>Christian values
>Catholic values
Typical Popery
What to expect?
>Lets wait 15 years to "come forward"
>Filthy Catholcucks
There's no good side in this story. :(
Just your average day in your average christcuck life.
It's funny that the same people who get mad at muslims fucking their 9 year old daughter support this.
not getting raped in the mouth apparently as the article clearly states the faggot is a catholic priest
Why is it always shota for these priests?
I'm a cunny man and I don't understand.
Pick one
>some juvenile delinquent lying about a man of God
mods delete
You're a fucking retard if you think that's Christian behavior. Even for catholics.
But then again you're an atheist/pagan, so I'm not surprised you're a retard.
Catholics are a joke, enjoy praying to your pope which is nothing more than a nwo puppet.
Pretty standard
>not xian behavior
who else but you, your shitskin muslim cousins, or your jewish overlords are fucking kids? Not "pagans" or any other rational human beings.
All Christians are one person
Keep spouting your retarded nonsense dude, I'm sure it makes you feel smarter to meme that hard.
How many times do we need to go over this, Sup Forums?
you guys really need to stop molesting kids, that includes cutting their dicks and clits
You really need to stop being so autistic. Your family is ashamed of you.
>Praying to pope
I know you guys are liberal atheists, default cancer of europe, but i didnt know you also dont know anything about christianity. Atleast you got the cross on your flag.
what if pedo catholic priests aren't actually catholic priests but pedos who become priests so that the veil of silence of catholicism protects them from punishment even if caught?
Like the greeks and romans, they lust after little boys
Stop being christianphobic OP
do you really believe that by invoking a dead jew to posses your soul you will go to paradise when you die, or is that just a meme?
>shotas instead of halal lolis
shame christfags got shit tastes
>catholics bad, protestants go-
For only a small tax deductible donation of $100 you too can go to goy heaven
well to be fair he is going to remember that telling off for the rest of his life
Do you really feel the need to sperg this hard on a kazahkstani candle dipping forum?
You have some serious issues dude
If a piece of dehydrated compressed bread can be the body of christ....
Fuck off ahmed
>AmeriMutt, Land of degeneracy and filth
I just don't even get how this situation happens. Like how does the person become confident enough they can get them to so it and get them to stay quiet about it?
you make some very compelling arguments in favor of kiddie diddling
>15 years
American education, not even once
The Church remains the instrument of God despite the sinful behavior of those who belong to it. Otherwise it would have fallen into ruin after the Crusades and all the trouble in the New World. God remains with the Church.
(((Christianity))) is a psyop to provide (((the elite))) and (((priests))) with kiddles to diddle. And of course supply for the blackmail ring.