I suspect that he's not being totally genuine here but I cant put my finger on it. what do you think?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm confident he has antisocial personality disorder or something of the sort desu
that weird perpetual smile is creepy as af
he is a jew and therefore our enemy
The guy owns the biggest data mining site on the planet, he cooperates with governments to track down "hate speech offenders" that criticize immigration policy and is the enemy of anyone who gives a shit about privacy or freedom of expression.
This man is not anyone's friend.
>a super rich man who just shows up in lolsorandom places
>but luckily always has a camera crew there
>gee, I wonder if this is contrived
No shit it's not genuine! Mark Zuckerberg has all the sincerity of one of those shitty Hallmark movies where the socially stunted millionaire tries to buy his way into a family for the holidays to have a "real" Christmas.
he's just an autist who got lucky and is now trying to fit in
you shouldn't worry about that.
First we need to figure out if he is Human.
He is a fucking kike you idiot. Everything you see in his public life is fake. His entire existence is just to gather information on the goyim with kikebook.
he has the disorder that makes him a sociopath
He seems very cucked by his wife
She was working on a Sunday?
Trophy job
he's a fuckin creeper.
He is Roman.
The Jews tried to imitate the Romans for 500 years.
That the """European""" Jews look Roman is not a coincidence.
Mark Zuckerberg is a Caligula Clone, created by the Free Masons to rule the world.
I just don't know. he seems like a normal down to Earth dude, but he's a Jew.
He's trying to humanize himself (which is impossible because he's Jewish) since he's planning to run for president in 2020.
He's a spergy anti-social jew. Probably very arrogant too like any other jew. He probably thinks acting like this is normal so it seems like facade to some.
hes trying real hard
"everyone likes that" referring to beer...
He's building political capital for a future campaign. Hope he never succeeds.
Post the one with the human machine car... you know... the one
He's a good goy. Don't worry about him user.
He is a fucking kike you retard.
"whatre you doing"
he asks his wife like 3-5 times annoyingly. trying so hard to seem likee a chill guyfrat bro.
def bi sexual too
>not hooktubing this kike
I watched about a minute of that live broadcast. Zuckerberg is a legit contender for Reptillian, no wonder he married an insect person.
You can hear his fake human voice give way to hid reptillian voice at 7:00 when he says 'um'.
What something seems to be and what something actually is are oft very different. You have to ask yourself: Why the sudden interest in the US outside of Silicon Valley? And the answer is two-fold: research and exposure. Research on why their team lost in 2016, what appeals to the various groups in those states, and how to act less alien to them. Exposure is just exposure. See the man and the face beyond the movie that was very critical of him. Every person uses faceberg, and he wants to expose the man behind it to comfort them.
It's all an act.
He's smart but he needs to lay off the fake social stuff. It's clear the people around him suck up or are yes people who ignore it.
I actually find him likeable just for being very intelligent and "trying" to connect. I don't get the hate. People like this are more valuable to a society than almost anyone else.
Faceberg pretends to be nice?
>Is Mark Zuckerberg a nice guy or just pretending.
>A millionaire liberal race trading jew
I wonder....
"Those Dumb Mother Fuckers Trust Me"
His wife absolutely hates him. His daughter will hate him, too.
Rich people are rich because at some point on their lives they were ruthless. Theres no way around it. Its just the way it is.
Zuckerberg stole facebooks idea from both a couple of his friends and the initial concept of Myspace.
Gates bought MS DOS for like 60 bucks or whatnot and, along with Jobs, stole a Xerox OS concept to build windows/mac OS. They are not pioneers. They are there because they ran over others.
Why does he look like nerd?
he is some wierd jewish demon from some ultra jew dimension
he is the product of a millennium's worth of kike witchcraft
don't trust anything this fool says
remember that VR deal?
they unloaded oculus on him just as a funny joke.
the people who did it fully knew they were ripping him off, and it was done just to teach him a lesson of how naive and stupid he is, and to warn him to stay the fuck away from real technology
let the facebook jew pretend he owns social media or something
swear to god that kike better pay me several million dollars if he knows whats good for him
I've actually never heard him speak
>google Mark Zuckerberg
>watch Harvard commencement speach
This guy is a turbo dork.
I think he's autistic. They're not quite human you know.
Jesus Christ, he's worth billions yet lives where you can hear freeway/road noise and has a fence 2 feet away from a couple of redwoods as his back yard. What a fuckin dick.
Pic is NOT his home
Is he using a smoker? I smoke meats all the time. WTF I love jews now?
He's literally an aspie
in what sense is he smart though?
he doesn't actually do any of the work to build facebook, and he couldn't do it on his own
he stole the idea originally
it was an idea literally everyone else was doing
he knew Jews who would invest and his parents were loaded to begin with
since then he's done nothing except serve advertisers and fuel consumption, cause terminal cancer to the internet, and help the CIA
on top of that he wants to niggerfy the entire world
he might be smarter than the average chump, but what exactly does he posess that is so gamechanging to the world?
what does he plan to do that will impact anyone positively?
literally anyone can walk up and take money from his dumb bitch ass.
as long as he thinks he buying the future in some way
like you can sell him a hawaian time share from 2039 and he will seriously live in it
>haha just smoking some meats goys
>look at my fence im a suburbanite just like you!
He wants "you dumb fuckers" to like him...or at least not be alarmed by him.
He looks like one of those alien Jews, kinda reminds me of pic-related who I always see on CSPAN
Yes, goyim. No deceit here.
Zuccs smile is so fake. His face creeps me out like hes not human.
Zuckerberg you say?
Pick one
He's a born liar and thief.
He creeps me the fuck out.
I dont think he has autism, its something more sinister.
Ive met a lot of autistic neckbears in my time, but this is something else entirely.
I mean, I get that autism, asperger or whatever the fuck you want to call it is a (((condition)))... but, to be so oblivious as to how retarded and fake he looks when he does this pathetic attempt at the fratbro normal guy shit is just beyond me.
I mean, he's trying to run for politics and shit, he's obviously spending time with a trainer, PR folks, psychologist and all kinds of other bullshit to alter his behaviors and the way he presents himself. Being autistic, this means he has actually spent time analyzing videos of himself doing stuff like this, past interviews, etc.
This therefore means that he either does not see how fake and retarded he looks when he does the act, or that he thinks he can alter his behaviors sufficiently enough overtime by training to at some point appear normal pulling the act.
I would say it's the later, and being as autistic as he is, he is probably starting this early because he knows he will need a lot of training to break his autism before 2020.
His streams look comfy desu. I think we should join them.
>you will never make Bug Bucks coaching autists on how to appear normal
This is not just autism, this is psychopathy. He has a look of a total psychopath. I don't even want to know what goes inside his demented head
>absurdly high IQ city Jew pretending to be a rural and suburban retard
for what purpose
Like Jared Kushner, he is a grey Alien
3..2..1.. & thread 404's
He just doesnt care if the goyim live or die when he enslaves them with his perfect algorithms
A PR stunt to attempt to seem genuine and a "normal" guy. The only thing some people could ever relate to this guy is his sociopath tendencies. Frankly, I'm surprise anyone can believe this autist after he stole the idea of Facebook from the Winklevoss twins.
hes as slimey as they come
>good afternoon. burgers
>i'm just grillin some meats over here
>totally not having a soy based vegan meal lol
>love me some ribs and beer
>btw vote 4 me
He needs to get Clinton'd
Keep an eye on this faggot anons. He's been preaching a lot lately, especially about UBI. ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. Walking disaster and complete joke in politics. Pro tip: he will be spying on you to better his chances like the cuck he is.
He's trying to build an image for his future run for president, that's why turned religious all of a sudden as well.
i can't wait for one of the Trump kids to demolish Zuckerberg with pro memes and rare pepes. can you imagine Ivanka cucking this fag in a presidential debate? he will start literally shaking and jump out of his human suit and reveal his true form.
Mark is a pretty cool guy. The fact that he allowed the Facebook movie to portray him as an asshole is evidence of that. I'm not saying he's not an intolerable asshole, I'm just saying that at least he respects that peoples opinions. Right? Right? G-guys?
tell me those posts are faked,please.
How fucking old are you dude
It's not "coincidental". He's openly touring the country to "understand the common peoples needs" while his own employees barely scrape by and have no health insurance.
He's running for pres and he thinks he's smart in building a nice track record for a year or three before he anounces it.
That's why he made those basic income "money for everyone" comments as well.
Everything he does is calculated. He's a classic sociopath that lacks emotion and attempts to parrot human behavior. There isn't a single video where he's smiling or joking where it isn't a consious effort to look nice and likable.
You don't want to know.
Zuck is cute when he tries to be human.
Remember that this is a guy who gave trump shit for wanting to build a wall, then built a huge wall of his own on his property
No he isnt.
I remember watching a documentary about privacy, that fucked showed up and it detailed how unprivate Facebook is, it showed him insulting his users, calling them all "Dumbfucks".
And when the camera crew recorded outside his home, he threw a tizzy fit, the second the camera man told him the camera was off (it wasn't) he instantly changed and began smiling and invited them for dinner.
How to prevent the goyim from seeing through his act. All other objectives are secondary
zuck is a total psychopath, he's also a jew which means he's very neurotic
>hello fellow whites, I too like burgers and chillin'
>I'm not part of some massive globalist conspiracy to flood your countries with simple-minded niggers, and brainwash your populace to be servants to our new world order or anything
dumping zuccs
Oh wow did you guys know Priscilla miscarried his demon spawn three times?
Holy shit. Are these real?
He has some Hillary-tier acting.
he looks and sounds like a lizard
> (OP)
We need to make sure his kid finds Elliot Roger's manifesto.
he has strong 'how do you do, fellow humans' vibes. kind of like hilldog but even worse since he's an internet autist.
If he was a nice guy, he wouldn't have had to start Facebook to stalk the girl e had a crush on in college.
hold up is he having a fucking kid?
Thanks for reminding me to start making Reptilian Overlordberg 2020 memes when I get home tonight cunt.
Zuckposters are almost as annoying as Laurenposters and every Zuck thread needs to be burned to the fucking ground.
Inb4 MAGA yeah nah all you freaks on Trump's dick need to fuck off too.
Hey guys, just enjoying a nice BB&J with my wife and the friends, all American classical American BB&J
I really do hope you vote for me next time in the 2020 election. I really, really hope all my beautiful friends out there choose life over death.