I was just in a thread started by Wayne Lambright. you can still find it up now i think. Anyway I encountered like 4 or 5 people sympathizing with fucking pedos..saying shit like letting pedos have access to cp is ok and saves children from being molested. The fuck is wrong with Sup Forums these days? fist we get shills out the ass from Sharia Blue now we got pedo sympathizers. GIve me a fucking break. Pedos should be fucking gassed.
We Have Pedophile sympathizers invading us now!!
>saying shit like letting pedos have access to cp is ok and saves children from being molested
Killing them all isn't the answer though, it would push them underground. I think it should be treated as a disease. That doesnt make me a pedo sympathiser, number 1 mission should be about stopping Children getting molested, which means looking at the perpetrators as well as the victims.
Not a simple problem to solve humanely, due to the amount of vitriol it produces.
If you could reduce the societal stigma of all pedos, you could probably split them into groups of
1) pedos deserving death penalty (prob about 1%)
2) pedos deserving locking up and sterilising (prob about 10%)
3) pedos deserving monitoring, reduced priviledges, segregation, medication, and rehabilitation (prob around 50%)
4) pedos deserving monitoring, rehabilitation and counseling prob around 39%
Obviously the model could be optimised with better data, but the problem with stigma is you push it underground.
I think its safe to say that not all pedos are child sacrificing pyscos, and some are probably mostly harmless
>saying shit like letting pedos have access to cp is ok and saves children from being molested.
this is true, look at japan
Nope, CP shouldnt be tolerated,
Porn changes your brain user. Its well established fact that its addictive and degenerate.
Your stats are easy to make up, or fiddle with. Common sense required here.
>4. United Kingdom
>3. Afganistan
>2. United States
>1. Australia
Most of the faggots on this site, especially the ones that frequent /r9k/, are openly pedophiles and groom underage male posters and lure them on to discord or steam to ERP and obtain pictures or sex. This is a fact and it's largely ignored for reasons I don't understand.
Read the caveat
>Inconsistent definitions of rape, different rates of reporting, recording, prosecution and conviction for rape create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading.
What you need to know is after a deep research i found out that libertarians flags are a codeword for pedophile militant
also loli/shota should be illegal
>also loli/shota should be illegal
let's just make everything illegal, it will fix all the problems in the world
>a deep research
It should be illegal. As in against the law.
Its degenerate and can lead to dangerous abuse.
All porn, including CP involves some form of abuse and encourages people that have not escalated their fantasies to visualise them. It is often addictive.
There is nothing good that can come of it.
For CP, its impossible for young children to be able to make right minded choices that they might not regret in later life. It can deeply traumatise them and they need to be protected.
Therefore it should be illegal, most of society would agree.
I do however, unlike a lot of society advocate for mercy as well as justice.
In your heart you know I am right, and you need to be forgiven so that you might be able to move on from your addictions.
t. pedo
eventually they get sick of the drawings and search out cp, then they get sick of that and rape kids. it's harmful.
We've always been here ya spaz!
Sup Forums is a LARPing board
we can pretend to be anyone, say outrageous things to piss people off, to the point where we realize we are the meme masters, the manipulators of stupid people
"invading" im not even a pedo but bro, how new are you to Sup Forums? seriously.
It doesnt mean just chucking all offenders into jail, that would be a cop out.
It means figuring out what the best course of action is to try and help the perpetrators as well as the victims.
Our society focusses almost everything on the victim. Doesnt try to reform the offenders.
Thats where the issue is.
just like gun owners start with watching pictures, then buy weapons and kill other people
that's what always happens right?
pol is full of newfags, what did you expect?
Because places like Uganda and Panama keep track.
> gun owners
While I'm not a gun owner or an advocate of gun ownership, I can see the argument that one may justifiably own a gun for the purposes of self defense.
CP has literally no saving grace.
You can be saved, first just stop lying to yourself. If you need help just ask, it starts by knowing that I don't condemn you.
Redditor newfags from the election.
Lolis are a Sup Forums staple.
buzzword for anything you don't like
>For CP, its impossible for young children to be able to make right minded choices that they might not regret in later life. It can deeply traumatise them and they need to be protected.
i'm not for making cp legal, just don't make drawings which hurt no one illegal
>You can be saved, first just stop lying to yourself. If you need help just ask, it starts by knowing that I don't condemn you.
jesus christ where are you coming from? is there a tumblr alternative for reddit conservatives?
whoa invading Sup Forums?
wow thank god there hasn't ever been a hive of pedos on this site or even a lolicon board for 2 years, also good thing kik cp sharing threads dont exist on Sup Forums either
we should do something about this
http: //www.dictionary.com/browse/degenerate
works pretty well in this context
> "just drawings"
grey area, why would people want to do that? No saving grace
> where are you coming from
Im a Christian. We are here on pol, trying to help the lost.
Remember Sup Forums Ephebophilia and Hebephilla are both normal for men to have such attractions. In addition it is legal in many areas of the world. However, pedos are sick fuckers and should kys.
>pedos are on 4chins u guyz!!!!!!!!1!!! what do we do?!?
while pedos need to be gassed so do you for being the newest newfaggot
calm you tits tree and stop responding to reddit
This is one of the things that needs to be discussed candidly and without fear of reproach in society in order to work out what is fair and reasonable in developing crime and punishment.
I wouldn't think it unfair to say that currently it is perhaps too severe.
But there has to be a line drawn in terms of the law. And we should do our best to follow the law.
>why would people want to do that?
because they like it?
but they know its wrong.
inside they are deluding themselves.
no they don't because there is nothing wrong about it
you look like someone who is very delusional (nothing to be ashamed about, this is pol)
>Make it acceptable for pedos to come out
>Take all the names and personal details of open pedos
>Round up for extermination
love is love
age is just a number
be more tolerant
this is Sup Forums weve always been pro pedo
as long as the kids in the cp are paid its all fine
anyways we secretly control the govt and u will never stop us
If they are getting some kind of sexual gratification from it, no good can come of it. If this is (You), you need to have a word with yourself.
If they are not, then I guess its ok.
Isn't that also your answer for muslims, gays, black people, mexicans, and jews though (did I miss anyone)?
we'd all end up being wiped out from a disease that selectively attacks arayans.
Australia is beating the US now? Ahh sheeit nigga, where you are my croc boys. Comin in the world!
there is nothing wrong with discussing pedophilia and other paraphilias related to pubescent and pre pubescent children as long as we keep the discussion a long detailed and personal one
why don't you have a seat over there and we can have open nonjudgmental discourse.