Impending financial collapse thread

I'm a broke idiot so I have nothing to contribute. Get in here fuckers. How many days worth of drinking water do you currently have stored?

>A Mystery Investor Just Made A $262 Million Bet That The Stock Market Will Crash By October

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checked, thank you user.

so what we learned from the last thread was, that the bets on a stock market crash are good. But there a lot of false prophets around that predict this since several years. So why should it happen between now and 2018?

Could finally convince the libtards that filling the markets with their nigger and chink propaganda doesn't make us want to buy it. All this "women too" bullshit can go suck a fat cock. If women feel they're "not treated equally" then do something about it instead of bitching and brainwashing the kids. To hell with the stock market.

>trader bets on market crash by buying $15 calls


Jim Comey sent VIX to $16.30

For another point of reference, if VIX goes past $25, then the trader mucks his puts, so he is more or less betting on VIX reaching 16, 17, 18 or so and the market falling roughly 2-3%

>2015 VIX >50
>some faggots on Sup Forums didn't believe it was happening back that time

>For another point of reference, if VIX goes past $25, then the trader mucks his puts, so he is more or less betting on VIX reaching 16, 17, 18 or so and the market falling roughly 2-3%

Read carefully, 25 is his maximum outcome, he is still positive until 35.

oh i see you're using tastytrade/tastyworks?

262 million is small fry. central banks are juicing the markets around the globe with hundreds of billions a month. the markets wont crash until the central bankers own everything and theres nothing left to buy.


the fuck is that

positive but falling, his puts will eventually over weigh the calls

options trading software

Thats thinkorswim im using

does this make sense?
If they own the money flow world wide, why should they want to buy everything? I guess they have everything that you can buy with money already

A stock market crash means some rich people lose a little bit of money. It doesn't mean food, water or order stops.

>$262 Million Bet

Ol' Sorros tryn' to get his money 1$B back.

262M is nothing. It is peanuts.

>does this make sense?
no, in fact central banks including the federal reserve have started the process of unwinding their balance sheets meaning theyre no longer buying anything after the QE from 2007-2012


The people that get hurt are people with 401ks and stock market based retirement plans. Banks, institutions, wealthy people with private investment managers are all fine.

How will the next crash affect leafs?

Which you are actually retarded to even be dabbling in to begin with. Things go south, that shit is being seized. I want to feel bad, but at the same time I have to sit here and think, "How many close calls do you have to encounter before you start preparing for that eventuality, even if best case scenario it never comes?"

>Things go south, that shit is being seized.
i have no idea what youre talking about

the lord took her away from me

Then you might want to catch up because you're the exact idiot they are hoping on.

Real money is Gold and Silver. Paper money only started having value because it used to be backed by gold several decades ago. Now it's backed by nothing except mass delusion and geopolitics.

Since the 2008 economic collapse, central banks around the world have overdosed on financial stimulus and printing money out of thin air. They have artificially suppressed the prices of gold and silver to keep the dollar delusion going.

On April 19th 2016, China locked in the dollar's death by launching their own gold price fix. For the first time in modern history there are now two prices of gold, one in the Chinese yuan and the other in the dying dollar.

If the West were to raise the price of gold, it would kill the dollar completely as it would prematurely instigate the inevitable mother of all safe haven panics.

If the East were to raise the price of gold, it would drain the West's gold reserves due to arbitrage. This would expose the West's fake gold market and kill the dollar. Doing this prematurely means the East could no longer buy gold for themselves at heavily undervalued prices for their post-collapse monetary dominance.

The eventual endgame is that the price of gold skyrockets and the dollar permanently collapses along with the global banking system and modern society as we know it. Black Friday will be everyday as the masses murder each other for a peach pit. This is sure to happen anytime between now and the end of 2018.

Don't believe it? We'll find out soon.

What's he betting for November?

>He is an ameriburger
My pension is defined benefits paid by the state. It's immune to stock market fluctuations.

>zero hedge


why would i have a 401k when my job is a trading?

I think your view of the world post money is too cynical. There would be almost immediate seizures of power by major forces who would probably make food trade the new currency. There's a hell of a lot of back up plans in case cash fails, they're all hidden away with the same plans meant for when E.T. visits.

dont listen to this guy
this is illuminati exposed facebook pages tier

gunna tell me how to invest money based on hidden subliminal messaging in disney movies too?


real money is good health.

how much gold did the incas have? how much good did that do them.

When the shit goes down, gold and silver arent going to help you, only make you a target.

Materialism is the problem, not the answer.

Rejecting materialism is the cure for cancer

The cure for cancer is to breed it the fuck out and kill anyone with any form of it in their genetics.

buying a farm soon. can buy it without much debts.
Then I start working 20h a week in my job and the rest I am farming only for me. Maybe I rent out some stables. No money needed, I grow my own food and its on a beautiful land.

The only thing I see actually being anything that could harm the global economy is if the North Korea situation goes to shit. The DPRK seems to be preparing another test and the Pentagon keeps hinting that they can and will slap a bitch. It is unknown if they are just blowing smoke like they seem to do after every test these days.

And this is a relevant problem because if Seoul takes a few direct hits, and even if the damage is moderate Seoul is a -major- economic hub and the current global economy could not withstand any part of that being taken offline. It would instantly flip the switch from Greed to Fear.

This isn't about Seoul, this is about Kim Jong smart enough to know he can kick the global economy in the dick by managing to land one lousy shell on somebody's new BMW.

Good luck starting a farm with no prior experience. Hahahah, that's just asking for death.

Black Tuesday 2?

the biggest thing about NK declaring war and what not is that it would just distract western countries from getting their financial policy together. If NK goes full retard before the US can cut taxes then that idea is more or less gone for another 25 years.

Black _____ #15 i believe at this point

father is farmer, grandfather was farmer.
I helped a lot when I was younger.
Experience is there, I just have to watch and learn.




Don't you see why the Jews want to shut down coal mining operations? They are farming Jew carbon to make diamonds for the collective. The Jews want to use their own biowaste Instead of coal to join the continuum. It's all part of a group of clones created by papa john. I'll start from the beginning.

There are only two dimensions. To break through you have to become a crystalline entity. Jewels like diamonds are super compressed carbon, basically the same as human ash. The Jews were behind the holocaust to create ash to turn Jews into diamonds. Hitler recognized the Jews as the chosen people and designed the plan to make a giant Jew diamond for all the Jews to join in a mental collective transported into space by the "bell" space craft. The bell is what created the pressure via centrifugal force as it traveled through space time.

Also papa john is an alchemist and creates better atoms for his "better" ingredients. His company funded CERN to create his atoms.
Like I said we are living In a two dimensional world. How come we only see flat screens? Hitler knew this and created the bell as a centrifuges and l pressure pot to cook the Jew diamond while he traveled to the future in 1964 when the bell crashed in kecksburg. Only through meditation and starvation could the Jews transcend into the true third dimension via the crystal entity. They still continue the practice of fusing to the entity which is located at ceti. Papa john, one of the clones, funded ceti to create his ingredients but to also blast dead Jew ashes into the crystal. In return the crystal is used to power CERN mass replicator to make the ingredients.


Fucking american schizo religious posters...

speaking of shemitah
A new mosque has been built at the site of the former one. It was officially inaugurated on 23 September 2015.
September 23 2015

How does one get rich from this?

>be Jewish
>have a lot of shekels to begin with

I got that covered, asking for step 2.

Why were you posting with a European flag to begin with ?

well its the rapture so i wouldnt be in the business of making money off this

Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?


>broke so naturally a bear