I'm sick of such misery and discrimination, therefore in this moment I have forgotten of the girls. It's simple, you a poor and normal male, you are a shit in this world. Nobody will worry about you. In other hand, if you are a woman you will be the attention focus. I 22,and I have already lost the hope of finding a girl, they only go to the money and the fame
Are you a mgtow? Why?
I'm 18 and iv'e already given up hope as well. Iv'e never had a girlfriend and since i don't have one by now, this means that i'll forever be alone. I fuck with people's lives to fill this empty void.
I understand you. I would be virgin if not haven't lost my virginity with my unique girlfriend. But friend, you are not alone, many people is with you and in the same situation
fuck off mgtow isnt politics
Bro... Just keep asking women out. One in ten will sleep with you. Smile, be interesting, talk about cool hobbies youre into. Ask them questions about themselves. It's not complicated.
nigger i gotta gf as a trap twice the fuck are you doing
I'm 20 now, I used to think a lot like you.
I never dated in high school, so many basic bitches and got attention from shit girls.
I'm dating a really sweet, beautiful girl now, and I get everything I want from her.
We talk everything out, and I'm sure I could have sex, but I'm waiting for marriage or the right time, or whatever.
Besides the point, the best women just sort of happen when you're being yourself, and you don't expect it.
I know the entire "being yourself" schtick is done to death, but it's always worked for me.
Don't lose hope, don't depend on women for your happiness, be a strong fucking guy, and try to improve yourself day by day, and things will just happen.
MGTOW is populated by fuck ups by choice, do you see any functional normal person actively supporting? It's fair for women to have standards, That's how we
Why did I say fuck ups by choice?
Most of you could have gfs, you could be happy but most of you are
>neets without a future
>spends all his time on anime
>only talks about videogames
>fashion sense of a 12 year old
All of these things could be fixed if you wanted to, if you put the effort on it.
Ask yourself this question honestly
would you date yourself?
Why is he in a suit if he doesn't want to get married
I know you feel OP i rly h8 wammen they sluts n whores n LOL at anyone who gets married these days
I'm not going to expand on any of my ideas since posting faggot virgin rhetoric is the mgtow way.
>I fuck with people's lives to fill this empty void.
It's time to change that flag then.
The pattern I've noticed by MGTOWs is that they refuse to accept that they're average, this idea that only Chad and alphas reproduce is utterly ridiculous, get out of your room, go to a mall or something and see how many average people have gfs and wives, but you don't want average, you want 10/10 Stacy, porn has warped your view of what a woman should look like, if only Chad's and alphas could mate the world wouldn't be made of mostly average and ugly people of which both continue to mate.
MGTOW is a Jewish conspiracy to try to convince White men not to breed.
Sage and report, boys!
mgtow in late 2015 after interaction with feminists (also dated one)
I'm not sure how I got on the red pill or found it.
live in an apartment and the girl next door that is a bit older is a 5 or 6 and been getting close with her of late.
anyone know how to have kids without being ass fucked?
MGTOWs are guys who HAVE experienced modern women, not fat virgin fedora neckbeards who havent. Like divorcees - most MGTOWs are divorcees.
It makes sense, right? I mean if you think about it and stop repeating the shill spambots opinion to get you hooked into a relatiionshit with one of these psychos.
Well the 20/80 rule applies to sex as well, 20% of the men have 80% of the sex. If you're average it's guaranteed that you will not have sex.
The Jews have nothing to do with it. It's the white men that gave women freedom to act like whores and created MGTOW as reactionary response.
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintainance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
>One in ten will sleep with you.
Because that's the end game in all of this, pussy? Not finding someone worthy of your time and energy, certainly not the creation of a family to the betterment of your race and overall society. Nah, just plain old pussy.
I never was much for being part of a societal movement, but I haven't bothered with serious relationships because I've realized there is no such thing as a "love based relationship".
People are looking out for themselves, always. The only reason for relationships is because one has something the other wants. Money, power, respect, nobody wants another person merely for who they are.
I don't want to gain something off of a false guise, and I don't want people using my assets on falsehood either.
No - It isn't.
(((womens culture))) is and convincing men to hook up with one of these psychos is the agenda.
You are falling for the echo chamber syndrome rather than thinking for yourself
This is retarded, the 80 20% rule doesn't exist, you virgins are a fringy minority
If 80% of women went exclusively for 20% of men then 80% of men would be virgins, meaning from every 10 guys, 8 would be virgins, do you understand how ridiculous it is? You still haven't answered the question of why there is average couples everywhere and even ugly ones, if only Chad's could reproduce then why is the world mostly populated by average and ugly people?
This is the problem with normies, low IQ, beta faggots, thirsty then the dessert. The pool of women for a stable long term relationship is considerably dwindled.
The entire point of dating is to find a reproductive mate, if the probability is none existent to find a stable mate then guess what happens. No association, save maybe for sex will occur.
Its an economy of long term behaviour, one that doesn't exist in thirsty niggers
>check yourself
>Maybe if I post the Schlomo picture these dumb goyim won't realize I'm actually a Kike!
Nice try, rabbi.
I am a MGTOW. Not because of men's rights or anything, but because... well, marriage makes no sense to me.
It's religious bullshit for starters. If you don't believe in God then... why get married?
Another thing is: why would I want to live with a woman? Women are annoying. I'd like to have a house to myself for peaceful sleep and enjoyment. Living with a woman sounds like... I dunno... living in a boarding school or some shit. Some annoying faggot bothering you all the time. That's not what I want in my own home.
Marriage just... really doesn't make any sense to me. Why?
well - I know I'm not so..........
Think about it and see:
Because the 20/80 rule still applies to the lower hanging fruits in the hierarchy.
I'll tell what you are, a whiny fucking faggot and an example of everything wrong with this generation. You get rejected, you get shit from women, so your solution is to give up, take your ball and go home like a little bitch, you are a fucking quitter. I bet that's what you've done your whole life.
Instead of looking at yourself and taking responsibility for actions, you point fingers at everyone else and blame them "oh, there's nothing wrong with me, it's someone else's fault!" what woman would want a guy like that in the first place?
Learn to be a fucking man first, then go get women. This MGTOW is the stupidest shit I have ever heard.
Because you are subconsciously trying to find degenerate girls. Get obe from Christian church from rural place who worked on the farms and her parents are still together.
Also look at how her parents act, she will act the same, might ve hiding while you date, but her parents will be open book
In LTR with girl I'm probably going to marry. Almost 30. My take:
1. If you find a decent virginal or near-virginal woman who shares your values, by all means reproduce.
2. If all you can find are gutter whores and low quality women, don't settle just because MUH WHITE RACE. You can give back to your people in other ways besides breeding. Don't get divorce raped by some tatted used up slut just because MUH JEWS.
If you truly believe what you said, you are a sad man and I pity you
>2.MGTOW ubermench
oh wow
you havent noticed that mgtows in this thread are 18-19 year olds
I'm glad at least that this is mostly western thing
Fuck off leaf, you have no counterargument
This is what someone with little experience with women thinks.
MGTOWs have experienced women (for the most part). for eg. they are divorcees.
You will learn the hard way, but you will learn.
I do not have gf, therefore I am mgtow by definition, but I do not give a fuck about this "movement" or any other crap
You made no point tho.
Tell me where Im wrong.
what arguments he needs to counter?
Yes - western women are the worst. Especially if they have direct access and understanding of English-speaking (((media))).
I'm old and experienced with women.
Say specifically where I was incorrect in my post.
Any of it. Make any point against my post.
MGTOW is just a meme perpetrated by (((some unseen force))) to hinder white birth rates.
Its good to understand a lot of MGTOW's core philosophies and to approach dating with that level of skepticism, but to remove yourself from procreation and not start a healthy family is what (((those same unseen forces))) would want.
TFM is the best place to get what MGTOW means
If it applies to the lower fruits of the hierarchy it also applies to you, you have literally no excuse but the ones you give yourself, thanks for proving my point.
The (((unseen force))) wants you to get attached to these psychos that (((they))) themselves created. They dont want you to stop creating their goy cows for milking. They want weaker cows.
Think for your self and stop blindly repeating the crowd-think.
Cucks. Look harder and procreate. Or just become alpha. Cucks.
So the way to win is to be significantly more selective about said cows.
OP stop being a cuck and assert yourself. Stop complaining and start acting
If you mean women to be the cows - then yes.
I was meaning the next generation to be the "cows", but yes we as men need to be more selective in who we give our attention to.
I don't know if I would call myself a mgtow but I don't see a reason to join the dating pool when women are after guys who are of higher value. I also don't know how to talk to strange women.
Men need to have higher standards of those women they choose to give their attention to. Its easy to attract bar sluts by throwing money at them, but this is not macho alpha-redpilled behaviour because anyone can do it. Men need to learn some self control and if they are dealing with an un-motherly tinder psycho - yes you can get laid, but theres no lasting relationship there.
By restricting who we give attention to, we are creating a better caliber of woman because they have to up their game. All these tinder psychos and bar sluts are created and made worse by riding the "cock carousel".
You never hear the concept of an alpha-woman on Sup Forums because Sup Forums for the most part have never concieved such a notion.
Go on dates and meet women. An alpha women is motherly, mannered and courtious and wont fuck you after a few dates. An alpha woman is breeding material. Not a crazy slut. Resist the primal, base level, neanderthal, "suck muh dick" thinking to just get laid, and keep your dick in your pants and have some standards of behaviour - not just "shes hot and up for it"
Alpha women do exist.
Im 34, was married for 2 years, got divorced
Its really hard with women because they are stupid. The chick i was with had a resistance towards "learning how it really is". I dont know man, the whole thing was so fucked up, im just glad im out. She ruined my desire for chicks entirely. Im not going gay either, but that experience rather set me straight for an asexual monk lifestyle.
It was so much drama and shit....and that from a 30yo chick. Its honestly like their mental development speeds up from 12-17 and then full stops at 18. That chick i was with lacked like a lot of real world insights. Also she was a bluepilled globalist who would take CNN at face value...i dont know if there are "different female personalities" but if they all have at least half of the shit i experienced i dont want to be in that game. Also it was a literal pain in the ass that she couldnt pet me properly, just popping my pimpels all the time which was hurtful af. I told her at least a gazillion times i dont like it and she should just pet me normally. Tbh that was the breaking point. How can i live with a person that is too stupid to fullfill the simplest request even after i hammer it down on her like every day 5-10 times. Fuck that chick, im done with these idiots. Like really make them suffer until they realize some shit
Modern western women are propagandised into NEVER being satisfied.
To summarize my post: it was shit shit fuck piss total garbage wouldnt marry again
I've got plenty of exp. and I feel the same way as that guy.
You are just a bunch of whiny faggots, no way to escape that fact.
If you've had a shit marriage it's just because you've either found a shit woman or you where shit at handling your woman. Simple as that.
No you're just single mate.
It is politics, the natrual and inevitable result of promiscuity and women's rights run amok
but I am going my own way, what's the difference?
If you have to "handle" your woman she resents you and is looking for any opportunity to cheat. And then she can AND get half your shit.
So many men fall for this thinking they are "winning". You are not, and you will also learn the hard way.
>that experience rather set me straight for an asexual monk lifestyle
I've never actually been married but I can totally identify with this sentiment.
mgtow are just glorified incels.
Beta virgins that couldn't get laid lel
I'm not really a MGTOW. I'm single because all the good girls I know are taken and the rest would make my life unbearable.
You have options, OP:
> cuckoldry
> suicide
yeah men are promiscuous too doesnt help at all
Go away gook
No - They are experienced. Your thinking is the immature thinking.
This is the only picture depicting MGTOWs as strange. Guys like this are sent in by (((them))) to persuade you not to get involved and to hook up with a nicely (((brainwashed))) psycho.
Think for your self
The biggest problem i experienced was the "princess mentality".
> she cant get anything done on her own
> constantly complaining
> kitchen and living room a PERMANENT mess, too lazy to clean up
> spreading some form of "her being entitlment" (for what ???)
> says shes better than everyone else but ....eh...no (non insult based objective realization)
> cant handle the truth or uncomfortbale things (verybig issue)
> "feelings" over logic
> freaks completely out if presented with the truth ("you have gotten fat" "that was a bad deal" etc)
> HUGE problem with subordination and just getting in line and doing what her is being told (that will piss you off the most, believe me)
> constant drama and fighting about totally irrelevant trifels
> lies....shitloads of lies. Not only the 100% ones but a lot of "twisting things in a certain light". If you're a truthful person that will make you cook inside after a while. She is basically not being able to tell how it is without putting sugar around it.
> ZERO conflict capability. Instead of a fact based and reasonable discussion there was always some shit ass shady looser method.
Once she realized she couldnt win and i was right she got violent or withdrew all together.
95% of her "fighting capability" was withdrawal, denial and running away. Major major pain in ass - you dont get any problems solved with a person like that. Its just one delay after another until the shit boils up indefinitly.
Now let me tell you that wasnt some 17yo highschool chick but a grown adult female, working directly with the CEO and VP's of a 20.000 employee company.
I can only imagine how horrible it must be in an office environment with "workers" like her.
Point is, as a man you get really annoyed and severly tired by this stuff. Women are eventually kids in an adults body and that will never change. They are not able to learn or comprhend these higher insights. On some occassion i decided its all not worth it and just fuck it.
Good comeback.
I'll be honest I want kids but don't really give a shit about marriage, to many women today just ride the cock carrousel and then once they realize chad won't put a ring on it they settle for beta males to provide.
Why does he have lipstick and that stupid outfit on?
I'm 52, been on my own for the last 5 years,when you get old chasing pussy becomes low on your list.
Stay in and play my sax or go to a noisy bar and try to b.s. some women that I care.
My god what a choice lol.
He was sent in by (((them))) to convince you "going your own way" is for weirdos and to get locked into a relationshit with one of (((their))) brainwashed psychos.
They get sent in like the fat libertarian tipper guy or the Comet pizza shoter
libertarian *stripper guy
i may be unable to get laid, but mgtow is stupid
Yes - its because you haven't experienced modern women.
MGTOWs have experienced modern women and decided to go their own way.
You dodged a bullet, user. I just work on bettering myself these days
can i get a quick rundown on modern women? i have female friends n shit, but never dated one (in america at least)
They're materialistic and demanding. They will never be satisfied materially. There is always more stuff to get and its your job to supply them (if you're their man). Admittedly they have been brainwashed into this thinking by (((TV media))) but they think it none the less. If you marry one, they can divorce you and take half your shit no questions asked.
>yeah men are promiscuous too doesnt help at all
This is a generalization. The top 1% of men can go to a bar and get laid 50% of the time. 99% of men will go years and even decades without sex.
Even the ugliest female can have sex on demand tho. There is no parity here.
T. Forever alone kissless virgin wizard.