Ultra liberal, ultra left wing comic book industry on the verge of total collapse.
Huh, so it turns out that people don't actually like all the race baiting, gender swapping, black washing and other SJW shit in modern day comics.
Ultra liberal, ultra left wing comic book industry on the verge of total collapse.
Huh, so it turns out that people don't actually like all the race baiting, gender swapping, black washing and other SJW shit in modern day comics.
Other urls found in this thread:
comics have been on the brink of collapse since 1939
they've never been very profitable
>people don't actually like all the race baiting, gender swapping, black washing and other SJW shit in modern day comics.
people just don't like comics because, "fuck that! i'll watch the movie."
maybe its because its been 60 years with the same characters
Except Marvel is the SJW one
Most comic book companies are just IP factories for use in TV shows and movies so they can sell merchandise and licensing deals.
Same thing with books. None of the industry people give a fuck about comics or novels. Just the next new idea to cheaply acquire and turn into profit.
Comic industry thinks normalfags care about their fictional characters when normalfags really only just care about the real life Hollywood actors.
That is why these capeshit movies are a double edged sword
They convince Marvel and DC to shit out all these comics nobody is buying because it is already hard enough to convince normalfags to read books when they can just watch shit online or their TV, instead.
The only successful comics in America are those short comics you find in newspapers in the past like Calvin and Hobbes or Garfield.
DC and Marvel have never been as successful with their comics like Calvin and Hobbes.
Have you seen how Jewy comic books are? They intentionally split events away from the comics you want to read, inserting them in other comics so you have to buy them just to know wtf is going on. This manner of kikery does not happen in manga
Comics were famously pushed by Jews, like movies and Gin and nigger music and usury. In fact the early story of comics reads just like all those businesses: nepotism (Stan Lee), theft (Seigel and Shuster, Jack Kriby) and crime (Meyer Lansky). It's a fucking joke.
It's just marvel singlehandedly crashing the industry like they've always been doing.
I know I'm a minority, but I don't watch the movies. They're all normie trash and the stories are predictable... I'm ready for the super hero flicks to start doing poorly so we can move onto the next movie meme. Then again, I hate supporting hollywood...
Hopefully it's Marvel that's going out.
DC hasn't cucked out as hard if at all as far as I know.
I, for one, love the race baiting. Only fags don't look forward to the day of the rope.
About time. Marvel and DC overstayed their welcome with their stale set of heroes and all their liberal/SJW bullshit.
It's marvel.
DC isn't doing anything liberal or SJW and are just focusing on writing good stories. This is why their sales has been increasing while Marvel has been dropping like a rock.
My wife got into buying comics in the last 5 years
I haven't bought comics in the last 5 years
The ones I stopped buying all went SJW, chock full of gays, etc
the ones she buys are cute, fun, and not at all serious or grounded in realistic drama, therefore little room for SJW crap.
She only stopped buying recently because we cut back on all our extra expenses in preparation for having a child.
Even people got tired with narutos and bleaches and got phased out in favour of new mangas. Meanwhile DC and Marvel both keep digging out 80 years old corpses of characters that don't belong in 2000s anymore
and they make it worse by trying to hide it by overloading the storys with side characters.
Based Kirk
Dc is just as bad
>mfw bought comics recently, even though I know it's an SJW minefield
>I'm an adult so I'll go ten years w/o buying a comic
>also harley quinn to keep wifey happy
>sad with all the racks full of fat, brown LBGTQ losers pretending to be heroes
>Small ray of sunshine pic related, hmm Spiderman is finally a man with a family..doesn't seem too infected
>It's Slott, and I think he's some kind of protosjw but fuckit.jpg
>Buy the whole set
>Spider dad is ok, it's missing continuity because it's tie in over 6 series shit to try to get you to buy the others but w/e. Spider kid and Spider MJ are fun
>It's all in some alternate universe that doesn't even count
>It's already 3-5 years old
I guess gay nog spiderman, asian hulk, and bitch Thor are the future guys. I didn't even see the new Spiderman movie because that shit is creeping in there. I am not going to watch some hoodrat standin for MJ and be lectured about white privilege to the tune of 40 bucks for two movie tickets. So if they think the collapse will stop with comics they're mistaken.
This. I stopped reading them in the 90s because you had to have 5+ subscriptions just to follow one story arc to the end. Right around that time I saw stuff like Vampire Hunter D and Akira on SciFi channel and I switched to manga without looking back. I'm glad I did, I couldn't imagine having an attachment to comics in a time when they're being butchered for SJW faggotry.
Excellent trips, btw.
DC as guilty as Marvel, they are two sides of the same coin. They reuse the same characters over and over again with no end in sight. There's no plot, no character development, no anything excepts endless chain of remakes, relaunches, reboots, rebrands, recycling it over and over again. It could work if we didn't have books, manga, games, movies, or other non-capeshit comics. But we have them.
>people don't actually like .. gender swapping
They like it, if done right. Unfortunately murican writers can't into it thanks to rabid feminazism and other bullshit.
No weapon formed against thee will prosper!
>most of the green lanterns were invented in the last 30 years
>most of the teen titans were invented in the last 30 years
>Venom is from the last 30 years
>85% of the xmen and other mutan books characters are from the last 30 years
I mean, it's fair to say that DC suffers from character nepotism a LOT more than Marvel, and that a lot more of their headliners are 65+, but they also reboot their universe every 10 years.
Not to mention comic companies like IDW and Boom struggle too, despite having either new properties, or properties that haven't had comic books in a long time, if ever.
The biggest factor is probably illegal digital distribution, and the fact that LCS is a pretty toxic place to go for a fan. Heavy markup (often not their fault, since unlike most retail, they can't markup their main products since the prices are printed on the cover), mixed with the fact that they are often in poor, unsavory parts of town.
My LCS is terrible. I took my nephew in to pick out some comics, and we didn't even make it in the door before he heard another customer drop the f bomb 5 times. Inside the store people were talking about misogyny, etc.
As a young teen, I loved trips to the mall because it meant I could go to the LCS. It was quiet, I could look through the current stuff, pick out the comic I wanted, buy it, and go without any trouble.
Now, to have that same experience, the only option is digital purchases.
Comics over three decades ago used to be a broad industry with books that appealed to a lot of people. Then they only appealed to mankids who never quit reading them. Then they ditched it for ultra-libs.
But the economics suck too. Your comics aren't on sale in most Grocery and convenience store racks anymore - the best you can hope is that people actively search them out with digital devices or go to a handful of specialty shops in a densely populated urban area. The books themselves are full of expensive glossy colored inks and "decent" quality paper. And half the fucking book is ads anyway so the value is shit, just like the quality of the content because you assigned some no-name artist to a mediocre writer who made his entire career bouncing between two companies and failing to break into Hollywood.
The whole western model is fucking stupid. The Japanese model is superior in every sense.
> Wide variety of content and genres and art styles for all ages, genders, and tastes.
> Much more support for creator driven series
> Printed in big weekly/ bi-weekly/monthly volumes filled with several different comics that guarantee you a large amount of material to read. Profitable series subsidize the less popular brands and give exposure to new series.
> Printed on cheap recycled paper in black ink, which reduces printing costs while reducing the workload on artists and their staff since they don't need to add coloring.
> readily available in shop and stands everywhere
I was at comicon a few years ago with some friends. It had completely changed. It's no longer the pure and innocent hobby it was for me when growing up. We left early to get drunk. Some green haired dyke started making a scene about my friends Chinese style straw hat. She was drunk probably and we were drunk. So my other friend grabs this bitch by the collar and tells her that just because marvel is pandering to her delusions doesn't mean your welcome here. He tells her to get the fuck out. The bitches friends start screeching like harpies and the bouncer kicks us out. The cunts hiss and holler when we're leaving. I haven't been to comicon since.
maybe its not entirely because of the stale characters, theres certainly ones that still feel fresh, like Red Hood or something. Its maybe also that the interest in comics went downhill a lot, i doubt there is even much piracy going on.
there is almost no crossover between comic fans and movie fans.
I dunno about the fucking but I would agree that DC has been better than Marvel in recent years. The only really good thing Marvel has had are the zombie titles.
Good riddance
wtf I like capeshit now
>Except Marvel is the SJW one
Except Marvel comics are selling even worse than DC.
It's because comics are trash.
>no consistency and lore, canon constantly being rewriten and rebooted.
>Ment for children so comics rarely ever go past the pg13 rating.
>Now filled with sjw shit.
>costs $5 and you only get 10 pages of story with 10 pages of adds.
>Always has consistency with lore, plot and style.
>Goes above teen rating and has the sex, gore and fan service people want.
>Not filles with politcal bullshit.
>$20 gets you an entire book with no adds and progreses the plot significantly
As a kid I was obsessed with X-Men (cartoon mostly, but eventually got into the comics, at least for a little while). Then, I realized just how fucking worthless the stories are because nothing of consequence ever happens.
There are like 100+ timelines/universes/etc. There's zero continuity. Professor X has died a dozen times and it means nothing because they'll just ignore it in the next iteration.
The stories carry zero weight, zero impact, zero reason to care. Character deaths mean nothing. Events as a whole mean nothing. American comic books are basically just endless fanfics. Anyone can write them and it's "official" somehow.
Compare that to a TV series where when a character dies, or a big event happens, it's permanent. It stays with the show. The ripples of that moment will be felt throughout the remainder of the series up until the finale, and it will be acknowledged by everyone.
I don't know why American comic books think their characters are so good that they can just rehash them every year or two and it's just the expected norm.
Imagine if TV did that. Imagine if there were 100+ iterations of Breaking Bad. Seriously, imagine the story of Breaking Bad being told 100+ different times with wildly different outcomes. It would never work. It would never be successful. That's why comics are failing.
Current Squirrel Girl and Thor alone makes this a false statement.
Forgot about Riri Williams too.
Thanks for proving their delusions right
someone post the comic of wonder woman where mens right activist terrorists attack a lab and hold someone hostage but then some genetically engineered monster that looks like a giant penis attacks them and they have to be saved by wonder woman, while fighting the giant peni monster wonder woman and the scientist have a nifty little back and forward about the irnoy of the situation then at the ende the leader of the mens right activists admits the only reason he does the things he does is because he is a virgin with a small penis and is bad with woman
>the fact that I am not making this up or exaggerating it at all
American comics are soap operas for men. Nothing matters, it's all melodramatic bullshit and TWISTS in order to sell more toys to children.
Shut up pirate nigger
manga tackles social justice issues with more or less subtle allegories in fantasy world with fantasy races and issues
comics tackle social issues with
>[bunch of misogynistic filth]
>autistic screeching
>references to shit that happened on the internet a month ago and everyone forgot
>*insert real world minorities pandering in the universe where Howard the Duck exists*
As far as I know, the 'big-hitters' that got libbed are:
Thor (now female)
Hulk (now Asian)
Iron Man (now black and female)
Captain America (now black)
Spiderman (black, though exists along side Peter Parker)
Wolverine (now female)
Captain Marvel (now female)
Ms Marvel (now muslim)
Probably missing a few. And this doesn't include the behind the scenes stuff (creators).
also, Trumps enemies always fail, it is the will of god
Blessed be
What a clickbait title. It's taken out of context where DC is saying they're treating their fans well because they dont want the industry to collapse by using horrible business tactics.
Post the last comic you bought.
And I don't give a fuck about the whole comic/graphic novel debate bullshit.
Embrace the superior anime/manga and non-capeshit.
Why do you call it that?
>tv series go sjw and die
>comics go sjw and die
Yes, everything accoring to keikaku
tn: keikaku means plan
It would be fine if that wasn't all they had. Shit's stale af
Hopefully it will collapse for real, after almost a century of being on the brink of collapse
Wow, who would've thought?
I understand that reference
thats the point fagatron
Yeah this is it. Now that they're making billions of dollars in movie profits, I'm sure they'll go out of business.
Comics have always been liberal. Just more Sup Forums being myopic, willfully ignorant of history, and retarded.
I bet you cucks actually read comics, don't you?
even fucking transformers are gay now
You and your "wife" sound like fags.
Dan abnett is probably a nice guy but fuck every book he's ever produced has been garbage.
It's piracy.
All of these comics are sold on the DC and Marvel site as digital .cbf files now.
They have become so expensive that why would you buy the print copy if you can just torrent the .cbf?
This is one of the reasons they started pandering to blacks, gays and SJW types, because the traditional audience of white males started shrewdly pirating the comics they wanted to read. The only audience remaining were the dumb fucks who refuse or are incapablke of pirating.
But guess what? Feminists and SJW's dont actually pay for and read comics, they just like to complain about them.
That comic is FAGGOT BULLSHIT.
Characters don't even stay dead anymore
You might say people cbf to buy them anymore
Will anything ever top Punisher MAX? Moreover, will David Hasselhoff's Nick Fury ever be seen again?
30 years is a very long time to follow the same characters. Other than One Piece every decade in Shonen Jump was dominated by different material yet we're supposed to stay interested in the X-Men forever.
Store didn't have Deff Skwadron or The Redeemer.
I liked titan, just too much Photoshop effects in later chapters.
>Gaunt's Ghosts
Eat a dick you gigantic faggot.
you're really not good at killing threads
Superhero shit is the most cancerous thing I've ever seen. You have to be a fucking supreme mouth breather to PAY MONEY to see that shit
WTF that is pure degeneracy.
Fuck Marvel
The Garth Ennis era of Punisher finished over 10 years ago. We were lucky to get that.
How can transformers be gay if they're technically sexless?
His 40k stuff is good. Eisenhorn is amazing
>don't turn into a sjw tri gender attack helicopter it's bad for you and people who are super impressionable
>lmao mansplaining
Isn't green lantern black and gay?
Except they fired the writer and she works for marvel now.
No, none of the green lanterns are gay. The only black one of John Stewart and he's a military architect guy.
You don't want to know what happens in Spiderman XVII?
Hello anons. Comic book writer here.
I have been in the industry for a while now and i can say it's worse than you can imagine. All fields, levels of the industry have been infiltrated by SJW. Hell, I know personally most of the artist/writers and it's infested by gays, lesbians, trans etc.
Lucky for you, there is hope. Some of us are not prone to SJW logic or agenda, some of us don't give a fuck about those things and genuinely just want to create good stories that people will enjoy.
I did not post under my country flag since you have to be aware of something user. The comic industry is very very small, the word gets out really fast. So thus my road leads me walking in the shadows and doing the thing i love. I am one of those who wish to bring comics to level same as manga, from economy stand point ( price compeition ) to R rated and pg18+ to wider general population.
God bless you all. Don't buy crap they produce and keep forcing it. Marvel is shaking as a company, but their leaders are unable to adjust because of SJW agenda.
Oh yes. As a comic writer i despise marvel and dc, they can go fuck themselfs.
Why do you say Marvel when you know its Disney and Disney only care about pushing propoganda. They can make the money back in other ways.
Blaming marvel for the fall of comic books would be like blaming blizzard for the loot boxes instead of activision who owns their asses.
Because Marvel has been interviewed before and they've openly stated they do not care about their audience of white males and they purposely try to enrage them in order to make them buy their comics.
also the top people at Marvel are liberal SJWs who continously race bait and try to hire from tumblr nonstop. Disney doesn't give any orders to marvel they already got what they wanted which was the movies and merchandise. They dont give a shit about the comics.
>Huh, so it turns out that people don't actually like all the race baiting, gender swapping, black washing and other SJW shit in modern day comics.
Who would have expected that???????
Why the fuck are people still buying in to these shit movies?
They're predictable as fuck and are just the same story all over again.
I stopped watching this garbage 10 years ago, when it became obvious they were gonna release a movie a year of each superhero, no matter what.
Still, it's been 10 fucking years.
I thought it would have ended by now, but it just looks more retarded than ever.
To be fair, thats the only DC example I have seen.
Meanwhile Marvel is up to choking with shitty examples and revamping memorable heroes as super minorities.
I don't think that people into capeshit really care about that, but it's when you make characters sacred that you open them up to wildly unpopular re-interpretations by the current artists.
I could never get into Murrican super hero stuff , back in the day i read 2000AD & dark horse,Heavy Metal comics, some indie . nearly all were very violent with none of the lefty bullshit of recent years, some even had some decent social satire like Judge Dredd. I shudder to think what comics are like these days with LGBTQ rubbish infesting everything like a fucking cancer... its bizarre.
liberal reeducation camps
>they're technically sexless