>tfw (((they))) still try to subvert my faith after centuries of continuous failure.
I'm muslim
Other urls found in this thread:
islam is a retarded knockoff of judaism, (((they))) are (((you)))
you are worse than (((them))) ahmed
This. Judaism, Christianity, Islam is all the same bullshit designed around Jews
I guess I'll add these to the list of failed attempts.
Anything else lads?
Quit worshiping the cube. It's literally the Devil.
Are you Sunni?
>abrahamic religion
>good goy
1400 years ago a pedophile epleptic called Mohammed made some fan-fiction based on what is commonly referred to as the "Old Testament", which is quite Jewish, last time I looked
islam = Jew fan fiction
>being this ignorant
You have to be a special kind of stupid if you think we muslims worship ANYTHING other than God.
What a redundant question, I said I'm muslim. Naturally I'm sunni like 99% of the rest of the islamic world.
you bow to a magic space rock, that's idolatry
I'm afraid of you guys but you're probably the less cucked & the most redpilled when it comes to the Jewish trick
Their spacial rock is just a point of gathering don't be an autist
>What is wahhabism
No, is the focus of your prostration and the recipient of your prayers offered, wake up, savage
Why Sunnies keep pretending they're muslims, when Shias are objectively more close to the Coran ?
its not (((they))) ,its (((you))).
It's actually God's house on earth. It's why we pray facing it in the first place,to direct our prayers towards god.
Bro you just need a little bit of education to know that it's not idolatry and that Muslims go savage on idolatry like their prophet did
"God" should be without physical location, manifestation, or even definition - or "he" ceases to infinite or eternal. You and all other mluslims are therefore the idolators. You are bowing to a space rock like savages afraid of your own shadows.
Frenchbro. Not many are willing to say this, I compliment your courage. I think even in Sup Forums there has been a shift in which more and more people are realizing that Islam is the cure. Even though the Hasbara shills are trying every trick out of their book.
Take it from a real muslim that the Kabaah is merely the center-point of our compass. It is not inherently valuable. In fact, it is destined to be destroyed by non-muslims in the future. Our scriptures detail everything that has happened to us and will happen to us in the future.
You are so distanced from our faith, you can't even spell the name of the Holy Book right. Every muslim would call a Christian his brother sooner than he would trust a mushrik such as you.
>This. Judaism, Catholicism, Islam is all the same bullshit designed around Jews
"Allah" used to be part of a 360-strong PAGAN pantheon prior (housed in the Kaaba) to islam, he was just the moon-god at the time.
It's pronounced the same and we don't use jizz noodle writing, goatfucker
>"Allah" used to be part of a 360-strong PAGAN pantheon
Didn't Muhammad like... destroyed all of these pagan idols?
thats as retarded as santas house at the north pole
your god isnt all powerful if he cant pick up prayers in any direction
You're a shitskin aren't you?
Don't really care about the religion, so long as you fags don't pull sharia.
But shitskins have got to go.
It doesn't change the origin of Allah, though, does it? He was just one god amonst many and was a moon god.
>Being this misinformed
Let me drop you a redpill.
The moon-god was Hubal, which was a chief idol in the pantheon operated by the Quraishi tribe. These pagans used the word "ilah", which means god with a lower case. Whereas the word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
The muslims were at war with these pagans and in the end managed to convert the pagans into Islam with the logistical support of a Christian king. They were in fact banished from the community, but still managed to grow during their shelter in the house of the Christian king.
Watch the movie "The Message" .
8.3 on IMDB rating, and the director has been assassinated by the Mossad for making this movie.
Here is a magnet link for the movie. It is fairly accurate, and enjoyable to watch!
So by your "it's the same god anyway" logic, if some headhunter in Paupau New Guinea prays to "the one god" as he eats the brains of his foeman, he prays to Allah, who is now supposed to one and the same as IAW/JHVH? Are you saying IAW/JHVH was worshipped as part of that 360=strong pantheon - as was Allah?
Ok I just checked this on the internet and the Nabatean pagan gods are denied in the Quran the verse or sura (idk how it is named) is "the star"
Your argument is also shit-tier because christians in arabia prayed to "Allah" before Muslims
You are into some autism tier fan-fiction there, let me know when Harry Potter and Tyrion Lanister get written into Koran V2.0, KYS pedo pagan shitskin
I'm Arab.
Your argument has strayed so far from rational thought that it is no longer deemed worthwhile of my time. I have better things to do than rhetorically chase a jew around the bushes.
Frenchbro, leave the Jew be. His only aim is to frustrate you. Trust me if I say that a Jew has absolutely no moral fiber or intellectual integrity. Their brains are practically the same as that of lizards and snakes.
>y-you're a mozlem!
Come on man, don't be an autist
The jews welcomed the muslims into Jerusalem. As regards describing your satanic heathen cult as a 'faith' or your presence in Europe. The only solution is you leave or die. Ask the jews about that.
>Really makes you think
>I'm muslim
Just fuck you
>I'm Arab.
I hope you get skinned alive.
>Wishing someone something based on their race
Kek. Don't forget to strap your helmet on once you're done LARPing like the chubby faggot you are.
How do you feel about Mohammed having suicidal thoughts, getting revelations from a cave from a weird spiritual entity, and his obsession with sex?
How's the proxy holding up, Chaim?
Islam is superior to anything else, but subverting your faith would still be possible if you were utterly corrupted or dumb.
Couldn't answer some valid points.
Jesus could be your saviour, I'll pray for you user
arabs have skin the colour of poop
11 year old spotted. Mods
>Be Arab
>Get called shitskin by some larper
>You're a shitski--
How are shias closer to the Quran? They add all sorts of nonsense and practices to the faith while Sunni muslims try to practice the Islam that Muhammed (saw) practiced.
Did Muhammed (saw) prat 3 times per day? No... He prayed 5 different times, even shia hadith says so. Did he cut his children with knifes and whip himself like the shia do? No... This is something the Shia started doing way after the Prophet Muhammed and not something that the Quran says you should do either. Even the shia hadith claims this happened way after the Prophet was dead. Shia muslims keep adding all sorts of pagan practices and "muslimify" them,
They are not objectively closer to the Quran than normal muslims who try to practice the same Islam that Muhammed (saw) practiced. The same islam as when Allah said in the Quran:
"Today I have perfected for you your religion, fulfilled on you My favor, and approved Islam as your religion.” (part of 5:3)
Shia muslims claim that verse is wrong and add shit to the religion.
Fuck you OP you fucking shitskinned, goatfucking sandnigger, fuck Islam, fuck Allah, fuck your race, get the fuck off this board
Loool I'm not religious but Christfags are probably the worst.
Your god was a jew who died and was tempted by Satan in the desert.
Oh hi rapebaby, how much do you know about your slavic ancestry?
Keep it up, John
I'm not slavic or anyone you know. I'm a proud Arab.
This thread is under heavy automated shilling. Hasbara is trying to slide the redpill.
>not a knockoff of Christianity
You know, they
>view Christ as the saviour that will save them and be king over the earth
>accept the Bible as the literal word of God which got corrupted by man
>accept all Biblical figures and Jesus as prophets
Islam is literally Mormonism without sci-fi elements
You need to go back, Europe is neither for Jews nor for Muslims.
Proud of what exactly? Being inferior? Or being ugly as shit?
Wew lad, how do you solve the captcha that fast??
why are you hiding your country?
leaf, swede, poo, or german?
Kek a bosniak, stopped reading right there
Spoiled everything. For the first time we get an actual semi decent (((Muslim))) poster and you just resort to insults.
I'm leaving, moral high ground is lost. You should be ashamed.
pro tip, you are NOT a race, you sandniggering fool.
>he doesn't use legacy captcha with scripts that remember captchas you've already solved so you don't have to do any repeats
>actual semi decent (((Muslim))) poster
nice meme
Your religion is false. Your profit is a pedophile. What's there to subvert?
I'm proud of my Arab heritage.
Why are you so surprised? Sure, I am a very ugly , but i'm not afraid of being ugly and burly. I associate whiteness with femininity and find white boys very girly-looking.
It's the truth.
>tfw your sand nigger filth spreading into Europe requires a Holocaust
>ett are you surprised?
Gee I wonder why, Achmed. After all your contributions to this world
it's so pitiful that in the 21st Century instead of conquering space we're still having to deal with religulous involutionist retards. And the future seemed so bright when I was a kid in the 70s 80s.
Ever since I posted my skin color, the Hasbara intensified their efforts of scaring me away of my own thread.
(((they))) don't know i've been around here since 2006.
The Arab civilization has been the nexus of enlightenment and one of the greatest empires in the world. The Europeans were still plowing dirt with their fingers while we ushered a new era of scientific development and cultural bliss under Islamic rule.
And we associate sand niggers like you as a fucking cancer on society.
>implying it didn't get subverted on release day
This is why you are eternal goyim to the Jew