Why are communists so fucking retarded?
Why are communists so fucking retarded?
r-selection. Lifetime of abundant resources and few existential threats leads to atrophied amygdala.
it's not that they are retarded, it's that they are biologically weak and feeble. they want a mommy and daddy to take care of them and regiment their lives because every moment they are frightened. i mean look at this fucking guy. if you looked like that would you ever feel comfortable and secure as a grown man????
This basically
Their ideology attracts the weak and feeble that are unable to compete with other people in a free market. They require a big government to breast feed them their whole lives or they would just perish.
Retards are simply attracted to be communists because it itself is retarded
if they werent retards they wouldnt be communists
higher mutational load.
Jesus, imagine being this autistic that this sign looks aesthetic to you
Communists keep doing communism and acting surprised when it fails. If I acted surprised every time I slammed my dick in the door, would you not think me retarded?
>Greece today
How's that 7% approval rating working out for Tsipras
Incredible. you can literally see the inbreeding-induced retardation in his empty eyes and grossly drawn facial traits.
Exactly. Can't these people print legibly or practice good spacing/kerning? Sheesh.
This pic might say it all about why communists are full retards because they hate mainstream society due to their inherent biases and racist attitudes.
Being retarded is the basic requirement to embrace any collectivist ideology.
>Why are communists so fucking retarded?
why do capitalist keep sucking big banker dick?
and excuzing things and deals like the petrodollar?
wich gave suadi arabia political immunity?
all that guy needs is some father who slaps him and takes him to the gym and to do man stuff. he has no concept of masculinity. I honestly feel bad for him
communists know more about your ideology than you ever could. they understand das kapital.
if you really think communists are idiots then you are a fucking retard, go drink the jew kool-aid and squabble in your ignorance, since i'm willing to bet my life you haven't read shit about communism and literally think it means "everyone gets paid the same and big gubamant"
>communists keep doing communism and are surprised when it fails
don't reply to fucking retards.
they haven't read a single book in their life and think sucking the bourgouise kike dick is "healthy". let them squabble in their literal retardation, its their kids who will be stabbed on the way home to school when neoliberal economically deranged america becomes india in 30 years
>natsoc calling other idioligy's failed systems.
lmfao dont you see the irony?
atleast bolchivism still exists.
all of these usseful idiots in the pics would be purged under a treu commie regime.
>Sup Forums
>((((conservative)))) or (((capitalist))))
Lurk moar, /leftypol/ kike shill. YOU defend the jews, therefore you defend the IMF, Goldman-Sachs, Wall STreet and the millions of RICH JEWS. 0.08% OF THE WORLD POPULATION, 50% OF THE TOP 20 RICHEST.
Name one communist state that suceeded.
there probably giong to pull the classic venuzeuala example but venuzeala isnt a communist country.
its socialist.
the also dont see that you can say the same thing with other countries that are capitalist like some shitholes in the middle east or africa
or the classic youre a rich libral maymay i have been living of cheap ramen fo the past 2 months i can barely even afford rent.
Extremist ideologies always brings out the useful idiots first for cannon fodder. Ironically enough they'll have to be eliminated for the ideology that they have been peddling to exist and normalized if it's going to be accepted by the masses.
what I don't understand is that in the past, communists were manly men (not counting subversive jews). Maybe it's the lack of wars what's producing horrors like OP's pic. This is a society that doesn't cull the weak
This. Except, that they are ALSO retarded.
>what I don't understand is that in the past, communists were manly men (not counting subversive jews). Maybe it's the lack of wars what's producing horrors like OP's pic. This is a society that doesn't cull the weak
theres a reason we refer to people in op's pic as usseful idiots essentaily what user is saying here there cannon fodder.
the thing is even marx said that communism doesnt istantly forms it needs to slowly happen and evolve form capitalism to socialism then communism.
>but of course I larp on a Indian goat cheese board
kek the cringe is real
>>but of course I larp on a Indian goat cheese board
to be honest arent all people who use natsoc or commie flags larpers?
national socialism is a dead idioligy and communism is dying.
the same with lolberetarianism.
>proxy state of natsoc country China
Never underestimate those who want to destroy you.
maybe china? but china is communist only in name there essentaily proxy capitalists.
>Proxy state of China
HAHAHA oh man you're retarded
The fantasy you speak of is literally the world the US wants to live in. Papa Trump will make America great again! Communists know that as a people they are the ones that should take the power into their own hands, and not some established corporatist government brainwashing its people for its own selfish pursuits.
Communism is against big government. Communism literally entails the absence of a social classes and a state. This obviously upsets those who have bought into the lies of Trump and crony capitalists, because without government they'd have no idea how to run things for themselves as a unified people. They need a state, they need a rich white man to tell them what to think.
Because if they weren't they wouldn't need people to take care of them.
>Muh rich white dudes
Kill yourself Tumblr
china is basically natsoc
>Communism is against big government.
you have got to be shitting me...if "everyone" "owns" "everything" thats the biggest fucking government on the planet.
>china is basically natsoc
essentaily i you have ever read about how there economy works its very intresting.
a sort of mix between socialism nationalsm and a slight hint of bolchivism.
>you have got to be shitting me...if "everyone" "owns" "everything" thats the biggest fucking government on the planet.
"workers owning the means of production" its essentaily anarchism but fucked up to produce strange results.
>They need a state, they need a rich white man to tell them what to think
A rich Semitic man
>>They need a state, they need a rich white man to tell them what to think
>A rich Semitic man
who do you think controls the fait currency and banking scam scheme goy?
theres a reason they abandoned the gold standard.
also fucking over goys with usury and other banking kike tricks is fun right?
You'd have to be retarded to see the abolishment of capitalism as a viable solution to all of our problems.
That's a fucking potato carried by a bunch of raccoons in a shirt
The battlefield awaits.
Did his little brother write that sign?
>who do you think controls the fait currency and banking scam scheme goy?
Are you saying Jews control China's money system?
Because no-one who's been on Sup Forums longer than a day doubts that all nations' central banking is connected at a higher level.
Jews don't even make good masterminds, they perform best as intellectual footmen and advisors.
You people are not above it. Even you have fallen for the game. Why do you think the "Capitalists" are the sole manipulators of the 'working class' peasants? The Capitalists throw away lives for money. The peasantry has very little value to them, they consume and they fight. They direct this action outwardly and profit off it immensely.
The Communists do the exact same thing and have the exact same contempt for the peasantry. To make the peasant's burden even more, they tend to turn it inwardly. Communists are trying to build an Utopian society. They are all too happy to sacrifice a few individuals for the 'Common Good'. To the Communist you are just another cog on the wheel. Fail to live up to the Operator's expectations and you suddenly find yourself Purged. Stripped of all status, dehumanized and abused.
Salvation is found by the individual, not the group. Survival is the only ideological principle a person needs. God is above all these men. Those who have a desire to lead, their only accomplishment will be to stand in the gap between man and God. They will fail and be humiliated. Their Sins will be witnessed by All.
I've never seen a wealthy chad or a well off middle aged couple advocate for communism. It's always the ugly, insecure weirdos with the look in their eye that they've been deceived/wronged and are looking for vengeance. The amount of anger in these people is unreal. Screaming, air horns in the face to interrupt people, all sorts of physical violence. This isn't an effort to make the world a better place. This is an effort for the outcasts in school who sprinted down the hallway in their white New Balance to turn the tables in their favor.