Tbh, I did not anticipate the success of these threads... I only have one more left in me, but I will save all three of them and screen shot them or something.
Whatever happened tonight, let's keep this feeling going next time a thread like this is made.
do you take any other medication, SSRIs and shit like that?
Nathaniel Price
Read the past two archived threads:
Everybody realized they fucking loved rave tunes, and we linked /bleep/ into our explanation. Turns out Sup Forumstards have a patrician taste in electronica as even /bleep/, one of the most ornery threads on Sup Forums (which is already very elitist) had to commend us.
I used that term because it's not EDM, and perhaps not entirely rave music. I honestly don't know what to call good raving music
Jaxon Evans
magic happens at 1:55
Lincoln Bennett
Is women the devil?
Gabriel Foster
by the way, here's the link to the /bleep/ post that was linked, should have put that. They all filtered on here and were pleasantly surprised by Sup Forums
James Edwards
idk why people always Try to pretend that the "tentacles" just magically arise from the chemical reaction when it's actually little firework things designed to do that buried underneath the black powder
One of these threads pops up about twice a year and they are always fucking amazing. Something about the quality people from the rave scene becoming pseudo-nazis
Hudson Collins
Keep on raving baby
Andrew Johnson
Buy a $20 testing kit online to make sure you're not taking bunk chinese research chemicals -- 90% chance it is. If its legit be sure to take some 5-HTP with MDMA, it is a seratonin precursor that will make your experience even better and help reduce the damage, and available at a vitamin shop
The rave scene was the heart of marxist activity in metro areas during that time period. If you were part of that scene, you either fully embraced communism, or were driven out, and flipped full fascist.
Isaac Ramirez
James Long
Anybody like dark Psy? This album sounds different every time I get spun out and listen to it. youtu.be/V9rUteVnpO0
Samuel Bell
We need to make this thread more common /bleepol/ or /rave/, idk what it'd be called, Id do it.
Furthermore, we need to do something about this phenomenon, make its momentum increase. This is not the Rhodesia homesteading program or /htg/, this is something which can relatively easily make something happen IRL.
Rave could be a uniting factor for Sup Forumsacks the same way it chilled out the hooligans.
Rave is Sup Forums material because it is underground in nature and resists the System's attempt to institutionalize it; you don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to understand this. The elite have instituted a vapid and pedophilic industry for its popstars and darlings, so maybe this could help to redpill us or even maybe take it down in some fashion.
I've never seen Sup Forums come together like this so rapidly and prodigiously, even on ideological threads like /nsg/.
Chase Gonzalez
Carson Moore
5htp on top of MDMA is a trip to death city.
Jack Martin
Didn't get a response in the last thread, so I'll ask again. What was the eurobeat scene like? Was there even one in America?
Andrew Martin
William Jackson
Degenerate shit, leave Sup Forums you fucking faggots
Libertarian left movements are the most retarded ideologies to ever exist
Carter Hill
early rave had nothing to do with marxism shill. kikes didn't like it because it was expression of freedom for whites.
jews are good at raping, whites are good at dancing.
Hudson Brown
Sup Forums has such shitty taste in music, yet they are somehow pretentious about their shit taste, its fucked
hey Sup Forums listen to some nujazz made by white people sampling white people, something something white supremacy
nobody has been able to come up with a good umbrella name for it EVER, music industry jews have tried time and time again. first they tried to call it all club music, then techno music, then rave music, then electronic music, then electronica, then electro, then the fucking jews finally got EDM to stick cheesy lifestyle selfie shit
Eurobeat was a Western Europe thing, started mainly in Belgium. I am too young for eurobeat, but did live the hardcore scene that come out of it. I assume it is the rave scene hasn't changed much since then. There is still a ton of drugs, the same drugs, now maybe more cocaine and ketamine maybe. But MDMA is still king.
The NAP does seem to fit very well into having a good time at a rave: own your body, engage in mutual transactions, respect everyone else's body and property or get aggressed, etc.
Hell yes. We'd keep it to ourselves until it came time for it to expand, so shit can progress in a non-degenerate manner. We'd wage a guerilla war of sorts, of joie de vivre. Tell me more of what you are thinking.
Blake Flores
5htp is not an SSRI its just a seratonin precursor, it adds seratonin to your depleted seratonin reserves that MDMA causes to empty.
Jaxson Cox
>We'd keep it to ourselves thats not very proletariat of you, sounds kind of fashy tvh
Jordan Adams
Right, I guess that's not surprising. I'm just interested in it because I've been into that genre lately. Cocaine is getting more popular there? Here it's thought of as more of an 80s businessmen kind of thing.
Daniel Robinson
a supreme classical early breakbeat master piece here /watch?v=sEpXmTlrg0E
Leo Stewart
Here's the original, che:
"Imagine if one of us in /bleep/ or Sup Forums held a rave in our locality that had this type of music...
Not solely for profit, we'd help the DJs choose their set lists (maybe contribute songs), keep it among us, do the adventure thing to find the venue like old times, we'd hold each other up through the ennui of today.
We could impose a no-cellphone, dress-code enforced event, free of excessive degeneracy/normieshit, no tools of either sex allowed, minimal judgement.
A way to meet up, to express any catharsis we might have, and to maintain fellowship. It's beautiful desu, just look what has happened the past few threads.
Un-Jew the scene. No DJs on stages. No visible DJ at all. Dancefloor and the people on it are the center of the event. Participating in the experience, not spectating. Dark cool spaces with minimal lighting/effects. Quality sound setup. CO2 jets under control or coordinated with DJ are fucking god-tier, when the dancefloor fills with an impenetrable cold fog at just the right part of a great track, puts people in that Temporary Autonomous Zone.
Bumping with my old post. The mid 90s hardcore really influenced me heavily in terms of the music I make. Would love to hear any classics from hardcore to gabber.
In any case here is some next level psytrance
Benjamin Taylor
>I hope the user who wrote this beautiful pasta gets what he wants in the end :'(
"I really miss the incredible REBORN feeling of leaving a club at 6 or 8am with the sun coming up, the cold air and grey light, going to get dim sum or diner food with friends or just taking a cab home to crash, bone tired, sore, feet hurting, winding down with sweet deja vu-inducing chill music. There was a freshness and a feeling of promise, I didn't know how fucked up the world was and I thought that scene would never disappear and that I had a lifetime of transcendent dancing ahead of me. Now I'm old and I only get it when I'm alone in my car, or when I go running with my headphones on and I let myself bounce and skip a little even if I look like a weirdo doing it, and it's all a shadow of what it once was."
If anything sums up the collective feeling, I think it's this.
Fuck you your speakers must be shit. You have to listen to the notes that aren't being played >Inb4 I can do that without speakers >Inb4 there aren't any
Also, the track you posted sounded like some straight up Texas faggot suomi psy (very nice) Check out salakavala youtu.be/MnCq8altSjU
Isaiah Nguyen
sounds like trs pool parties with acid instead of synth wave
Tbqh I find old school raving much less degenerate than mainstream clubbing or binge drinking ""culture"". I've been to my share of raves (mostly witchhouse and electroclash, I am rather young), and I've never seen or heard about people fucking, unlike clubs with pop music, never seen fights or vomiting. Nobody tried to dance with women I've been to raves and no invasive attention. Always some couples kissing, but never more than at park late, never any homosex. Ravers are more open to communication, rave girls seldom check out how expensive are your clothes or ask you to buy drinks (as everybody is drugged). In general people are more original, euphoric and aware of issues like crime, drugs and police state. I'm not claiming that raving is redpilled, but definitely more alcohol parties or even corporate events.
Ryan Cruz
Preach it, I agree with this. Maybe even include the various aesthetics of the different ideas which reside here, individualism, purpose, ambition, the like.
Brayden Howard
I must identify some DnB tracks from the 90s that have been stuck in my head for almost two decades now. Point me in the direction(s) of chill/jazzy/atmospheric DnB with female vocals, tracks that would go well in a mix with the follow example track:
i just really can't get into darkpsy anymore, sure it was kinda nice 15 years ago. salakavala is great! too bad the finnish guys don't have the right channels to release their music youtube.com/watch?v=s3awiKi8o0g
Seek those fashwave threads for aesthetics inspiration if you must have them. could just projector it on the walls instead of investing a shit ton of capital.
Kayden Garcia
I knew all of pol loved electronica because electronica is white man music.
Jacob Roberts
Raves and extreme political movements attract people without good families and communities. It's a clumsy attempt to fill the void left by religion desu, and a lot of the music in the trance scene is an equally clumsy attempt to recreate the religious spirit of baroque and classical music.
My guess is that most of the people here realized two things: beyond music, the rave scene didn't have what we were looking for, and that hedonism is the worst way to find happiness.
Still love the old spacy rhythmic and experimental style of trance, though less and less new stuff comes out of this type...
What are these threads even talking about? Rave scene right? Like, it was specific genre of music or? I was born in the late 90s so I was too young. But I know that in England there was this "madchester" scene where everyone would go to this place called the hacienda and take pills. I'm not sure it was like later types, like Pete tong and stuff like that. But the culture started there. It was all a bit before my time I guess. I'm a bit of a dork myself tbqh, I just like the quite time in reading or whatever, not to dance around in a loud, sweaty club, but then it feels as though I'm missing out on my youth and that shit. It's tough, having autism and that.
Austin Turner
it must be hard forked. current state is irredeemable. should be named directly nazirave, nazitechno, nazidnb, nazitrance so sjws would avoid it just by label.
Joshua Garcia
Can someone put all the song links in one YouTube playlist and share it here?
Brandon Harris
very detailed mealncholic statues are Sup Forumss essential aesthetic
Zachary Watson
Yes yes
Factory Records I think it was behind the Hacienda. It was Joy Division then Happy Mondays then Acid House was created at the Hacienda, but HOUSE was created in America. In Chicago. By gay niggers. Something something white supremacy.
Jose Diaz
Something much bigger. A potential Sup Forums-oriented rave scene, real raving, minimal degeneracy. All genres are represented. Keep up your stuff, man.
Though I do attest to Western European art heritage, I must also mention as an ancap the benefits of our unique chaotic freedom to the overall aesthetic, the surreal and humorous quality we provide to your graceful austerity, the blood red, the yellow, and the common black
Parker Cox
>What are these threads even talking about?
Our personal experience surrounding what rave culture means to us and how we experienced it from local scenes to discovering genres that were big in other parts of the world. The music may have been vastly different but there were a lot of commonalities in terms of the culture.
Robert Torres
I would start hoarding fashwave aesthetics content and have that shit rotating through the night with other shit/videos/weird shit mixed in. We used to use these weird fashion industry slides featuring dolls.
Henry Perry
This is great, I had no idea Sup Forums was into raving.
Landon Diaz
If you find a more underground artist you like, go alone and dance. I've done that many times, nobody cares, and you can just lose yourself in the music while dancing. Never done anything harder than alcohol or weed, but dancing like that's liberating as fuck and I've had a few quasi-religious experiences while doing so stone-cold sober.
Jacob Carter
really this is just a psyop to redpill Sup Forums but its grown in ambition to resurrect and redpill entire subcultures shhhh
Brayden Cook
Nice thread Sup Forums and really great tracks too.Thanks for sharing.
Eli Murphy
Yes, good shit! Keep it sublime...
I've been toying with the notion of implementing something like this:
Kebab yes, but the movements and the cadence of the sounds indicated an undeniable central purpose and hypnotizing beauty, especially given the right synths and lyrics.
We could make something beautiful, m8.
I can only tame my erection for so long
Kevin Price
My nigga that album is made by noisia
Joshua Rogers
>nazirave, nazitechno, nazidnb, nazitrance
I'm willing to start producing this. Anyone else down? Would be fun to move away from standard EDM and do something with a message.
Jaxson Cruz
a fem/pol/ in the previous thread had a create idea to sample Jordan Peterson, see:
William Gray
they probably do, i got that vinyl here in my closet. the extra track that isn't on the album this ep accompanies is badass
William Campbell
"standard EDM" how do you live with yourself? the idea of producing cookie cutter EDM bullshit makes me want to vomit.
Logan Ramirez
That would be amazing, I guess guys on here need to take the negative energy they put into different places and put it into something positive, like dancing. It's like an art form, it's cathartic y'know? I really enjoy doing it myself, it's release and gets me out of my head for a while. The drugs helpwih that too! Fuck it man I want to enjoy life, bop to some tunes and bang as many skanks as I can
drugs taken (in first-last order): >speed >e >coke >mdma >g >ketamine
i am Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
Jose Turner
I'd have an ancap view on things, but I think a collaboration would be scandalously awesome. What say you?
Catharsis in-fucking-deed.
Kayden Williams
i don't know man, there's an aesthetic of mourning for western's death ive seen done by different artists who have gone past afrofuturism, and i don't really like when you put a vhs filter to it and add ironic texts, it feels kind of halfassed
Jacob Green
I see, and of course those are only reposts. We would make original material; someone among us must be good at Photoshop
Justin Myers
Cocaine is currently seeing a rise in popularity across Western Europe and especially Belgium. Surveys show that use has increased across all levels of society, but has become vastly more popular with youth.
I can attest this, a night's raving with friends starts with dinner, then a few lines of cocaine for dessert, then we head for the club, do some MDMA and then 2CB. Some of my friends then use ketamine to help them fall asleep, but I never have done that personally. Good times.
Me and my friends are all MSc level educated, one is assistant surgeon, I am doing my PhD. Work hard, party hard.
I always figured we would calm down with the drugs when we got to start our carriers. Instead most of our friends got way worse.
Dominic Sanders
Caleb Campbell
What city do you live in? My advice may not help you depending on your local market etc, but instead of renting a regular apartment rent a small warehouse with an efficiency built in. Everything starts with the space and if you control it you can create a consistent vibe people can expect to return to. Keep your overhead low on the events.
Jaxson Morris
yes. exactly. watch some youtube videos of people who took 5htp before taking molly.
I have some on a shelf right behind me.
James Evans
Atlanta. You? I am trying to create a music promotion company with someone anyway, maybe those efforts can be combined. At any rate, there is a good amount of warehouse space available, I'd probably have to look.