Other urls found in this thread:

also this

Smoke screen, 27 will be a red day.

>it's real
>those digits
a happening is on the horizon


Who gives a fuck what this drumpf fag says. Not important. Fuck drumpf.

Definitely sounds like he's setting up for something.

How quickly we forget.

that's funny because he promised a special prosecutor for cunton immediately upon taking office, but backed off saying she's had enough. ironic, more political theater for the goyim.

Yeah setting his fat azz up to get pounded by dark BBC NIGGUH
Drumpf will be pozzrd hard

He didn't back off but backed up on his lovers cock

there has been an inconceivable amount of happenings since last night. our chaos board is in a state of pure chaos. the big happening has arrived.

The digits

Yes. Impossible to be sure

Maybe it's the obvious explanation
>Sessions is too intimidated to go through with the prosecutions that need to happen
>Trump is giving him one last chance: "get these investigations started or you're out"

Or maybe the more complicated political explanation
>Sessions is going to finally rev it up
>so Trump starts implying Sessions is in trouble
>get the media to say "Trump should not fire Sessions, he's a great guy"
>Sessions brings down the hammer

But probably it's some 4D chess move that I haven't figured out but Trump has.

This has to be theatrics. Trump wouldn't be this passive if he wanted Sessions gone.


Nobody cares about your fucking period.

Trump doesn't want to fire Sessions because he was like the first mainstream republican to endorse him and work with the campaign. He wants him to resign so his job can be filled by either el rato or rudy giuliani, both of whom enjoy shitposting about locking her up. If Sessions doesn't get the hint and resign he will be fired in x days, where x is my last digit

What do you think Mueller is?


Digits + captcha = happening
Retorno in Spanish is return, paire is French for pair.
>The return of the pair.
Who are the pair? What is their end game?

These countdowns are unreliable

>Kim Dotcom
Oh no, he just wants to avoid prosecution in the US
Oh no, it's just nonsense
>random anons
Oh no, it's just shitposting

Even Wikileaks' Vault 7 release felt a bit like a damp squib after they built it up so much

Possibly the point of these "in 3 days, major happening" threads is in some cases to encourage people to be docile; sit back and post HABBENING on Sup Forums instead of getting out there, researching and redpilling

best buds with comey; deep state shill who works on behalf of the Bushes and the Clintons.

don't care, i care about where cunton is.

This, but also an AG loyalist that can shut down / impede the Russia investigation without breaking recusal. Trump came out and said "I'm pissed Sessions recused", now he's throwing everything at the wall on Sessions to see what sticks and gets him to resign.

Holy shit those digits!

He is about to fire that faggot AG Sessions.

Trump will be the one who ended the ultimate Congress swamp critter career, something voters couldn't even do

The names he is floating are open borders guys while Sessions is an immigration hardliner. Terrible self-destructive move by Trump.

I want to believe your dubbledubbz but it would almost be too beautiful a reality to live in, I don't think we could take it

i dont get it

i dont understand anything happening right now. someone explain in layman's terms

Filter shills everyone

It sure does fucking feel like it. I dont care if I sound like a normie redneck, I want to see some deep state jews in maximum security

Ole Rudy has recused himself apparently

Civil asset forfeiture
>police suspect, but not necessarily charge, someone of a crime
>impound their assets just in case
>to get the assets back you have to PROVE they weren't used in crimes
>turns around 'innocent until proven guilty'
What is going on here
>leftist jokes that Mueller will seize all of trumps assets if he gets deep enough in and finds something fishy

thanks he was creeping up on my safe space

>going after your own henchmen

God, Trump is a cunt.


That is the narrative he wants you to run with

sessions is too much of a moralfag do you really want him as AG if you're a business owner in america? he's going after grey clinics for fucks sake and perpetuating the war on drugs when he should have worked to deschedule some of the safer ones. Seriously the dudes eats, shits, and prays for arrests and indictments i bet he wishes he were a prosecutor in japan with that 99.9% conviction rate. Never trust a person who wakes up every day wishing to put someone in a concrete tomb and rob them of the little time they have on earth over bullshit.

It's hard to be in Jeff Session's place. Just imagine, you have everything you need to prosecute Hillary Clinton but on doing so you have already signed your death sentence.

No, no, no. Quite the opposite. That twitter account isn't leftist. He's suggesting that when they bring down hillary and the rest they'll be able to sieze their assets. Can't wait until we build that wall and make HILLARY pay for it.

No excuse for trying to get the most loyal cabinet member to quit. If he goes, oh man, the chaos in the WH will be hilarious. I wanted Trump to succeed, but he's being a grade A retard.

Sessions did literally nothing wrong and we all loved him up until what, 3 days ago?

Trump picked the fucker. This is entirely his fault. How stupid are you faggots?

I want him to remain in the Trump Cabinet because he's great on immigration. There's nobody else like him, he actually wants to end that shitty 1965 immigration act while other senate members want to continue amnesty for good.

Bad news guys

Trump has anal disease and cancer. It can only be cured by physical therapy from a large pulsating BBC stretching his hairy gold poo hole and pounding his prostate and fart box

Oh, I think Sessions is a slimy piece of shit. But the man supported and stuck by Trump since the very beginning. When other people flip-flopped on him about never being president or pussygate, fucking Sessions was there. Turning on someone who pledged loyalty to you is just a dick move, regardless of everything else. If they were in the military he'd get fragged for buddy-fucking someone like that.

Why do Australians love black cock so much? I've seen far less Americans mentioning it.

>live in a country where political corruption is rife
>politicians from both parties help each other be corrupt
>AG goes after muh debil's drug

who gives a fuck about immigration the name of the game is scam enough money from the retards who like all this stupid bullshit and move to another CHEAPER country with air conditioning and internet and live like a king for the rest of your life. republicans always make this mission impossible because fucking yuppie rednecks and white mexicans from middle america thinks they'll bring back $9,000 fords and pappys disneyland memories.


This may just be stagecraft so that Sessions can say he had clean hands when he came off his recusal to stomp this shit out with Mueller. He just hired another insanely crooked lawyer who was under ethics violations investigation.

Also, any Republican who is currently never trump and says that mueller's character is beyond reproach is either on Soros's payroll, or was directly benefitted by Obama's deep state inner workings, and should be investigated immediately for corruption.

The entire Democrat party should be deep 6'd, this second.

>Sessions did literally nothing
I agree

That was an olive branch they decided to spit on... now he's back on track and knows nobody has the common sense God gave donkey shit. He learned the hard way he can't trust most republicans either

Immigration is small time.

Somebody managed to leak Trumo's Oval Office conversations with Australia and Mexico.

That is way more serious and dangerous than illegal immigration.

The Oval Office phone is suppose to be the most secure in the world yet the full conversations Trump had with foreign leaders managed to be leaked.

If you can't secure the Oval Office phone due to leakers, then you can't secure the country.

And the people who leaked the Oval Office conversations haven't been caught yet despite all this time passing by.

Sessions won't be fired dude Trump is just playing 4 D chess

Or maybe the real investigation

>the FBI already looked into all of these follow-the-money conspiracy theories and concluded they had no merit

Sessions upon becoming AG immediately caved to the left by recusing himself.

It's his fault for allowing this Russia nonsense to drag this long.

Sessions has thinner skin than everyone actually thought.

Want to see someone immune to liberals?

Gorsuch has thick skin and everything the liberals tried to come up with, bounced off of him.

Maybe rather than Sessions, Trump should have picked somebody from the Supreme Court List candidates to pick as AG.

Sessions should have remained a congressman, instead.

and they wont be because it was just a ploy to fill peoples head with more shit meanwhile breakthroughs in private solar tech are being pulled out of peoples ass and the administration is trying its hardest to keep us dependent on federally subsidized coal and gas
most districts across the US wont even let citizens put up their own independent solar power because coal mafias lobby the local governments denying citizens the right because theyre deemed "too incompetent to manage their own power"
cant even run a dual loop with solar while keeping your city power line because there's a minimum amount of wattage you need to consume before your house is considered inhospitable and decomissioned by the city. THANKS FEDS

Sessions isn't going g to take this much longer
I can see him telling Trump to fuck off pretty soon

Most of the leakers are WH staff members. There are very few professionals in the new administration. Most of people are from the private sector and don't really give a shit about proper protocol and respect for the office. Monkey see, monkey do...

This is gaslighting by Trump. There is no animosity between the two.

During his visit to Saudi Arabia....
Trump: if you tell me what Hillary promised you in exchange for your schekels I'll let you run a train on Qatar.
SA: yeah she totally used the money to buy votes.... For both sides.
Trump: very well. You may commence fucking Qatar in the ass.

I feel as though the money from the ME is what's going to be Shill dogs undoing. That's what Mueller and co have been going after. Would explain the lack of leaks. All the info is coming from the towel heads, not greased in politicians.

Sessions is good for immigration, everyone else in the senate loves amnesty and citizenship for illegals. Trump removing him would be a terrible idea and would break his adminstration apart. As if Sessions leaves so does Tillerson.

hmm wasn't this specifically something mentioned in the """wh user""" """leaks""" ?

Hmmm... Qatar gave $1million to WJC as a birthday gift.
Qatar was a big funder of the Clinton foundation .

you dont get it do you? USA is a fucking tourist trap specifically for the people born here. The only thing you should concern yourself with is getting the fuck out and finding a real paradise. Get to it while the dollar is still strong

Hi, /leftypol/ here.

It's not about




please hear me out.

It's all about those launch codes.

We seriously cannot let him get his hands on them.

Redpill me on Jeff "" Sessions?

hes the straight edge fag from your wow raids

Yep - it's all a psyop to wear us out.

Or it's just the late night ramblings of a senile old man on the verge of Alzheimer's.

Well memed. Touché leftypol.

I still think you are a faggot.

You got a point, lad

Right, its happenings where not much happens with cunts like this along for the party.

>How stupid are you faggots?
Worse than you could ever conceive.

We have bases there as well.

god keep you, Mr. Trump.

Trump missed his calling as The Pope: Infallible, and with a love for guilded palaces.

You'd also have to think that specifically firing a lawyer who's been in your inner circle for so long would backfire when your administration is as leaky as it is. Sessions has probably seen or heard a lot of shit in the last couple of years.


Can't wait for Sessions to resign and for Trump to put in a Kushner recommendation as new AG

>27th could actually be a major happening
>Corruption could be soon burned out
>An extreme world event could've been broken on Sup Forums
The world we live in

never liked or trusted the old cunt, his failure on the job has cemented the bad first impression.
seems like most folks have never watched an ep of the apprentice, let alone read Trump.
sessions was given enough rope to either excel or hang himself. He has not excelled.
Also people saying there's no one qualified to do these jobs, they're all fucking figureheads you dumbshits.

AG's are lawyers. Seeing as it's in the name.

Do you think Trump gives a fuck?

Not much to say except President Trump fuckin sucks.


I want to believe

But he's the one who didn't appoint a special prosecutor

This will backfire on Trump

Vault 7 brought UMBRAGE to light.

It's proof that the CIA has the ability to (if not proof that it regularly does) put the digital fingerprints of specific hackers or cyberespionage orgs on their own cyber attacks.

That's huge, even if the normies never heard a word about it

Wasn't Mueller involved in Hillary's Uranium deal with the russians?

Sessions isn't looking into this stuff because Mueller is.

>Chaffetz: Part of the reason I stepped down as House Intel Chair was my frustrations w/ Jeff Sessions...Stonewalled on going after Hillary!

Sessions is "stonewalling" because it's Mueller who's investigating

>Hillary's chief cocksucker Mueller
ummmmmmmm ok all my concerns are alleviated now..............................................

Dude, the demographic time bomb is almost the only important issue right now. We either apply all our resources to fixing it *now* or we'll be past the point of no return tomorrow

>there has been an inconceivable amount of happenings since last night.
Gonna need a quick rundown, please.

Good hopefully there is a coup soon.

You will see soon that Mueller is the special prosecutor. His whole team is totally inexperienced in election topics but guess what? They are experts in big style money laundering and company frauds. Clinton will go down.

Trump seems like the sort of guy that would shoot the messenger. Am I wrong?

Doesn't Drumpf realize that Session is the only one fulfilling the agenda? Drumpf has lost it, due to the Russia scandal. Sad. Many such cases.

Trump is in control as much as he can be. He's the vidya player winning but still facing a fixed game with bullshit coding to screw him over.