>>Pro guns
>>Graduated from Harvard Magna Cum Laude
>>Masters in Economics from Colombia
>>PhD in Economics from Chicago University
>>Says that blacks exaggerate the racism they suffer
>>Knew Buckley
>>Critic of Affirmative Action
>>Expert on Marxism and extremely opposed instead favoring supply side economics and free markets.
>>Lauded as a National Treasure
>>Listens to Rush Limbaugh
>>Over 30 books published and all of them are gems.
Is he one of /ourguys/?
Him and Friedman are the stewards of the oft-neglected econ/pol/
Just started reading his book "Basic Economics" and he makes some incredibly good arguments against Socialism and Communism that I never thought about.
I'm halfway through it. He roasts the everloving shit out of the Soviet Union
Of course he's /our guy/, unless your some teenage Nazi socialist retard. The man is literally on point with every view
It's absolutely beautiful how on every topic he discusses he mentions the USSR and how they failed kek
I had heard about him and downloaded a list of books from /biz/ and I can't believe what I've been missing out on.
I get the sense that we should have economics Sup Forums threads
Much easier to debate against Shariablue and communists on this board when we talk about economics.
A Conflict of Visions was his best book imo. He details the fundamental ideas at the core of people that leads to their ideas. Ever notice that the same people opposite each other on guns will find each other opposed when it comes to government? When it comes to economics? When it comes to family? These are all different topics yet the same people end up lining up alongside each other on them. This book was great for this.
He has a great ability in his writing. To write so clearly and illuminate ideas for others with ease is a great skill. That he could have explained such basic concepts in economics in that book was a feat. Great stuff
He was in the Marine Corps as well during Korea.
Yes. He's smarter and more well spoken than most white people.
Hell no. He's a free trader, and therefore, a Marxist enabler and tool of the jew.
Blacks are hurt worse by the open borders zero tariff policies that Sowell promotes than anyone else. If I was a nignog, I'd want to lynch him myself.
kys jew
Larry Elder!
Guy schooled me!
>implying it isn't government sponsored bureocracy, but the free market that leads to people clinging onto marxism
Since when was Sowell open borders? You're an example of the edgy teen natsoc that shits up meaningful threads on Sup Forums
>calling someone else an edgy teen
WEAK bait.
>when a black guy is demonstrably smarter than you
>Tell white people what they want to hear
>Get money
>implying a minimally-regulated free market is lolbertarian
Sowell's point isn't even that the economy should have no regulations, but rather that we should be conscious of the economic costs of each regulation and weigh them against the perceived and actual benefits of that regulation.
Thanks for the tip, once I finish this book (800 pages) I'll be sure to check it out.
Yet more bait from weak socialists.
>born black
>but born black into a time where blacks had families, worked, and committed far less crime than they do today because they know whitey wasn't going to gib them shit, so they had to produce it on their own or die
>couple commie blacks start crying for gibs under the guise of civil rights
>the gov't starts to express a desire to coddle nigs with gibs to calm the crying made by commie blacks and to receive votes
>You argue that the idea won't produce positive effects, and predict that the gov't will drop the gibs once it doesn't work.
>gov't goes ahead with the gibs,
>gibs don't work, but gov't add more gibs for continued votes
>leftist whites and jews tell nigs not to be ashamed to be on gibs
>more nigs realize if they cry, whitey will give them gibs or quotas so they become dependent on crying to whitey
>if whitey catches on to the hustle, nigs guilt whitey by calling him a racist to keep the gibs coming
>spend the rest of your life trying to redpill your race about end result of such behavior
>doesn't work, they just call you a coon
>spend the rest of your life watching your race go backwards
Thomas Sowell had a sad life. He sounds happy that he's going to die soon in some of his interviews.
Thomas Sowell is all about the "trade-off".
>Sowell promotes open borders.
Please kill yourself, matter of fact, kill your entire family so non of your genes can be passed down to future generations.
>Is he one of /ourguys/
fucking newfags
That's subnigger desu
you and all else who say "yes", are niggers or mongrels, your butthurt proves it
do us humans a favour and kys
lmao good one
Would you get back to Israel or to the oven?
You should see the Kekistan Facebook group. It's a circlejerk of 3edgy5me that's literally 50% brown people.
>sucking up to big daddy Hitler when someone calls you out
>It's a circlejerk of 3edgy5me that's literally 50% brown people.
I didn't know that, are you a member? Of course you are, how else would you know.
I bet you pretend to be white
every nigger wants to be white
I dont use facebook asshole
Typical Pollack trying to say who's white and who isn't. Projecting much? Fucking untermensch.
Just another peddler of neoclassical dogma.
>so many (You)s
>so much butthurt
you niggers are so easy to manipulate
that's why you will always be slaves to whites
pick one
Poland is whiter than you niggers in the burgerland
Probably been on this board longer than you, no one takes that daily stormer crap seriously you fucking kike. Your country literally survives off gibs from the EU and in an effort to become more conservative, ironically, your government became more politically liberal. Have fun with that subhuman.
The fact that you know this is an instant indicator that you are in this group, kek.
Where do you lean on the economic spectrum?
I really don't understand this nigger jealousy of whites
is it low self-esteem? i thought you wuz kangz?
His views are based, absolutely.
But as we know - black problems are biological. So even with a guy like Sowell telling them to take responsibility, THEY WON'T. They will continue to commit crime and act like niggers.
On balance I think it is better for both black people and white people if we lived apart.
Capitalists are the reason we have open borders, mass immigration, diversity and all other problems with the world youngsters come here to talk about.
I want the day to come where we get to torture the capitalists who gave our country away to third worlders.
You capitalists can shove the materialistic shitty world we live in up your kike worshipping asses
In a capitalist society without daddy governments welfare money immigrants would go home unless they really were smart enough to succeed, the Sowel kind of black, not the low IQ slum garbage you have.
>fantasising about a day which will never come, and which you don't have the balls to make happen
Sup Forums truly is the most pathetic board
No they'd just rob people instead.
They have guns for that
Thomas Sowel has fighted against the SJWs before some of us were born
it's *fought you snow nigger
Correct but besides the point
I like him.
good point I actually agree with you, Sven
>civic nationalism
are you guys 12?
You're imagining a hypothetical which will never happen anyway, so it's a completely moot point.
>even a certified Uncle Tom will always be a nigger for the vast majority of people here
I am always very tempted to agree with this sentiment, that they (along with the general public really) will never take responsibility for themselves.
But they have done it before, the blacks, that is.
Is what you are saying true? Or are you just resigning any hope you have because it's tiring as fuck waiting for it to happen?
Everything in life is a trade-off. The final pill
>But they have done it before, the blacks, that is.
When? When the fuck have they done this? SOME blacks do take responsibility, yes. SOME of them educate themselves. SOME of them get good jobs. SOME of them are law-abiding.
But TONS of them commit crime and refuse to integrate. They are, like I say, biologically different to us after all.
>Is what you are saying true?
That differences in behaviour have biological roots? I certainly believe that myself, based on the weight of evidence. I'm as sure of it as I am of evolution.
If he was a 'based african' he should go back to africa. Otherwise he is just a nigger that wishes he was white so he could live in a white country.
Look at American blacks before the welfare state, pre-1930s. They had strong families, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was less than 10% (compared to about 80% today), they created businesses, etc.
I'm well aware of the racial realism you're describing, but they weren't as bad after emancipation up to about the great depression era as they are today.
To be honest, the welfare crap is fucking up all the races, even whites. If we got rid of that shite even our own families would be much more intact.
I will say that I am very disappointed in humanity's inabilities to choose the right way when GIBS are also being offered as an alternative.
It's whitey who upholds and establishes the laws allowing non-whites to be full citizens.
How does he wish he was white? Absolutely ignorant about the topic and no correlation whatsoever with what the whole thread has been about.
>>Based African
When did I ever exactly type that? I gave out a list of about 10 reasons why he is /ourguy/ and that is your weak ass response? kek. Your stupidity is the reason why Mohammed cucks you every day, have fun getting your house blown up in the name of Allah.
Dem numbers.
Damn. Fucking correct. I keep thinking of that senate hearing where cuck Biden is interviewing Sowell in the 60's over welfare reform. Sowell saw the disaster it would cause from 2 decades away.
>Look at American blacks before the welfare state, pre-1930s. They had strong families, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was less than 10% (compared to about 80% today), they created businesses, etc.
Was that all blacks though? I bet black crime was still much higher than white crime.
Also of course whites had more control over society back then. Many blacks were bowing down and getting jobs - becoming "Uncle Toms" - because they felt they had to. They knew they'd be lynched if they stepped out of line.
Blacks and whites are just totally fucking different. It will always be like that. Tool up and protect yourself from niggers.
Once Sowell passes away the only based black man left will be Clarence Thomas.
Yes he is
>inb4 "muh negro shitskinz subhumans"
That man is not a nigger. That man is a black man. The black men we must oppose are the animal-like niggers roaming in the cities, uneducated, high on drugs, provoking crimes and cultural third-worldism. This man is far from a nigger. This man is a black man. And if all niggers turned into black men like Sowell we'd have much less problems
Don't forget Walter E. Williams
The solution is to BLEACH the negresses while sterilizing criminal males until we end up with a pacified population. We literally need to domesticate them.
Segregation was good for blacks as well. They could have their own businesses in their own neighborhood's and actually have jobs. When we got rid of that shit, schlomo bought up all the property and businesses and now blacks are just Jew Golems