Why at this point every male character is either serving a woman or is a literal eunuch serving a woman?

Why at this point every male character is either serving a woman or is a literal eunuch serving a woman?

Does this show/books have a political agenda?

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It's to show how ineffective woman leaders are. I don't understand why they hype dragon lady when she's literally retarded.

We'll it was originally written by a weird perverted fatso and is now written by a pair of leftist Jews.

Draw your own conclusions.

You really notice that it isn't written by George R.R. Martin anymore at this point, since the show has surpassed where the books are at.

In the last episode they had a full on Tumbrl moment where Daenerys and the Melisandre discussed how women are better than men.

>Why at this point
are you still watching television???
Seriously cut that shit out

>show about politics has a political agenda

A bit farfetched, don't you think?

This show is now House of Cards tier where I think half of the viewers only watch it because they've already watched it decline rapidly over the last 5+ years so why not watch it to the end?

>literal girl power conversations by the lead female characters

This show is fanfic tier at best

Can anyone explain why Jon Snow is letting that tall bitch Brienne live?

She is SUSPECTED of killing a potential king, IE Renly Baratheon. That's bad enough, an entire kingdom of people believes she killed Renly. But she literally just killed Stannis, the man who saved Jon Snow and ended the war with the Wildlings. More importantly, Stannis was, by Northern Law, the rightful king and his claim was defended to the death by Jon;s own father, Ned Stark.

So I say again, why hasn't Jon Snow had her beheaded for honor alone? She's had no purpose in the story for quite some time, and I can only hope that le Hound returns to cave her skull in while she begs him to stop. Then maybe it will have been worth it.

>book about politics
does it have a political agenda???

because he killed a loli

>the new season premier had 16 million viewers
>highest ratings for the show yet
just when I thought people were starting to see it as the bs it is...

>Does this show/books have a political agenda?
No user. Jews pushing a feminist bullshit political agenda? Will never happen. You must be imagining things.

Pretty much this. He violated the NAP.

I think it's because more females watch it then males do, males are more into vidya nowdays and women stick to shows. Also if (for example) a rape scene happens you get a shitstorm from tumblr, and if based male characters die or thousands of men die on the battlefield almost no one cries. I guess the strong female characters appease the audience more, so why shouldn't D&D go the easy way?

She will when arya shows up

The show, yes. It's pushing the "strong womyn who don't need no men" angle, which is explicitly the opposite of what happens in the books.

One can certainly find a lot to criticise about GRRMs writing style, but he atleast writes proper characters, not cliches.

Just compare the entire Dorne arc from the book with the shit they put in the show.

The most powerful character in the show is a man.
And a woman is serving him aswell. Left her house for him and followed him to the end of the world protecting him over her own family.

>written by a weird perverted fatso


>mfw 4 out of the 5 strongest female warriors were just btfo by a single fucking white male with a total of 5 minutes of screen time.
Slay queens slain. GoT is secretly redpilled af

The last episode literally had two of the obnoxious roastie sand snake trio slaughtered, with the remaining two and their slut mother captured and probably raped. Not to mention Yara getting defeated by Euron and taken hostage as well.

I don't really see any sort of "agenda" with this show, honestly. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they're setting up Dany to fail and die as a result of her stupid mistakes and arrogance.

remaining one*

I had a hearty chuckle when the dude jumped off the boat

Who /rootingforlannisters/ here?

A cripple, strong womyn, and castrated males and the most powerful characters.
So tolerant..

My biggest oroblem with Dany is that even though she makes just as many mistakes as any other character, she seems immune to any consequences. Jaime's big mouth gets his hand chopped off, Ned's honor gets his head chopped, Bran's impatience and disobedience gets him crippled and gets Summer and Hodor killed, etc. But since Drogo's death in season 1, Dany has suffered nothing. Everything just falls into her lap for no reason, even when she's fucking everything up.

>getting beat by a man named urine

people want to see how it ends. Even if its not particularly good, they want to see how it concludes, what it meant.

hopefully atleast one of her deus ex machina dragons dies to the lannister ballista

all men slaughtered each other, leaving the inept women to inherit the ashes, such things happened in many historical conflicts

yara and dorn queen were seen dead at the prow of the ship in the last scene mate, yara was hung, dorn queen was impaled


that didn't look like yara, it looked like the girls he killed before capturing her.

he even choked the bitch with her own whip, it makes more sense that she's the one seen hanging.

It would actually be amazing if Dany died in the most horrible way possible in the end.


It should be called Goy of Thrones

I hope the Hound somehow gets the throne.

i was kinda just hoping. the clothes of the impaled bith look like the same as dorn queen

Saw the last two 7-1, 7-2, and you can already tell that this is a different show. Not near as much happening, they throw in a song by that redhead fag to mask it, 10 mins of young chick stark eating bread, disappointing. Was the best tv show that wanted to be a movie ever. Ever. I waited for a year to watch this again.

yeah who ever directed that last episode had a wierd tendency to hold the scene on peoples faces for just a little too long

Those arent they. The queen and the daughter below will be presented to Cersei as the gift. The 2 dead were the ones who were killed in the battle. The whip bitch was hung with her whip and the spear bitch nailed with her spears.

It wasn't, it was the daughters like you said. Yara and dorn queen are the gift he is bringing back to Cersi. Before he left cersi he said im bringing you a gift. Dorn queen killed cersis daughter.

especially arry and that ugly fat chef guy's face.
god that scene was so fucking stupid

fair enough

Yeah, worst plothole of the entire series is that NOBODY was even at DragonStone. Judging by the quick response to Walder Frey's death, we can assume that Stannis, who died weeks (or even months) earlier, is known to be dead, and SOMEBODY would arrive to claim the most stately of all the forts in Westeros.

But then le Khaleesi would have to murder innocents and all of a sudden she doesn't do that she only kills evil slavers or rich white people or something.


Have you watched the last episode?
Because for sure these strong women got their ass handed to them in a real battle.

I'm hoping it ends up with Bran warging into one of the dragons and eating her.

I hope littlefinger gets the throne. He's always lurking in the shadows letting the fools go at each other. He's /ourguy'

I hate that cripple faggot.

>mfw he ends up controlling dragons with his bullshit superpower

"sorry but that pronoun has no gender"
>says the only colored women in the entire show

never seen a show i like go to shit in so few seconds in my life.

She is the literal SJW queen, the scriptwriters will do anything to validate her.

They are not serving a woman you dimwit , they are serving a Queen . Learn the fucking difference.

yeah i love littlefinger, shame how much his role has been minimized in the last few seasons.

he's easily one of the most interesting characters

Getting the throne is just one part of his plan.

Actually, in Dothraki this noun has no gender.

Fucking lel. Literally written by a bunch of losers now. George RR Martin should've waited until he had done the book verbatim instead of leaving them to write it how they want.

More like Game of Yawn

for you.

I feel the same way. I fucking hate Jon Snow. He's so arrogant.

lmao that scene was so cringe

eeehhh hmmmm excuse me my queen ACCHTUALLY the noun has ~no gender~~~~

Crashing the 7 kingdoms

How is this a big deal? Finnish only have gender-neutral pronouns, you're telling me they're spearheading the SJWication of society?

He has a power, he is not the most powerful

>man on the throne
He will be nothing but a prop for the rest of the show. And most likely will die at the hands of Sansa/Aria. You can screencap this.

Gender issues in medievil society fucking gonna see lannister fidget spinners next

do u feel in charge??


finlan isnt real

Women currently in play :

>aimlessly wandering the countryside

>a literal nobody dependent entirely on her relation to Jon and Littlefinger's thirst for what status she has

>crazy warmonger

>crazy warmonger

>Lannister fidget spinner
So, a midget spinner?

It has an ark. The show started with Robert Baratheon winning the War of the Five Kings. Now somebody (probably Danny) is going to win the War of the Five Queens.

The "physically weak" thing for a key character is nothing new in fantastic literature.
The wahmen are falling like a card castle. this sixes validate the argument.

Daeneris is presented as a perfect idiot who cannot do a shit without her men.

The green is for him and the white is for Snow. Screencap this. Well everybody knows at this point.

He can be everywhere, anytime and can know everything. I call that the most powerful power.
Oh, also can posess animals and humans, I forgot.

>feminists criticize men for waging war
>feminists create a tv show of women waging a gigantic civil war
>feminists celebrate the empowered women of the show

bran is the nightkingno wonder this villain looks so weird and small

op it honestly went to shit after stanis died at this point im just watching for the cool battles

also bolton who was another badass and took down stanis with only 20 good men got beaten way too easily. I mean stanis took out the wildlings 100k army with a few thousand men then got his shit pushed in by 20 men. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Shhh only Funlandb now

>aimlessly wandering the countryside
Super assassin, pure revenge power fantasy
>a literal nobody dependent entirely on her relation to Jon and Littlefinger's thirst for what status she has
Constantly undermines him and his power, just because. After being the dumbest character in the show for 6 seasons, suddenly behaves entitled like shes a genius who everyone should listen to and everyone does.
>crazy warmonger
queen slay
>crazy warmonger

id agree with the leaf here too

she fucked up her home continent so bad the slavers were willing to giver her ships just so she would piss off

This, why the fuck Dragon Stone was empty? A fucking strategic fortress empty? Why the Lanisters werent holding it or any other house?? Nonsense.

Jon Targaryen isn't serving a woman, he is the prince who was promised and lefties are going to get butthurt when Daenerys becomes her fathers daughter

Burn them all!

>Every important alpha male character died in war or was killed other way in six previous seasons

Holy Fuck

What did he mean by this?

sansa got a retarded bug up her ass where she wants to be like cersei, but everyone konws cersei is fucking retard who craves power but has no business anywhere near it, she's a fucking moron.
tywin even said she was fucking retarded

The books did not, but are different and unfinished

The show OBVIOUSLY has one.


>littlefinger, the most interesting character in the entire show besides stannis
>has the highest potential of any character
>could literally create the biggest plot twists ever

also about jon snow.. is he autistic or something? who the hell gets their entire fucking army surrounded? and then he tells little finger to go fuck himself after he saves him. Only two senarios left here for littlefinger

>betray jon snow, have a good character arch
>becomes a side character, show not worth watching anymore

Also this.

>Does this show/books have a political agenda?
The show? Yeah, absolutely
The books? They're just George R.R. Martin wank material.
>that chapter where Euron's pirates rape a lord's wife and daughters right in front of him after they take over his islands
They're also my wank material sometimes.

Euron Greyjoy and his sexy axe will fix everything, just wait
just watch the last 10 minutes of the new episode

>betray jon snow, have a good character arch
imblying that littlefinger wasnt planning on doing that anyway
he is only sticking around for the Samsa poon like the beta cuck he is

The hound is back bitch nigga and he's about to venture into pure fanfic territory.



a child, you piece of human waste

>He's always lurking in the shadows letting the fools go at each other.



>Does this show/books have a political agenda?
That is how they operate. Everything they do is on the basis of the concept who-whom or (kto-kovo)

the hound is the best character on the show, basically Sup Forums
then theres Hotpie, the second best character on the show.

>Can anyone explain why Jon Snow is letting that tall bitch Brienne live?
1. Tormund, close friend and comrade of Jon is really into her.
2. Brienne swore to protect Sansa and was relatively effective at at that.

>That's bad enough, an entire kingdom of people believes she killed Renly.
But in truth, Stannis killed his younger brother Renly using vagina magic.
He used blood of his nephew to curse Robb Stark and Joffrey.
Then he burned his daughter alive driving his wife to suicide.
And he fornicated with fire witch entire time.

He was dishonourable man, and Brienne gave him clean merciful death instead of letting Bolton's troops capture him.

The redpill is that even when the war is between 5 queens, a man still wins.

>males control everything in the first few seasons
>now females control everything

If females had everything from the start I would agree with you but this is simply a change in balance.

ma nigga

Yep. What's interesting is that the female characters are giving the impression from these cringeworthy dialogues of being muh empowered strong women leaders, but actually they're useless, make mistakes and die at the hands of alpha men. Sansa is the ultimate worthless roastie who's suddenly got a taste of power now she's finally not being bullied, but despite her attempts she gets beautifully shut down by Snow each time. Nobody actually sees her as credible.

Cersei and Olenna are the only female leaders in the show who actually have any credibility. And you'll notice that with these two they never spew tumblr bollocks about girl power or anything like that. They're just authoritative, wise and ruthless.