How do we do it Sup Forums? How do get rid of the addictive sex-jew and regain our dignity in west?
Ban porn
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You can't.
Your pic related almost looks like m00t.
In North Korea participating, selling, directing or even watching porn is punishable by public execution.
I mean if a girl is hot I don't really give a fuck what stupid shit she says in her bio.
Why would it be any different for women?
Looks > all.
>You can't
Who says I can't ey faggot?
Find god
Find a wife
Keep her off the Pill
Tell everyone to do the same.
Girls in pic related read the bio but were absolutely sure he was talking about "other girls".
You can't block it completely. A darknet would develop for it. And people have tons of porn stashed already.
And even if it was possible to block it completely, a lot of people would turn violent. I know I would.
It could be made harder to access for children though. That would already be something. 10 yos watch some pretty hardcore stuff. And they send each others nudes by the age too. That's a bit fucked up too.
Do however keep her on the red pill.
does anyone have that giant long picture where they set up a hot guy picture and bio and all he does is straight as them for sex in the most profane ways and it works
does anyone have that picture ?
Banning won't get rid of it, just push it down to the farthest recesses of society.
Just go get the law to how it was pre USA vs (((ROTH))).
Porn is lewd and lascivious and and therefore doesn't belong in a functional society.
Assuming this is actually legit, which is probably isn't, all of those women and all women who would hook up with someone on tinder are disgusting liberal racemixing whores that just want a dick. Who cares what's in the bio? Tinder is about finding someone attractive to fuck.
>doesn't want to quit porn and get angry to save his country from communist parasites
Also just because you can't completely fucking erase something off the face of the earth, doesn't mean outlawing it won't make it better for society
Women will put with a hot Chad whose an asshole just as much as beta orbiting men will put up with a hot women whose a bitch (beta orbiters will really but up with just about any women to an extent but they will absolutely let hot women treat them like garbage).
If some hot girl had in her bio that she was looking for some cuck faggot I wouldn't be falling over myself to message her though.
He isn't an alpha because of how he looks (I mean that's part of it, but mainly) he's an alpha because of how he sounds.
I don't personally know if you're a cuck or not, but I could easily argue Hitler was an alpha and he certainly didn't look like that.
>he doesn't know moot has turned into a chad since selling Sup Forums
Outright outlawing porn would be even more stupid than the prohibition.
People wouldn't stop doing it. You've got like 90% of people watching porn. You could make an example out of a few people and some would get scared and stop doing it, but it would never be enough and jails are already overflowing.
It could be made harder to access for children though. I don't think it matters much if adults watch it, but early exposure is probably a really bad thing.
How much did he get for it? Being a Chad is great and everything, but as far as the ((((females))))) go there's no substitute for having cash.
>another leaf
>makes an abhorrent post about something completely unrelated to the topic of the thread
Does unveiling your autism make you feel better about yourself?
Probably like $10k or less. He was losing money and we were destroying his life after he turned into a cuck following gamergate.
He had two options. Either shut down or hand it off cheap to someone who wouldn't fuck up his "legacy". Hiroshimoot was the result.
You must give them more D until they are stuffed and have had their fill.
Not sure but he works for google now so he's probably swimming in shekels
Fuck off kike with your horse-shit. Nobody other than some useless weedfag libshits would complain about banning this shit, they almost did it in cUK island. People are like sheep to the slaughter, they will obey if you threaten them good
The only way to fix women is to know men are in charge of women. Absent that, they'll always be whores.
He's probably scrubbing toilets by now. moot was fucking useless. The only thing he had to do for Sup Forums to thrive was to do nothing.
Except handing over mod-rights on Sup Forums to the FBI, of course. Because his useless ass couldn't handle 20 subpoenas for CP a day.
He works at the Google plus program, very proficient
Fuck off, moot. We know google sent you to India.
It was actually just shy of a million and then he joined a very well paid Google consultancy role
Dude, they didn't even stop piracy. And that's literally stealing shit.
Even if they blocked porn from the Internet, people could swap terabytes of it on USB sticks or portable drives, etc.
It's a bit too late to stop it.
>It was actually just shy of a million
Source? I know neither moot or hiroshimoot has confirmed any sums. The cuck refused to answer in his goodbye thread. I'd be amazed if it exceeded $50k. moot was open about the misery this site brought him. At times he couldn't afford the server costs. Nevermind the legal costs whenever some dipshit decided to sue him for content on Sup Forums, or the costs of being subpoena'd all day every day because people posted CP or posted credible threats. He was never able to monetize the site, and towards the end he wasn't afraid to admit that it was an impossible endeavour.
That's my ex gf you are talking to!!!!!!!!!!!
>says all that stuff in his bio
>he does the exact same thing
not defending the girls on the site but he is a hypocrite
Contraceptive pills are bad for women, makes them crazy bitches and also very bad for environment
Soon many species of fish and frogs will disappear because of the use of the chemical contraceptives.
Wants to be thought and morality police.. welcome to ISIS ladies and gents, where personal accountability and intelligence to make your own decisions is out and a regime is in place to do it for you.
If you hate porn avoid it.
Literally who
was Tupac a sage?
At least this guy gets it
Nice try you fucking kike rat
>moot was open about the misery this site brought him. At times he couldn't afford the server costs.
Perhaps in early 2008, however prior to the sell he certainly could afford it as he was backed by multiple angel investors (who subsequently went to make the flop that was
>He was never able to monetize the site
Also untrue, at least if you consider monetization outside of traditional display advertising. Running a website like Sup Forums has numerous perks and it is absolutely certain he would have received money from companies taking research from here - which is what the new owner certainly is doing. Though not publicly disclosed I can guarantee this figure will be substantial.
look up how much he raised for canvas
then realize 80% was coke budget
He didn't say that you mong
he said the realistic fact that it will keep on happening wether you ban it or not.
Take America's war on drugs: it's been going on since... the 70s? and there are just as many drugs, only a lot more blood too
>Ban porn
Why? Addicts are addicts by nature and will just fall victim to some other legal vice.
The vast majority of people cannot be trusted to make the decisions which are best for society.
In the past religion and social pressure filled the role of forcing people to respect chastity, fidelity, and monogamy. (Religious sexual precepts are not arbitrary. It's not a coincidence that every religion has basically the same ones. They are those which are conducive to civilization.) Religion pretty much dead now. We literally need morality police.
I changed my tinder profile bio to simply "Just grab her by the pussy."
Haven't gotten a single match since. Feels good man.
Fuck this is so idiotic. Know why Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, S Korea - actually fuck it just most of Asia - has practically no drug problem? HARSH, BRUTALLY ENFORCED PROHIBITION. The reason the USA is losing the drug war is they haven't tried hard enough because progs who are obsessed with apologizing for and making excuses for the shittiest parts of society won't let them.
Nah, the struggle of being able to afford server costs followed him to the very end. A couple of months before he announced the sale, everyone can remember how fucking frustrated he was. Number one, because of how much we were harrassing him. And number two, due to legal debts racking up because of some shitty lawsuit.
>Also untrue
When I say monetize, I mean in the successful sense. He stated clearly that Sup Forums passes hadn't been as successful as he had hoped, and that they barelly covered the server costs.
I do love the cuck for sticking to his principles and not selling us out though. Except the whole Sup Forums and FBI thing, but they seemed to only target CP, so I can sort of understand it.
He's our father. But there's no shame in admitting that while your father was a man of honor, he was also a fucking failure.
Hi moot, are you still a faggot?
Maybe, but who says they don't also have addicts, just that they hide themselves better?
Well I can assure you he had no problems with money, the amount raised from is public.
He could always cover server costs, he merely used that as his excuse to exit, the guy is a millionaire and has been since 2010
>google plus
lel. regardless of how much impact moot may or may not have had in it, it's hilarious that he's become attached to yet another amorphous service/thing on the internet that has no idea what purpose it serves or even what it wants to be
You can't hide dying of a drug overdose. Well, you can, but it's pretty damn hard and I really doubt anyone would go to the effort.
It's not 1:1 but there's a really strong correlation between countries with (((harm reduction))) policies and high overdoses. The very lowest overdose rate are mostly countries which will literally execute you for using.
dae fundies right??
wrong board fuck off gaybot
>the amount raised from is public
And that's fine, but he still ran the company into the dirt and they were out of cash by 2014.
>He could always cover server costs
Wouldn't surprise me if he was a lying slimy jew for all those years.
pariezi ca votezi PSD fututi familia de securisti imputiti si ma-ta aia retardata care te-o facut
Into the trash you go
Maybe. In either case, I agree both are harmful to society
But what are you trying to say with these ozzboy?
lmao stfu you faggot
Also I voted for PNL / PRM since you're asking
also mars in grajd sa imi iei boul de pula / huzz az istalloba kapd be az okor faszat
Tfw met super serious virgin gf through Tinder just by sending her music and talking about the Smiths.
I guess I just got really fucking lucky.
>on tinder
Next thing you're going to tell me that she's not like other girls, right?
Pariez că tu nici măcar nu ai mers la vot, dar vorbeşti din părţi, bulangiule !
Dute-n futere, cur spart !
yeah dude her male friends are purely platonic and she only listens to the smiths because it charges her cocksucking crystal on her choker
if a nu-male looking guy would had that in his bio he would be getting a ton "misogyny" screams from women. There is a certain power the chad has that can be helpful to get girls to join alt-right.
I'm not fucking with you guys, lmao.
I guess I'm the first guy she's comfortable doing sexual shit with.
Her parents are really conservative and Christian, her dad voted Trump, and, she has a good relationship with him.
So, yeah.
You don't have to believe me, but holy shit.
Also, that pussy is tight as fuck
Her dad taught me how to fire a 12 gauge.
Like, Tinder is absolute garbage, and I'll never use it again, I just got stupid lucky.
>I'm not fucking with you guys, lmao.
You're in for a rough lesson, my son. Just don't fucking kill yourself when it happens.
Nuke the heart of the porn industry in LA.
Oh well, ignorance in relationships is part of them, can't blame you for thinking like that.
I just really like this girl, and if we break up with her, I'll create a thread in your honor user.
Until then, semper Fi
Every man believes her girl is different. Think about that.
Good luck, though. Hope she's the 0,0001%.
his girl*
This made me kek heartily.
ce sugerezi buh tigane
Vreau o sotie romana, dar imi amintesc doar ca sunt numai degenerate si nebune
Vreau o nebuna, dar si fata mare lol
When porn was less accessible, people still found ways to get it, but they didn't waste as much time as they do now. The playboy doesn't last as long as pornhub's archives.
>I am angry that single women want to get banged out by a very attractive and in shape man.
Why is this some sort of shocking information to anyone.
>he's an alpha because of how he sounds.
That bio is a copypasta though. A bunch of different dudes have it.
good to know
Keep it on the torrent sites. Ban the streaming sites.
Reinstate religion/ideology that forbids the use porn. Show punishments on national networks, if people misconduct this doctrine.
Bonus: reward those who follow this with discipline.
I give a fuck. Literally all of these subhumans throw flags, in fact the bio matters more to me if anything because most of them are nasty looking and probably have a nasty looking roast beef flap claptrap and can't even take a dick of my size anally, let alone deepthroat, WHICH MEANS THAT sexually they're not worth anything to me and in order for me to have a reason to message them, something in their bio would have to compel me.
But I'm also banned from tinderp for putting Sup Forums psyop memes as my pictures and messaging anyone who matched with me (whomst'd've were nonwhites in 25% of cases) with "14/88 white power"
Sadly that didn't result in any hopeful candidates as they'd report me and unmatch, kek.