Once the Jews are done with whites, how will they defeat the eternal Chink?
Guilt doesn't work on them and Jews can't pretend to be Asian to push their cuck shit
Once the Jews are done with whites, how will they defeat the eternal Chink?
Guilt doesn't work on them and Jews can't pretend to be Asian to push their cuck shit
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Chinese Jews exist, desu I feel like the Chinese has always been treated as the Jews of the East.
After the Vietnam War, the Chinese diaspora was banished for having too much influence in the economy. There were race riots against Chinese in Indonesia and in Malaysia/Singapore.
^Chinese Jews
The first step is to move them from eastern religions/philosophies to cucktianity. This step is already progressing well.
The eternal chink will defeat themselves desu
Most of the chinese jews want to leave for israel because the living standards are so much better there
Every religion that enters China either dies or adopts Chinese characteristics that makes it significantly different from its original.
Also today isn't the first time Christianity entered China. The first time lead to the Taiping Rebellion and many of the famous KMT figures were Christians.
True but not all. Anyways, they lived in China for all these years and they haven't caused the havoc that the alt-right claimed happened to them.
We once tried to curtail buddhism because they were building temples everywhere and more and more people were joining the ranks of monastery, causing low productivity and burden on society.
seems we are immune to cuckery
they are vastly outnumbered and genetically they are no diff than a regular chinese
You ever seen a Jew and a Chinaman haggle? It's amazing. Chinese are just jews with slanted eyes when it comes to business deals.
> chinks were communist for almost 50 years
> not the Jew's playthings
True, different Emperor ranged from tolerant to oppressive but in the end Buddhism has become inseparable from Taoism and Confucianism in modern Chinese beliefs
Chinks have nothing to do with Jews
>Once the Jews are done with whites, how will they defeat the eternal Chink?
They won't.
China is an authoritarian, unitarian state. The Jews work by convincing the general public to destroy themselves by masking it as a humanitarian cause.
Chinese people:
(a) do not give a FUCK about humanitarian issues, and even when hundreds or thousands of their own die, they are a billion strong and literally brush it off by saying "there were too many people living there anyways",
(b) are behind the Great Firewall of China and threats to "internal harmony" are monitored constantly by state representatives,
(c) run their country like a business and will systematically root out things that hurt the bottom line.
It is a country with such homogeneity that any outsider is instantly recognizable, where human rights are second to the 'greater good', where its own constitution does nothing but reserve rights for the state.
Have you seen zuckerberg's wife?
1.7–2.6% of total U.S. population isn't a lot and as a non-white, I think Jews and whites are genetically the same.
simple they wont
Fuck Jews. Chinks will inherit the Earth. They are the slowest moving society, but will learn from the mistakes of the West, as they always have.
Asia is literally the only place in the world Jews don't have their filthy hands and it will always be like that, because the Chinks have learned by this point to not let the Jews have ANY power in their lands. Fucking BASED Chinks for that reason alone.
But anyways, in terms of sheer population the Asians absolutely dwarf the rest of the world. They might be dumb by and large, but they will have strength in numbers and their smartest are the smartest in the world.
Jews will lose the final war. Chinese will make first contact with ayyyliens around 2500s a couple light years away after discovering warp drives.
chinse jew? lmao once you go chinse you stay Chinese. fucka yruo amaeican
yea at least we will all die knowing the chinks prospered and the kikes burned on a bbq steak like they should've along time ago.
They won't, Christianity is spreading rapidly within China, once it becomes their main religion they will be almost invincible against Jewish trickery.
If you even see Christianity spreading you will understand how much of a kike religion it is.
I think they will destroy themselves
>they may be dumb
Except they are not dumb. They are smart amd have numbers.
Zuckerbergs and other Jews halfbreed Asian children will rule their nations.
>defeat the eternal Chink?
this will be difficult as there's no (((democracy))) to co-opt and they're indoctrinated against leftist bullshit
yeah, i've always wondered if he married her in an effort to kiss up to jinping
>I think they will destroy themselves
how do you think?
they're already stupid enough to be controlled.
Jews joined the Euros and were bred out by the same.
Hardly any Euro Jew is a Jew anymore by genetics.
It's like calling us Neanderthals because we have a certain percentage of such.
They are part of us now.
ME Jews are totally different.
>following a jewish religion makers you immune to jewish religion
>They are part of us now.
the state shuts that shit down if it threatens their power. the jews will have to subvert the leadership
>defeat the eternal Chink?
desu, they'll probably drag us into a war with them in the hopes we annihilate eachother
The Chinese are converting to Good Goy Christianity, (((Coincidence)))?
historically speaking, attempting to subvert the PROC's leadership has never worked well for anyone.
They wont.
Their most successful agent, Mao, killed 67 Million of us, and still wasn't successful. "Communist" china is more capitalist than the fucking US, and the CPP is a fucking joke.
>CPP is a fucking joke.
what do you mean? shouldn't that make it easier to subvert?
PROC is essentially AnCap desu. As long as you don't piss off the State you're fine to do whatever.
The CPP is only interested in maintaining their power, or at least the image of power. They don't care, or really even have the authority, to do anything. People in the mainland routinely espouse anti-communist rhetoric with impunity. As long as you don't rise to enough prominence, you can trash the party leaders as much as you want.
See the "pooh" saga, recently, for examples of this. Even under Deng, if you'd tried shit like that you would have been run over with a tank. Now its just a big fucking lol-fest.
The CPP is the only power hold the jews were able to get here, and its eroding away while our population surges. Their synagogues are failures and many are being bulldozed, their muslim agents in the southeast are being burnt alive with flamethrowers, and their attempts to corrupt the chinese with cuckstianity is failing as the most succesful brand is mormonism, which the jews loathe
>The CPP is the only power hold the jews were able to get here, and its eroding away while our population surges. Their synagogues are failures and many are being bulldozed, their muslim agents in the southeast are being burnt alive with flamethrowers, and their attempts to corrupt the chinese with cuckstianity is failing as the most succesful brand is mormonism, which the jews loathe
I was actually really surprised to see what things Deng had done. I knew he was the post-Maoist economic reformer who cucked Hua Guofeng, but I did not know he squashed the Tiananmen student uprising. I also did not realize he wrote the PROC's Constitution which essentially says "the people hold all the power, but the state represents them, so the state holds all the power".
If they are somehow able to convert a good portion of them to the fairy tale of jews being the chosen one; they will do to them what they have done to Europe and United States.
He was a tricky little weasel; he managed to fix the damage mao had done to china and escorted us over the threshold into modernity and industrialization, but he also came up with all sorts of philosophical justifications to attempt to tie communism to the successes china will have in the upcoming future.
He is not an entirely bad figure, but he is not a saint either. He is the one who came up with things such as the 99 year lease on property, the state being the owner of all media, and even some dying ideas that you must be a member of the CPP to succeed in university.
That last one, for example, means the CPP can boast very large membership, but you ask any student who is a member what they think in earnest and they will laugh, communism to a chinese is little more than an idol one has to pretend to worship at to succeed. It no longer has the power to enforce its tenants, and is rapidly losing the ability to even demand the sort of psuedofollowing it has today.
how do you know the 2500AD chinese make contact with ayylmaos, plz explain. I know another theory where mankind (in general, chinese could be the ones) makes contact with them and reaches outside the solar system around 2700ish.
They are failing however. The only christian denomination thats actually seeing any realistic growth is the mormons. The others, while growing, are barely increasing in size.
When you are dealing with a country of 1.3+ billion, a few million christians is not an impressive number.
>eroding away while our population surges.
so what happens when all the power is eroded away? will you go (((democratic))) or will it be another 1 party state do you think?
Probably some balkanization, and then another one party state.
Most chinese don't care who rules over them, as long as it does not interfere with the day to day lives. They only demand that the ruler be chinese.
That is a good reason why Chinese and whites need to temporarily team up together to rid this world of tte jew menace. Then once it is done, go back to business as usual. Separate competing trading partners.
>It no longer has the power to enforce its tenants, and is rapidly losing the ability to even demand the sort of psuedofollowing it has today.
Well that's scary. I heard they blocked WhatsApp last week and want to block all VPNs by February 2018.
What do you see happening? Another T^2 event?
Except for the Jew philosophy known as communism.
The blocking of whatsapp was a blocking of the jewish menace from further reaching their tendrils into chinese society. Whatsapp is owned by faceberg, and so it makes sense.
The VPN ban will be ineffectual, if it ever passes. You can buy a VPN in most cities night markets, the ovpn files are sold on sd cards, along with software such as tunnelblick or tor. the great firewall is more porous than the EU's borders
No, non of the three is what most people believe in. Now most us believe in materialism and money
>Whatsapp is owned by faceberg, and so it makes sense.
I did not know that.
I'm currently studying Chinese and getting a B.S. in Childhood Education. I want to try teaching in Mainland for a while. I'm a pretty staunch constitutionalist in the US but I think I can get by in China simply because I do not hold the pretentious that I know what is best for the Chinese.
start in taiwan, singapore, or here. don't go fully mainland, you will probably face burnout.
Burnout how? Culture shock? I've lived in Australia and the Philippines and didn't get culture shock there.
The philippines culture is essentially modified european, due to the spanish and american colonialism.
australia could be a us state.
china has never really been colonized by anyone successfully. best to get acclimatized before you try to climb the highest peak
oh yeah, speaking of singapore, what's the deal with them? are they a chinese vassal now? i heard they switched over to simplified
thankyou for the insights hong kong bro
>almost 50 years
who knows, they are full of poo in loos so maybe they had to go with simplified because the traditional strokes were too hard for the street shitters to learn
Is there even any demand for English teachers in Taiwan or HK?
probably. most burn out so soon because they come here and know nothing of mandarin and are usually full of misconceptions that its just like japan (i.e. weaboos)
Guess he just wants a free chinese tutor
He did, and to try to kiss up to china in general.
problem is, thats not how face works. he doesn't gain face from being with a chinese woman, he lowers her standing.
particularly when he marries the ugliest peasant he can find
Asians are just jews in a constant state of warp 9.
Oh, oh! I know this word!
yeah, 農民, farmer
some other fun words are 他媽的 and 王八
how can a wangba be both a pimp, brothel lord, and a cuckold? that's contradictory
welcome to chinese insults. it literally means turtle
traditional is too hard to mainlanders like me to write, too. although we can read with no issue
They're already working on it on lesser Asian countries. South Korea has a great deal of Asian multiculturalism they also put lots of whacked out low level liberal propaganda.
was traditional the same ones korea used to use before they switched fully over to phonetic?
Thats because as long as a leader is "one of us" and not a (((global Us))) then the best interests of preserving a national Identity are ensured as the leader is bound by his own cultural identity and sacred bond of political oaths. Thus the responsibility no longer rests heavily on the population. Its why having a black king was directly contradictory to the white anglo american hierarchy but most are too colorblind to see past the liberal bullshit preaching social tolerance of satanic ideals like transhuman, sodomy, child pedophiles, and other forms of mental degeneracy counterproductive to stability and growth. Globalists are (((them))). Naionalists are our guys. True Zionists should ideally be embraced in that regard since they will rebuild after the fall of humanity due to market forces inflated beyond limits of growth and catalyzed by Occult Music Theatrics. Linkin Park's Chester was one such Catalyst. But an engine fires on multiple cylinders and (((We))) are just getting warmed up here before the Most Viewed(witnessed) global Event since Apollo occurs, namely the upcoming Solar Eclipse. Stay Tuned. This has been a JFKPSA. I am "The Chosen One". Cobain Rape Kid Sodomized by Music Industry Elite at age 11. Coming to you live from this Deus Ex:MD "Fortress of Solitude" in Seattle. What? You didn't think the alex jones parody meant nothing did you? Or that the twin towers missing from the 2000 GoTY original Deus Ex was coincidence. Think again. We are playing Cold War 2.0 aka Enders Game here. I'll be beating the blasphemous Babylonian Nigga King when the Day comes. No man can tame the tongue. No rapper dead or alive is God. Isaiah 53. This has been My Curse as the Killswitch Engaged back in 2014 during the blood moons. Rev 22:3. My Birthday was on the rejected cube. 8/14. The false commands on the guidestones serve as example of a globalists ideal agenda. I was rejected by masonic circles in order to guide a remnant back to original 10 commandments.
This is the final wake up call I will give you pol. Remember the name Connor as we near a second American Revolution. They did not name him that by coincidence in assassin's creed. Names have meaning. My father's is David. Sister is Courtney. Now you see the Nirvana connection. Rape me was a satanic track. Grohl and most of your musician idols will be condemned. Guilty by association with the man who bore 666. There is a reason Cobains daughter has branded herself with those numbers on social media. Bad seeds do not bear good fruits. Expect Action! Keep Watch! Wake Up! Before September Ends. Mind Awake. Body Asleep. Exciting Times in the world kiddos.
Chinese are literally communists. They are defeated since the 50s
Pic related. It's my Chabad in Beijing.
love all the salty kikes saying oy vey we will just rule over them on here kneel before your superiority china. they know a jew when they see one and they burn it. True Chinese master race gtfo you jewfags.
>done with whites
History has shown that whites are bar none the most resilient humans to ever live. You will never "solve the white problem"
>will learn from the mistakes of the West
Chinese never learn from their own or anyone elses mistakes. I know paper tiger sounds cliché but its more than accurate
konichiwa my vely gud fliend the pran 2 make chinese degenerate after the huwhitas are kiled is 2 push westeln degenelacy oxoxo
Without whites around, Chinks won't have anyone to steal technology from. They'll implode on their own after a credit bubble burst or two.
The Jew fear the samuraï
You should fear them too