Trigger happy Arabs. 3 KIA
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Clickbaiters into archive
>youtube com/watch?v=-ByIq83ZNFs
>nytimes com/2017/07/24/us/video-shows-us-soldiers-surrendering-before-fatal-shooting-in-jordan.html
Good robot.
There's no point in archiving YouTube links, nytimes, however, is failing and archiving is damaging.
Good man. He killed 3 American Special Forces dogs that were training the Syrian rebels. I thought American special forces was supposed to be the best in the world, but all it takes is a determined man with a rifle to send them home in folded American flags.
He got convicted of life in prison. Imagine how much respect the guy is gonna get for the rest of his life, killing not just 3 Americans but 3 highly trained special forces soldiers. He's gonna get unlimited pussy and respect for the rest of his life.
hoo boy now that's some edge!
That video is pretty confusing.
It looks like one of the Jordanian soldiers got killed as well as he charged one of the Americans at (5min 25seconds) in the video.
Based Arab. Killing three American rats who were training (((rebel terrorists))) against Assad's rightful government. Fuck America and fuck their Jewish masters!
Why should we weep for American terrorists training Syrian rebel terrorists against Assad? I'm glad those faggots died. I hope they died painfully for supporting terrorism against the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian governments.
Kys faggot. This wasn't a military operation of force on force, it was a sand nigger murdering friendly forces. Let me correct your statement
>Dumbass raghead. He killed 3 allied personnel that were cooperating with his nations military. You can be the most trained unit in the world, but all it takes is a low IQ middle eastern "soldier" with literally zero training who is supposed to be your ALLY ambushing you while you are unprepared to send you home in a casket. He convicted to life despite deserving the death penalty. Imagine who pathetic he will be viewed for being such a moron he can't identify friendly forces. He's going to get unlimited dick and shivs for the rest of his life.
Yeah because he wouldn't stop his friendly fire. Just like in video games.
They were American terrorists training Rebel terrorists to fight against Assad's government. Good riddance to bad American trash.
Good. Three less imperialist pigs. Fuck that white trash.
That Jordanian solder turned them into some bitches. The way they scrambled all desperately for cover made me laugh. That one fag ended up face-down, ass-up in the dirt hahahaha. Talk about an undignified death.
Woah, check out that edge!
Nice flag. What part of California are you in?
Edge? It's edgy when you are training rebel terrorists to topple a legitimate government elected by its people you fucking faggot.
What part of Israel are you in Schlomo? Why do you want to topple Assad so much you kike-loving faggot?
Wow not even showing your flag, what a faggot.
>USA releases anti Jordanian video
>Right after the diplomatic crisis between Jordan and Israel
Really makes you think
You didn't answer my question flag fag. What part of California are you in?
Good. You cunts should stop engulfing soverign nations in civil war, and this is one step forward.
He has no nationality. In his moms basement, he can be anything. And that anything, is Assads cockslave. Masturbation to futanari by daylight, studying /sg/ by moonlight.
/sg/ here those mercenaries deserved to die
They were acting as agents of our kike establishment for their own selfish reasons
S to shit on their graves
>dying for Israel
I think he will become the unlimited source of pussy in prison. In muslimville, you have to die to be the hero.
>the three men killed had been training Syrian rebels as part of a covert program run by the C.I.A
I can't believe the Jew York Times printed that.
Wouldn't have happened if they werent there for Israels benefit
>He got convicted of life in prison
>get unlimited pussy
Those two don't go together, bud
Now wane off your turn off your cartoons and listen to the real world
>being such a moron he can't identify friendly forces.
What makes you think he didn't know they were Americans? Maybe the Jordanian was based and realized who the real enemy was. Calling it a friendly fire incident is just politcal bs to sweep the event under the rug.
If the US soldiers were in the front vehicle they definently shot first considering all the glass flying out of the truck there, there was only one person driving the white truck and he seems to be unarmed unless he had a sidearm down by his waist, as he doesn't seem to be loading anything while driving.
Seems fishy either way.
Knock chips off of this thing and you'll get 80% of the posts ITT.
>Killing allies
>guaranteed /sg/ fanatic
wew lad it all makes sense
The US should bring every one of our soldiers home immediately. Not because of this particular incident but because there isn't a foreign country worth a single drop of American blood. Good luck with Russia or Germany or whoever.
Hide behind that flag more faggot.
>abloo bloo why is the sandnigger killing us? Don't they realize we are ALLIES (just like my pappy who fought those ebil Nadsis) *blam blam* *urrk*
>tell my wife's son I died for our greatest ally Israel
Meme flags need to go.
Couple of mad kike burgers.
You can see my flag fellow American :^)
I'm glad those mercenaries died
Are you in California too?
Show me where the yellow touched you slav mudshit.
Yes. You should send them into some sandnigger country to die for the jew
Friendly reminder if you support the burgers in the video you are literally an ISIS shill and need to go back to r/the_donald
>1 sandnigger soldier vs 5 US "Special Forces"
>1:3 KDA
Your special forces fucking suck.
When will the soldiers do whats needed at home? Plenty of shitskins killing whites daily. More so than Muslim terror attacks.
The soldiers need to be deployed here to kill the shitskins
US special forces has always been a meme. They need 10 helicopters and 3 jets to be able to go down to the street and order a hot dog. Only brainwashed burgertards believe their military is actually a disciplined fighting force. It's literally a 60 IQ Mestizo mud race with expensive toys.
So 3 mercenaries were killed at work.. are the families getting pay outs from Israel or do they just get free flags?
>implying special forces makes you invincible.
it was a friendly base and they got murdered but I wouldn't expect Eurotrash to understand what the term ally means.
American soldiers are retarded too
>3 American Special Forces
He killed 3 gate guards ya spaz. lol
No, Pavel, we should bring them all home to die for nobody. And we should stop sending money to foreign shitholes like Israel and Poland. I have no problem with a foreign policy of total isolation
That pic is surely ironic as here you are posting it after being triggered by an european
sure is not thinking about you at all, fucking kek.
opinion discarded
It was a firefight. They had plenty of time to take the sandnigger out, but failed before the sandnigger managed to shoot 3 of theirs.
Even our under-funded regular army, not our special forces, regular army, would be able to take that guy out with ease with zero casualties.
If those guys are the best you have to offer, there's no wonder you lost in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not gonna lie I love my country and I'm proud of our military but these men deserved to die. They were CIA stooges arming Islamic terrorists. The whole world would be a lot better off if there were less men like those around.
Norway has an army?
>Those two don't go together, bud
They do in Jordan
This was a program to train syrian rebels (terrorists) and the soldiers killed were about to speak out about it
every post in this thread is fucking retarded
But they already surrendered to kikes :^)
Yes, we train US army in the north. They need to be taught how to fight in the snow.
Wait what the fuck happened? It looked like 2 survived at the end and killed the shooter, but apparently he survived?
Like there was only one.
>US Special Forces
>ambushed at condition 4 at friendly gate
>non-combat situation
Wow, Special Forces btfo how can they ever recover
>Special Forces at dentist
>Dentist stabs them to death
Wow, SF blown the fuck out killed by just a dentist wow they suck how can they ever recover
if I recall they only have 72000 people in their entire military and have almost no budget for arms
Ha ha you taught them how to ski fight like over 50 years ago.
Yeah, it never snows anywhere in America, I guess we need the help of skilled warriors in Norway to train to fight in the snow. Has the Norwegian army ever been deployed overseas?
I know reading is hard, but let me help you.
>Jordan's military released security camera footage Monday of a shooting in which a Jordanian soldier killed three U.S. military trainers at an air base in the kingdom.
>Jordanian soldier
Because we knew you cucks will have to come running when we activate Article 5.
Our army is literally designed to hold off enemy combatants for 72 hours so you guys can come and die for us.
Wait, didn't one of the US soldiers take a guy out with a pistol toward the end of the video?
But there's more than one in the video.
What makes you think that the US will honor article 5?
If I go to Norway boots on ground, the only reason I'm going is to slaughter you and your entire extended family
Because you don't get to decide.
Norway has nothing to teach us other than how to surrender to nazis. Your country hasn't been in a military conflict since the 1800s. The funny thing is that the Norwegian armed forces all use American tactics, American weapons, American disciplinary and health standards. Actually were it not for the US Norway might not even have a military, just a police force. But keep thinking you're relevant. Use that pride when you're fighting Russians on your own, you're gonna need it. That's the reason we propped you up in the first place. Lol. But don't bite the hand that feeds you. The national guard of one of our least populated states like Wyoming can singlehandedly take over your country.
Elite? Not particularly. So you taught them to ski. How fucking useful!
THis obsidian meme needs to die, its frail as shit and impossible to use except as a scalpel.
They get views and ad revenue though youtube you faggot.
Americans deserve to get shot in the face, they are the scum of the earth.
Reminder that anyone not using a geographic flag is a shitposter.
Dont get so triggered, they are just fucking with you.
What could the marines have done? nothing they were ambushed at a friendly base. Poor sods.
Dont fall for all the bait ameribro. (And btw, euro special forces > us special forces like SAS and the ruskie special forces mop the floor with any other)
I couldn't care less
We actually don't like training Marines near US civilians due to their numerous anti social habits which include eating babies from friend and foe alike.
Let it go, this is why non Americans hate Americans - this rah rah military crap. They deserved it, no one forced them to be part of an occupying Zionist army.
If they'd been red pilled enough to get real jobs they'd still be alive. Don't forget who the real enemy is.
m8, we just pay our tiny NATO bill so you can come die for us. We put our former PM in as head of NATO in case you cucks ever get uppity.
Both Obama and Trump bowed to him, so your word means nothing.
Your boys will come running and die for us, no matter how much you dislike it.
They're clearly unarmed in the video.
thanks for wasting my time with this fake bullshit video, you fucking kike.
Wanna bet? What exactly will you do if the US government just decides to ignore you as you're yelping for help?
Marines are not elite hahaha they are just another branch like the army, navy, and air force. Yes, we train with other armies after our own training for specialization so we can fight anywhere unlike you fags who sit there saying we wuz badass and don't train.
So you depend on us? what if we cant get to you in time? if you think we are such shit then why would you rely on us?
Cant he just retire after that many tours? Surely he earned some kinda special army programm support neet bux or something. I mean 15 years nearly constant deployment? I mean the fuck. give that man 200k and let him live his life.
>being proud that you have to have soldiers from another country defend your own goddamn borders
We're reaching cuck levels that shouldn't even be possible. Are all Norwegians like you? You sound like a passive aggressive ex girlfriend.
Depend on the other 27 member states to abide by the agreement. And then watch as the US becomes a completely isolated state, as it is thrown out of NATO.
Hide underneath IKEA furniture.
>happens after the US gives up on the majority of the FSA
>and the remaining elements that receive training and support are not allowed to leave their safe space in Tanf (which is the area the shooting took place in around) so they get butthurt and leave or worse
Really grateful assets you got there, americucks.
Don't threaten me with exactly what I want
Except amerilards are shit-tier fighters in general and it'd be pretty much common knowledge if we didn't have non-stop pro-amerifat shilling
Last year, when Russia was bumming around in Syria, doing a FUCK of a lot more than amerifoodstamps have been doing, US command decided it was time to get back into the WORLD POLICE spotlight
A super special team of super special needs forces was assembled to do a P-P-P-PRISON RAID on ISIS and to valiantly rescue hostages.
What actually happened? Americans lost a Delta Force operator and ended up drone striking the compound because TWO sheepherders with AKs held them off.
They're disgustingly incapable, these amerilards, their capabilities pretty much revolve around CIA de-stabilizing countries, IMF indebting countries and the UN and various other international orgs "politically" pressuring countries.
Their armed forces? A fucking joke.
Thanks, just used to getting shit on by euros constantly and I might believe it but your militaries are in such poor shape its hard to know, you need to reinvest.
Good thing Trump bows to NATO.