E-celeb general

This general is made due to the E-celeb shit thats been infesting Sup Forums since the last 6 months. Sup Forums is for political and current events discussions not online celebrity talk and shilling.

-Contain all your E celeb discussions here
-If you see an E celeb thread link them to this thread
-Mods please cooperate and purge E celeb spam threads on sight and force them to post in these generals to improve the posting quality of Sup Forums.
-Remember to keep this thread alive and make new ones so the eceleb cancer on Sup Forums can be contained in one thread


Other urls found in this thread:


LOL No. I wont let you remove ideologues that introduce our arguments to the average everyday youth. We see through your tactics. You will not divide us ;)



This type of shilling is just downright retarded
>sage, report etc.

>protip: you need to say last three years, not 6 months


"Our" haha, quality poop.


So, we can agree that Laci is the cutest one, right?

I already found her replacement.

fuck you. discussing people is literally lowest tier of discussion there is. AJ maybe is worth discussing, at times maybe even pewdiepie since he is the biggest youtuber, the rest is pure cancer and just shits up the board.


Which based grill do I send my shekels to? I don't want (((them))) to win. I've always loved those foreign girls like Rage and Lauren that tell us how to live in the US of A. Praise Kek, shadilay

I am unapologetically shilling for Ann

I think everyone can agree at this point that the majority of the autism regarding Muh E-celebs is bleeding over here from 8. Both its Sup Forums and /leftypol/ boards are fucking shit houses that are desperately trying to bring their online larping here and make it take root. Please ignore these spastics.

Bad timing. Wait for Moarberg and his congregation to be exposed first.

lmao youre a fuckin loser. That other website is a safe haven from retarded threads such as this. You never punch to the right. We all know this. Happy shilling!


swedish genetics

So basically some leftist faggot is attacking right wing girls?


He's the guy or at least main guy who was making all the lauren southern, richard spencer threads, and some other guy was making the rager after storm ones.

Shut up fucker, I'll never stop

Yep not surprising a fucking leaf is from that faggot hive. 8 is garbage, go back to your dead chan with 80 pph. No one here cares about your larping.

>Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people

And he got doxxed and was caught admitting to threatening her with gore?

Retarded leftist whores mad they will never be 1/2 the woman Lauren Southern is lol. And I mean it...their fat asses really won't be 1/2 the woman she is. Does her beauty and rediplls scare you kikes so badly?


God tier Jewtube content: David Irving, Greatest Story Never Told, music video clips with Third Reich footage.
Shit tier: Fucking nobodies who are trying to make a career out of social media.
E Celebrities are fucking cancer and we need to contain them to an EC Gen.
Good work bro.

Damn aren't sexy ass redpilled chicks the best?


Maybe you need a closer look...

>music video clips with Third Reich footage

Nom Nom Nom...

>Oh btw, your not dividing shit faggot


get your two minutes of hate out

They are pathetic but if they are genuine they need some protection and assistance from degenerate sister fucking trash who want to threaten them.

They are annoying because they aren't hard core and don't really have much to teach Sup Forums. That's about it.

An attack on one of us is still an attack on all of us though.

She ought to be informed about who it is that has been attacking her.

> star spangled banner her background.
Gotta love attention sluts LARPing as Americans

>Confederate flag fagflag swapping projecting soo hard

Gotta love niggers and DNC operative LARPing as anything other than the faggots and kikes they really are.

>don't really have much to teach Sup Forums
Why should any of them care about this place? It's the normie masses who they are redpilling, not us.
What is well known and common knowledge to us is completely alien to the TV watchers & comic book readers. The 'e-celebs' are a gateway to the truth.

AHAH looks like someone got a bit upset, What ever you say my friend.

This level of delusion and paranoia is downright pathetic. I can see why some would defend Lauren but this chick is a total grade A attention meneing whore. She isn't even a conservative at her core and fundamental ideals. She only spouts memes and tries to be edgy for those shekels. What did she do? She cashed out and left her channel and Twitter deleted. Fucking pathetic beta orbiters.

what happened with this? user said he was going to see his mom lol

And the divide and conquer shills are here.
According to you, even Hitler would be a kike shill controlled opposition.



(reeeee not included)

Beta orbiter. Not going to argue because you retards tend to go in circles. The proof is in the pudding.

Saged. Less e celeb cancer the better. If it red pills normies great but get this cancer and these cam whores out of here.

moar munies for the hapa whore

Even if it did happen, you can be be sure that he will never admit it, especially here.

They should care about this place because this is likely where they get most of their ideas from.

Beyond that, their videos really shouldn't be posted here.

They probably post their videos here because they want to get views which in turn gets them money.

first for Cody Cigar

Reddit, you do know that saging is not a downvote, right?

It's so annoying that the mods are doing shit about it

So they should preach to to choir, is that what you are trying to say? That's counterproductive.
And Sup Forums is not the place where redpills originate, but reality instread.

Is English your first language? Serious question.

You could not be further off target.

I am saying that them and their fans should stay off Sup Forums and stick to talking about tame subjects on youtube, leaving Sup Forums and other important right wing stomping grounds to be used for more serious discussions.
They should visit to pay attention to what is being talked about to draw inspiration from, then, after having watered it down for the masses and put on a nice pair of booty shorts, upload a video.
But this should not be a e-celebrity fan site.


You can't have the right be successful and still keep Sup Forums as a special autistic boys only club, you do realize that, right?
I would be all for not talking about any of them, bust as long there is an effort to slander and smear them here, it will not go away.


>discuss people

bump for containment

> p-please limit what I don't like
Fuck off, Sup Forums is already a containment board as is nigger. Also 60% of those threads are shills

This is a shill thread but a containment general isn't actually a bad idea

you're just too lazy to browse for pics of your waifus

They should just make a new board for e-celebs called Attention Whores /aw/

Hey, We in the Chans are tired of Reddit Normies on our Boards and forcing Normie Bullshit on our beloved Boards. Does anyone else really hate and can sense Redditors on our beloved Chans. We in Sup Forums and Sup Forums Boards have had it. Reddit deserves to be Raided worse than Tumblr. Reddit forced this pedantic sophist Normie shit on us, let's give them the full-wrath of the Chans. I just asked Sup Forums? Sup Forums are you down to make history against our adversary, the politically correct feminized pleb piss bucket of Reddit?


aoi warai seems kind of unique.

Reminder that OP is a leftypol fag trying to subvert Sup Forums into hating youtubers who push WN/conservative views.

I bet that thread was a straight roast fest.

Indeed. He is a very special boy.

your an idiot mate, all those cunts are just in it for shekels

Nice flag leftyfag. Keeping all e-celeb stuff to one thread is better for pol.

Doesnt matter if they are, they are spreading redpills,

Holy shit, nearly every 10th thread is about some youtube faggot. Fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit

that's why e-celeb threads need to be banned and put into a containment board called Attention Whores /aw/ so all the faggots can just go their and circle jerk

>small minds discuss people

It's no different then the insufferables who can't stop gossiping about celebrities and what their every-single-day going-ons is, what said celebrities favorite dog breed are, what said celebrities favorite television show is, how many adopted kids said celebrities have, what different races the said adopted kids of said celebrities are, how many and what kind of implants said celebrities have, etc., and yet have no idea about a single policy issue other than what sounds good and bad.

The truth is the (((jews))) realize the power of Sup Forums and they are trying to undermine the logical progression of the internet hate machine into full out National Bolshevism.

They are pushing alt-right and alt-light cam whores onto virgin men, because the jews think your political ideals can be corrupted by a pair of tits and pretty smile.

Jews and Liberals know National Bolshevism is growing, and getting stronger. They fear us and try to corrupt young men who haven't passed the stage in life where a pair of tits and a pretty smile doesn't corrupt them anymore.

It's pretty obvious that most ecelebs are cam whores used to dilute and undermine the national Bolshevist message which is growing faster than ever before.

you can link them this thread when you see one

>Doesnt matter if they are, they are spreading redpills,
They give you a cocktail 90% blue pills 10% red pills, this combination is worse to the white identity message than them just being the camwhores spreading 100% blue pills.

These turdhat nobodies are free to keep their shit on social media not sure why they have to be spammed here whenever they tweet or posted a video like .

>lauren whitest tara ugliest, but legitest

>not allowed to reveal power level irl
>watch videos of hot white girls whispering shit i already believe in my ear
>literally never ever give them money
>adblock everything
what's the problem kekflag?

how positively exhausting...



You become a CivNat who thinks he's mega-woke

yeah this desu, but god damn if her edginess is real she'll inspire a generation

like Lauren is playing the long/slow game, but if Rage came on hot and heavy I'd have no loyalty to lauren

now... if lauren starts getting a bit edgier with her racism n shieeet then well boys... #1 Sup Forumsfu

Our newest member of the ALT Right
Jake Paul.
>source youtu.be/u8YwCg4iNV0

I agree with this

>kekistan flag
No one can take you seriously retard. Get a new IP and come back.


Every single e celeb have a patreon or method to give them money. None of them do this for free.
If their patreon or paypal got nuked like Murdoch or Lauren they'll spam here and bitch about it and make that a priority to talk about in their threads.

For Sup Forums ecelebs,
Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> content

Great bait user, we shall never forget what the Bolshevik kikes did in Russia -#Gulag.

Most hatefuckable perhaps

>God tier Jewtube content: David Irving, Greatest Story Never Told, music video clips with Third Reich footage.

I would not be able to cringe more even if i saw someone in Guevarra shirt.


this senpai, i hate her, but she is thicc (in the good way)

CivNats are degenerate liberals. Who haven't figured out that the time they use to fellate themselves and their retarded ideology white people are being put through the grinder.

They genuinely think there isn't a problem with multiracial societies and race mixing.

what has /ourhapa/ done for her munies?

Your won buddy. You won the most retarded faggot on Sup Forums award for the day. Your statement is a contradiction of itself, you retarded nigger.

Dunno, I don't really watch her stuff. However, if she garners an audience that is willing to pay to keep her producing content, then what's the issue? The same can be said for anybody else.

lots of old Sup Forumsacks that have youtube channels spreading redpills since 2013 rarely ask for donations like that guy that sang Goys of summer and strangely, Varg. They're very honest and just doing it for the fun, bantz and some are even willing to spend their own money to spread the redpill.
The recent ones makes patreons and begs for donations straight off the bat.

Murdoch for example made his patreon literally a week after he posted his first video with only 200 subscribers and Styx puts his patreon begging video on his channel's main page.

I wonder, if patreon didnt exist will these /ourguy/ ecelebs even relevant or spammed here.

back then you could make decent dosh on youtube tho because they didnt demonetize edgy vids and less ppl used adblock