If Jesus is literally God in human flesh, why would Satan even try to tempt him in the desert? He would know it's pointless since God can do anything anyway, doesn't that debunk trinity theory on it's own? The only affirmation I can find that supports Jesus being God is John 10:30 "I and the Father are one.” which could be interpreted many different ways.
If Jesus is literally God in human flesh, why would Satan even try to tempt him in the desert...
Obviously Satan doesn't believe in the trinity.
That's a good point actually, hadn't considered it.
If God is omnipotent how can things not go his way? Because jew myths are fucking stupid.
Satan is god. Who else could play like that with an almighty god around the corner?
non-christian here
Jesus also says "I AM" in direct reference to Exodus 3:14. Jesus still suffered temptations, He was both fully God and fully Man. The incarnation's true nature may have been hidden from Satan at that point anyway.
Satan by his essential nature and knowledge does believe in the Trinity.
John is the last Gospel written, not earlier than 130AD. Its Christology is more developed than the others, because there has been more time for more goyim to add shit to it. It is the least Jewish of the Gospels and it bears the most influence of the mystery religions and Paulinism and Roman state religion and Gnosticism-- and anti-Semitism, because by that time Romans had put up with the Jews for over a hundred years and had learned what they really were. In Mark, the first Gospel c. 70AD, Jesus is still a Jewish man. By John in 130 he is a transcendent and emerging anti-Jewish godhead.
Why are you assuming Satan has correct beliefs about the world?
Devils love conspiracy theories that give them hope
>Jesus also says "I AM" in direct reference to Exodus 3:14.
You mean the person who wrote it intentionally referenced Exodus so as to give the impression you cite.
Yes, the emphasis is intentional on part of the writer. But we can't know for sure whether that's because they're reproducing/translating the emphasis of Jesus own words, or giving their own interpretation or fabricating etc.
See the entries for "shekinah" and " memra" at jewishencyclopedia.com
God is a spirit and Jesus is a piece of Gods spirit manifested in the flesh,
>God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."
John 4:24
Jesus was separated from his fathers spirit when he was on earth and wasn't one with God when he was in the flesh therefore he could be tempted just like any human because he was flesh but he resisted all sin ,
They're are multiple verse saying Jesus is God starting in the Old testament 700 years before Jesus was born
>For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, MIGHTY GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Also in the New testament
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
John 1:1
>And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
1 Timothy 3:16
Because it's post-hoc mythology written around a sandnigger cultist. There were thousands of prophets running around at the time, a time of religious frenzy. Same shit happened with Mormons. This one got a book published.
so you question some magical desert talk, and don't quesiton the fact that literally GOD ON EARTH HIMSELF was fucking killed and crucified by romans?
if you were god, do you think some inferior creatures would be able to kill you?
This is akin to arguing about "why didn't the eagles just carry Frodo into Mordor to drop the ring in?"
You are trying to have a rational argument about a fantasy using only that very own fantasy tome as reference. Grow the fuck up.
False flag. Devil dindu nuffin.
You must be great at parties
>b-but user I don't go to parties where they serve the devil's water and have satanic orgies. Girls ewwwwww
>Arguing about which comic book character is more powerful
Go back to Sup Forums dickhead.
Btw Satan is a magic dragon no joke but Michael is a bad ass and pwns pretty hard, also Jesus is like the best bro you could picture and watches over you even if you fuck up pretty bad
Jesus was the Archangel Michael anyone who thinks the literal Architect of the universe would come down to our shit stained rock and LARP
around with a bunch of jews is fucking retarded. He has his messengers(angels) do that shit for him. God doesn't interact with any soul that hasn't reached enlightenment. Thats why we are here.
Let me play this out to save time:
>fuck you atheist scum. God is real
How do you know?
>because muh bible tells me so
And how do you know that your bible is the truth?
>b-because muh bible....
Because Jesus was fully man and fully God. He had human temptations but didn't succumb to them.
>The only affirmation I can find that supports Jesus being God is John 10:30
There are countless. He uses God's name "I am" in trial. Thomas calls him God what he accepts etc.
But more importantly: Jesus has divine qualities. He is eternal. He can declare law authoritatively, he can forgive sins, he has power over creation etc.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and became flesh in our Lord Jesus Christ. Paraphrased from head.
Everything goes as predestined by God.
Had a nice kek, thanks cunts
Its probably better than being a self righteous prick that likes to justify their own existence by imposing their hypocritical world views on others, for having a different world view to their own.
Sounds like the life of a party.
>God could have not gotten killed if he didn't want to
Uuuh yeah that's the point
Also Jesus is only your bro and will help you if your his bro, aka believe in him
Mormons have the best godhead theology. There is no trinity, they are 3 separate gods, with God at the head, but have one goal.
Imposing my world view?
Nah senpai. I'm imposing some simple rationality so that we can make decisions and live together in a post-fantasy society.
At least Russel's teapot may one day be encountered by some lucky astronaut. Your god is the meme that just won't die.
Also, I don't think you know what hypocritical means.
its almost as if its all a bunch of made up, jewish fairy tales.
ok...so you're asking why Satan...would act like Satan? Isn't that self-explanatory? That's His modus operandi, it's his bag baby. It's what he does. Your next thread should be titled: "Why does that cow moo?"
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."
People that don't believe will know for themselves once they die. It's clear as day
Ask not for what does that cow moo?
It moos for thee, leaf.
A fool made a claim without evidence, his heart something something devoid of wisdom.
What claim?
The existence of an inter-dimensional magic being of omnipotence who sends his only "son" down to die to save us from sins that we can't help but to commit?
i. humans were tainted by the first adam - brought sin into humanity.
ii. Jesus is the second adam, by which humanity would get rid of its sin by his sacrifice and be made righteous again in God's sight.
iii. Because God only receives perfect sacrifices without blemish, it would be in Satan's best interest to blemish this sacrifice.
iv. If he did succeed, Jesus' sacrifice would have been in vain and when he died, he would have remained in hell.
v. Jesus overcame the temptations and was blameless.
vi. He died, descended into hell, but because he was blameless, he ascended again. He has power over life and death as God.
inter-dimensional magic can do some pretty crazy shit there inter-dimensional magic
Jesus not even mad
>3 separate gods
Sounds kinda heretical to a monotheist doesn't it? I think I'll roll with lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh instead.
This was decided in Nicea via a vote, the other half of people regarded Jesus' words that the other people can to be one with God, and there was no early Christian notion of trinity, early Christianity was more of a fish-worshipping cult than that of Yahweh. Less than two hundred years before Jesus' time (if he was a historic figure), Yahweh was just one of the Jewish gods, the god of war, more precisely. They worshipped his father (Yahweh's, Jesus' grandpa), el Shaddai, as prime deity, and Yahweh had a wife,Asheera, and a brother, Marduk. History of the Bible itself is a fun topic to point to Christians, makes for an entertaining discussion.
Deflecting from the argument by insulting the anonymous person making the argument. Not ineffective, and certainly necessary when your worldview is based on meme.
Have Jesus be your bro and you'll be saved. it's that simple don't make it complex
But user, the miracle of the Sun and the Fatima revelations happened within the last century. Coupled with the fact that the Bible is comprised of eye witness accounts, and faith in the Risen Christ has shaped the world more than any other force in history, I'd say there's plenty of evidence.
Dint worry. When you grow out of atheism you'll look back on this and laugh.
One of the many amazing prophecies of Jesus Christ from the Old Testament is that of verse 1 from Psalm 22:
>"O God my God, look upon me: why hast thou forsaken me?"
Many people have said, "Jesus said God has forsaken him on the cross, how could he be the Messiah?"
Jesus was invoking Psalm 22 on the cross. The Psalm was wrote around 1,000 years before Christ was born.
This is significant because a few verses later in the same Psalm it says this:
>"They have pierced my hands and feet."
Some renderings have it;
>"they have torn holes in my hands and my feet"
Strange. It would appear that Jesus Christ invoked a Psalm wrote 1,000 years before He was born that seemed to tell of His very unique death, crucifixion; which did not even exist at the time Psalm 22 was wrote.
Psalm 22 goes on to say:
>"They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots."
This is another strange coincidence. It is known that the Roman soldiers gambled, or "cast lots" on Christ's garments as He was being crucified. If Christ was utterly out of His depths and defeated; why does this Psalm--that was invoked as He was in unimaginable pain--foretell of exact circumstances of the very death He was experiencing? Circumstances that no one could have known?
Not only this, Psalm 22 ends by foretelling the great rise of Christendom, which was achieved based on the very death that Christ Himself was experiencing, that the Psalm undeniably addresses:
>"All the ends of the earth shall remember, and shall be converted to the Lord: And all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight."
Remember, at the time of Christ, only one tribe was expecting a Messiah. This Psalm called forth by Christ on the cross predicts His death to an exactitude, and it just happens to predict the unprecedented worldwide conversion based on this death.
How do atheists explain this away?
A new book is written to confirm an old book? Same with the quaran later on.
no, you wish to live in a world devoid of the metaphysical and supernatural. there is a difference.
you want a world similar to this, but with enough power/wealth that you won't come and moan on /pol.
of these two options, believing in the supernatural is better.
>He doesn't get it yet
Satan is a fallen angel; he is not God. Satan is limited in his understanding of things.
Nigga you went full retard trying to find logic in the Bible
Knowing about trinity and believing in it are two different things.
You fell for the "father and son are the same person" meme
Satan's pretty stupid
We know because of the power of the word of god. You can also know by the power of the word of god if you want to, that's the thing it's easy to verify. Pray and see for yourself.
Fun fact, the temptation the creation and revelations are the only events in the bible that didn't have a witness.
You know what com artists do? They will tell you they did something to slight your enemy to gain your trust, when in fact they are your enemy. If anything the temptation proves Jesus is the devil. I mean look at the state if the world today. Wasn't he suppose to bring peace and love? Yet, arguably the world is run off the tennants of the bible. Neat huh?
The evil of the world is from pride.
trinity is a pagan doctrine
>pagan doctrine
What is the pagan holy book? Oh yeah nobody ever bothered because its a nonreligion. Why dont you write it?