Why do i see this meme all the time? Some info please
Why do i see this meme all the time? Some info please
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lurk moar faggot
Dumb bitch tried to have an interracial relationship. Has a kid with nigger.
Becomes single mother with an uglyass kid completely defeating the purpose of whatever she was trying to prove about the average nigger.
Thanks brah
Got more memes of her?
Ahh yes the orcling...
the orc will be banished from shire
only one i got
What if he grows up and become a smart scientist and find cure for aids.. he is gonna say HAH then
Some polish coal burner in UK gave birth to an white child with negro features, the father as expected run away from them. She is on YouTube and became an Internet sensation.
is that boruto
He's half Polack and half nigger, so he's even too dumb to steal.
Mixed nigger turns out to just be another dumb nigger. Many such cases!
>cure for aids
so more niggers, fags and other minorities, fucking great, bully it before it matures
Someone post the anglin one
mudsharks are examples for white women to learn from their mistakes
Lol how any white woman could handle birthing a child that looks like this is beyond my comprehension.
My favorite
Beyond your comprehension? It looks like a regular kid just black features.
Oh sht fuckin savage
You sure he's half-nig and not 100% Polish or Russian?
>tfw just now realized this thing is female.
nope, the child is a mixed race albino
Im so glad my country genocided all our orcs
She told andrew anglin that she contacted the authorities about him having her picture on the daily stormer.
Wait.. the father is in the first videos... did he leave her ?
Thx for posting original
>find cure for aids
>implying it's a good thing
holy shit
>eastern euro whore
>lives in bongland
>half breed baby
like pottery
Probably one of the best memes to come out of Sup Forums and that says a lot.
The world has become so absurd that the memes start creating themselves.
Loool she gave birth to an American
Baby Thrall will grow up to be a fine shaman.
I wouldn't eat this one.
holy fucking KEK my sides
Really makes me wish uncle Adolf had succeeded this is just obscene
I seem to always been in the threads when a hot new meme is born.
Fucking christ. Spawn of demon lust.
Top Kek!
Niggas being niggas and not wanting to be a father because of responsibility and money
It's not a meme it's an abomination
If there is any justice left in this world or a trace of testosterone left in a western male he would drive a stake into this creatures heart and set it's mother on fire
>this thread
This is why I live this place
that would be the easy way out, her having to be a single mother while raising that abomination is more justice than we could ever giver her, plus the memes bring a bounty of Lels
I love anglin
I just hope nobody will be dumb enough to be with her. Given her looks, she can find a beta male to make him pay for everything.
It's just a typo m8. Go back to archiving the whole MSM
What has the world come to when 98% of women are pure trash
With Slavs the percentage is close to 99.999%
Only lives here for state handouts, like every other eastern euro who lives here. Guess shes not working, no partner anymore for financial support, guarentee she is receiving something from the tax payer in some way even though she has liklely never contributed a fucking thing and is just a drain on society.
End us. Someone.
That money could be used for better causes like the importation of more of Britains future rulers. These whores taught by your degenerate society are only whitening a beautifully diverse brown Pakistani ruling class.
Free money from brit taxpayers.
This is why we get up for work on cold rainy days, doesn't it make you feel good.
top kek
can she actually do anything about that when she's on the other side of the planet?
last one I have
This video tells you everything you need to know
>my internet lawyer sargon of akkad
My fucking sides I can't stop