Berlin Domestic Spy Chief: Left-wing Extremists Will Kill If Necessary
>Bern Palenda, head of the Berlin branch of the Agency for the Protection of the Constitution, has warned that left-wing extremism has been severely underestimated, and that many left-extremists could be willing to kill.
Germany: Left Wing G20 Riots Caused up to $13.8 Million Insured Damage
>A group representing German insurers says the rioting that accompanied the Group of 20 summit earlier this month could cost insurance companies up to 12 million euros ($13.8 million).
German Police Chief on G20 Protests: ‘I have Never Experienced Such Violence’
>German Special Police Forces (SEK) Saxony chief Sven Mewes described the harrowing police experience at the Hamburg G20 summit last week saying he had never seen such a level of violence directed toward police officers.
Other urls found in this thread:
Leftists Slam ‘Special School’ for Undereducated Migrants as ‘Apartheid
>The Berlin refugee council has criticised the opening of a special school for asylum seekers who have little to no education saying that keeping them separate from other students is like “apartheid”.
Turkey Furious at U.S. and Europe for Blocking Coup Commemorations
>Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim expressed anger at the United States and European nations on Friday for refusing to allow events commemorating the one-year anniversary of the failed coup attempt against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Germany overhauls Turkey policy
>Germany is sharpening its policy toward Turkey in response to jailings of journalists and human rights activists. The Foreign Ministry is now warning German citizens that they face risks if they go to Turkey.
‘Shocking’ Violence Against Police as Riots, ‘Migration Background’ Sexual Assaults Grip German Summer Festival
>A German folk festival in Schorndorf in Baden-Württemberg was rocked this weekend by riots and a number of sexual assaults by men police describe as coming from migration backgrounds.
Half of Turks in Germany Do Not Work, Majority ‘Not Interested in a Job’
>Figures show that almost every second Turk of working age in Germany is “economically inactive”, meaning they are either not in work or officially registered as unemployed.
‘You Jew!’ Becoming Common Insult In Berlin Schools As Anti-Semitism Rises Kek
>Schoolteachers and other school officials in Berlin have noticed a rising trend of anti-Semitism among pupils and say the expression “You Jew!” has become a common insult.
Germans Sentence Syrian Fighter to Three Years in Prison
>A German court has sentenced a 25-year-old Syrian citizen to three years in prison for membership in a foreign terrorist organisation
Mass Migration Drives ‘Enormous’ Rise in FGM Cases to 60,000
>Germany has seen a massive increase in the number of women and girls affected by female genital mutilation (FGM), as a result of mass migration from Africa and the Middle East.
16-Year-Old German Girl Who Ran Away to Join Islamic State Captured in Mosul
>A 16-year-old German girl who ran away from home to join the Islamic State (ISIS) has been captured in the city of Mosul in northern Iraq.
Child Abuse Trial After Woman Took Kids To Join Islamic State
>A female Islamic state support in Germany is facing trial on charges of child abuse for taking her young children to join the terror group.
German Police Hunting Armed Man After He Shows Up at School
> Police said a man who showed up with a firearm at a high school in southwestern Germany on Monday was still on the loose because they initially arrested the wrong man.
Dogwalker Hospitalised After Attack By Somalian Migrant Who Said ‘Dogs are Unclean
>A middle aged woman had to be hospitalised in Vienna following a brutal beating in broad daylight by a veiled Somali asylum seeker offended by her pet dogs.
Hamburg police seize 3.8 tons of cocaine in record bust
>German police have seized several tons of cocaine in the latest example of the so-called "rip-off" shipping method. Crime gangs secrete drugs in regular shipments without the knowledge of the actual sender or reciever
Propaganda of the week:
Hol dir dein Land zurück! Uwe Junge, AfD Vortrag:
Bernd Gögel hält seine beste Rede Der Bürger hat reale Sorgen, keine Zeit für ihre Späße AfD:
Heiko Maas in München – Debatte zum Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz - Uli Henkel AfD berichtet:
Dresden Hau ab, Volksverräter! Hunderte protestieren gegen Heiko Maas und Hate Speech Initiave:
Steuerzahlergedenktag 2017. Bis gestern haben Sie für den Staat gearbeitet:
AfD Abrechnung im Landtag Bundestagswahl 2017:
Eine private Altersversorgung ist nicht möglich! AfD aus dem Landtag Bundestagswahl 2017:
Die Eurokrise wird immer teurer, Schwandorf:
CDU-CSU und ihre Lüge von der Steuersenkung. Beatrix von Storch AfD:
AfD Fraktion im Dialog mit Oberst Pazderski:
Darf die Antifa mit Steuergeldern die Polizei verprügeln? Björn Höcke AfD aus dem Landtag:
Important videos for German nationalists:
The Kaufman-Plan, Hooton-Plan, overton-window, founding of the FED, US-Imperialism, Trotzki vs. Stalin, communist strategy of ZOG, new leftists, the roles of Russia and China, financial collaps and third world war:
The dutys of a German nationalists and effective strategies to save Germany (two way strategy: Political activism and preparation for the collapse)
Reminder that Germany is a theocracy led by the Christian think-tank Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands.
Stop antagonising the madam fuhrer she'll start crying over the EU again
Thanks for the bumping, Britbro
>Reminder that Germany is a theocracy led by the Christian think-tank Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands.
If its Christian to raise the crime rate to a record high and to genocide ethnic Germans through mass immigration, i´ll be damned.
We are corrupted by the ZOG just like almost every other country in the EU since 1945.
Ayy back with this again!
Every day bro
Deutsche Nazbol front reportiert ein.
Antifa gehört vergast, die deutsche Polizei schützt Juden und ist kein Freund des Rasse bewussten Ariers.
>Antifa gehört vergast, die deutsche Polizei schützt Juden und ist kein Freund des Rasse bewussten Ariers.
Kann ich so unterschreiben, allerdings sind unter den Cops viele rotgepillt, denn bei denen ist die rote Pille Teil des Berufs. Könnten also nützlich sein wenn SHTF.
>No. 6
Von welchem Bundesland stammt Ihr?
Ich wurde in Berlin geboren, habe aber mein ganzes Leben in Brandenburg gewohnt.
The comments under this video are hilarious too
I hope Germans die out in my lifetime.
reporting in
Niedersachsen masterrace.
Good decision to leave. Its a liberal hellhole.
(Englisch muss sein sonst kommen die Mods wieder an und killen uns den Thread).
Oh look, its the autistic roach again.
Kek this is accurate
t. Oswald McBeady
How does it feel to know you cucked yourself by going to war with the only country which could have stopped the degeneracy?
>Niedersachsen masterrace.
I second that
this thread kinda leads nowhere. whats the purpose except for "sieg heil"ing? dont get me wrong, i vote for afd since they were votable and i admire nicolaus fest. he needs to become chancellor and many of our problems could be dealt with.
How does it feel knowing that all the good Germans died in ww2 and all that remains is cucked fags and slavic rape babies?
>How does it feel to know you cucked yourself
Ironic from a German. The state of you right now m8
t. Britbong
>i admire nicolaus fest.
He is well spoken and intelligent, but he fails to acknowledge the fact that we will only truly reestablish our sovereignity if the Besatzer (i.e. American troops and secret service agents) are expelled from the country. He supports the status quo on that, he is kind of an Americanophile.
>Good decision to leave
My parents left that shit-hole a week after I was born and moved north. Thank god they did, Barnim is comfy as fuck.
>the fedora at 0:27
Guten tag Vācieši
>all the good Germans died in ww2
Yeah, because getting killed is somehow worth more than getting imprisoned.
>all that remains is cucked fags
Most of our grandparents were children during wartime, they weren´t even allowed to go to war.
>slavic rape babies
Only 8600 children were born from rape victims after the war. All others were aborted, just like your mum should have aborted you, effiminate cuck.
> Barnim is comfy as fuck.
Never heard of that town, so its probably pretty sheltered from the rapefugees and leftist degeneracy.
>the fedora at 0:27
I wish there was one country that actually called Germans sort of similar to Deutsch....
>dutch dont count
How does it feel like getting reverse colonized by a country you made up?
interesting point, ill go look up some more info and maybe ill contact him. we can save germany guys. nothing is broken, we still have time.
are you kidding me.
That is an insane amount
Too long ya cheeky wanker
>10594 words
not gonna happen anglo
Wat ein kack Geschwurbel, der Typ ist bestimmt Reichsbürger und bei der Partei Deutsche Mitte.
you can blame hitler and his monologues for that
get to it lazy bones
>we can save germany guys. nothing is broken, we still have time
Thats the spirit we need! I highly recommend watching this video if you need to know what each of you can do.
Das ist eine Hitler Rede
The Führer is turning in his grave right now
in english plez
google doesn't understand half the words in german
>tfw no gf
its hitlers best imo
*Landkreis Barnim
My town has loads of refugees but the other part is true. Racism was a big part of my childhood, one of my teachers even congratulated me for giving an uppity shitskin a nosebleed, also my best friends at my Gymnasium were Nazis.
bump this so Germany can become a real country once again. embrace your heritage once more remove kebabs and take back your Fatherland!
At least someone is trying to save the white race
the Bundesflagge is visibly repulsive desu
>146 children
>probably all white
not with the eagle on it though
This one is better
The blonde on the left is cute.
The question is, where does Germany get its beer?
Based desu
"Black like the night in which we will get you"
"White like the men who march with Germany"
"Red like the blood on the streets"
Looks slightly retarded but I'm not in a position to be picky
We brew it of course, German Reinheitsgebot ftw
What is wrong with word Vācieši for Germans?And Vācija for Germany.
Why did Hitler betray the greatest ally ?
Forgot the link to the song
flags desu
Why did the eternal anglo backstab Hitler is the real question?
Hitler tried many times to negotiate peace with you
Its as if someone called your country Xyrdesogs when you call your country Latvija.
How do you not get that?
its alright making peace after you've broken numerous promises of not doing things
think of the before rather than after
prevention is better than remedy
Germany had the right to attack Poland.
So Turkey has the right to attack its old Ottoman Empire owned land ?
Or what is your point here?
To be fair you call Latvija Lettland.Not as much diferance like Vācija and Deutchland but still.
Also idk it would feel cool if my country would be given a Uniq name based on History and location.
haha sorry but becks is "pißwasser". bayrisches klosterbier and several others are nice. i'll join the local afd and see what direction they are taking.
gonna give this
Please don´t defend Churchill or (((Hore Belisha))). They were war mongers, they wanted Germany to go to war with Poland so they could attack them too and actively prevented a peaceful solution.
Poles were slaughtering ethnic Germans and Hitler wanted to secure their lives, i think that is his point.
Bitburger is my favorite
and yes, he is legit. Based Sudetendeutscher whose ideas and comments are on point.
Are you retarded or something?
Between the treaty of versailles and Fall Weiß (invasion of poland) were only 21 years and we gave Poland enough chances to return the stolen land and stop the killing of the german minority.
You can compare it with Turkey
I really like the banner of the Holy Roman Empire
>churchill meme
people didn't want a war, parliment didn't, the PM chamberlain didn't, the king didn't and chamberlain tried to contain the situation before being pwned by churhcill in 1940 after norway got wrecked
fact is chamberlain tried to please hitler with appeasement but it wasn't enough.
does this sound like a warmonger to you?
its the only declaration of war that wasn't given to a rapturous applause and happy crowds
Me too
I rate your meme 14/88
I dislike Weißbier. Becks is by far the best Pils
one very important thing to know: wenn es hart auf hart kommt, dann wird osteuropa auch auf unserer seite sein. polen, yugos, russen, etc. i know a bunch and they're more nat than many germans
Daily reminder that ''''''''konigsberg'''''''' is actualy called Prūsija and is rightfull Baltijas Cley.
This won't save us. We need to do things on our own
rightful russian clay along with everything east of germany
>bitte ein bit
Geschmackloser Schwule.
Its better than every American beer out there
>any understanding of beer
Fall Weiß
Bring back the GDR.
A wall and atheism.
No muslims.
By that Logic scotland belongs to Denmark,England belongs to Italy and Northern ireland belongs to Ireland.
>1 +1 = 2
>by that logic 2 + 2 = 7
lol wat?
Better dead than red
You Vācieši don't understand anything about beer Latvijas beer best beer.