Why the flat Earth is important

•Billions of tax payer dollars pay the salaries of ASStronomers and NASAfags that create pathetic pictures of perfectly spherical planets lol

• Short flight routes could go from New Zealand to Cape Town via the non existent south Sup Forumse but the Jewnited Nations forbids any aircraft flying over

• The globe earth model correlates to open border anarchist philosophies, the crap that passports is fascism and all that bs

•We have all been lied to that some big bang we never witnessed happened since childhood.

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Im sure the red shields have entire continents to themselves.

How do you get dots on Sup Forums?


>your average spherecuck

Flat earth makes so much sense...woah....

• Like this

the same way you triforce

>implying earth isn't an egg
baka desu senpai

>•Billions of tax payer dollars pay the salaries of ASStronomers and NASAfags that create pathetic pictures of perfectly spherical planets lol
Yeah, because science wouldn't exists with flat earth. Oh wait.
>• Short flight routes could go from New Zealand to Cape Town via the non existent south Sup Forumse but the Jewnited Nations forbids any aircraft flying over
Is it really forbidden though?
>• The globe earth model correlates to open border anarchist philosophies, the crap that passports is fascism and all that bs
lmao what.
>•We have all been lied to that some big bang we never witnessed happened since childhood.
There's evidence though.

I'd pay for a ticket on a plane doing a north-south certification. I'd buy it just because I could afford to, plebs! Hah. Shame that flight is a product nobody's selling.

It's a shitpost my dude.

I mean, that idea isn't entirely off the mark.


Circumnagitation. Freaking insomnia.

>1 post by this ID

The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.


>use ancapkike magic to spawn money
>get pilot training and a crew
>buy cheap airplane
>do it yourself
>sell tickets to any adventurers, and there'll be many, trust me
>everyone wins

>The globe earth model correlates to open border anarchist philosophies, the crap that passports is fascism and all that bs

Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:


Flat Earth theory = Reddit

Hollow Earth theory = Sup Forums

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world.

The truest conception of the structure of Earth is based on the idea that when it was in a molten state during its formation, centrifugal force caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow, with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator, causing the bulging of Earth in this region. It has been estimated that as a result of Earth's rotation on its axis during its formative state, polar depressions and openings thus formed would measure about 1,400 miles in diameter.

Some of the original fire and incandescent materials remained in the center of Earth to form a central 'sun', much smaller, of course, than our Sun, but capable of emitting light and supporting plant growth. We shall also see that the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis that illuminate the sky over the poles come from this central 'sun' whose rays shine through the polar openings. Thus, if Earth was originally a ball of fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its centre, while centrifugal force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a fiery ball in its centre, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for plant, animal and human life.

Keep LARPing about your retarded conspiracies.

Why don't flat earthers just take a balloon+parachute ride to the stratosphere?

I unironically think that when we look for life on other planets that we're looking for life in the wrong place by looking only at the outer surfaces of those planets. I think of a planet as being like a house and houses are meant to be lived on the inside. We're living on the roof of our house and are at the mercy of the elements. It's probably rare as fuck for life to exist on the outer surfaces of planets. Alternatively, we can think of the inner surface of a planet as being like the 'womb' of that planet (which keeps us safe from things like asteroids and cosmic radiation), and that when a sapient species living on the inner surface of a planet becomes able to leave that planet, that species has become a spacefaring civilisation. Also, Valiant Thor (also known as 'Val Thor' for short) claimed that he came from Venus, but that he lived UNDERGROUND on Venus. That to me suggests that Venus (like every other planet, including Earth itself) is hollow. Also, Phil Schneider also said that the Val Thor story was true and (((they))) fucking killed Phil Schneider.

obviously space cams are cgi just watch it for 69 hours and ull see the sane place go by at least 2 times so its fake

Check out this page for more information about Hollow Venus:


Also, it seems as though Venus has binary openings (pic related).

How dare you.

"That's right goy, you shouldn't fulfill your cosmic birthright of expanding out into the universe because space isn't real! Stay on this ruined world forever! Good goy!"

Sir, you forgot your hat.

The Hollowpill is the final frontier.

Flatpill = Blue pill

Hollowpill = Red pill

Flat Earth is about limitation and retarded shit like "Outer space doesn't exist." and "There were no dinosaurs.", whereas Hollow Earth is about unlimited possibilities.

We were NOT born too late to explore Earth, for there are STILL new lands for us to discover and colonise. Take the Hollowpill. Flat Earthers are gatekeepers of the reality of Earth's hollowness. The 'hollow planets' model means that there are TWICE as many planets for us to explore, conquer and colonise, because each planet has TWO surfaces to live on - an outer surface AND an inner surface!


oy vey the earth is flat and hollow it also rides on a big merchan- turtle thats right goy

but it is tho

Sex with Kanna-chan.

>Flatpill = Blue pill
>Hollowpill = Red pill
>doesn't tell goyim about timecube

You can't hide anything in a flat Earth because it's fucking flat, but you CAN hide an entire world and an entire civilisation and sapient species (I call them 'intraterrestrials') inside a hollow Earth. As someone who has intensely researched the Hollow Earth theory for almost a decade, there is a VAST amount of evidence for the Hollow Earth theory - scientific evidence, mathematical evidence and even evidence from many ancient myths in many different parts of the world in many different periods of time throughout human history. Consider this: How come the Hollow Earth theory almost NEVER gets mentioned as an alternative to the Mainstream Earth 'theory' (i.e. the theory that Earth is round and solid) by the mainstream media? The mainstream media is pushing the Mainstream Earth vs. Flat Earth narrative and pretty much NEVER mentioning the Hollow Earth theory. Does that not seem suspicious to you?

The Hollow Earth theory is reasonable not only in scientific terms, but also because of the fact that myths of underground worlds are almost as common as flood myths worldwide. Earth's hollowness changes everything we think we know about geology, geography, planetary formation, biology, human history, physics, etc. EVERYTHING - and THAT is why Earth's hollowness is being kept a secret from the masses.

What kind of bird will come out when it finally hatches?

they did

It hits the dome somewhere near 1:44:00


Obvious shill
>Short flight routes could go from New Zealand to Cape Town via the non existent south Sup Forumse but the Jewnited Nations forbids any aircraft flying over

The earth isn't flat, but it isn't round either. I was shocked when I was told this at my top secret orientation.

THREAD THEME: youtube.com/watch?v=WIUAC03YMlA

nah b cuz yellowstone volcanos nd shiet wuz lava nd shieeet

If the Earth is flat, go to the end and take a picture.

>• Short flight routes could go from New Zealand to Cape Town
They do, they're just not in demand, so they're only like once per week.



Whatever you say, Shlomo.

ACTUALLY you fag: flat earth theory and "FET is a CIA psyop" ARE BOTH fag ops trying to fuck with people: FET was CREATED as an example that people will believe anything
The forums were removed as someone else took the domain: but if you see it was a joke that they tried to convince people the earth was flat, it was always a joke - but around that time some black chick was on video not being able to say if the world was round or not, they started to make more memes about it
but it's being coopted as USEFUL MATERIAL by the marxists
they're studying what kinda of arguments win people over or just how it spreads

I smiled

... what is a low pressure eye... you stupid faggots

This image doesn't seem to take into account the length of time we've been going around the sun...The reason the moon doesn't face away is it's tidal locked, as in it's rotation now matches our observable lifespans.
TL;DR The universe is older than you.

oooooyyyyyyyyyyy vvvvvveeeeeyyyyyyyyyy

Those are dual openings. Fuck off, shill.


wow globies btfo once again

It doesn't hit a dome. It just stops going up, which is exactly what the laws of physics tell us it would do.

In the cloud, aye.

Magma stops at a certain point in Earth's crust, then the temperature gradually becomes COOLER.


Why do these sites allways look like 1998?

dumb animeposters as usual,
go back to /r/anime you fags.

Flat earthers are worse than furries.

you know goy there is multiple creatures inside the earths crust goy, i call them super mercha- aliens they just havent breach the surface but every earthquake is them trying to escape goy so if you want to help us i mean the aliens blow up the earth with some of isrealis finest weapons! Trust me goy its hollow!

I don't know, but the evidence is compelling regardless.

Black Knight!

Are you fucking serious?

>Why do weather seasons exist?

>Why do the night stars appear different as you change latitude? Why does the Northern star appear fixated on one spot when you're on the north pole? Why do you see a completely different set of stars when you're in the southern hemisphere?

No doubt.

North / south has been done of times.
I've gone over the North Pole several times on flights and stared out of the window for at least half of it as we crossed the top of our globe.
> not living in medieval shitberg times triggers the Flatfuck

Flying saucers/UFOs and AYYYs are another

nasa is fake
but the earth is a sphere and hollow, and nazis are either in antarctica or inside the hollow earth with UFOs
i will may entertain the idea of a flat earth if someone cares to explain how this would work on a flat earth
1. the stars on the northern hemisphere are different stars than those on the southern hemisphere.
b) The sun which is brighter than the stars, and closer to me than the stars behind from the sun dissappeared behind the horizon because it got "too far away", would dissappear because its too far away, but the stars behind it which are much dimmer and further away are still visible then for some reason (pic related)"

Regarding your Antarctica flight check the pic. Its not forbidden but not economical.

Most flying saucers and so-called 'extraterrestrial beings' actually come from inside Earth. Massive red-pill right there!




Do you live in Germany?

>be me
>not retarded
>don't need any advanced tools or books to see earths shadow on the moon and draw a rational conclusion
>yfw its 2017 and people are dumber than literal neanderthals with advanced tools and well documented evidence on why things be like it is
btw the greeks predicted the circumference of the globe 2000 years ago.

what would make you think that? of course not

I offer that flight for 2.6mil US. We can fly out of any airport you wish

I've seen a Hollow Earther with a German flag post quite often on Sup Forums, just wanted to know if it was him.


>I can determine whether an object is a circle or a sphere by looking at its two-dimensional shadow
Tell me more.

user, check the flag again of that last post please. i am that one unless there is some other german around i didnt encounter yet. and i think i saw you posting your pasta a few times already too


explain how the stars are different in the north and south hemisphere
explain why hurricanes rotate differently in the north and south hemisphere
explain how we can see the curvature of the shadow of the earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse

you guys are fucking retarded and should be ashamed of yourselves. i wish you were all aborted, and im pro-life. go fuck yourselves, you fucking drooling retards!!!!

It's actually the only logical conclusion IF they're real.

I'm 50/50 with some humanoid species living underground and trying to subvert us above ground.

Good luck getting past the soldiers guarding the ice wall.

>this is how mad satanic minions get when faced with the truth
it's like poetry, you can feel them being torn apart, they don't know what to do with themselves

It's not a two dimensional shadow, you see it even on the horizon. If you weren't retarded your common sense would have also dictated to you that if you put two sticks in the ground at a distance they'd have a different shadow.

>Tell me more.
Only a sphere casts a circular shadow 100% of the time.

check compiled a lot of nazi saucers and hollow earth in there with a lot of sources including FBI and CIA docs with links as well as some hollow earth stuff

No, it's yellow, like Venus. If it was a cloud on Earth it would be white.


Sweetie, Game of Thrones isn't real. You don't have to worry about Jon Snow on some kind of wall.

>two sticks in the ground having different shadows confirms the sun is a nuclear reactor 93 million miles away

The Russians did it in the 1870s dipshit. Stop believing youtube Jesuits.

Remember that Phil Schneider said he and some other guys fought against a group of grays underground. I think that grays might be native to Earth. Grays probably live underground, that's why their eyes are so big - to adapt to the lack of light underground. Also, the Native Americans have a myth about creatures that live underground called 'ant people'. I think that the ant people are the Grays.

That's exactly how the earths circumference was accurately predicted 2000 years ago.
>Eratosthenes of Cyrene (/ɛrəˈtɒsθəniːz/; Greek: Ἐρατοσθένης ὁ Κυρηναῖος, IPA: [eratostʰénɛːs]; c. 276 BC[1] – c. 195/194 BC[2]) was a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. He invented the discipline of geography, including the terminology used today.[3]
>He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which he did by applying a measuring system using stadia, a standard unit of measure during that time period. His calculation was remarkably accurate. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day.[4] He created the first map of the world, incorporating parallels and meridians based on the available geographic knowledge of his era.

you just keep delivering, kek

I'd just like to add that I know that the Grays told Betty and Barney Hill that they came from Zeta Reticuli, but I think that they flat-out lied.