Post your face when the race war starts
Post your face when the race war starts
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my face for any occasion
Race doesnt exist. But Karma does.
t. hapa
I seriously doubt we would chimp out on hapas or Asians in general, although we'd probably either deport you or put you in a special weeb containment zone near a port city once the laws of the ethnostate get hashed out.
I'm ready guys 1488.
Pure joy.
Sorry not sorry
Sadly, it'll never get to that point
not yet, not yet, you fags are still a majority
shit will go down in less than 50 years do.
This. In fact, I'd be for giving some Asians honorary citizenship if they help us take out the nigs and spics
Have you guys ever considered the fact that... whites might lose so called "race war"?
Whites would be fighting every non-white race, not to mention plenty of dissenting whites.
Seems a bit unrealistic for a win IMO.
You guys should be against any so called "race war".
Oh (((You)))
holy shit get a haircut tiger
Fisrt, whites have more guns, are better at using them and tactics, and shitskins only control the cities and suburbs. Honestly, no joke I think whites would win easily. What really matters is the (((government))) and how many soldiers would defect.
Unity or Death
Conquer or Die
Love you...