What's their endgame?
Team Rocket
Other urls found in this thread:
Protect the world from devastation
To unite all people within our nation
So, they're multiculturalists?
So, they were nationalist, huh...
To denounce the evils of truth and love
No because if I remember the anime correctly they memorized the motto wrong because they're stupid, and what they think they're saying is to inflict the world with devastation and blight the people of every nation
to extend their reach to the stars above
Look at the diversity... definitely multiculturalists.
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.
Surrender now or prepare to have sex
But what about in the grander scheme?
Shekel collection most likely. Now lets talk about Team Plasma (aka Pokemon PETA)
I skipped gen 5
How about we talk about Galactic AKA Edgy Blackpilled cunts
Preparing for trouble
And checking these doubles
To protect the world from globalisation
To unite their peoples and forward their nation
To denounce the evils of the lefties who love
The falsehoods of media, no matter how tough
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light
Surrender liberals, or prepare to fight
Meowth, that's fake news
Australians: The Post
Giovanni did nothing wrong
You don't believe in the Pokécaust?
It was clearly fabricated by the (((Professors))) so that they can maintain their sick child monster-battling world. Do you know how many of (((them))) give animals to little children a year? ALL SO THAT THEY CAN HAVE THEIR SICK BATTLES
Everybody knows that Giovanni put 6 gorrillion Pokémon in a giant oven and turned them into Meowth! Stop spreading hate speech!
9/11 roobro, you can do better
>That moment when Lt.Surge was the only evidence that there was a war
Fuck man, I wonder how big the war was.
Many innocent Pokémon died, along with 11 gorillion nosepass
How is Team Rocket so great?
>both Jessie and James really truly care for their Pokemon
and then there's Meowth, just video related.
That song gave me feels
The great poke war started once Kanto society became to disgusting with Pokémon human mating (look this shit up in the game humans and Pokémon use to actually fuck)
Those were great times, before the war
Giovanni did NOTHING wrong.
>humans and Pokémon use to actually fuck
>not being turned on by that
Now it's nothing but traps and fags.
Kanto needs to get its shit together! Deport Johtofags! Heil Kanto!