Is she /ourgirl? She seems to be pretty woke even if she's not 14/88.
Other urls found in this thread:
Forgot to include link, sorry
Has Kek finally blessed us?
Kek willed her into being?
She wants to have 5+ children and claims that keeping the west white is the challenge of her generation.
>She wants to have 5+ children
you and her both sound like a couple of niggers.
Come on, don't lie. We're more likely to stay in your shitty thread if we have to open it to see the video, right? How much are (((they))) paying you?
Damn sign me up
Ban every single faggot e-celeb poster
Doesn't this chick have an ASMR channel?
(((They))) are paying me by the number of minuets that you woke individuals spend on my thread.
Nice try little Jew virus
hey (((you))) leave us alone
we deserve someone worthy of speaking for us
in fact we need alot of worthy people speaking for us
Unity or Death
That's her right? It looks exactly like her.
Yeah, it's her. She has a few other channels.
If you have enough shekels I'm sure she'll be /yourgirl/. If you know what I mean
Also a vegan channel.
This window will close in 3 seconds...
Why do you know this all of a sudden? Fucking cunt stop lying to me.
Christ, I looked up her channel.
Keep you eceleb shit in one thread
Who died and made you janitor. This is a current topic and the person I linked to relates to that topic.
Your neural system crashed?
youtube women e-celeb attention whores need to go back.
to the gas chamber
>Attention whore
>~15k subs
>>Annon is bad at math
its just the beginning u fag. 15k is easy to get as a woman who can form a coherent sentence
>Is she /ourgirl?
No Evalion is our girl
>She seems to be pretty woke even if she's not 14/88.
So you are basically saying this liberal cam whore is woke? What are you smoking son?
Another e-celeb thread! Wooooo! She's so red pilled amirite don't forget to donate to her patreon! We need all the people we can get for the culture war. I donated $50 match my donation
There is no such thing. You are doing this girl more harm than good by posting her here.
No, she's not woke. Instead of arguing with blacks like this, agree with them. Tell them, yes I can see why you would consider white people devils. It is best that we separate. Blacks like these are our allies.
From what I've gathered she's from Belgium. She gets to see the virtues of mass afro slim immigration at first hand. She talks about white families and such. Pretty woke if you ask me.
>brown hair
>brown eyes
LMao This is white in AmeriMutt
What is next ? light skin arabs are whites? turks?
Fucking 49% america
She is literally 100% North-Western European.
>just another youtube roastie turned white nationalist
>Someone is spreading the message
>Hurrrrr let's ban!
Fucking (((leaf))) fuck outta here
The message is almost becoming mainstream!! BAN IT
Wooo I think she's currently living in Denmark. But is from some other country.
I remember her saying so in an ASMR vid.
Also why is E a bad way to become famous. Do people know where we are right now? ALso is Hollywood famous better?
Sound like sliding to me
This dude gets it. Even one little YouTube channel is worthwhile because every Saturday night live millions get brainwashed on TV.
To want to ban these little YouTube channel shows fear of them which is ridiculous
Don't act like this is in any way shape or form similar to Bernie cancer
its worse
No, women are to be seen and not heard.
Watching the videos isn't worse.
Posting about them on Sup Forums is
>ASMR and vegan
she's just e-whore it seems
>Shmul Rosenzweig
literally money whores, youtube is full of those ''le anti libcucks'' OP is a faggot
Sure are a lot of insecure beta males here
Fucking lol the WEWUZKANGS community is all over those comments calling her Caucasoid neanderthal subhuman.
I don't even know why you try dummy
This is extremely weird. I saw her comment on a white nationalist video a few months ago..
oh no not more popular female youtubers promoting white survival! SHUTITDOWN
>even a worthless whore is capable of realizing her racial self-interests
doesn't that only complicate your problem, rosenstein?
Haha holy shit Anne has been around for a long time. She kinda redpilled but still a attention whore nigger. She has a asmr channel that you can jack off to where she kidnaps you and shit
you're missing the significance of this
this girl is basically making white nationalist videos. no one like her would have been doing this 10 years ago. kind of amazing.
Heres a video from 8 months ago that she made calling out the media for bullshitting about trump.
She claims she isn't conservative, but she spews views that are frankly very redpilled. Stay at home moms shouldn't be discouraged, race realist, white countries are being shafted, lieing media.
>be you
>think i'm clever by namefagging on Sup Forums
>make a shitty bait thread to hide the fact that I have nothing of substance to say and I'm a pleb
>think no one can see through my le epic trole visage
>in reality i am a sad little man who doesn't get enough attention irl so I make bait threads
but this thread is good
Hardly making white nationalist videos. She's a civic nationalist. She even endorses basic income and other marxy shit. She's cool but she's not /our girl/
>She claims she isn't conservative, but she spews views that are frankly very redpilled
it's called being "classically liberal"
Wow another BASED woman with a patreon looking to cash in on the alt right
you're so naive, she is obviously signalling White advocacy but she lives in (((Belgium))) which has extremely harsh "hatespeech" laws.
We can't have a popular girl on Youtube making quasi-white nationalist points. TIME TO RAGE AT HER UNTIL SHE SHIFTS FURTHER LEFT.
all those liberal, nigger supporting comments having most likes, like that Ugly Vegan. lol. i want to curb stomp her. is there even point in debating people like her?
I see the niggers found the vid