Why do shitskins hate animals so much?
Why do shitskins hate animals so much?
What's the points of reposting this over and over?
Because they are selfish caricatures of a human life form and too dumb to feel empathy towards other creatures.
Because they are animals themselves. An animal is not good or evil, it is only a wild beast and should be treated as such. Treat animals with respect and wish no harm on them. but if they cross you, strike them down.
>caring about non-moral agents
Dogs are a shit and people who have them as pets are worse.
That sucks, but animals aren't equal to humans and don't deserve equal rights or concerns.
>Why do shitskins hate animals so much?
They are sub"humans", they can't help themselves.
Found the shitskin
Found the shitskin leeching off white peoples tax monies.
they hate competition
These countries should be nuked.
they are jealous of them
i heard those dogs were talking shit
is there anything worse than red rocket white knights
There's a guy who posts under the same meme flag who makes multiple threads a day about a gypsy ghetto here, it's probably the same guy and he's butthurt at us for some reason
all me desu
That's where the mega jew resides. It's a banking state.
I've also seen him repost this stuff under a german flag so unless you're a certain schizophrenic shitposter from Sup Forums, it's probably not you
i am greek
t. Shitskin
Haha what is this made up shit go kys faggot
i can't hear you over the sound of that dog in your mouth, you fucking gook!
>animals aren't equal to humans
neither are shitskins
they don't hate all animals
Dogs are the shitskins of the animal world.
CNN logo
who is this semen demon?
Because you need white skin to have humanity and compassion.
Or be pale Asian.
ow the edge
I don't want to nuke Indonesia but I do believe we should kill about 70% of the population for the long term outlook of the human race.