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Probably to save space. Make toilet bowls double as urinals, like how it is in houses.
airforce personnel do not stand up to pee
helps prevent sailors from getting piss on their uniforms.
Urinal on a ship sounds like a bad idea anyway, will the piss not go anywhere when the ship moves through the water and due can't aim properly?
Its not gay if you're underway.
Airfoce doesn't have aircraft carriers
Urinals fucking suck anyway. I hate sitting there looking at them when I need to take a shit and the stalls are all full.
a toilet can serve two functions: piss and poo
a urinal only serves 1
on a ship with limited space you want efficiency.
it doesn't mean pic related it just means there are more shitters available.
I swear you tumblrina's get more triggered every day, and I doubt any of you are sailors. so stop freaking about about things you're either too stupid to understand or too biased to think critically, and form your own opinion on.
Urinals take less space and are used more often if we consider most of crew is men, and if you stay hydrated then most bathroom visits are to urinate.
All ships have vacuum systems for the shitters. Makes no sense to put urinals. Usually we just rip the seat off one toilet and it becomes the designated pisser.
T. Navy
ships engineer here. urinsls on ships are a meme anyway. even on fuckhuuuge carriers.
turning your sailors more gay by forcing them to pose like women as they piss is dangerous on the high seas
nah uh, you jjust a dumb leberul cuck
praise kek LOL
peeing standing up is homephobic
And why exactly cant you pee into the toilet standing up?
>Spraying your legs with piss at a urinal
Urinals tend to take less space, since they're not behind lockable doors. For the same reason urinals tend to also be more hygienic, since you don't have to touch any handles or buttons to piss in one and to get it flush.
Nobody's home bathroom has a urinal either. Who gives a fuck?
also they don't need mens and womens rooms, they can just use unisex rooms
They did this because guys cannot aim. This was actually the reason. Urinals get clogged because dip, smokes, paper, etc.
It's another example of immaturity = "why we can't have nice things". This is not some SJW agenda in the Navy. It was done because urinals are a constant maintenance issue.
>women in the military
captcha: synagogue route
urinals use less water.
Plebs have never been to a baseball game.
Urinals are way more efficient.
Line to women's bathroom vs no line to men's. Go in,piss, get the fuck out.
This isn't going to work.
What they're risking...
- mutiny
- men will off the deck when women are taking too long
- ship will be taking to port and retrofitted with urinals
- women will ask for urinals to be installed
because only 2-5 people live in the average family home.
If you live in a Mormon cult compound then your communal bathroom would have urinals.
okay mr armchair general
Why not just piss off the flight deck and into the Ocean?
Good, Marines can't shit in the urinals now
Men would be far faster than women with a normal toilet bowl as well. Women take so much time, since they have to lower the seat and take off their pants. Women also seem to have lower output velocity.
I don't know. I've never had an aircraft carrier. Maybe a shark could eat your pecker.
Urinals are pointless on a ship you idiots.
Everyone just takes a piss off the edge of the ship.
god damn.
>This is not some SJW agenda in the Navy.
yes it is, read the article;
>Making every bathroom accessible to all of the ship's sailors will make things more convenient for sailors, the Navy has said. And bathrooms that can be used by either gender mean the Navy can reassign them without making any design changes, should the crew's makeup change.
I agree with this though, military men and women should have the discipline to share living spaces without going fucking batty.
Women also have to build a bird's nest of toilet paper on the seat only to hover over it and piss everywhere but the bowl. My first jobs I had to clean restrooms, so believe me when I say women are pigs when they use public facilities.
Military woman should be an oxymoron.
can we just have a war where we send only feminists, trans and gays? I mean, for equality
They never do any combat related jobs anyways
can confirm
you can still stand up and pee
It literally says in the article the gender neutral toilets take up more space and there will be less of them
Ya I heard they can swim up your pee stream and then go inside the hole
>repeating a quote from a specialist first class as if they're the one who designed an aircraft carrier
>urinals are a constant maintenance issue.
yeah when niggers are around
This really makes me mad!! I am Trans, and I just had my new cock installed over my vagina? what do?
>implying they're not saying that to get credit for something they did for an entirely practical reason
Pretty smart desu
>men can't aim standing still
>wanting them to need to aim on a moving island in the middle of the ocean
>better complain even though i am not now nor ever will be in the us naval services simply because i'm upset at this completely reasonable design change
don't you dipshits ever get tired of looking for shit to sperg about? literally just as bad as lefties
Brucie says Thanks!!!!
they still have sinks...those basically are urinals...
>i'm upset
I'm pretty sure you're the only one upset here. The rest are shitposting as usual.
At least it's not the USS Harvey Milk! Keyboard alert, I nearly spat out my coffee when I caught the news segment about its commissioning!
Bracken, you magnificent bastard: Department of Navy read your book!
I support the subversion of the murrican army through SJW bullshit.
You have to have a toilet to shit in, just so happens you can piss in it too. Warboat's money is better spent on fusion reactors and rail guns than an unnecessary pissy pissing area.
Implying American manlets could reach
these always get me
>they're only pretending to be upset
true masterstroke fellow kekistani
>they're only pretending to be upset
Who is? Just go back to wherever you came from. You're ruining the mood.
My ship was the USS Blue Ridge. We also did not have urinals...or anything cool.
Plumber here, dip, paper, and saliva are caught by the drain guard.
>on a moving island
Ship of such size doesn't rock.
This. It's like hotels now making you reuse all your dirty towels because of their dedication to "the environment".
Of course not it's a ship.