not even once
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Remind me about the Canadian founding figures of quantum mechanics and modern chemistry
Germans fucked over the rest of us! Nice BLM flag BTW. Israeli?
>inb4 "martin luther did nothing wrong".
Fucking anglos and frogs are subhumans
He didnt
>starting WW1
Kek, it was started by serbs and austria-hungary
So thaaaaat's why Hitler hated the Austro-Hungarian empire...
>Be romans
>invade germanic land for hundreds of years
>enslave the population
>get shit kicked in
>2 colonies vs half of the world
>thinks he made a point
The whole point of WW1 was that you wanted more colonies and were upset because you were late to the party
Fucking Kraut. Catholicism and the Orthodox church is the only true Christianity. Good job ruining it which lead to retarded evangelicals and mega churches.
The real reason was that the German military wanted to #btfo of Russia before she industrialized.
conquering niggers, chinks and leafs is not like conquering Europe
Those were Jewish and Swedish.
Brits took those colonies after WW1.
The real reasons was that all those retarded monarchs had these fancy new machine guns, planes, submarines and chemical weapons and wanted to try them to show each other who had the biggest cock
We didn't even start the war, it was the Kikeburgs. We never should've allied them and instead take Britain/Russia as a ally to fuck 'em over and unite Germany without getting destroyed first. But muh "I don't want to kill fellow germans" mindset ruined everything. We were not ready for radical action and kike infiltrated too (but to a lesser degree) and we suffered for it. NEVER TRUST A JEW,
I didn't know they had american education in Australia.
romans never conquered germany, kraut. you forest niggers where quite good when fighting in your forests.
> inbred mongoloids comin' from east pwn germanic forest nigger tribes
>roman empire (decaying because of corruption and various other reasons)allows you in
>you turn full pajeet and start raping everything that has a hole
>with roman armies away you start plundering and razing
>also infight and fight with each other after you settle down
"we defeated ze roman empire ya"
You forgot your fake flag LEAF
>implying 99% of those colonies consist of """people""""
>Start raping everything
and here comes eternal kraut, dindu nuffin of europe
it is never his fault, he only wants best for everybody
>illegally invading
as opposed to totally legal invasion of golan heights by jews?
Romans cinquered most of southern germany but were btfo by based cherusci during further advances into western germany
Im not claiming germans conquered rome, (but technically they did) they invaded at the right time, picked up the remains of the roman empire and basically founded france ,england and spain
>everyone was barbarous at 1 point or another. luckly the Germans became civilized quicker than most others.
>setting back progress hundreds of years.
Dumbass, the roman republic fell due to their own incompetence. They were expansionist, and when they captured all the easy targets in Europe, they had no choice but to wait as their economy slowly crumpled around them.
>desu I have no idea wtf that second one means. Maybe the Peoples Crusade? If so, they were dirty, uneducated peasants. The cities they came to should've slaughtered them the second they let their guard down, and not appease them for hopes of defusing the situation.
>send europe into hundreds of years of pointless wars preparing it for more muslim invasions.
Nigga please. Do you have any idea what the catholic church was doing to people back then? Of course you don't; they declared anybody who bothered them a witch and burned them at the stake. They, no-joke, killed 4-7 million (if wikipedia is to be believed). Even if Martin started a war (he didn't fuckwit; they just excommunicated him after he ran off from the catholic church-court once he realized he couldn't reason with those elitist dickheads).
>drag everyone into a pointless bloody gruesome war based on shakey grounds
Please remind me of what the Irish Revolution is again, anglo-nigger.
desu, there's no defending that next one. If I wanna try i'd say every nation has it's downturns...
>we're going to send millions of arab muslims to irreversibly change the demographic.
Pick a side leaf-boy, do you hate Hitler or love him. Can't exactly portray hitler as dirty and evil when you state the exact opposite 30 seconds later.
>inb4 german appologist
And here comes still butthurt pole still leeching of german advancements on rightfull german land since he is not able to create anything by himself
Most people on Sup Forums believe they can see through jewish tricks and love Adolf + NatSoc and still hate germany. WTf
Romans -> Degenerate, ready to be wiped off
Catholicism/Christianity -> Kike induced, kike controlled (Jesuits, Vatican)
4th Crusade -> Venice
WW1 -> Kikeburgs, Kike Media
WW2 -> Chur-Shill, Roosevelt, Sovjewts etc
Merkel -> WW2 induced, Kike Media
(You) deserve to be genocided
>when confronted with reality, kraut accuses everybody else of it's own shortcomings
How is life in your commieblock as the nigger of europe?
Germans are good people. They're just going through some weird shit right now.
>Be Germany
>Start WW1 and lose
>Have to pay reparations for destroying France and Belgium
>REEE THIS IS HORRIBLE (disregarding much worse terms inflicted on France in 1871)
>Crash your own economy to lower the payments
>Refuse to pay
>France occupies industrialized region and takes your shit
>Protest to Britain who sides with you
>Hitler comes to power
>Rebuild military
>Britain even agrees to sign a naval arms treaty with you essentially invalidating Versailles entirely
>Use army (which you shouldn't be allowed to have) to enter the Rhineland DMZ
>Annex Austria
>Demand sudetenland and claim you are done with demands if they accept
>Allies sacrifice Czechoslovakia to you
>LOL I was just fucking with you I'm gonna annex the rest of Czechoslovakia anyway
>Also I will force Lithuania to hand over Memel
>Hey can you let me annex the Polish coastline? This is my last demand for real this time.
>No? I will show you, I will divide Europe between the USSR so I can get Poland
>Declare war on Poland
>As expected Anglos and French declare war on you
>80 years later
how are the rapes going?
do you need more enrichment?
they are going through weird shit since bismarck united them
/comfy/ as Fuck, I can talk to literally anyone on the street in my own language, and I don't provide betabux to build new homes for rapefugees and gyppos :D
>be me
>read "start ww1 and lose"
>stop reading
truth hurts
>Austria-Hungary purposely gets their heir killed
>Give them a blank check to demand the near annexation of Serbia
>Russia proposes mediation
>Turn them down
>Invade Belgium
Germany is at fault for WW1 more than any other nation.
>Martin Luther
>and I don't provide betabux to build new homes for rapefugees and gyppos
And still you have less money :DDD
underrated post
kekked very hard
>hating on based Luther
>it's okay for the church to write fanfiction when the pope approves of it!
>my nation is replaced by third world migrants
>you still have less money :DDD
Include USA and the Soviet Union.
How is your nation dying any better? Your birthrates are even lower because no one wants to have kids in your shithole of a country
>American education, the post
truth hurts?
where was he wrong?
>quantum mechanics
Max Plank is jewish now ?
check the birthrates again.
>DAE non whites are subhuman!!!!!!
>OMG XD underrated post!!!1!
Are you a newfag? This is literally the most common type of post on this board
>yank flag
of course
g*rmans really are the dindus of europe.
no, you cant just chimp out every couple of years for the last 2,000 years and then shift the blame on jewish mind control devices.
99% of jews have german names.
if hitler wanted to save the white race, all he had to do was kill all the germans.
come on ppl, it is not nice to make fun of retards
Dear diary, first I thought a leaf-OP were a fagot
>Haha brits and french slaughtered some niggers in persuit of making europa great, this is just like my ancestors mindlessly slaughtering his brothers for no reason!
>it's jews fault now for WW1
Christ this delusions
It was started by the Jesuits and the Vatican retard
Mostly wrong. They didn't let them in they had to settle them their so that they would defend Rome against invaders, but in the end they got also pissed at Rome and took it. The Germans were much less inbreed than the Romans, especially than the upper class ones. Rome was already crap, when the invaders took it so nothing of value was lost there.
the dindus of europe.
Wrong moron. James Frank, Gustav Hertz, Arnold Sommerfeld, Pascal Jordan, Werner Heisenberg (not Jewish -berg was exclusively German before the jews started to take those names), Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli, Anton Zeillinger (yes Austrians are Germans) Klaus von Klitzing, Walther Gerlach etc.. It's fair to say that the German part was by far the biggest part of quantum mechanics well before the Jewish, British, Danish (Sweden only rather limited). Even most of the American scientists are of German origin. Further did the jews try to get the best german genes mixed with theirs for centuries, so it's debatable how much actually is Jewish genes.
don't forget they send Lenin to Russia and gave him money for revolution a root of most of world problem now
i read a week ago that germany earned 2,5 billion by bailing out greece.
that's a pretty nice reason for celebration-- you managed to even outjew the jews.
germans have achieved the seemingly impossible--- they are both niggers AND kikes at the same time.
Ignore shill thread. God Lib memes are cancer.
The envy is strong with this one
>enslaving your cousins is the same as enslaving strangers
I get that Europe has had a long past of war and disagreement, but after you figured out the world is bigger, you'd think you could stop attacking your neighbors and just follow the example of the other colonists?
You are retarded my dude, some shitty education I see here
Numerous expeditions were made to pacify north-western Germania. A few tribes were conquered anyway, it's not like ethnic/cultural Germania's borders were EXACTLY to the north side of the Rhine
>Roman Empire ALLOWS you in
What the fuck are you talking about
>be the niggers and kikes of europe