Post your liberal salt from last nights Trump boyscout speech


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What did Trump say that piss the libs off this time?

He gave a huge rally to 40k boy scouts and their families

Got the 40,000 scouts to boo Obama, chant USA when he talked about killing Obama care. Chanted USA when he said he wanted more loyalty it was peak trump

He didn't say that he's resigning.



Bump come on anons, open up the salt mines!

I didnĀ“t see the speech yet.
Worth checking out?

And did they boo Obama this time too, or only in 2010?

thanks for this. these are always appreciated

No in 2010 Obama literally bailed on coming and went to a fundraiser and made an appearance on "The View" instead. Trump got them to Boo his name when he brought up Obama skipping out on the jamboree, and got them to cheer USA when he talked about killing obama care. To top it off the kids (scouts) drowned out the whole arena with chants of "We Love Trump!"

Talcum X is just pissed because he couldn't go camping or have pocket knives at the Boys & Girls club.

stockholm wigger

fucking lol, is there no reasonable people
Full speech

That sounds awesome man. Sometimes I wish I were American just to have trump as my president. However I strongly believe that Germany will be a great Country once again, even if it takes a lot of time. I hate cucks who hate themselves, because they are Germans, however I understand them...

Pfft, haha. Hypocrites are jealous that they didn't get to the kids first for once.

Nothing like a good dose of liberal salt to perk you up in the morning.

>my 5 year old

stretching it a bit. it's usually "my 7/8 year old" who comes up with the homespun wisdom

Remember when some people on the right were freaking out about shit like this?

The left said it was no big deal and that the right was just being racist. Now they're in full on hysterical meltdown mode over the boy scouts. Almost as though their position isn't consistent and they just hate white people. Weird!

>blowing up

Lmao hysterical liberals calling the boyscouts Trump Youth on twitter and shitposters tweeting stuff at the boyscouts of america account like "Glad to see the Trump Youth Corps is growing they will make great right wing safety squad members in the future!"

Kek. That tweet is actually pretty funny...

Well that is some extra retarded shit right there. Surprised they didn't end that with a Ginyu Force style pose.

What kind of human being thinks about blowing up kids? They participated in a national tradition like hundreds of thousands of young scouts before them wtf. The left is deranged

He means going to the place and constantly whining and demanding them that they disavow Trump's speech by shouting in his high pitched feminist voice.

Muh 1939

Jesus christ can't these people find any other good comparisons other then muh nazi's?


Thats not what I read.

tfw no one mentions that trump said 'american sex'

Frankly it might have saved the routine.

I see you're right now that I read it again.

Its over boys, Trump will be impeached these journalist from WaPo have determined Trump violated scout rules by telling them to say merry christmas!


HIgher Power - TRUMP

>booing obama and hillary is against the rules
These (((people))) deserve everything that is coming for them.


It's just laughable at this point.



(((Binyamin)))....EVERY FUCKING TIME

Oy fucking vey

The man literally went on The View instead of what Trump did yesterday.
I literally can't even


Something about this fellow I can't quite put my finger on...

Its funny because he cites this as being against the rules for political reasons but Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all did it because its reserved for who ever the fuck the president is at the time, except Obongo skipped out and did a 15 min pre recorded video message while he went to a fund raiser and did an episode of "the view" with joy behar. Its funny because during his stupid video he left to be played for the scouts they all booed the whole time kek


>that name
It's so ridiculous, I was sure it was fake for a sec.



> Be forced to change "God" to "higher power" by Liberalism
> Libs claim that it's something that has always been there

Can confirm trump impeachment imminent, sorry drumpfkins this was the last straw!

Looks like we've got some Jews killing Christ guilt going on with this guy.

drumfp is done for now. There is no way the cunt can come back from this one.

>a jewish troop

Wait... now hold on. Applebaum is a kike name? Or was he there as a guest?

I'm so fucking moist right now

Someone tell him to go to fucking Israel if he loves Judaism so much.

>>Applebaum is a kike name

No shit Sherlock, nobody would willingly take the last name "Apple Tree" except for jews trying and failing to fit in


Yes, Applebaum is a kike name. Get with the program, faggot.

Not a common one, but the first name is very Jewish.

>boy scouts in west virginia are mostly white because the state is 90%+ white

When you start calling any gathering of white people "white supremacist" then you have a fucking problem.

> .. and that 'diversity of views' is part of the point. Yeah, no. Joos - so fkn annoying.

>I am dead inside
>username: AttackOfTheMuffinzzzz!! Xdxdxddxdxxxd

Why not dead on the outside too

>tfw the 12 year olds Obama bailed on probably voted for Trump in 2016

Lmao fuck obongo

Oh shit Binyamin Applebaum, my bad. Dah sux trillion and shit.

>I understand them

I sincerely doubt that, because the cucks are the same types of liberal faggots who will find any reason to shit on Germany. Why do you think Swedes who want to see Sweden destroyed exist? Because they're mentally ill and need to be beaten and enslaved.

>Talcum X
my sides

Trump understands that his influence is far greater as a cultural icon, so when he can emotionally connect with kids and young adults he is essentially creating a feeling, an emotion, and a cultural change in that group. And since politics is down stream from culture, this bodes well for us. The left was good at this, but now that their social justice autism is shining through, its harder and harder to get people to connect with their ideals.

It could easily be that. Leftists love to use nigger slang as in "blowing up my phone" when someone repeatedly texts you.
So blowing up in this screnario would mean sending a bunch of nasty emails and harrassing them until they do something about Drumpf

>Watch the speech they bitch about
>this massive pro-America rhetoric
>"There's nothing better than an achievement you've earned with hard work"
Wow, no wonder they're so fucking mad.

just watch this next 1 minute, my heart and my sides, the feels are to great.

But Jews in the US still celebrate Christmas cause they can't stand to see the goyim getting presents without them

I'll admit, that DOES look a lot like the Hitler Youth rally in Triumph of the Will.
Love it.

they love it user, "yes, thats it, silly goyim by my pointless shit and pass it between yourselves, look at all my shekels"

>What did Trump say that piss the libs off this time?

he could say "good morning" and they'd shit their pants

Why is Sup Forums always right?


>the President at the time didn't tell us to celebrate Christmas

What, a liberal Democrat President during the height of Political Correctness didn't talk abouit Christmas? What a shocker.

Can Liberals really pull that "sickening, they're using kids!" shit anymore while promoting castrating and drugging children?

Just look at the comments on the speech video the WH uploaded. So many liberals bitching and whining acting like they care about the boy scouts and talking about how Obama was a boy scout lol


of course not, liberals would never be hypocrites

was he? how the fuck didn't they beat the Marx out of him?

Trust liberals to be outraged by a speech that was basically "you can be whatever you want to be as long as you work for it"

(((((((((Jhudora Feingold)))))))))

Boy Scouts = Hilter Youth Rally!!!

When do they pass out those cool knives!!?!?!11

>consistent and unrelenting wins

*beep beep*
Oh look! It's Big Don!
I wonder what's put a smile on his face this time?
(before you can ask, Don speeds away)
*beep beep*
You have been passed by Big Don's big ride!

Is this guy calling for acts of terrorism against the Boy Scouts of America?

>hate speech

The fuck is this idiot talking about?

Lol look at the butthurt liberal comments on this video! They are so Damn smug just saying "disgusting" or "what a joke" etc. Its like they can only speak in smug. Look at the one comment that says all 45k people are inbred cause they cheered trump. There is something very unsettling about the left. They show more hate then they do trying to defend against it. Hypocrites, all of them.


>other presidents speak to boyscouts - I sleep
>Trump speaks to boyscouts - THIS IS AGAINST THE RULES!!!!!

>this hate speech
A fine example of why the concept of hate speech is bullshit. Any speech they hate becomes hate speech.

it'a conditioned respons. because of the way whites developed we hate people who ruin things. Jews nicely exploited that and now we are trying to kill each other

>he hoped I didn't vote for Clinton because "my teacher said she kills babies"


Jews at it again twisting the truth. Trump simply told them, that they can say Merry Christmas again. Something that people lately were afraid to say because of political correctness.

(((binyamin appelbaum))). They're like 2% of the population. How can it be them every time?

Did the forget how they tried to push gay shit on boyscouts including sending them to homoparades?
