Without blaming the jews, why is counter-culture so prevalent in today's society?
Is it the parents fault?
The Individual?
Or is it society?
Is Jim right?
Without blaming the jews, why is counter-culture so prevalent in today's society?
Is it the parents fault?
The Individual?
Or is it society?
Is Jim right?
Other urls found in this thread:
because jews are funding the counter culture like never before.
Because people realized the taboo against arresting political dissidents was so strong that it could be used to shield actual criminals by having them run for public office.
>Is it the parents fault?
>The Individual?
>Or is it society?
These are all literally the same thing
Because culturally we aren't as concerned with keeping up appearances as our grandparents were, most modern men don't have the varied skill sets their grandfathers did and most women have taken to feminism dot meme so most of them struggle with things their mothers and grandmothers could do, so everyone has less skills and just cares less
Bru you know I'm right and you know "ideological creep" caused by lack of direction given to Soviet spies left here explains everything in the simplest way with the fewest assumptions.
If we convince everyone of this, and its likely to be true, all the shit will lift like a bad smell. People will see through it, at the moment they're relying too heavily on the fact they can call us conspiratards when we mention Marxism.
>critical theory? yarr, cultural Marxism? are you insane? that doesn't exist.
You must be 18 years or older to post on this website sonny.
the jews
A kid doesn't just decide one day that he's going to completely shun his tribe and its values, and fight against it. He needs another tribe for guidance, one that in this case flourished and grew alongside the ones it had a parasitic relation with.
Modern Society = Jews. the whole culture Zietgiest is influenced by them. So went for society
It's incredible how almost every destructive trend or concept can be traced back to (((them)))
>Boomers were raised with Communist counter Culture.
>Their values were to destroy the system, don't respect the elders, history, be nihilistic.
>They are surprised that their Children are the same.
My only hope, is that after this counter culture we will be able to establish stable society. Although with destruction of people that's going around, I don't have my hopes up.
>jim norton
>Howardfag cannot contain the urge to shitpost so he does it in a pol thread.
not much surprise there
>without blaming HIV
>what causes AIDS?
It is you OP faggot.
You cause AIDS
>Is Jim right?
Norton's hilarious, at least on the radio, but politically he's a fucking moron and he's more of a cuck for blacks than anything you'd find on reddit
Ok what does that have to do with the question at hand?
Don't you see why the Jews want to shut down coal mining operations? They are farming Jew carbon to make diamonds for the collective. The Jews want to use their own biowaste Instead of coal to join the continuum. It's all part of a group of clones created by papa john. I'll start from the beginning.
There are only two dimensions. To break through you have to become a crystalline entity. Jewels like diamonds are super compressed carbon, basically the same as human ash. The Jews were behind the holocaust to create ash to turn Jews into diamonds. Hitler recognized the Jews as the chosen people and designed the plan to make a giant Jew diamond for all the Jews to join in a mental collective transported into space by the "bell" space craft. The bell is what created the pressure via centrifugal force as it traveled through space time.
Also papa john is an alchemist and creates better atoms for his "better" ingredients. His company funded CERN to create his atoms.
Like I said we are living In a two dimensional world. How come we only see flat screens? Hitler knew this and created the bell as a centrifuges and l pressure pot to cook the Jew diamond while he traveled to the future in 1964 when the bell crashed in kecksburg. Only through meditation and starvation could the Jews transcend into the true third dimension via the crystal entity. They still continue the practice of fusing to the entity which is located at ceti. Papa john, one of the clones, funded ceti to create his ingredients but to also blast dead Jew ashes into the crystal. In return the crystal is used to power CERN mass replicator to make the ingredients
Probably nothing. I just felt like voicing my opinion. Do you and I need to step outside?
>listening to jim "i love tranny hookers and blow" norton talk about how he jerked off his friends in the basement when he was 8 while o&a fake laugh at every word he says
quality entertainment. ya smoke meth too, right?
Fuck Opie
If counter culture is mainstream, why isn't it just called culture?
>without blaming the people responsible
seriously whats wrong with telling you the truth that it's the Jews?
Woah and I chose the autistic racist tribe of Sup Forums.
Way more entertaining than listening to King Jew drone on about America's Got Talent while Robin contributes nothing but fake hysterical laughter like she has for the last 30 or so years, sterncuck
Strauss Howe Theory my man
Haven't the slightest who that is but he looks like a tiny gutter weasel.
>Without blaming the jews
Uh OP said you can't blame the Jews
>OP is a Jew trying to research good targets to offload the blame
You can suck my [spoiler]pecka babe[/spoiler]
Ill take "I never listened to O&A for 500" Bill!
This has some of the strongest evidence for it.
I don't care about howard fucking stern you mong. if you listen to any sort of shock jock radio you should be sterilized at the very least. that shit got old when I was like 18. I have to say though that it's especially hilarious hearing a dude complain about "degeneracy" try and use jim norton to verbalize his point for him. his entire fucking hack act is "I'm a degenerate"
Abortion: the post.
Who's Bill?
>tell it like it is guys
I don't listen to them as I'm neither a teenager nor a blue collar retard who takes intravenous drugs
Are ya?
Am I what? better than you? factually, yes
Are ya?
That one bit was funnier than anything Stern's done since the 90's. This is why you'll find sterncucks on all of Opie and Anthony's videos. They love the show but can't admit it to themselves because they feel in their autistic minds it would offend Hoo Hoo so they make amends by leaving a negative comment but still continue to listen to bits.
>can't read
not surprised
U must not be a faggot or from reddit to post on this board. Git out
I guarantee you still listen to bits from time to time. The rest of your post I agree with. You have to at least admit he's funny on the radio.
It's "mainstream" as in the jews are pushing it hard through the (((media))) but not as in it's a large part of the actual population's culture.
It started around WW1 when modernism became a thing. Artists decided humanity no longer deserved art and decided to make absolute shit and call it "art". It just sort of avalanches from there.
Civilization is not the natural state of humanity. It is a precarious compromise that requires rigor to maintain. Convincing people to embrace lifestyles and attitudes that wear away at the foundations of civilization is actually not that hard.
>just do whatever feels good man, don't worry about the consequences
Cyber balkanization is the reason for 99% of the problems with millennials
If you believe something, ANYTHING you can and will find a group of like minded idiots. This how things like trannies have made it tot he forefront of politics even though they're about 0.3% of the population (if even that).
All of the mentally diseased faggots found each other and signal boosted their own noise and then they travel in packs so they can always pretend to be a majority in arguments.
This is why liberal groups like antifa always get violent and uppity when they have numbers on their enemies but the second that changes their beliefs wither away quicker than their vegan bodies.
>the individual?
Yes. One person is responsible for millions of other people, you fucking assclown.
The government subsidized single motherhood. This is what happened. Feminism has also exposed girls who are pretty young and pretty stupid to worthless males who will not be able to take care of them and any children who'll have the misfortune of being sired by them. Isolation, emotional distress, psychic rotting all come from a child being born into a situation that removes them from the normal flow of society and ranting and raging at it until someone lets them the fuck back in is all that they fucking CAN do.
>not blaming Jews.
But user, that is literally the only answer.
this tbqh
Jews fault, nice try schlomo.