>Be me
>28-year-old Persian born and living in Sweden
>Sitting on the bus on my way to work because a friend borrowed my car
>It's just me and an old Swedish man on the bus
>The old Swedish man is sitting right in front of me
>He's staring at me
>I know he's staring, but I'm just looking at my smartphone ignoring him
>After 10 minutes I look back at him
>He starts looking angrily at me
>He bursts out "What are you looking at, you immigrant scum?"
>I respond with an "Excuse me?"
>He says "I'm getting tired of you Muslim immigrants taking up all the space in my country."
>I respond with a sarcastic "Good for you."
>He says "All you sandniggers ought to be sent to Auschwitz."
>I ignore him
>He says "All you do is smooch off the government and rape the women God made for us."
>I chuckle
>He says "What's so funny? God made you a sandnigger because he hates you."
>I say "Oh really?"
>He says "God made us Swedes look like Jesus because he loves us."
>I hold back my laughter
>He says "I've voted for the Sweden democrats for 20 years, and they'll win the next election and deport you and your family."
>I want to tell him I'm a consultant for a huge international conglomerate and paid more taxes than he made money his entire life
>But I don't
>I decide to trigger his old dusty Surströmming ass instead
>I tell him I'm a Wahhabist from Saudi Arabia who came to Sweden to spread Islam (I'm acutally an atheist)
>I tell him I've lived off welfare checks for more than 10 years (Never did)
>I tell him I have a Swedish blonde and blue-eyed wife (I'm actually single)
>I tell him I've converted her to Wahhabism
>I tell him we have 9 kids and a 10th on the way (I'll never have kids)
>I tell him I'm forcing them all to become Wahhabists
>I tell him they'll all have 10 kids each when they grow up too
>I tell him they'll also live off welfare checks and spread Wahhabism in Sweden
>I see his face has turned red from rage and he's tearing up
Are white people the most genetically beta?
>He says "You can't do this. It's not fair. My forefathers built this country."
>I respond "Just lie down and die, old man. Your time is over, we are the new generation of Sweden."
>He starts crying like a little baby
>I start laughing
>He cries even more when he sees me laughing
>I notice I've reached my bus stop
>I get off the bus and go to work
>I think back to what happened and have a good laugh once in a while during the day
>Mfw I learned to bait and trigger white people in real life from all my hours on Sup Forums
So Sup Forums, why are white pople triggered so easily?
You are just abusing an already broken people, like a carrion buzzard.
TLDR: I trigger an old white boi to tears on the bus.
Nice blog OP but literally nobody cares about things that didn't happen.
>>Persian in Sweden
Why's that? Oh right, your own nation is a shit hole faggot.
You're damn right it is.
>Just lie down and die, old man.
this was the only part that was legit "too far".
tribal is not natural in the first place so caring about a country is fucking retarded.
but just flat out telling somebody to die is just really pointless.
You are a fucking LIAR...that conversation never happened you faggot attention-whore.
>Old man tells OP he should be sent to Auschwitz
>OP tells old man to die
This is why the Iranians are bro-tier meme is bullshit. Fuck you sandnigger, fuck off back to your desert shithole.
kek, nice job.
so you go into someone's house and insult their beliefs. you do realize that you just reinforced everything he said to you.
My trigger meter just ejaculated.
Nice larp you massive faggot
I'm unironically looking forward to when the whites chimp out and eradicate the invaders.
I'll get a six-pack every night and just watch the LiveLeak feeds.
I'll take things that never happened for $500 Alex...
Why didn't they chimp out and kill the invaders in Egypt, Anatolia, India and Mongolia? You know? Countries where white people used to be the majority.
None of this ever happened. This is old pasta, why do you niggers get so easily baited by Canadians with proxies?
The Jew is just using you shitskins as an Orc army to destroy the world of men.
Do you really think the Jew will keep you around once the West has collapsed? Of course you do, because you are a low time-preference sand nigger.
Nice blog faggot
I tip my hat for you if the story is real.
Good job my brother
Kek if true
>The Jew is just using you shitskins as an Orc army to destroy the world of men.
AmeriNigger is talking about sandniggers LMAO
>things that never happened, the post
One day burger boots will be on the ground in Europe, killing muslims, giving the countries back to the natives. The thought of this makes me diamonds
Snygg saga bror, fick du hjälp av brorsan med att skriva den?
Du vet att man måste vara arton bast för att vara här.
Kek this sounds and looks like one of these "i cri everytim" stories from 2010 facebook
Fucking faggot
You should go back smelly sandnigger
Edgy Persian > Boomer fucking shit
kys shitskin
>Be me
>28-year-old Persian born and living in Sweden
>claims to have spotted a religious Swede
No you're not. You're a low tier shitposter behind a proxy.
>An old man using the term sandnigger
all this is silly and false.
Lugna era tuttar nu, småpojkar. Jag lovar att inte trigga några fler beta cuck gubbar på vägen hem från jobbet. Så ni kan sluta gråta nu.
>I'm a consultant for a huge international conglomerate
>I get off the bus
>Sitting on the bus on my way to work because a friend borrowed my car
Damn, I knew you Brits had shitty teeth, but I didn't know you had shitty eyes too.
>consultant for a huge international conglomerate
>Jobbar nattpasset, hehe.
Tror någon är väktare är något annat lågbetalad yrke. Själv arbetar jag för SCB som Metodutvecklare och tjänar mycket bättre än dig. :)
>56%, degenerate and a cop state
Only good americNigger is dead one
>a friend borrowed my car
How else is your story going to work?
>Tror att jänkarna och kineserna är uppe samtidigt som svenskarna är uppe
Top kek. Skaffa dig ett riktigt jobb, Erik. Sluta snylta på mina skattepengar, din smutsiga LTH:are.
>dating white women ever and not explaining that you dont date them
Ajab khari, white is nice but maan we have some beautiful women in Iran too.
This also
In this thread: Things that never happened and the fantasies of a cuck.
>>I want to tell him I'm a consultant for a huge international conglomerate and paid more taxes than he made money his entire life
>Sitting on the bus on my way to work because a friend borrowed my car
>things that never happened
Cute story, Sven, but you need to be more creative if you expect us to buy it.
>>He says "All you sandniggers ought to be sent to Auschwitz."
The line that sunk it. Funny though.
I'm Indian but feel sorry for whites. They really fucked up when they saved jews and killed nazi's
Sluta nu Per, alla vet att du sitter och skitpostar.
Du kan ju annars posta något som bevisar att du jobbar för ditt """ huge international conglomerate"""
Fast du kommer ändå inte göra något sådant, Jag ska iaf fortsätta njuta av min semester, pimpla bärs och röka lite braj medans jag vet att jag när jag kommer få in stabila 42k efter skatt :)
God natt Per
I understand it's hard to believe. But we can't ride donkeys to work in Sweden, like you do.
this is on par with tumblr "and then everyone slowcapped" stories
Lol, you might be careful about pissing off white people. We're very slow to anger, but once we snap there is no going back. The fact a swede was so confrontational already shows you how close you are to a genocide. I hope it was for the laughs you shitskin.
Sage and Report this thread.
Whites are often more beta because they are being cultured by a submissive set of ideologies through their cuck parents and shitty teachers along with the abhorrent MSM.
While blacks are a minority and taught that if they are not strong and aggressive they won't make it in society.
fake and gay
>"Pimplar" bärs och röker braj
Man får väl njuta av det man kan, Erik. Ha så kul på semestern.
"Ain't no rest for the triggered"
Tjänar mer än dig efter skatt så det är lunch :)
Och varför tar du inte uber eller liknande om du är så "rik"?
Bait gtfo
>Är på semester
>Är inne på Sup Forums
Jag är verkligen avundsjuk på dig.
Glor ESA och chillar. Kan du inte multitaska? Låter som du är en sandneger / kviga eller inavlad bonde
Fake and gay
Auschwitz is a really fun place for shit skins. They have showers that spew fresh juicy kebab, and you can poo in a hole!
Låter som det sista jag skrev sved lite väl mycket. Ha så kul på "semestern" nu.
Lugnt Per, åk till Fittja eller Rinkeby där du bor med dina föräldrar :)
Nu när du ändå är påväg hem, ta en bild från tuben eller bussen samt inkludera bild på dina skor.
>being this autistic
Because they were shit-tier to begin with. Don't worry, our military industrial complex, once it manufactures enough consent for genocide, won't even slow down once we hit Turkey or the mediterannean. You're look at a 100% white africa and arabian peninsula by 2100. All the shit skins will be pressed by Indians, ethnic Russians, and Europeans onto the beaches of Iran by 2120.
>this bait
Poor. Apply yourself next time Sven.
This just in. Anri okita agreed to be my sex slave for life.
Just wait until Nordfront peacefully shows up at your home, then we'll see who will be crying.
Vilka vinner på ESA? Är det dina favorit-neckbeards kanske? Har du spännande på semestern nu? Har du sett några coola trådar på Sup Forums? Wow, jag undrar hur glad din chef kommer bli när han får höra att du vann så många skins på dina CS:GO bets. Jag önskar att jag var så cool som du är.
fuck off Suen
just go back to your nigger world. The real people of whiteworld don't want you around, nor your culture. You are hindering the advancement of civilization. You are a burden that drags time backwards, back into the primordial goop we whites have escaped from.
>not white
fuck off diaspora scum
Nu tror jag någon är ganska defensiv, blev du upprörd att någon som faktiskt har en utbildning och har ett bra jobb gör saker som ditt lågavlönade arsle skulle vilja göra. Medans du knegar och jobbar slitgörat så kan jag göra saker som jag tycker är roliga.
Säg som det är, du röstar V och hatar det Blåa Blocket. Ni låginkomsttagare är fan skrattretande roliga :)
Sen undrar jag vem som gör coola trådar på Sup Forums.
You're in Sweden dude, that's hardly a good sample of the average white population. The Persian community isn't exactly universal either, Persians here in the states are so beta that Persian girls will ONLY date white or Mexican men
This reminds me of my of my experiences
>be black
>riding on bus to see my buds
>white couple near by
>man starts freaking out at me "YOU FUCKING NIGGER"
>i'm like lolwut
>"Sir, I work 40 hours a week"
>girl steps in "please honey, leave him alone"
>I get up and smack the shit out of him
>"You don't talk to women like that, mister"
>Girl very thankful "Thank you so much! Think I could come with you?"
>"Sure thing, mam"
>She comes with me and me and my bros spit roast the shit out of her
>We all cum in her white pussy
>"I've been missing out with the white cucks!" she says afterwards
feels good, man
Jag läste inte, men jag antar att det står något om mina skor och kebab. Ha så kul på semestern, och försök att inte bli för triggad på Sup Forums nu, lille Erik.
Who is riding the bus because their top took their car to go fuck some white chicks?
Go larpy elsewhere, fag.
>Europa was stolen by a bull
Thats what you get when you silently support terrorism
Inte jag som blir triggad, jag röker lite gött, äter lite flingor och glor på saker jag gillar. Vad gör du uppe och skitbrevar för?
>believes in god
Cool story brah
>Såhär triggad
Var det din cuck-farsa jag mötte på bussen?
Shit that never actually happened.
När den lillapersonen går på personangrepp istället för att bemöta frågorna vet man att man har vunnit. Jag drar ifrån denna diskus nu men om du vill kan jag rekommendera att söka till Komvux, det finns ett liv bortom att vara en lågutbildad drönare.
Plugga hårt så kommer du bli belönad :)
Thanks for enriching this board with a fabolous discussion nigger-Sven and other svens.
And in todays episode of "shit that never happened!".......
As a 50% Persian I can assure you crackers that he is lying.
Skriver du fortfarande? Jag slutade läsa dina posts för typ 4 posts sedan. Aja, tack för aktiviteten, det ser till att min post får mer uppmärksamhet. Bli inte för arg när ditt favoritlag förlorar DreamHack nu, dina stackars grannar sover ju fortfarande.
>I stopped reading your posts
>continues to reply
Seems like something he said got to you Sven.
Enjoy your cuck fantasies little boy and remember to put some effort into your posts next time.