Why do you hate jews Sup Forums?.Is it because we are more intelligent than you are and we influence the whole world

Why do you hate jews Sup Forums?.Is it because we are more intelligent than you are and we influence the whole world

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Finally a Jordanian dog admits that he is inferior.Never forget the six day war dog

>American mutt thinks he is white

Operation Opera proves you Jews are stupid and without white people your pathetic state would get nuked into oblivion.

i dont mind them

>jews are stupid
We control your country fucktard

It's because I read your book.



No, it's not (((you))), it's the jewish elite.

It's because you destroy our countries with mass immigration and multiculturalism

Fuck the kikes

>Why do you hate jews Sup Forums?
Because of their effeminate nature and subversive tactics.

You did this to yourself

What are you doing in Israel sub-human?

most of the wannabe neo-scheisse's here are ugly as fuck and probably are still virgins at the age of 40, also their IQ and logical thinking are inferior to us
so its mainly jealousy I think

We control your country fucktard. We have to keep intervening in the middle east because you Jews are fucking with our oil money.


because we are gonna gas you all faggot

Jew talking about anyone being inferior. You faggots are literally descended from Mongoloids, superior at having 0 morals and being all around POS. There are very few Jews that have ever excelled at anything the vast majority that have financial success, got it through nepotism not merit. You are the lost form of humanoid

"You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny." (From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining of his 'anti-Semitism.' Examen des Quelques Objections...dans L'Essai sur le Moeurs.)
"You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which tolerate and enrich them." ("Juif," Dictionnaire Philosophique)
"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made...But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth." (Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166)

"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but through their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 28).

tfw even cannibalistic New Guinea niggers in loin clothes with bones through their nose are better than your race