Anglos are better than everyone else

Anglos are better than everyone else.

I know.


Anglo hegemony will be replaced by German-Franco hegemony by the end of Brexit negotiations.

Funny how you have to hide your flag.


There are no nations in Europe expect our federal union 50 years forwards.

I was so sure you were a German.

Nah, I`m half-israeli half-fennoswede.


Take some advice

Just always hide your flag when you make anti-brexit posts and people will just assume you are German. That way we get the hate and the finns are fine.

>seagull representing America


>americans are anglos

You really live up to our stereotype.



>Anglos sit safe on their island thinking they are better than everyone else
>Anglos 2.0 sit safe on their remote continent thinking they are better than everyone else
>Japanese sit safe on their island thinking they are better than everyone else
>All islanders think they are hot shit while cultivating hypocritical stuck up culture and engaging in rampant homosex with each other
>they all think they are the best because mother nature protected these fags with the best natural barriers
Really fires up my neurons

Tell me more about how great our countries are.


I have nothing to tell you


>they all think they are the best because mother nature protected these fags with the best natural barriers

Meanwhile mother Russia is a complete failure despite having the highest abundance of natural resources of any country in the world.

>Meanwhile mother Russia is a complete failure despite having the highest abundance of natural resources of any country in the world.
Funny to hear it from country bought by corrupted Russian oligrachs. And just to show how you prove my point, Russia had weak natural borders for centuries and no sea routes. These natural resources are not easily connected to major trade routes via sea like in America which has both vast resources and cheap transport for them.

>Weak natural borders
>Their winter was enough to kill more than 50,000 German troops.

>general winter meme
>while sitting ocean away on both sides from any major power while Europe repeatedly burns itself down in continental wars
And don't forget how much land you got from us and France because we couldn't protect it in a war against Original Eternal Anglo

Except Russia always destroyed itself through retardation rather than getting invaded by foreign powers. The Russo-Japanese war is a great example of Russians embarking on a retarded offensive and getting BTFO.

>Except Russia always destroyed itself through retardation
Yeah sure whatever
>rather than getting invaded by foreign powers
Hey, you tried to invade us at our weakest during the Civil War
>Russo-Japanese war
Lol, it's not a great example it's just one of the few you can find in history and it's a recent one on top of that. Corrupted officials and retarded tsar doing dumb shit. Go on, name another one.

So typical Anglo, shitting on the rest of the world because his spoiled ass is protected by the waves and failing miserably on the ground. Islanders are the same around the world.

>Hey, you tried to invade us at our weakest during the Civil War
That was a few of us doing you a favour and trying to stop the commies, call it an invasion all you like, the goal was to restore the Romanov dynasty.

>Lol, it's not a great example it's just one of the few you can find in history
Your decline started after we BTFOd you in Crimea. A tiny island, fighting a war on the continent right on Russia's doorstep.

>A tiny island
Empire fighting on the smal peninsula with the help of the second European power (France). Not too shabby.
> the goal was to restore the Romanov dynasty
Idiots who would better be removed after Alexander II (who cosidered Anglos our enemies unlike dumb Nicholas II). Typical Anglo favors, install dumb puppet and spread chaos.

Imperialism is the reason why we are getting so many migrants to Europe, especially your country.

You reap what you sow.

If they were colonies no way they would be doing this shit.