All right, that's enough. How do we help the left impeach this asshole?
All right, that's enough. How do we help the left impeach this asshole?
He's not wrong. I've been saying for months that Sessions is a disaster. At least now I won't have to deal with fucking Kekistani le 4D chess types telling me how BASED SESSIONS is pulling a long con on the Dems.
Why doesnt he fucking fire him then?
I'd be pretty surprised if that was a US flag hiding behind that meme flag.
He said himself, "Nah leave them alone they're good people". I remember. So does Sup Forums because they went all apoplectic over it.
Anyway, that's Mueller's job, since his investigation will lead him to Lynch and dozens of other swamp rats.
Sessions IS based. Trump is the one who is garbage. Demands loyalty yet shows none himself.
If Sessions isn't taking the hint at this point, then it just affirms what a shitfuck he is.
youve never read the art of the deal have you?
He only shows respect to those who respect him.
>a few months ago
"Burn them all"
transparent / 10. Your low IQ got in the way of a good angle.
.01 dragon dildos have been deposited in your anus.
You guys are so up Trump's you care more about sending Hillary to jail, which will never happen, then you do about immigration. No matter which direction Trump decided to go with Sessions, you retards would support him because you're fucking losers who don't actually believe in shit. We've got a fucking board full of Bill Mitchell's these days
Hillary for prison was a meme
This. Fuck Trump. Sessions has been supporting him from day 1. What an incompetent asshole. Can you name ONE time obama rolled over on one of his own people??? For fucks sakes AGs under obama had huge scandals and he didn't gaf
I don't smoke dope and voted against it's legalization in my state but fuck that hack sessions for wasting his time on legal pot stores instead of Clinton crime family
only liked sessions for his anti drug stance Tbh
Yes goy yes!
I happen to agree. Sessions has been a disappointment in every way possible.
>you care more about sending Hillary to jail
I do actually.
Trump could annex venezuela and start a war with Russia and I wouldn't care as long as she goes to jail
All of this could just be 4d chess though.
>He only shows respect to those who respect him.
That's why this is such a problem for Trump. Outside of family members, Sessions was his most loyal supporter. And now the others have to wonder, "this is what loyalty gets you?"
Sessions better start doing his fucking job or resign. Trump is giving him what we call "hints" to help him decide.
It was supposed to be a meme insofar as nothing would be done unless they went after trump too aggressively. Uh huh and when has he disrespected trump?
>hardcore Nazi totally cool with trump sniping at all the guys that appeal to his base while leaving Kushner and others untouched
Cool flag bro
Yes goy yes because I'm saying Obama was a shit bag who covered for his own team 100% of the time and never threw anyone under the bus but mad Trump keeps publically insulting guys like sessions and bannon?
We know why you're happy with Sessions, Dembot. I would be too if I were a Dembot.
All of this has been predicted
everyday someone wants impeachment. how long do you think this will continue? i mean i am getting tired of this, it's not even funny anymore. same goes to 99 % of threads created in pol, which claims that something is HAPPENING! fucking retards.
Maybe because Obama's team had his back and didn't cause self-inflicted wounds, Dembot. It isn't rocket science.
There is such a mountainous amount on shit on Clinton that Sessions has no excuse.
>Sessions has been supporting him
Stop lying. He threw Trump under the bus. This is all Sessions’ fault for recusing himself for no reason. He handed complete control of the Justice Department back to the democrats. Back to fucking Obama and the Clinton crime family. He has no power anymore. How can a man cuck himself that hard? It’s time he unrecused himself. If Sessions doesn't have the balls to take back control and purge Mueller and every democrat in the department, then Sessions needs to quit and make room for someone that will.
Trump's team would have his back, but Trump's only defense mechanism is to throw people near him under the bus
I love a good session but sometimes I'll get so Fucking cooked that I'll green out
Jeff Sessions is a faggot and you're a faggot for supporting him you fucking faggot.
And even after that 'innocent' mistake, he had plenty of chances to redeem himself by investigating Democratic crimes, which is the legally and politically right thing to do. Instead he goes around the country slapping bongs with his hard-on, leaving the president bogged down with a 24/7 muh-Russia assault.
>a few months ago
Haha he hired Sessions as AG. Sessions just gave up his entirepolitical career for a position he willbefired from
AG Sessions is bout to be fired
I fail to see the problem here. It's been on from day 1 to get Sesions, the ultimate Congress Critter, out.
You're implicitly stating that they don't have his back.
Faggot. I'm glad he is getting fired.
Drain the swmp starting with anti states rights sessions.
>Give up senate seat to become Attorney General
>Asked to resign and left with no job
It's now:
>keep on pushing that fake Russia shit and he'll start touching people that got off easy
Simple to see
Not going after Clinton was his olive branch, and only idiots can't see it.
If they push, he'll knock their sacred cows over.
>anti sessions
>pro mccain
Sup Forums: yep, that's exactly what I voted for. More immigration and more wars.
I wonder how many trump supporters are aware of the plot to use them for a civil uprising?
What's wrong with Sessions? He was a good senator, but is now a horrible Attorney General. Did the Clintons kidnap his grandchildren? How did Sessions become compromised?
Holy shit, BASED SESSIONS is going to drop the hammer on these fucking crooks. No wonder they're so terrified. We just need Sessions in and the music starts.
Where'a bongs at, whippersnappers?
What typeface is that bruh?
Illegal immigration is down 75% shill
I swear Trump is fucking retarded in some ways.
why is he beating around the bush just fire the fuck
lol, stay mad leftypol
> “We have to use these four years to grow into something that can’t be defeated,” Peinovich said, referring to possible future investigations of neo-fascist groups.
> Some parts of the Trump administration actively want to encourage the growth of the alt-right, the former Hill staffer “Jazzhands McFeels” said, claiming that Trump’s top strategist Steve Bannon secretly was trying to enable the fringe movement.
> Is Steve Bannon Trying to Get Trump Impeached? | Vanity Fair
> Jul 3, 2017 - The president's chief strategist is reportedly proposing the one thing that could get Republicans to turn on Trump.
Let's archive that
Don't toy with me
truth hurts lel
> le mad concern
I didn't do anything to change the font. It's regular.
lol u gotta be kidding
no wai the dems let an impeachment happen
we wanna BLEED the grand old party
you broke it
We won't lose a single race in 2018.
Should've tapped Gowdy you fucking dipshit.
>Sessions lied about not meeting Russia in any way
>Sessions looks guilty to everyone
>Sessions removes himself from the investigation so no one can accuse it of covering anything up
No reason eh?
Sessions went to a public senate hearing just to say trump was a good boy and he din du nuffin. Now trump is going to drop him. Think he regrets shilling for trump?
no, all this does is show what a whiny baby Trump is. he doesn't want to deal with the backlash of actually firing Sessions, because the guy hasn't done anything wrong. so he goes on Twitter and stamps his feet and cries about the person he appointed six months ago.
his kids and in-laws are more responsible for all this Russia shit, but he seems to think nepotism is a natural way for things to be, so he'd never fire any of his family no matter how incompetent they are.
daily reminder that before the /ptg/s sessions was there
daily reminder that before the meme war, sessions was there
daily reminder that before the delegates, sessions was there
daily reminder that before nov. 8th, sessions was there
if trump is not loyal to even his oldest and most steadfast supporters, what makes you think he's going to be loyal to us? what makes you think he's going to be loyal to his promises? his race? it's a shitskin quality to stab your allies in the back, and I guess we should have seen it coming from a mile away, but it's still sad to see the cognitive dissonance in Sup Forums today.
if ever there was a time for 4d chess, now would be good, donald. someone convince me this is all carefully planned and he's not throwing sessions under the bus.
White House user predicted this. The 27th approaches .