Newspring Church in South Carolina is a cult to advance the interests of (((them)))

Be warned! Be warned!

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never heard of this until now, seems cool, bump

Their average weekly attendance is 28,000. Scarily big. I know people who have been indoctrinated.

South Carolina user here, can confirm that they are very cult-like. Locals here call it "CultSpring" and all of their members walk around in the same "I Love My Church" tshirts


Convert to islam

Look into their leader Perry Noble, gives everyone huge pedo vibes. Even has a self admitted sex addiction

*Former leader.
He had a falling out with (((them))) and got replaced. They mutually agreed that if he kept quiet they would keep quiet about his child molestation charges, so they made up a bullshit story about alcohol.

Where in sc? I live in charleston and all I see are yankees and hippies and british people who work for bmw.

They are not as loud in the lowcountry and midlands as they are in the upstate, but they are still among you. I didn't notice them until left Columbia for Clemson, but now that I'm back in Columbia and know what it is I notice them more.
Keep in mind that the most influential state employee(Dabo Swinney) is a member and even hired their pastor as a chaplain one time.

I stopped going to church because the Israel shilling was sickening

Can I pay someone to infiltrate one of their sermons and ask why they support a homeland for the jews when in the bible it's abundantly fucking clear that the physical state of israel has been replaced with the kingdom of heaven and that in the Jewish holy book they think that Jesus is a son of a whore and is in a vat of boiling excrement.

You can pay someone to do anything. Thats why Pewdiepie got in trouble

This church is in Anderson, I just looked it up. I live like 45 mins away from there and have never heard of them.

I first heard it from that crazy closeted preacher form Arizona that christians on pol talk about all the time. He was talking shit about how the church played rock music and had a massive mural on their wall that had the rock on hand signal that resembles horns and how that was unequivocal proof that they were all satanists.

Its not just in anderson, thats just where the headquarters are. They have locations in Aiken, Charleston, Clemson, 2 in Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Greenwood, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Powdersville, Rock Hill and Spartanburg. Its one of the biggest churches in America, you're friends and family could be indoctrinated into it already

All of cucks titanite is to help them. Why do you think we give so much money to Israel when we have poor people here?

As long as they don't open up a branch in Kiawah I'm alright.

Columbiafag here, can confirm. My family has been to a few services but the lack of communion kinda killed it for me.

Yeah thats just bullshit. if you have to sit through service you should at least to be rewarded with wine and crackers, like my lutheran church I went to as a kid did when my parents made me go.

What the fuck is every protestant church besides baptists basically like the anglicans?

A fellow Lutheran! It's become hard as fuck lately to find a church I feel comfortable in lately. Probably doesn't help that most of the Lutheran churches around here are basically filled with folks teetering on death.

Lutherans are the original protestants, we kept the wine and named ((them)) all other protestant churches are pretenders.

I'm not christian anymore.
I worship no semitic god

Holy shit, Liberty here. Been to the one in Anderson several times and it rubbed me as Satanic even before I got saved.

Pastor Perry was also a drink adulterer fron what I hear. The church plays secular rock and really needs to be nuked from orbit.

By my dad's side is all lutheran because of how all the filthy peasant german blood

Basically the same here, knowing SC we probably have crossed paths at least once

Steven Anderson is the official Pastor of pol.
Here's him BTFO Jewspring.

Columbia area was settled by Lutheran Germans before Columbia was a thing, so its fairly common.

Lutherans are Catholic-lite and can Fuck right off.

Oh I'm well aware of the history, I'd probably be more interested in church if ((they)) still allowed it to be in German

Yes goy, go and tell us about how about how amazing your cucked pope is

Ah I see. You're saying German should have been kept as the liturgical language.

Luther was a fucking sperglord with false doctrine. Naming the Jew is one of the few things he did right. Smearing shit all over himself to ward off the Devil was to autist behaviour and doesnt really surprise me seeing as he was a filthy kraut and krauts LOVE scat.

I'm a fundamentalist Baptist, you kike loving shitstain. Lutherans teach the same works based lordship salvation the Catholics do.

I mean my family settled here when this place was still a colony. I feel like some cultural heritage was robbed from me and that kinda pissed me off. I still sing silent night in the original German every Christmas service.

Yeah mine did too. But I retained virtually nothing in German though.

Ohhh so true. Most kids i have met... mainly females that attend say things like sjw's spout daily. But hey most churches now accept degeneracy like homosexuality as it increases their pew counts.

>fundamentalist baptist
Well, at least we agree on the JQ
Living this far south I had to try and retain as much of my family's culture as I could seeing as we'd always be outnumbered by people like the above.

Can you elaborate on the "physical state of israel has been replaced with the kingdom of heaven" part?

>South Carolina user here, can confirm that they are very cult-like. Locals here call it "CultSpring" and all of their members walk around in the same "I Love My Church" tshirts

Sumter fag here.

Their old pastor, Perry Noble, was removed due to "alcoholism"

If you attack Newspring church online in any way, shape, or form, their followers will doxx and attack you to no end. They are extremely well organized.

Israel as a state was meant for God's chosen people. With Jesus' sacrifice on the cross all who are saved are now God's chosen ones. Salvation becomes getting saved, therefore there's no need for a physical state like Israel.

Stay away from denominations. Find a church that focuses on growing the kingdom of heaven, missions, and community.

Many in the upstate have already been preparing to combat this mega church and the liberal shit influence they are trying to instill in the area. Unfortunately they have already done damage.

all churches are

The thing is is the members dont think of themselves as liberal. They think of themselves as conservative, but they are under such influence from (((the leaders))) that they have an opposite effect.

So the question is how do we expose ((them))? OP's pic is a good start but we need more to start disseminating the truth.

He's a bit misunderstanding that culture has changed and church as it was 50 years ago is no longer appealing.

The quire of church was created to appeal people and allow them to raise their senses into a heightened frequency.

Perhaps he is exaggerating about this newspring church?

I'v been to plenty of these new non-denominational churches and they are still better than going to catholic churches which seem to be disconnected from reality, stuck in an isolated mind state while denouncing everything that has modernized instead of accepting the fact that god is always around us, so imagery and aesthetics are only an illusion.

Not allowing a priest to be married is sick for that human being. They always claim that it helps purify the mind but this isn't true. God didn't create man to be alone so why does this cult force it's ministers to be alone?

No where in the bible does it say; "Priests should not marry."

oh god is this one of those evangelical super fucking proddie cuck churches where the preacher is a fucking (((jew for jesus)))? jews love rolling into southern towns because southrons are fucking retards and worship the ground those jews walk on. those jews walk all over you, you fucking evangelical R E T A R D S. these people aren't even christian. wtf. disgusting.

What is everyone's opinions on Dallas' First Baptist Church? Their pastor openly told his congregation to vote for Trump, and he appeared on the news debating a Catholic female LGBT pastor that runs the biggest LGBT church in the US.

nowhere in the bible does it say "divorce my wives because i feel like it then chop off their heads when i'm shitface drunk and fat on boar ribs..."

shut the fuck up, proddie jew.

i'm pretty sure jesus christ accepted homosexuality and didn't bash fags, he healed them.

Any so called "christian" church that persecutes people and judges them to be sentenced to hell is actually a church infiltrated by satan.

You will learn about this when you actually read the bible and realize jesus never kicked out people for being crooked and sinful, he did the exact opposite while the jewish pharisees condemned, tortured and killed anyone who they found to be an example of sin, except for their own of course.

Non-denominational churches vary greatly though. Some are very conservative whilst others are very liberal and in between. I've attended a non-denominational church that had catholics, methodists, baptists, evangelicals, pentecostals, etc.

They have been very effective with the youth as the parents see a more non traditional church than when they were youth being beaten with fire and brimstone.

Yeah do it HAHAHAHA and then get BTFO when these fucking regular christians completetly shit all over your insane conspiracy theory

nah jesus hated fags. fags don't go forth and multiply. so much cucked proddie jew shit ITT yikes...

Your post makes no sense at all.

Does it flip your almonds that christianity is winning over millions of young people?

He's right about this
>You will learn about this when you actually read the bible and realize jesus never kicked out people for being crooked and sinful, he did the exact opposite while the jewish pharisees condemned, tortured and killed anyone who they found to be an example of sin, except for their own of course.

I always tell people that (white) Southern Baptists are redpilled, but everybody on Sup Forums seems to think we're trashy wiggers or something. You'll never see one of our pastors kissing Muslim feet.

Fuck OP. I searched for them on YT and found this video exposing them and the comments section is insane. It's full of their church members defending the hell out of them. It does seem like a cult.

Read those comments kek, it's actually Scientology tier organized commenting.

You have no clue. Homosexuality is not natural and not best for the human race and you believe god or the son of god doesn't care about whats best for the human race.

The Bible specifically says that effeminate men shall not inherit the kingdom of Heaven.

Oh now we see the shill here.

Jesus hated no one. Read the bible more you sicko.

Expose yourself more please by exhibiting your expertise on the christian new testament.

You do know that the church is located in downtown Dallas and has tons of blacks and Hispanics along with whites.

dabo is in this evangicuck cult? lol god help you all. how long til dabo adopts a fleet of nigger teach them about jesus, and foooooobaaaaaaall....lmfao

I may be wrong though, they have commercials on TV that show white, hispanic, and black families/ people.

Megachurches are a meme, and Joel Olsteen types are outright heretical.

Rural Southern Baptist churches are full of de facto white nationalists though.

wow. stick up your butt protestant spotted. i don't think you know what the word ''shill'' means. jesus hated fags and protestants.

God said be fruitful and multiply, and some shitstain wants me to think Jesus said being queer is just fine. Get real. I guess Jesus would say Pedos need love to and to accept them.

The day you realize church is about money, power, and influence.

Jesus also didn't condemn pedophilia, bestiality or incest so does that make it ok?

Kek, your argument is older than dirt.

They have 12k in membership, also please answer

>I guess Jesus would say Pedos need love to and to accept them.
there was no such thing as pedophilia back then because it was normal for a 12 year old to get married off and impregnated when she started to get her menses

So many SCanons here.
I'm in Greenville. Never heard of this.

This isn't what the new testament says, it says that all sins may be forgiven if you believe in jesus christ as the son of god.

If you ask for forgiveness you may be free of those sin... of course if you continue to do so sin, are you really being sincere with god?

Or is the problem further within yourself and your sin is simply a much deeper rooted issue which god wishes for you to see the light upon?

Jesus never persecuted sinners. Have you not read the bible at all? He invited all who were scared from sin into his presence to be healed.

This is why the jews hated him... he was curing their slaves, setting these people free.

If you are reading anything from the old testament, it does not apply to you. It applies to the jewish tribes who lived by that testament.

So these Jews ruining the world are not considered 'saved' because they do not accept Jesus as their lord and savior, correct?

So you admit homosexuality is a sin?

> Jesus also didn't condemn pedophilia, bestiality or incest so does that make it ok?

He didn't condemn the person, he condemned the sin.

Like I said, you haven't read the bible have you?

Everyone telling me that jesus hated people because they sin is indeed a liberal or blue pilled.

You're exposing yourselves one post at a time.

Yes it is a sin. It doesn't mean people should be killed by other people for it. It doesn't mean people who commit this sin should be excommunicated from church.

If you are a true believer in jesus christ, you will believe in healing and forgiveness.

That doesn't make it ok to fuck children. How about fucking dogs, fucking relatives, shitting in your neighbors hair, raping your mail man or diddling old people? Jesus didn't condemn any of those things, does that make them ok?

Paul very clearly states that homosexuality is wrong. If you question Paul's authority how are you going to believe anything the bible says or even call yourself a Christian?

He already bangs the recruits moms. How do you think we recruited so well even when we were mediocre.

>imagery and aesthetics are only an illusion.

Act of prayer you idiot. Making a stained glass windows can be an act of prayer. Fix your retarded protestant skulls.

I thought homosexual acts were a sin and not homosexuality itself. The original words translate to something along the lines of prostitute, since many men (within the chapter that newer bibles use the word homosexual in) would have sex with multiple people, I believe they even asked one of the disciples for their son.

>He didn't condemn the person, he condemned the sin.

>1:26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones

That's in the new testament, you don't seem to know what you're talking about. Paul made it very clear that homosexuality is a rebellion against the Lord.

Stop with the plebbit spacing faggot

If you think stain glass windows are holy... you are well blue pilled my friend.

They were created and used in church because of their beautiful and bright aesthetics that bring your mind to higher frequencies when exposed to the light.

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Is there a difference? Homosexual sex is an act. No?

Grand Strand we need to form an SC crew of anons to go investigate? I also have a working theory that all the beach wear stores down here that are owned by Israelis, are being used to launder money or get money sent back home without paying taxes on it.

> Paul made it very clear that homosexuality is a rebellion against the Lord.

All sin is a rebellion against the lord.

Here is a fact too. All human beings are sinners as their hearts are born of wickedness by nature.

When you have children one day you will understand that children are just like animals.

They will poop everywhere, they will harm other children if left unattended, they are greedy, selfish, they scream when they want things, they will kill small pets if you let them hold them.

They don't know anything besides what their nature is programmed to them. It's up to the parents to teach them at birth, whatever path that may lead them.

>beach wear stores down here that are owned by Israelis
Theres one near fripp that has always put off a vibe to me, but the owner is Italian not Jewish

Yes but you are supposed to resist sin. Giving into temptation leads to spiritual death in the bible. Be a fag all you want but if you are fucking men then you are sinning and leaving the path of the lord.

>13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

Of course Jesus/God forgives everything but pretending to follow the bible while doing whatever you want is just being a faux Christian. Better off just calling yourself an atheist. If you actually believe in God then you know God will see through a Charade from people who half ass believe just to be safe from hell. Homosexual sex is a sin.

I personally view it as any homosexual acts (as in sexual Intercourse) are sinful, although not people who are simply attracted to the same sex, as you can remain celibate. Anything outside of what is defined as marriage in the bible is sinful too (in regards to ssme-sex marriages).

I agree with this, the point is to improve yourself, not to abuse mercy.

I've been there a couple times. The head of 'culture' sports a hitler haircut and pushed his friend to say he was ashamed of being black during a service

Can you guys stop arguing about which interpretation of a semitic god is correct?

No one is forcing you to read.

I said that for your sake not mine.

It's definitely not a cult. They kicked out the main pastor for being a dumbass. Everyone said Newspring worships Perry Noble, but then he was fired. I used to go there a lot and once I started college I stopped and had no problem doing so. You can't just leave a cult. They also put on their website where all of the money donated goes.

And what you have stated is true yet;

Where does this say the people or pastors are doing god's work by condemning people to hell or persecuting those who sin by denying them?

> Of course Jesus/God forgives everything but pretending to follow the bible while doing whatever you want is just being a faux Christian.

Not everyone is ready to go that far. People go back and forth, not everyone quits smoking in their first cold turkey session.

> Better off just calling yourself an atheist.

That's where you are wrong, very wrong.

If you continue to sin after asking for forgiveness, it means you have deeper issues that need further resolving... your best way is to be honest with god and tell him that you are going to continue sinning because you can't figure out why you are compelled to do so.

Until we figure ourselves out, we will continue sin as human beings. Who can really walk a righteous path having a heart that desires?

random question:
Do you happen to hate American history as society here was established by Christian groups.

Some of these ultra conservative churches are dangerous.

The ones who persecute people and excommunicate while knocking on your door for money... they almost always have some high level corruption, whether it's a child diddler group or money laundering... there is a reason they are so strict and appear to smite people for not obeying their way.

It's because they have something to hide perhaps while they take in those money pots.

Nope. I just think we should progress past the point of semitic religon