>new girl at work has told three different people to kill themselves, including me
>boss won't fire her because she is bipolar and you can't fire someone because of their mental disabillity
what do i do Sup Forums
>new girl at work has told three different people to kill themselves, including me
>boss won't fire her because she is bipolar and you can't fire someone because of their mental disabillity
what do i do Sup Forums
She's right
Kill yourself
kys and say it is because of her in your note, that will show her.
Or talk to your HR department.. I prefer you talk to HR.
If neither then always try an AVO I mean if a girl can go to trial for convincing her bf to suicide then she should be able to get an avo out on her.
How did you trigger her?
Couldn't that classify as abuse? Talk to HR about it
next time slap her right in the face. when they go to fire you, say you're bipolar
Poison the cunt.
surprise sex
Be a pussy and deal with it or buck up and do some underhanded shit to make her want to quit.
Your boss is a cuck.
>current year
>getting buttmad over people telling you to kys
Why are you even on Sup Forums?
Your boss most definitely can fire her. Tell him to grow a set of balls
kill her before she kills you? I mean I've been wrong before but this seems like a contentious issue that can only be resolved by mortal combat. Ask her if she likes arcade fighting games.
Serious advice though: just be a literal psychopath but never EVER do it in front of anyone else. like say really dark shit under yourbreath at her. Whoever said fighting fire with fire doesn't work was a cuck. Women salivate over guys who give just as much venom back as they spit at said man.
Do it, I've been dealing with unhinged women my entire life. They love angry men.
The proof is in how much they say they don't. They don't want to be raped. But they don't want to be in control.
Take this as you will. You will probably end up doing nothing and groaning cause your a cuck who made such a thread in the first place.
Just start stealing shit and when they confront you say you're a kleptomaniac.
Just mix potassium cyanide on her coffee and buh-bye.
To get into the bathrooms you need your keycard.
I saw her knocking on the bathroom door and trying the handle.
I said "You need to swipe your ID". She scoffed and said "You need to kill yourself."
Just rape her, have a little fun with her. Then when she goes tell on you, just say she's just showing her mental condition again.
Tell him that you have a mental disorder that gives you extreme stress and anxiety and the girl repeatedly telling you to kill yourself is actually giving you suicidal thoughts
It’s kind of meh, but you’ll be the victor
kill yourself and then sue her
Fuck with her stop taking her seriously and make her kys
Call the police and tell them that she is threatening you.
Rape her. People know bipolar bitches be crazy. No one will believe her.
I would personally use an extract of amatoxin from a Destroying Angel mushroom (pic related).
Only a couple CCs and hellooo slow, painful hepatic and renal failure. The time it takes before they realized they're poisoned distances you from anything. Plus you get to what the slow-motion trainwreck.
>record her making a scene
>put it online
>the company doesn't want someone like that working for them
>she gets fired by the higher ups in the company
*Plus you get to watch the slow-motion trainwreck as it happens. Can take weeks.
She sounds pretty cool actually.
Steal money from your the cash register and blame it on her
Best advice.
>you can't fire someone because of their mental disabillity
Sure you can. Happens all the time.
Start using the same terminology.
Another plan is to have a real-life friend act as a customer and complain to your manager that the bitch is being a bitch which is making the company look like shit
will that work?
pretend to commit suicide then blame her
Stop being a bitch.
So she tells you to kill yourself. Big fuckin woop. It's 2017, no matter who you are, someone out there thinks your scum worth dying. And if your a heathen like me, most the world wants you to kill yourself.
Stand tall. Stand proud. Smile. Don't apologise. Keep on trucking. Better yourself FOR yourself and for nobody else.
Slaves to approval are niggers regardless of your skin colour.
>you get fired as well for bringing negative publicity upon the business just to settle a dispute
OK that's actually funny
what would be the method of introducing the amatoxin against the target?
apply kill to self
It could be placed in food. Only need a little bit of the raw mushroom, or make and extract by soaking some in alcohol for a while to extract the alkaloids. A few CCs of this in a cup of coffee or sugary drink will pass unnoticed.
He'll end up in a "mental health" place doing the Thorazine shuffle while learning "coping skills"
I’d rather the bitch be put in her place
Yell your boss that you're autistic and that you get extreme anxiety from being insulted by girls. Best thing is that it's true as well.
she sounds like she's a demon in bed
I should also note that cooking does not destroy amatoxin.
have you considered an hero?
Set her up for failure, really easy to do with shit teir employees.
user you should ask her out, I think that's flirting.
>co-worker is bipolar
>being sad about it instead of stealthily milking a lolcow for entertainment
>let's do it together
>you first
Is what you say, faggot.
She is not bipolar. She is just unfiltered woman.
second for asking her out
ethyl alcohol? and would it be a one time insertion? no exposure over time necessary?
I don't want to rape, kill or hurt her.
Just get her fired.
indeed ethyl, one time exposure, then sit back and wait
i would let the mushroom sit a month in a pint of vodka; one shot is deadly
why dun u ask her out
Fuck you, OP. I wish I had a new girl at work that would cuss at me, brap on me and stomp on me with her smelly feet
how hot on the 0-9 scale?
post anonymously duh
If you don't consider killing yourself for being a selfish asshole, then this is my advice: Feed her with a large dosage of caffeine, it will make her trip. After a couple of days she will stabilize and then enter post psychotic depression. That's how you get rid of her.
follow her around until she braps
report back here what braps smelled like
then kys
>you can't fire someone because of their mental disabillity
half of Sup Forums is fireproof lol
she's fat and has a pigbitch face
Being bipolar doesn't make you tell people to kill themselves, jfc. Your boss is retarded.
Should have raped her on the spot to assert dominance, you fucked up.
>new girl at work has told three different people to kill themselves, including me
that's illegal in America now, have her arrested
Wtf is your problem?
Kill yourself if you cant handle a random bitch telling you to kys.
Work harder for a promotion to get out of there you crybaby bitch
Bring it on!
If shes not bad looking you can fuck her She probably needs some dick. If shes ugly then you can just off her with some untracable chemicals.
Next time she backchats oink at her.
Fake a cold on the same day so you can tell HR you were coughing.
Abdul, we don't need your advice.
>"You should kill yourself"
>user response should have been
>"I'm already dead"
Take a gun to work and shoot yourself in front of her. That will teach that bitch!
>being this much of a pussy cause some bitch told you to kill yourself
probably should just kill yourself desu
bruh, be a fucking man, who gives a fuck. Brush it off
Trigger manic state, call the cops on her
You sound like you lack self-respect, so you take other's opinions too seriously. Self-respect comes from doing cool things. Learn to build something and take pride in what you build. Then you will have self-respect and won't care what other people think as much.
Just wait until she's in the depressive stage, and tell her to kill herself. If she does it, tell the boss that you were recently diagnosed as bipolar and he can't do shit. All set.
>it's the current year!!!!
holy shit
Why do you need a keycard to get into bathrooms? Do they spy how often you pee?
>Stand tall. Stand proud. Smile.
no thanks i think ill mope around and be depressed
fuckin faggot
There are a thousand ways to fuck with a person in an office environment.
Just Google if you dont have s creative bone in your body.
Bite her and tell HR that you are a polar bear.
would you?
Suggest office space to your boss, and maybe move her into the sub basement storage, aka her new office.
To add to this. In the navy if you were dreamed an undesirable that we couldn't trust in our department not to fuck shit up. We would send you down to the 3M office and have you file ships electrical plans, and manuals. Quiet space, not to hard labor, normal 9-5 far far away from combat systems.
go to someone higher then your boss and threaten to sue or something like that, that scares most companies.