account for the origin of the D allele
>the lineage leading to modern humans was split from another Homo lineage, and the two lineages remained in reproductive isolation for ≈1,100,000 years
>During this period of reproductive isolation, the modern human lineage was fixed for the non-D allele at the microcephalin locus, whereas the other Homo lineage was fixed for the D allele
>These two alleles are differentiated by a large number of sequence differences accumulated during the prolonged isolation of the two populations
>At or sometime before ≈37,000 years ago, a (possibly rare) interbreeding event occurred between the two lineages, bringing a copy of the D allele into anatomically modern humans
>Whereas the original D-bearing Homo population had since gone extinct, this introgressed copy of the D allele in humans had subsequently spread to exceptionally high frequency throughout much of world because of positive selection
>Speculation about the identity of the archaic Homo population from which the microcephalin D allele introgressed into the modern human gene pool points to the Neanderthal lineage as a potential (although by no means only) candidate
>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population
>It would be of great interest to sequence the microcephalin locus in Neanderthals or other archaic Homo lineages, should it become technically feasible to retrieve and analyze nuclear DNA from ancient hominid remains
>derives pride and self-esteem from things he had no part in
Which they did;
>from Neanderthal individual from Mezzena Rockshelter (Monti Lessini, Italy)
>We show that a well-preserved Neanderthal fossil dated at approximately 50,000 years B.P., was homozygous for the ancestral, non-D, allele
>certainly shows that speculations on a possible Neanderthal origin of what is now the most common MCPH1 haplogroup are not supported by empirical evidence from ancient DNA
Many other genes also show introgression into humans from Africa;
>A long-debated question concerns the fate of archaic forms of the genus Homo: did they go extinct without interbreeding with anatomically modern humans, or are their genes present in contemporary populations? This question is typically focused on the genetic contribution of archaic forms outside of Africa. Here we use DNA sequence data gathered from 61 noncoding autosomal regions in a sample of three sub-Saharan African populations (Mandenka, Biaka, and San) to test models of African archaic admixture
>Three candidate regions showing deep haplotype divergence
>Interestingly, the Mbuti represent the only population in our survey that carries the introgressive variant at all three candidate loci
>Extensive simulation results reject the null model of no admixture and allow us to infer that contemporary African populations contain a small proportion of genetic material (≈2%) that introgressed ≈35 kya from an archaic population that split from the ancestors of anatomically modern humans ≈700 kya
>One candidate locus with an unusual segment of DNA that extends for >31 kb on chromosome 4 seems to have introgressed into modern Africans from a now-extinct taxon that may have lived in central Africa
>We estimated an initial split time of 1.25 Mya (95% CI, 0.7–2.1 Mya) and an admixture time of 37 kya (95% CI, 1–137 kya
The black guy is either on steroids or HGH, that's why he so vascular. I'm the natural version of that meaning my veins aren't always bulging like that. While I'm working out I get some vascularity. I call it Wolverine arm cause my veins start bulging on my arm and chest. Fuck you weak pussy faggot. I'm 193 pounds of muscle. I can just pick you up and drop you on your head and there's nothing you can do about it. If you piss me off I can bash your skull in with my fists and feet and there's nothing you can do about it. Stop talking shit or I'll hunt you down and foot fuck you in your boipussy.
I do t go to fit so I don't know what that means. Smart ass little cunt.
I want that cat. The furry animal one not the negro.
Literally every successful country on the face of this planet is either white or asian.
All blacks do is create shitholes, and turn other countries into shitholes.
Sure pal.
I bet you're also a Navy SEAL with over a thousand confirmed kills amirite? I'm shaking in my boots cracker.
You're just another pussy who thinks he's big when really he's just fat. White dudes are either skinny or chubby. Never muscular unless they're on gear. Beta white cuck.
White femanon here.
I don't know why you guys think we're dumb. We're not. In fact, we're smarter than you by most accounts.
That includes men. We know black men make bad financial partners but are absolutely unreal in bed. That's why we don't date them or seek them out on dating sites (hence those OKCupid statistics you love). We seek them out only to get fucked in a way that you guys simply can't.
It isn't a knock on white men at all.
A black man to fill the hole, and a white man to pay the bills, is what my friends and I say.
Learn the difference between jealousy and envy.
That guy is 100% on roids and more than likely HGH. You know nothing about building muscle if you don't think he is.
Blacks do tend to be more athletic, this is true. But they are stupid, violent, and extremely ugly. So yeah, we are pretty jealous Jamal.
>whites are such cucks that they need roids to achieve what blacks achieve naturally
I bet you think this poor African villager is on roids as well right?
Pathetic white cuck.
More so angered by their ignorant monkey feeling of superiority
No, obviously not. The difference in size isn't even comparable, seriously talk about a subject you know something about so you don't embarras yourself.
Body fat percentage has full all to do with strength. Stick with a topic you know something about.
No im not a Navy Seal. I just own a business and run it well. It's stressful so I workout 6 days a week to keep my sanity.
I wrestled in high school and college so never fat. Always muscular.
Oh by the way! Go fuck a goat Mohammud
There was a thread on Sup Forums not long ago where white cucks were claiming that the dude in the pic was on gear.
Whites are fucking pathetic and think that anyone even slightly ripped in roiding.
White guys are either skinnyfat or lardasses. You guys are disgusting.
Post your body then cuck. You won't because we all know you're lying. There's no way a white bitch from Sup Forums has that kind of physique.
Yeah your asshole you tranny faggot piece of shit
No he's not on roids. He just cut probably from a lack of food. It shows how much of a pussy you are that you think that guy is big. I can lift way more then that skinny niger