I don't get it. If the economy and technology are more efficient than ever, why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago? Shouldn't all of us be living awesome lives by now?
I don't get it. If the economy and technology are more efficient than ever...
GDP is an absolutely worthless way to measure the quality of life for the middle class average man. Despite the fact that lefty faggots rage about income inequality, they aren't entirely wrong that it is making life worse for people like you and I. There is a higher GDP but so much of it never reaches the people.
Its not. There are more nice things so your money is spread thinner.
The people on top do have awesome lives
The people like us, who have daily incomes that are more than likely 10% of the top 1%'s average meal price, we don't have shit
Blame the baby boomers
We should.
Ordinary people do not benefit much from GDP increases anymore. Wages didn't keep up with the elite enriching themselves.
There are a few issues with GDP though. It doesn't necessarily represent "good" things. Get sick? Treatment and medicine increases GDP. Population all sicker? GDP increases. Get a divorce? Lawyer is a service. GDP increases. Products crappily made and only last a few years instead of decades like before? More products are "consumed" and GDP increases.
We didn't progress as much as it might seem. We're under a lot of hidden taxes and forced consumption.
More and more expenditure on the military and a giant debt is also a big problem. It's all part of a plan to dominate the world's financial system though.
The truest part about this is the products don't last as long so more is consumed
But also this is partially attributable to increasing technology (e.g. Replacing a lawn mower that should've lasted 10 years instead of 2 vs replacing a laptop for its inferior gaming capabilities after 2 years)
We are living awesome lives you ungrateful twat. Look around you, then look at the third world
When the first world has to measure its success by the relation to the third world, you know your country has stagnated.
>then look at the third world
You know things are going to shit when that's what you have to compare yourself to.
>why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago?
According to whom lmao? You need to stop listening to Trump acting like america is failing, that was all campaign rhetoric to paint Obama as a horrible president. Poor people in the US are fat and have several tvs and gaming systems. We are currently in unprecedented levels of universal wealth and prosperity.
This is why you have nothing in life. Stop blaming others for your own failures
Everything is cheaper except for housing, medical, and education.
Cars are slightly more expensive but far more involved with more technology.
If you inherited a house or got one when the market was in the toilet you are living a kick ass life. My household is single income because there is nothing left to buy.
>being greatful
No bitch, There is more out there, I deserve more of it.
>a "poor" person having internet, cable, fixed up cars, fast food everyday, running water and electricity, along with their multiple subscriptions is worst than 50 years ago
Oh no...
You realize that the top 1% is not a fixed group of people?
Only ~25% of the "1%ers" will be in the top 1% for longer than a year.
Infact, allmost 50% of Americans will be in the top 10% at some point in their lives
Your argument is thus, invalid.
Yeah because a lot of them are NEETs living with their parents.
Way too many NEETs. A lot are considered "unemployable" in the current job market. This shouldn't ever be a thing.
Way too many people with 2 or 3 part time jobs with no future. They'd rather be NEETs.
There is A LOT of dissatisfaction and Trump won for a damn good reason.
The money supply is not equal to principal. The dollar isn't backed by the nation's wealth.
M2, the broadest descriptor of the "money supply" is only 10.5 trillion. It I'd less than the annual gdp.
We have it better than about 97% of humanity and every other living creature on earth. I will never complain about what I have.
The Ponzi is optimized to siphon off as much as possible for the oligarchs who own the banks. We experience that as everything being "so expensive". Borrowers/cucks borrow as much as possible and bid up the price of everything with all their borrowed money. Then they pay interest for the rest of their lives.
Honestly accurate. Lifestyle and quality of living is staggeringly high, even compared to our parents. Tech is ridiculously cheap.
The money supply is equal to the principal of the loans that create the money supply.
Banks create new money out of thin air when they make loans.
Loans create deposits.
(Many people falsely believe that deposits come before loans.)
Please read The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Also read Web of Debt.
"Dissatisfaction" is extremely relative. I guarantee you that most blue collar workers would not trade their quality of life now for how it would have been 50 years ago.
I'd say most of the dissatisfaction stems from jealousy that the digital age has brought about from everyone being able to display their "fabulous" live as well as jealousy from the increase in wealth disparity of the richest and the poorest
Because of the percentage of the economy invested in finance and gov as opposed to useful areas such as sci, medicine and engineering.
it's top-heavy
There are broader measures of money supply than M2.
There is M3, M4, L, MM, etc.
When I say "money supply" I mean all money created out of thin air by commercial banks when they make new loans for any purpose.
The only reason we have it better is because we protect what we have and we do what we have to do to remain a wealthy, prosperous nation, and to keep on progressing.
If you're not willing to fight for this, you do not belong here.
It's worse than that.
Debt is counted as GDP
I don't fucking know why, but it is. You take out a loan - that's counted as GDP growth. You spend the loan money on some goods - that's counted as GDP growth too. (That's twice the GDP growth for once the money) then you have "GDP growth" from the interest you have to pay back on the loan.
Real GDP, without all this jew bullshit, is probably 1/10th what the GDP stats claim.
Your post makes me hate Jews even more. Thank you, user.
None of those measures have anything to do with the federal reserve.
The image I responded to conflates meanings and is outright dishonest.
You need to day that total debt exceeds total money supply. It's easier to understand and is more honest.
oh and technically, aren't each of us in like, 67k worth of debt?
how come there was a small surplus under clinton?
Ponzi scheme social security, debt based economy.
>be 1 person out of 7 billion
>could have been born in any country in the world
>born in the wealthiest nation in the history of human existence
>"Why don't I have more stuff?"
Neck yourselves
1) Inflation
2) Your options for shit you wanted was severely lacking compared to today so your funds were far easier to manage and group
Did you have a computer with the internet 50 years ago? Pretty sure computers cost more than your house back then.
Absolute ass backward retarded way of thinking.
People like you should hang from the wall.
This is why nationalism needs to make a come back. We'll turn into the third world with too many people with this retarded mindset.
The plight of shitskins doesn't mean I should be happy with kikes ruining my country.
Thank-you. I have retired nicely on a pension drawn on your future earnings. I don't deserve it, but I do appreciate it.
Explain, kekfaggot
>I deserve
medicine would not even exist if eugenics had not been stopped by (((allied forces))) :)
Like what, you fucking petulant child?
I like making up stuff too. Did you know 90% of pol is just underage fucktards?
We kind of already do, though.
The fact that every nigger has a cell phone is proof enough.
Did you think that in the race to the bottom, corporations are NOT gonna cut corners literally everywhere they can AND try to turn you into a stupid, obese drone?
Your "country" is the ground zero for SO MUCH SHIT, I pray every day Putin really did plant underwater nukes around the US, and will soon wipe your jew-infested, multi-cultural shithole off the map. Americans are scum on the level of non-whites.
>I don't get it. If the economy and technology are more efficient than ever, why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago?
Decades of neoliberal indoctrination.
>I don't get it. If the economy and technology are more efficient than ever, why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago?
GDP growth was once tethered to increase in production of goods and services. Growth was good and steady and benefited most people. However, sometime around 1960s or 70s, a discovery was made about the magic of finacilization and debt. The Federal Reserve under Greenspan discovered through careful manipulation of rates, and the abandonment of strict monetary discipline, GDP could be engineered to skyrocket on the back of massive debt. Debt began to change from being a carefully managed risk to a way of life. Debt was used for all sorts of purchases, subsidized by the Fed and its control of the interest rates. This massive credit liquidity created a culture of consumerism creating a excess demand and ballooning GDP and the economy. And in the short run, it worked, and improved the lives of everyone. However, once an economic downturn occurred, the massive flaws of this plan became apparent: If debt cannot be paid back, then the whole house of cards crumbles. Thus, in order to ensure that the system would continue to prosper, The Fed began taking ever more extreme measures to prevent even the slightest correction in markets, through the use of greater debt manipulation. Interest Rates steadily but surely drove ever lower while inflation remained constant. Sound money practices such as the gold standard began to break down. As more and more debt was being piled into the economy, the income of the debtors began to shrink faster and faster. Not only did wages depress due to the Fed mandated inflation targets, but slowly plummeting interest rates killed the value of labor over time as the dollar earned today would be a fraction tomorrow, but above all debt began to take an ever larger stream of money out of the workers pocket to pay those who held access to money: The Banks.
>why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago?
What are you talking about? Even the poorest people live better lives than the average person 50 years ago.
Quick version:
>(((they))) instituted the Federal Reserve in 1913, thus commanding the currency
>1972-79 (((they))) remove gold standard, sending inflation soaring
>(((their))) cronies in gubment, worried about their own power, continue to fiddle with the economy to offset the negative effects of these two actions
>meanwhile, inflation is rampant
>they offset it with every Jewish trick they can think of, using Keynes' handbook more or less
>technology just so happens to help them keep it under control
>economy is crumbling, only gubment printing and tomfoolery keeping everything afloat as of this thread
If you want to understand listen to Peter Schiff, Molymeme's econ videos, and any other Austrian economics source you can find. What you are describing is one symptom of an unimaginably huge series of problems in the global economy. It's like asking why you have a cough when you've had full blown AIDS for 2 decades.
My opinion for Europe in general is Territory is getting smaller. Lebensbraum if you will. If every country was size of Russia i doubt it would be hard to afford homes. Also bad economic handling
You forgot the part where, due to inflation, your money keeps getting worth less and less, while they can use bank fu to make more and more money for themselves, offsetting the inflation.
That's productivity vs wages, but I bet if you compared effort vs wages, the curve for effort would be sloping down
it's because you buy starbucks everyday
a good third of your productivity is siphoned off for boomers so they can retire in comfort and luxury while you inherit a country in which you have been made an ethnic minority and are expected to repay ruinous levels of debt.
But its not. Only healthcare, collage and childcare 3 areas where the government is involved are more expensive
wew this is stupid. because you create value with what you spend the money on, unless your some sort of casual bottom feeder. buy 10 balloons for a buck, sell those 10 balloons folded up as balloon animals for a buck each. viola, with a 1 buck loan, youve made 10 bucks.
Notice how the stuff that all increased besides college tuition and textbooks and arguably, childcare, are all basically essential needs.
Notice how they're all subsidized by the government
>subsidized by the govt. in the US
Most are still private loans even if they are guaranteed by the govt.
Here we have mostly public education and yet it's relatively affordable.
Healthcare is also a joke, Americans end up paying more in taxes per capita for their private healthcare than most countries with publicly funded healthcare.
You're also forgetting housing which is again funded by private debt and while you can argue that the govt. "forced" banks to lend, the problem of high private debt levels and inflated asset prices runs much deeper than >muh govt.
This is so true. In fact, most of the 1% are ordinary people who just had a spike of income in a single year, maybe due to selling assets like a house or something.
1% is a meme.
Look at 0.1%+ and most importantly where your primary income comes from, wages or capital gains and other.
Inequality has gone up and the quality of life for the middle class relative to the "rich" has certainly gone down along with social mobility.
Inflation. Our money means nothing since the gold standard ended.
GDP is probably the most retarded economical measurement ever made
Interesting, thanks for sharing.
>The population's concerns with money have moved from "I don't think we can afford food this month" to "I don't think we can afford the new iPhone this month"
>OP somehow sees this as a sign of a lessened standard of living
>Waaah Im a stupid fucking millenial who chose art over CE/Law/medicine
If youre well educated you can easily afford more stuff. Salaries have been rising for these fields
>B but law is oversaturated
Your fault for going to a shit school.
Maybe you dumbfucks shoulf have realized that education is the key. Their productivity has gone up along with salaries
>You take out a loan - that's counted as GDP growth.
It's not.
GDP = c+i+g+x-z
GDP might be "a bit" inaccurate but not for that reason.
Debt is an issue for a different reason, it drives demand and thus stimulates growth in the short to mid term but once it stops growing it causes a decrease in demand and a crisis.
Most of our(western) post WWII growth has been due to a rising level of private debt.
>pic related, private debt levels in the US
When growth is statistically down, inequality is up, cost of basic necessities up, etc. you can't just blame
>muh dumb millenials
The economy is objectively broken and it's a systematic issue.
>The economy is objectively broken and it's a systematic issue.
I never said that we system is perfect, I was just arguing against the point of things being "harder to afford"
Over the last 50 years we've gone from a market in which a big commodity purchase per household was ordinary YEARLY, to a world in which everyone has half a dozen fucking packages from Amazon on their doorstep every single day.
What counts as "disposable" income has increased dramatically, the concern of starving or dying as a direct consequence of poverty is an all-time low, and in general you're allowed to fuck around a lot more and for longer, with less dramatic consequences, when compared to 50 years ago.
You can't just pick a random statistic and expect it to create a whole reality.
>"education is the key"
Experience is the key, you won't do anything with the education if you can't apply the education. That's why Finnish engineering education has gone through sink, people doesn't have experience and diploma engineers are doing the jobs of regular engineers nowadays.
t man with a useless degree
You can buy more crap from china. Houses and land are far more expensive then in the past. People nowdays live in small apartments like animals and call its "good" life
(((they))) robed us
You're right. Relative deprivation is a huge issue
>i am grateful for what i have
>I am not starving so why should i complain
>other people live worse than me why should i complain
Man, christians really are cucked ha...You goys are morons. You maybe pretend you are not religious but you are still christian cucks letting rich fuckheads rule over you like slaves.
Why do you have to bring this to the complete opposite extreme?
No one is saying that everything is fine, just that claiming that the middle class is doing worse than 50 years ago is retarded
>What counts as "disposable" income has increased dramatically
Education, healthcare and housing have all gone up as a share of income with no noticeable improvements in quality.
Most of the growth since around 80s has passed the average American.
>haha you can buy an iPhone now look at how much better you have it than your grandparents who could buy a house with ~3 years worth of income
The jew is right, you are all dumb goys too blind to see the obvious.
>berlusconi passes bye and spits in your face.
Its not retarded you moron. Maybe in Italy although the fact berlusconi was prime minister surely cant mean good things.
In the US real wages have stagnated and women were forced to go to work.
Back then you could support an entire family with a single middle class provider.
Now two can barely make ends meet.
Keep salving away, oh and keep your head down, dont dare look the rich rulers in the eyes, you are not worthy you scum.
Well engineering is a shitty major to study in the first place, its no wonder. No job growth,poor salaries and looming danger from outsourcing/automation. Hell, only way to advance your career is to go into sales/managment which isnt what you even studied in the first place
Jew to a goy is like white man to a nigger. But I'm pretty sure many of those "its joos" are false flags to discredit actual thruths about rich elite actions.
all that new money is inflation, we are just keeping up.
learn economy kiddo
haha bibi is cucking your economy hard
his proposal to improve economy was to legalize casinos, how could you elect such a retard?
I envy the third world. They can have shelter that they don't have to work their entire lives to afford. They have women who bear them offspring. They don't have big brother breathing down their neck every minute.
If I could join the third world I would. What does the first world offer me? Crushing debt and electronic gizmos?
>false flags to discredit actual thruths about rich elite actions
Tbh I'm almost at the point of blaming the economic situation on the incompetence of the Neoclassicals in the Fed and Central Banks in general and not any organized action.
Even Austrians coming into power would be more beneficial at this point.
>Everything is cheaper except for housing, medical, and education
So everything is cheaper except the things that matter which are orders of magnitude more expensive. Great.
the third world have higher growth rate than america
no such thing as the third world anymore, its just some myth. google some modern africa and see for yourself
Bill Bryce criticises the GDP for those exact reasons in one of his books. He made an absurd example where he shoes how enviromental pollution, debt, war and similiar things inflate the GDP when in fact they reduce the populations quality of life.
IIRC he explained how it is better for the GDP to cause pollution and then have it somewhat repaired/renaturalized instead of just trying to avoid pollution in the first place.
As far as I know all their growth is fueled and eaten up by their rising population. Absolute growth =/= per capita growth. Their cake does not grow as fast enough as their appetite so to say.
Growth doesn't mean shit if you start from mud huts and eating 1 potato a day.
GDP/capita growth in the 3rd world is higher than in developed countries, it's just easier to grow if you have nothing.
Learn to fucking spell you ungrateful nigger
back to melbourne with you, cunt
>I don't get it. If the economy and technology are more efficient than ever, why is it harder to afford nice things than it was 50 year ago?
wtf are you talking about?
I'm 35 and I have a house, three cars, a robot that mows my lawn, 2 flat screen TVs, multiple streaming packages, and I go out of town for a weekend of fun every month.
My father was making TWICE that at my age, and he only had 2 cars, both of which he bought in full used because he couldn't handle a car payment, a house who's mortgage was roughly only 30% more than mine, and one 20 inch TV in the whole house.
The high dollar items have been getting nicer specifically so they can stay high dollar.
35 years ago, high end watched would cost you a few hundred dollars
Today, we have high end smart watches that cost the same.
Hell, even look at how much nicer are cars are.
nope, becouse more people like niggers spics and people also want these nice things, the point is all these people no want this things when the technology and that just increased a little so there is more offer than demand so demand rises
It's because the growth of wealth is unequal
The quality of life for the upper tier is expanding by leaps and bounds. But for the lower tier is contracting and getting more and more difficult
>GDP might be "a bit" inaccurate
GDP is on principle an OK way to make a rough guess at the productivity of a national economy.
But in practice, it is often stupid because it counts retard economic activity & waste just as much as useful economic activity - the best example being China
>under Deng, Chinese bureaucrats are told to pursue GDP at all costs
>it's basically the same idea as pursuing producing backyard furnaces at all costs or sparrow killing at all costs under Mao, just a bit less retarded
>GDP growth helps Party goons with their careers as it has become synonymous with "development"
>issue credit
>spend money on materials: GDP growth!
>build some new apartments/roads or produce some steel/export manufactures: GDP growth!
>sell this shit: GDP growth!
>at first this helps build up the efficiency of China's economy and quality of life of people
>but then they began to pursue GDP growth for its own sake and the model became:
>issue credit
>buy materials: GDP growth
>build apartments we don't need or steel and solar panels we can't sell: GDP growth
>issue more credit so speculators can buy it: GDP growth
>no worthwhile economic activity created - just debt and malinvestment... but we need that "growth" so... issue more credit and repeat
>build more shit nobody needs: more GDP growth
>issue more credit so speculators can buy it: more GDP growth
>and while you're at it, issue more credit so that various inefficient businesses can make interest payments on their loans - saving them from bankruptcy
>all this credit is pushing up prices so we can claim the "value" of our shitty concrete boxes is increasing exponentially
>huge GDP growth continues! No "bad news" as big companies are basically protected from defaulting by never-ending credit expansion!
>in reality of course, what you actually have is a huge infrastructure bubble, industrial overcapacity and it all "paid for" by non-performing loans
mate, you're using a device that people in the 90s wouldn't have even dreamed of. your car is beyond anything the POTUS would have been able to acquire in the 90s.