what are you,a bunch of faggots? they want to dominate the world with their cannibalism and their "cuisine" and you faggots are in Sup Forums fapping with trap threads , wtf is your problem?
Where the da faq is my China Hate Thread?
The Chinese were cannibals for thousands of years, continuously.
Most societies practiced a limited form of religious or medicinal cannibalism, but they stopped ages ago.
China, on the other hand, never stopped practicing cannibalism. The Chinese were unique in that they ate humans for pleasure, not only medicine.
Babies were said to be the most delicious meat of all, according to the Chinese.
Furthermore, the Chinese never stopped eating humans, as evidenced by the "flesh banquets" during the Great Leap Forward.
Mao Zedumb, aka Mao Zedong, is possibly the stupidest leader in the history of the world.
But he was only able to implement his utterly stupid policies because of the utterly stupid and drone-like nature of the Chinese "people".
It's a mistake to think of the Chinese as a "people". Think of the Chinese as a "hive" of insects.
It's also a mistake to think that China was some kind of utopia before Mao's Cultural Revolution. China was already fucked up long before communism.
The chinks need to stop fucking breeding like insects.
Why are the chinks so horrible at fighting? They always outnumber everyone but still lose!
Alright, done fapping to traps. What's the latest chink hate webm?
Daily reminder that Chinese "intelligence" is a myth.
The Chinese are the biggest cheaters on the planet.
It's been proven that the Chinese are the most dishonest race in the world.
Fucking Chinks
Equal parts being bad at fighting and being traitorous by nature, to be honest.
China has gotten conquered more than any other country in the world.
Getting conquered all the time led to a lot of rape.
They're like lemmings, waiting to be slaughtered or enslaved.
Pretty much. The Japanese slur for Chinese people literally means "slave".
Not gonna lie. I fucking loved that movie and used to have it on DVD. But everytime I see that Chinese braided hair now I'm gonna be reminded of that word lol
desu, i'm getting sick of these threads. anything before 1949 applies to taiwanese as well, and they're our allies
so yeah, fuck off
If you don't like this thread, then you can leave.
Sorry for this retard not all Americans are fucking historically illiterate and complete autistic.
how am i wrong?
>"China is the new leader in the fight against climate change."
Don't fall for that bullshit.
lol you spic gtfo and fix your country before you start talking about china lmao
Knowledge of the enemy's past is necessary in order to understand their present and predict their future. Do you think I'm repeating this information just for fun? Nope.
China's past is full of suffering and pain. You need to grasp that in order to understand why the Chinese are the way they are today.
Note the massive difference in artistic quality between the Western-inspired Qin statues and the Chinese-made Han statues. Keep in mind that the Han dynasty came after the Qin dynasty, revealing that there was a huge regression in artistic ability once the Qin dynasty fell and the Han peoples came into power.
Hmm. I need to make a China red pill about China's drinking water situation.
I mean CRISIS, to be more accurate.
taiwan's not our enemy dumbass
>all this autism
OP did your Chink boss fire you and trigger this tantrum?
Do not put words into my mouth, Chang.
are you retarded or what?
updated version here updated version here updated version here updated version here image unrelated
Pls help me, I live in chinkmond, I don't want 1000x more chinks then what we have rn.
fuck off with your flea bath explanation chinks
this is a gruesome one, phew
The Chinese are so mighty nthey make the world hate them.
And some edgelords on here faint cuz of some doggie webm's
humans are so retarded lol they should learn from the Chinese.
I have seen this with my own eyes. During class tests in university the Chinese "scholars" frantically copied off each other in full view of the teachers, who did nothing.
like it doesn't happen in other places lol
Fuck the Manchu! They all got killed and raped anyway. The remaining ones went into hiding and pretend to be Han Chinese. In the 1970s people start pretending to be Manchu to get gibsmedats. Real Manchus are extinct. Nobodoy knows their language anymore. Dead language dead culture. Perfect karma.
I celebrate every time Chinese people die in natural disasters.
On the same level? No.
Go to any university with a large International Student population from China, they'll all say the same thing. The Chinese are a race of cheats
china better than fucking mexico
fuck spics they are animals they are not humans
Hello, Mr. Chankoro. Calm down.
And I celebrated 9/11
These people were specifically headhunted as the best of their cohort.
Also, the PRCs in my hall of residence had atrocious personal hygiene. The staff privately told me on my last day that they had complaints about them all the time, mainly for stinking like shit.
The grills are no exception either, their rooms smell of fermented spices and they leave open bags of rice on the floor with their rice cookers.
You just know a Chink posted this in his Gundam suit.
I can confirm, and the thing is it's mostly the mainlander chinese, and very rarely Hong Kongnese people, well considering that it's mostly mainland chinks that flood in, and have the most inhumane traits of any race I have seen so far, though centuries of being cucked, and violence does that to ya.
whats the name of the original video, im trying to find it.
>Mandarin is considered a langauge somehow
It has no structure at all. It's fucking cavemen communication with thousands of scribbles.
fuck china only best HD items
So how is Taiwan?
Motherfucker! Chinks are disgusting subhuman savages!
lol wtf is wrong with chinks!!!
Those are criminals though. The chink webms are average chinks
Sheeit. That just triggered a memory of a chink girl I knew in college. Really cute girl. Sat next to her one day and every time she shifted in her seat, I'd get a whiff of a shit smell. Not a fart smell but an actual shit smell.