Daily reminder that (((CHRISTIANS))), are ANTI-WHITE.
Daily reminder that (((CHRISTIANS))), are ANTI-WHITE
CIDF, where are you?
Damn, where are those christianity defenders when I need them :(.
reply faggets
>implying Varg is not better than this low-test virgin jesus
>evolution doesn't exi-
How do we remove this jewish plague from EVROPA?
Can someone tell me what is the diffrence between christkikes and alt-light? Because I can't see it...
>tfw CIDF lost all of it's arguments
Good that your religion will go extinct in Europe... you will have to go back to Africa where you low-IQ fuckers belong.
Don't be so ridiculous.
All people are made in the image of God.
Cconvert to jesus or die goyim i mean . I mean heathen
God doesn't exist.
Your argument is invalid.
The future is mystical nationalism poland bro:
God damn stormniggers are fucking annoying
Is 8gag down again or something
>hurr durr niggers are good as long as they believe that jew is thier lord
go back to (((holy land)))
This post was written by an ignorant.
The original religion of Aryans was Vedism, Hinduism is a mix of Aryan Vedism and Dravidian memes, but the dravidian part spoils it.
So much hate, I believe race matters because I am on Earth where it does. I'd rather be a with a fellow white Christian than a negro Christian. It's just how life is, he'll forgive me.
t. Orthobro
You fucking moron. That is Lutheran Proddy Christianity and even then there it has been corrupted from it's already rotten form. Generations of Hussars and hardcore Polish Catholics are telling you to stop being a Stormfront faggot and shape up and not fall for the jews divide and conquer shit.
you get horny seeing all those strong men?
Go back to your synagogue . Please
>hardcore Polish Catholics
They are faggots.
>That is Lutheran Proddy Christianity
You get horny seing a jew on a big stick?
It isn't though, it's discount Jewhood.
They probably hated faggots, where as your pagan ancestors probably saw no problem in bumming a man.
>where as your pagan ancestors probably saw no problem in bumming a man.
Germanic peoples were even executing for being a faggot, because they seen this as degenerate. No sources on Slavs, but not very likelty because hating faggots had been always very common in Eastern Evropa.
Don't spread disinformation.
Yeah.Especially in Poland.OUR COUNTRY!!
Here,Commies are ofcourse,Christians! Especially fucking JP2!! You is talking like a fucking shill who want to said:"You is not a white,you christkike!"
Fuck You
>replying to obvious assmad bait threads
You're aware of the fact that no matter what you'll argue, they'll continue to shit on Christ, call you a kike and idk what more ?
Sage and hide.
You're right.. What was I thinking.
>being this butthurt
The main diffrence between communism and christkikenity is that christkikenity promises you a heaven after life, and communism a heaven on earth, the both don't work.
>hurr durr everything which is not pro-christkikenity is a bait thread
And your "paganism" isn't religion wchich is now worshiped by a cucks with viking helmets from happy meal and a Chritianity is not a tradicional religion of Poland? lelum polelum is your god?
You is a fucking autist
Most people are fond of that whole paganism thing, especially your propagated aryanism. But somehow Sup Forums doesn´t want to get it.
>And your "paganism" isn't religion wchich is now worshiped by a cucks with viking helmets from happy meal
>Chritianity is not a tradicional religion of Poland?
Yes, you start to see thing right. The only reason why you defend it is that your parents taught you to be a good go-... ah "christian".
are not fond*
I'm just saying, because you'll get seduced into swearing and being angry and that will just hurt you in the long run.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Glory to the White Race, and death to Jews and entire Jewish influence in Europe...
...how does that sentence make you feel? Just asking because of curiousity...
This is cultural marxism,not Christianity.
And christianity is proto-marxism.
Also the "Ol' Boomer" guy is an average "Polish nationalist" from meme-groups such as ONR.
Watch out for the Catholics. They will bring in shitskins to Poland just like they do here.
Who was Jesus?
Why were the Gospels written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic?
Why were the first Christian Pope and saints all members of the Flavius Caesar family?
In his book Caesar's Messiah, Atwill outlines a revolutionary discovery: the series of events in Jesus' ministry described in the Gospels are exact, sequential parallels to the the battle campaign of Titus Flavius, as recorded by Josephus in War of the Jews. From this revelation, Atwill unravels one of the best kept secrets of our modern era–that the origins and intentions of Christianity are far different than we have been led to believe.
The key came in Josephus’ War of the Jews, which describes Titus’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The military campaign exactly paralleled over 40 moments in the ministry of Jesus described in the Gospels; an inconceivable coincidence.
As Atwill presents in Caesar's Messiah, the Flavian Roman imperial family created Christianity to pacify the militaristic opposition to their rule. Even more incredibly, they placed a literary satire within the Gospels to mark their handiwork. This symbolic framework is the hidden history of Western civilization. In his follow-up book, Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, Atwill shows how this typology was understood and employed by Marlowe and Shakespeare, and what it means for the future of the Christian world.
The Deception of Constantine
Constantine mixed Mithraism, Apollo worship, and Christianity to vault himself into popularity.
The only reason why Poles don't want invaders here is that Polish Catholic church is not supporting them. But if it did, they would be 100% "refugees welcome".
>All people are made in the image of God.
>Abbo's exsist
What did he mean with this?
Be afraid,kike! I gonna get you!
Be afraid,kike! I gonna get you!
They will be never Christians.Pope is kike, Don't care what he says.
more like this
Yes He does, he's waiting for (You) to ask Him how you could possibly know Him.
It might not happen now, you'll ask Him after you are in trouble, watch when He reveals Himself.
He doesn't exist. Stop believing in jewish books.
Daily reminder kikes HATE Christianity and that's why its probably been constantly shit on in the (((media))).
Also reminder that history isn't aryans v.s. jews its Rome versus jews.
Stop fucking hating on Christianity.
I personally love kissing black men's toes
>Daily reminder kikes HATE Christianity
They hate everyone, and christians hate other christians the most, (or the white race in some cases).
>Also reminder that history isn't aryans v.s. jews its Rome versus jews.
Nope, it's Aryans vs. Semites.
What about this?
Pathetic surrender monkeys.
Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.
Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.
Welcome to Wolin...
have to agree, templar posters are some of the worst posters on this board. dumb retards
also, coming in with the greatest and smartest and best posting flag
Yes,I know but I want from you,to ralise that true Christianity means ROOTS OF WHITE EUROPE!
Stop praying mambo jambo Gods becouse "they are so old,yeaa! we waz vikingz!!!" and start understanding!
>Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda.
holy shit my sides hahahahaha
how can you fuckers be this delusional
>Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism.
As I said, Hinduism is not an original religion of Aryans. Vedism was. Also IMO Shintoism is the most advanced Paganism.
>A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent
Not because christianity, dumbass. Also I wonder if in 3083 CE the narration would be "lolololol christians were too tolerant and therefore Islam is better".
>its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity.
Nope, that's because you were to war exhausted.
>being this dumb, ignorant and delusional
are you trolling, or is your IQ at nigger level?
Re-read your post, it's literally "hurr durr religion born in judea is european11!111" + spitting on your ancestors.
>Also IMO Shintoism is the most advanced Paganism.
>People who did jack shit except for caste system and civil war for 1500 years until Christians came along is best religion
>People who did jack shit except for caste system and civil war for 1500 years until Christians came along is best religion
>what was japanese empire
These threads are getting very tiring
this post is so polish my eyes hurt
B-but i like CK2 and i am not christian.
Says the guy calling himself a Nazi Bolshevik..
Fuck you,Jack Sparrow
Why is christianity so cucked?
>We welcome all of our heavenly brothers
>Jesus was a refugee too
>We are all one in Christ
>christians will always welcome people in need!
my sides haahhahahahahah
Which started after Commodore Perry, AKA Christians, opened the country and forced them to be a part of the broader christian dominated world
They just improved their technology. The culture remained Pagan and strong.
>lets just embrace these people in need
>remember, every refugee is yearning to be saved
Lol,irony- your idol (hero of your wet dreams),V.Virkensen likes niggers becouse they are non domesticated or what ever.
>love thy neighbor
>of course we welcome refugees, we're christian
>what would jesus do? welcome refugees of course!
>Average christian couple in 2017 CE
>V.Virkensen likes niggers becouse they are non domesticated
fake news
>They just improved their technology
That's the point, japs couldn't create shit in terms of tech by themselves. Except for muh super katana
If race matters to a christian:
>they must accept that JEWS are the chosen ones
>they must accept that they are here to serve the jews
there is no debating this. the only retort I've seen is "WE WUZ LOST TRIBEE OF IZRAEL THO" which is bullshit and something that even niggers claim to be. You cannot be both pro-white and pro-christian
>Church acts like a cunt
>This means the entire belief is shit
The pope or any church can't tell me whats right or wrong desu.
i ALWAYS fucking see this when i go into the city
when the fuck are they going to take it down? i swear its been there for years
>just melbourne things
>arab refugees are a GOOD thing for christianity says the leader of the largest denomination in christianity
>That's the point, japs couldn't create shit in terms of tech by themselves
That's because they were isolated. But after their improved technology, they BTFO first Christian Russians in 1905 and then Christian Americans in 1941.
Do you not take orders from Rome? The Church there is structured around a polish leadership? That's interesting. Rome is totally cucked.
Synagogue of Satan have nothing to do with this European strong religion.
Jesus and organized religion through Church are two, entirely different things. Teachings of Church are degenerate horseshit. Jesus explained the Way to low IQ morons 2k years ago, who did their shitskin best at intrepreting it. Wtf did you expect the scriptures would say? There is only one line in the bible that is relevant, Luke 17:21: "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."
Organized religion, Christianity, Catholicism, whatever you want to call it, is Jewish anal rape.
Officially yes, but the priests don't have to say exactly the same thing as the Pope.
No, that was ancient Black Sea peoples.