Operation Trump Youth

So earlier today, President Trump just gave an amazing speech in front of 40,000 people in support of Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts all booed Hillary and Obama and chanted "We Love Trump". As a result, the MSM and the left are equating the boy scouts to Hitler youth. Well, the goal of this operation is simple.

Goal: To meme the Boy Scouts of America into being listed by the ADL as a "white supremacist organization".

The opportunity is now lads.



To further discredit the MSM and the Left's paranoia.

learn how to balance a checkbook, how to cook, how to not be 100% lazy fuck. it is already half way there.

Fuck off you retard

I would love to bait the MSM and the extreme left into further attacking the Boy Scouts.

I was a scout and it helped me to become a better and more self reliant person. Definitely a blessing on my life. Anyone who attacks the scouts is an evil person.

Let's do this.

My name is user and I support this message

Let's see how idiotic these useful idiots can be

Scout Pepe's, design award badges for jimmy rustling etc

lets do dis

Very not smart people.

Fucking good plan. If we want to survive we need to out jew the jew

The irony in this post...

The BSA is something people here on Sup Forums could EASILY support and change in their own community. It is a huge organization but also poor and run by volunteers which mean WE CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE IT. I made a thread about it last night. We can't complain about the BSA being pussified (which it is) if we won't step in when we can. I KNOW there are a lot of former scouts here. Step in! Get involved in your local council!

>Let's see how idiotic these useful idiots can be
So what does this achieve exactly? Besides alienating half of the country from Boy Scouts?



Why not include other races into the Boy Scouts.

Better to win the culture war through hearts and minds.

>1 post by this ID
there's no irony in that post, faggot

All colors are allowed dingus.

But usually only whited or some asians actually do it

Why is this neocon globalist cuck still worshipped over at Sup Forums? Didn't we make a pact that the redditers from r/the_donald contain themselves over at /ptg/?

With his entire administration in utter fucking chaos, you know, Spicer, Sessions, Kushner, and now rumors of Rex leaving, I think Trump has more urgent issues than autistic boy scouts

pol seems quite unmotivated lately to organize more war against libtards. Is Pepe on the 7th day, resting?

So boredz without purpose...

They should label it a hate group. That video of Trump today looked like a Hitler Youth rally. He uses codewords like heritagr and duty to hide white pride nonsense. I am scared. These are frightening times. We sould alert the ADL to this fascist white supremicist danger.

>I am scared.
They're coming for you, user

Plus with the sexism of the toxic masculine enviroment of the boy scouts, it is no wonder they cheer and salute a racist fascist leader like Trump.

They are already rounding up buman beings they declare illegal.

How long until they start rounding up loberals and people who oppose their fascism?

And the boyscouts are cheering this?

We should note all these things in our letters to the ADL. It is scary. Let the ADL know how scared we are of Trump brainwashing these little Hitler youths.

The blade of the righteous


I think it's funny anyway. Historic touch, plus the absurdity of people thinking Trump is Hitler and all that.


>implying they are wrong


Would scare normies away at this point. Concern shill thread

basically everyone who has the capacity to think for themselves already recognizes that the MSM is not credible and serves only as mind control.

If you're over the age of 25-30 (30 is pushing it) in current year and you're not "woke" you're almost certain to never be woke, barring a major and acute psychological event.

the only thing this would do would be spend a lot of energy to punish a bunch of innocent children for being associated with what 1/2 of people would then consider to be a white supremacist organization.

people who are not "woke" generally do not have the capacity to think for themselves. they do not have the ability to think critically. for those that came of age in the 1990's, the "thinking critically" is a joke meme but it's real. most people can't do it.

look at that interview with that surgeon that douglas adams did recently. the guy literally did not have a single thing to say that he didn't hear from the MSM, he had no ability to think critically despite (or perhaps because of) going through all the schooling required to become a surgeon.

whereas nearly everything Scott Adams said in that interview was more or less unique and well thought out, because Scott actually has the ability to think independently and analyze events without any third party input. the other guy literally would not know what to think if someone didn't prime him first.

I like this idea.

>meme war

>boi pussy (scouts)

I too like them young. You give me nice BJ and i will give you a nice medal.

Begone leaf! Don't make me get my rake! Hiss!

>still supporting (((Trump))) even after he's shown time and again he's just another good goy
fucking Reddit

It's so sad. And practically 60 percent of people are like this. And they vote. Makes me worry for Trump 2020 and taking back the world from the globalist schlomos. How to btfo brainwashed normies?


I look forward to when Trump militarizes his youth brigade. We need them to help out when the Day of the Rope comes.

>douglas adams

Meme flags should be a bannable offense.
Hello lefty/pol/.

Trump: the saviour of American jobs.

Did I not say that meme flags should be a bannable offense? Everyone knows American states like Texas, California or Canada don't deserve their own flags here.

I wouldn't be opposed to a commiefornia flag if it was actually a forced "geographic location" flag, and not a selectable disguise.

That would be rude to those poor Americans who are in California for travel.

Bump this shit.

>hey goyim, you, your ancestors and every institution you hold dear are nazis
>why won't these suburban retards vote for us, but against their own interests?

>douglas adams did recently
What did he mean by this?

No more rude than it is for all the americans in japan for travel, and they stand out less than californians do.

Eh, fair point.
It'd also be nice to have separate flags for, say, Eastern and Western Germaines. Eastern Germans have a habit of turning out to be either full-on Russians or just Russian-speaking and having Russian beliefs. It's kinda fun, seeing them struggle to not be called Ahmed-loving cock gobblers.

>Redpills White Children

Untermensch detected. Report to your nearest Fusion center at once.

I'm watching this right now and it feels honestly like full-fuckin Nuremberg mode.
