Liberal Morals

As a centrist, Im getting real fucking tired that liberal morals are the norm. We need a balanced set of them, liberal and conservative morals, and schools dont help either. I remember in high school one of the retarded teachers was saying shit about hurting feelings and talking about the wage gap and whenever anybody tried to argue they got silenced. Opinions please.

As a force of neutral when things get out of balance you must act to put them in balance.

Just because they are retarded doesn't mean you aren't.

I try to do as much as I can but none of them will listen.

How am I retarded for believing in some aspects of both sides?

Just call them faggots and walk away.

Its just like makin sales buddy dont get caught up on a shitty customer, move on to more susceptible people. Just dont be lazy and only pick the low hanging fruit.

I want them to see where Im coming from, and doing that will make them hate my beliefs even more.


Because there are more than 2 sides. Liberal vs conservative is a false dichotomy.

Well those are the 2 I allign with the most.

They are too closed minded to even give two shits about your opinion. If your belief even contradicts theirs then you will be considered a bigot.

Ironic, considering they are literally being a bigot.

Well you see Liberals are like zombies.
If they see someone with a brain, they attack it.

>schools dont help either

They helped create a whole generation of neoreactionaries totally impervious to the played-out leftist techniques of subversion that took down the dominant Christian culture in the West. They're also better at memes than all the combined efforts of the intelligence agencies that actually have total control of their countries, which is hilarious in itself.

Saul Alinsky is one dead old cunt. Kek.

Interesting. Thanks for your time.

Yeah things are getting worse - social media and SJW dominance is polarizing the fuck out of people.

Its bad. At least we dont have radical right right now.

Liberals have no morals

Well we do according to the SJWs - anyone that wants to limit immigration or preserve their people and culture etc is a far right extremist apparently

Lets just overpopulate our country and lose food and money. yay!

This is what they want.

Need to find common ground between left and right on something.

This is why the CIA think wikileaks are dangerous, it could well be a unifying force.