Why you all fall for obvious trick

This everywhere see is divide and conquer. It as obvious so much, why can't you tell immediately it is cancer? But you all make chaos and they enemy laugh at you. Why are you so easy to fool?

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>why can't you tell immediately it is cancer?
Because there is no cancer infecting Sup Forums, Sup Forums is the cancer. This is why calling someone any kind of non-white is the biggest insult and mode of "banter" around here.

Sup Forums's evolution mirrors that of the History Channel: from actually interesting discussion to full on Nazi bullshit to straight up loonatic conspiracy theories.

spain and portoguese dont even look white in op's pic

>turk flag
>say spain and portoguese dont even look white
This is other version lol

Because most people haven't read this book.


I am now 100% foolproof.

So how are poles anti-white shills?

its lots the Polish flag is anti-white making posts

Why do slavs and Mediterranean half niggers try so hard to be white?
Its just pathetic

lol i have a one for this

Says the Japanese rape baby lol

we don't, don't overestimate yourselves
in any case, "whiteness" worries mostly new world mongrels with no other identity to work with

>"whiteness" worries mostly new world mongrels with no other identity to work with
lol now EUrope is has African ghetto like "new world", you are also new world now. Maybe you worry more about unite with all European, but instead you want chaos and hate with you brother. This is why white people are slave of jew you all too easy for divide and conqer

i dont think is a bad thing to be unite with Japan, so you cant insult. I think Korea and Japan make empire and rule asia is best.

shills everywhere I'm afraid

The only real brothers we can have are Iberians and Greeks.
Point still stands, national, regional and even provincial identity are still a thing here. I'm sorry you are a rootless child of modernity.

>Point still stands, national, regional and even provincial identity are still a thing here
is you weakness, you are puppet now with flood it Africa comes. More and more you become Africa, talk about old ways, but world it change. You go extinct, blame yourself.

>likes to get raped
I think its called Stockholm syndrome

brainlet is you lol, moving chairs in the titanic sinks lol


yes you proxy work lol

not really, identity is a multilayered concept, not thing single layered thing like children of modernity experience
it just happens that "whiteness" is mostly an alien concept in Europe, we don't identify by american standards

>it just happens that "whiteness" is mostly an alien concept in Europe, we don't identify by american standards
no, i hear a Europes insist it this over and again, but you is white because world sees you is "white". Everyone call you it. This is name of European, is "white". Default name for you is "white", but you think "i am better America, fuck new world i am better" -- you are the same. Same boat, same problem, same jews fuck you life. You idiot fight with brother but jew fucks your ass, what you will do it? nothing probably, maybe just death-- at least was better america eh?


don't blame me for stating the obvious, that the new world is what we are heading to, not what we are right now

lol ok, not my problem only you, good luck


damn stupid. i got banned by some leaf most likely, for posting tits in brit/pol/ (brits are about to be put in prison if they do not provide cc and driver's licence when wanking while on internet, or viewing prawns), hence the jest.

my last post on Sup Forums because fuck you cunt leafs.

on the note, before i go:
>This everywhere see is divide and conquer. It as obvious so much, why can't you tell immediately it is cancer? But you all make chaos and they enemy laugh at you. Why are you so easy to fool?
because it is them all along and retards join in.

>spineless cunt wants to take your money or woman or life and anything he/she/it dreams of taking
>spineless retard, if it has no thieving army on his side, places a lie
>spineless cunt pays a shekel(jew) or a orphan(vatican) as a bribe to a willing scum [examples are one of many many of them, hence not the only one]
>they argue
>you don't care
>he/she/it/thing/scum places bribes to more and more
>more and more argue about a lie while you think they are just like you everyday people
>you pay attention
>you fall in trap
>change comes

the end.

once upon a time everything wrong you dream of cunts, told me -"people do not like change, that is why we take it in increments, that is why we lead them to understanding". cunts were high in "power" retard would say but low as the low can be if you are a man.

maybe by chance, but wise words:

do not allow to be manipulated faggotfucks. see you when i see you.

Koreans are not white.

We have been shitting on eachother since forever, shills came and thought they could exploit this. But they dont understand that when it really matters we are able to come together and help eachother out regardless. I may tell an italian he is not white, i may call a german a cu.ck but at the end of the day we are all eropeans and i will always have their best interests at heart. Its just how we communicate

Just like in the past... Oh wait.
Lets be serious for a moment, the biggest enemy of Europe is Europe.

that's brotherhood, not this liberal unviersalist shit.

European union, you mean. and the jews ofc

only lowtier mixraces fall for these

The "you're not white" posters are merely pointing out the absurdity of people who self-identify as "white". Ethnically speaking the Spanish have little in common with Nordic people, nor do Anglos with Slavs, and so on. Lumping them all together under one catch-all category, "white", is absurd, and akin to saying all Asians are the same, which is not true.

>Ethnically speaking
why so many of you think ethnic = race? you are like in 1800s, say "I am a French, I am a French race". You race in France is almost identical to you neighbor, and you take a man of German or Spain and grow him in French then he is a French. They make you ignorant of sciences in you where live.

ching? I too enjoy kimchi

Who gives a shit about genetic similarity, the sandnigger fighting for Germany in afganistan is closer to me then some random dude with white skin.

Whiter than you, Ahmed
