Islam will win

Christianity is a false religion and that's why it will lose.

Christians do not worship Allah (God) They worship 3 gods, Their book is corrupted and their religion is false. Chr*stians will go to hell, Chr*stians are the residents of hellfire. Meanwhile Jews and Muslims will go to heaven because they worship only one god (Allah) not 3 gods unlike chr*Stians

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>christcucks still believing 1+1+1 = 1

if you look at this image in the lower middle portion you can clearly see a ballsack and a tiny penis.

if god or "allah" is truly omnipotent believing that he is limited to one form is simply retarded.
ps kys

never tell a muslim to kys, they take it literarly and use bombs.

they usually take out other muslims too

What is Islam was made by Satan just to cuck you from the gift of god?

Also pups don't support Islam

Pretty sure the name allah is derived from the trinity of female sumerian goddesses.

>Jews and Muslims will go to heaven
lol. That would work out well.

I'd much rather see Islam spread than atheism

They're one in the same you insufferable roach. Go get burnt in a cage.

Islam is a moon-worshipping cult. You may not realize it, but it's true - you don't worship the Father's Sun. Anyway that means your shit is weak as fuck.

All semitic religions are essentially the same with different populations translating the original scriptures differently

There will be a conflict soon, Islam will be extinguished, and life will go on.

Mohammed was a goatfucker
Allah is a towelheads best imaginary friens

You will die with your beliefs

>muslim shitskins believe in heaven
>muslim shitskins killing each other
>no muslim shitskins on earth anymore
>i call this a win win Situation
natural selection at its finest


What's up roach?

Allah is SATAN

Worshipping Allah is literally worshipping the devil

Heaven is not a whorehouse

The one concept in islam that gave me chills is the taqiya, quote "denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution", which means you are encouraged to lie to outsiders. I wonder how many muslims are truly moderate.

Fuck off heretic, islam is nothing more than a christian heresy with its roots in arianism, nestorianism and the ebionite jews. Christ told us many false prophets like your filthy Mohammed would arise, and in the end of days very few would still hold on to the True Faith.

You heretics will burn in hell for eternity. I spit on your false prophet, your false religion and your fithy roach face.


I didn't know about this and just looked
it up. This is from the muzzie response, not saying I believe them, but:

>In the years 1955-58, the James A. de Rothschild Expedition, under the direction of Yigael Yadin, conducted excavations on the site.

Why are those kikes always there?

>too retarded to grasp the concept of the Trinity

heresy has always arisen in the East

That verse about disregarding genesis fables speak to this. Think of Gods limit on Mans lifespan. Roughly 70 years. Now convert to lunar years where every new moon is new year. Magically you get Methuselah type ages and understand the origin of recognizing seasonal patterns and reccuring celestial events such as the 360 day Egyptian year that follows Morning Star Sirius as an old Faithful rainbow star while venus that hellish world mimics it and causes confusion among the uneducated illiterate fools of those ancient days. Confusion that would occur as day turns to night during a predictable eclipse event or turns moons red. We use sun moon and stars to keep unison for celestial timekeeping over the aeons of time. 1000s of years causes roman rounding error to accumulate on an otherwise simplified Gregorian calendar. Jewish frequent adjustments keep clock in check by manual tweaks on scheduled maintenance on a periodic basis. Luna-tics fall short in this regard. Islam cant even keep the seasons balanced from one year to the next based on their calendar dating methods. They are as lazy as they are stubborn. Ignorant to the end of days.

Allah was a savage Arab moon god. Their Kaaba is an obvious remnant of their pagan cult.

Also their crescent moon symbol comes from antediluvian race, they literally carry the symbol of Saturn, of an accursed race God wiped out.


why do you think (((they))) are pushing islam so much? why do you think (((they))) opened the floodgates? It's all part of their plan

But solomon had a huge haram!! Then the proverbs go on to state that King Lemuel only took one wife. Who was the greater man? Which religion rushed to profit in applying Solomons wisdom? Who collected 666 talents of gold as passed on in the biblical book of 1 Kings 10. Now you know the answer to a riddle of the New Testament.

They are the spiritual inheritors of Nimrod and Semiramis, and as such they are the last head of the Beast Empire of the middle east.

It's not a new concept, they took it from several christian heresies that used to practice this.

You have links for this? I've only ever heard tidbits about this.

Geez aquafresh. I'm just asking why those kikes are meddled in this.

A Heaven filled with Jews and Mudslimes?

That would be Hell for me.

We still believe in god, but at least we don't believe a prophet flew to heaven on a fucking Pegasus...

No wonder the Middle East denies evolution and basic biology.

>they worship only one god
but there's two gods, Shaytan is the deity of evil, has supernatural powers, is beyond Allah's power to destroy and has dominion over Iblis, which Allah doesn't have. And even has his own world, Jahannam, which has 4.9 billion angels propping its chains up.

He has shit tonnes of super cool power that Allah doesn't have, kiddo, you aren't a monotheist. And he has more humans in his domain than Allah ever will. He has an army who can crush your god.

You write the name of your god by drawing a coiled snake

They also revere the Qu'ran as a god.
And the space rock in Mecca is said to forgive sins if you caress it like a woman - yet the Qu'ran says only Allah can forgive sins.

Ergo - Islam itself has 3 gods.

Keep pushing for the war you fucking subhuman goat-fuckers.
All you'll do is bring around the age of lucifer, go back to your sandscape and shut the fuck up, you are going to destroy the planet.

Don't be blind to Heavenly Fathers greatest gift which is Christ. Kek and every other false god won't save you. All these false beliefs are Satan cucking you trust me


They say the rock absorbs their sins, it's both an idol and an anti-christ. All it needs now is the power to speak


Won't happen until after they take it to Jerusalem.

Mashallah, brother.

>the Qu'ran as a god.
> space rock in Mecca is said to forgive sins if you caress it like a woman
Yes certain sayings and practices removes sin. Does that mean if I say "Al hamdul to Allah" I'm worshiping the "saying" ? No




They have FOUR GODS, don't forget about the Pope lmao



>The Turkish police got a call about a massive gay orgy in 2 movie theaters, to be sure the Turkish police sent 2 cops to the theaters who disguised as civilians
>The operation started when the men offered sex to the police officers, the police stormed the theaters and ordered the movie to be stopped and lights to be turned on
>When the lights were turned on, a lot of men were found in an inappropriate position


>worshipping a ballsack

Don't reply to this thread.
Don't waste your time.
Look into the catalog

It's just genius how a single fucking Turk can make all of these disgusting, no-life newfags triggered immensely with the most simplistic of threads. Suck fat nigger dick, you homosexual losers. Kill yourselves. Bump, bump, bump.

>The Qu'ran was not created, but rather has always existed in paradise with Allah.
>The Qu'ran is infallible and holds all knowledge about Allah and the world.

>Eternal, Omniscient
A God.

Thank god the crusaders didn't win. Allah was able to maintain his paradise of slavers, pirates, and wastelands full of ululating savages in rags

the only real god is Raa, all of these
modern religions are false


And your point? yes there are pedophilia in every country.
But the difference here is that there is A fucking EPIDEMIC of priests fucking kids. Those priests that can wipe your sin like gods, fucking polytheistic scum


The quran is the anti-logos

How did the first one go?


Fuck you man, keep your islamic shit in the middle east.

m8 the whole of North Africa, and especially Morocco, as well known public secrets as gay paradise. Islam breathes homosex.

dumb shitskin heretic

Muslims were also completely vanquished from Iberia

Fuck you, praise KEK or get out

Its an 'epidemic' that has to be done in the shadows or people will tear them to pieces. Compare this to lands full of public spaces with little boys trained to dance on platforms like whores

>Christcuck complains about the sequel
Gotta love the irony

Islam is the synthesis of previous christian heresies and Mohammed was a false prophet and a bloodthirsty warlord who fucked everything that moved.

Laugh at the morons who believe him to be anything but a con-artist.

Islam is also a false religion and Muhammad was a pedophile.

You will not sage
I see

The way that shit is highlighted makes it such a pain to read. Full pause in between each word...


Raa light will open ur eyes

>this is how a dutch family looks like


Everytime I see that pic I cannot help but see two balls and a ball-sized penis in those hieroglyphs.

News flash: Islam is a false religion made up by Jews, just as Christianity is a false religion made up by Jews. Jews by and large do not believe their own religion. You can stop making these threads now.

country checks out

>Oh, by the way, god has commanded me to take your wife
Makes me laugh everytime

Islam is nothing more than arianism in a new jacket, with some added shit which was convenient for the warlord.

>>The Qu'ran was not created
it was. yes just nitpick certain sects to push your narrative
>The Qu'ran is infallible and holds all knowledge about Allah and the world.
Doesn't Hold all knowledge, it holds a guideline.
>Eternal, Omniscient
Protected from change by god
Pic related you polytheistic scum.

who care about what some guy said 150 years after Mohamd died ?

>just as Christianity is a false religion made up by Jews.

No, not at all. Do some reading before spouting moronic bulshit.

Same thing Mormon "prophets" did. There are so many parallels between Mohammad and Joseph Smith

lmao i thought u were trolling



but jews didnt made Raa, lets all visit Luxor temple in the next new year eve to pray for Raa to save us from their plots

joke's on you, I'm a traditional catholic, all that shit you mention is a result of judeo-masonic infiltration of the Vatican since Vatican II. This was btw prophecised.

Fuck off disgusting heretic, we should burn your kind at the stake like in the good old days.

Tares caught acting like Muslim holy men in vatican city

Hey, do you believe in santa claus and the tooth fairy? Because allahu is just as fake as he was.

The quran is full of medieval dog shit and believing that garbage is why muslims live in the 12th century, like animals.

The world is leaving you behind.

pagan larper scum fuck off

You're a faggot from joyofsatan
Only faggot satanic larpers don't write "Christ" but write "chr*st" or just "X"

God damn roaches day of the spray soon please.

Fun fact: muslims actually claim that their omnipotent Allah can't see in the dark, hence why they have no problem sinning as long as the lights are off.

Daily reminder roaches and mudslimes are inbred retards.
The holy trinity is a concept far too advanced for untermenschen...

It's a good thing.
Muslims can only lie in certain occasions.

-To save their life
-To make a person in deathbed happy
-To make peace between two persons

it isnt clear?
Raa temple survived thousands of years during all Egypt long history that contain a lot of invaders and conflicts, but despite all the temple stayed strong waiting us to back for the true god, he saved Egypt and his temple for thousands of years waiting us, dont refuse his call

Give me any evidence at all that the covenant was broken with Christians as it was broken with Jews and that Islam is the true uncorrupted faith.

Dude Trump is a Christian, and most of the people that win at life are chirstian. Look at the evidence and its its power.