Can Sweden be saved?
Watched a Sweden YES thread, it got me wondering. Any Swedes to answer?
Can Sweden be saved?
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If not, couldn't you request a WN (possibly Greece) Country to give you just a bit of isolated space, and forbid intermarrying between the natives and you, so you can regrow your race back? I'm feel really bad for you, and the situation is not good here either.
ma begaj be u pm
Get ready for your gay muslim daughter, brah.Our future seems brown
can Kosovo be saved ?
Maybe, if we hurry up. But not for long. I'm pessimistic about it.
No. This country is dead and every day living here destroys my very soul. I don't even care about politics anymore, just end it. Fuck everything. What you hear in the sweden yes meme threads is nothing compared to the reality. It's an eternal nightmare.
Even the nordic resistance movement (yes the nordfront nazi party that loves hitler and denies the holocost) are having their leader say that a jew who got here before 1975 can become president in their future "reich". Sweden is gone my friend. Even those who claim to be redpilled are just on a less disgusting level on the KEK-O-METER.
this kills me need to get out of there
I wish I could just instantly sell everythng I own and get some shitty simple job in a place where only other Europeans live, sane Europeans who valute their country. But I don't think it's possible anymore. Europe is dying and even if nothing compares to the state of modern day Sweden (except for maybe Germany) I don't see any future for the rest of Europe either.
Nor will I be able to get rid of all of my possessions and convince all my friends and close ones to come with me. I'm stuck here in this insane nightmare where even fellow nationalists every now and then say things that makes them sound like regular SJWs.
It doesn't matter anymore anyways. The Swedish people made their choice. They choose to commit suicide and spit in the face of everything this people has stood for, since the beginning of time. You might as well join the braindead multiculturalists if you live in Sweden because there is no hope to be found here. I'm sure it's fun to read about all the insane politics of Sweden and the crimes but living here is different. It's like living in a mental asylum.
Depends on what you mean by saved.
Saved from socialism? No it's at the very fabric of our society, only escape is to move.
Saved from mass immigration, globalism, sjwism and multiculturalism, yes.
Socialism itself was not a problem before the lunatics took control. Our socialism back in the early 1900s was based around the people and trying to make life better for all classes, it wasn't some red socialism with forced equality and "muh worker class above all others".
>Saved from mass immigration, globalism, sjwism and multiculturalism, yes.
How? Not even the most radical group in Sweden wants to do that.
Why don't u just start killing muslims?? Isn't the worst prison sentence you can even get like 10 years in a resort quality "prison"???
The whole west will be saved, it's just a question of when, and how much torment and humiliation white people will have to endure before it happens.
>Socialism itself was not a problem before the lunatics took control.
See this is the problem. Socialism lead up to all the problems we have now. Mass immigration has just accelerated it. We would still have the pension crysis, housing crysis, police and hospital crysis even with a homogenous society. Socialism doesn't work yet you and many others Believe it. Look at SD our """far right""" party who's solution is to go back to the 1960 social democratic view of sweden. That's no long term solution
>Saved from mass immigration, globalism, sjwism and multiculturalism, yes.How? Not even the most radical group in Sweden wants to do that.
I Believe I see it happening already. The radical Groups you're talking about could never acomplish that anyway. Look at the majority of peole in the center. They are more and more turning away from that shit. People have had enough of SVT and celeberities and politicians espousing how good multiculturalism is.
Swedish on my mother's side, this is saddening for my great country to turn to a refugee liberal hell.
Why the fuck would I do that?
First of all, most of them are more redpilled and sane than even nationalist swedes. They actually understand why I think people should be divided by races and they understand the problem the jews cause in the world.
Second of all, why the hell would I want to hurt innocents? They can't help it that the swedish people invited them and served them goodies on a silver platter.
Third of all, why would ruin my life in a pathetic attempt to "save" a people who has already surrendered and decided to commit völkish suicide? Why would I waste my life on doing something that won't accomplish shit?
Red socialism is not the same as yellow socialism. To be honest it shouldn't even be called socialism because the word has been ruined by the commies.
> People have had enough of SVT and celeberities and politicians espousing how good multiculturalism is.
Yeah and they won't do shit about it. They'll post angry posts on facebook and flashback and maybe vote for SD in the next election. That's it. We're doomed and Sweden is NEVER coming back.
>yellow socialism
user whatever you call it it has lead to the problems we see now. Our sky high taxes has created these problems as I said multiculturalism and mass immigration has only accelerated it. I see no slution to that however and the only way to escape it is to move abroad
>Yeah and they won't do shit about it
i disagree. Public opinion ism ore powerful than you Think. If Thinks continue heading in this new direction I really Think weäll have very low immigration in the future, monoculturalism and a return to 1960s social democracy which I dislike but I ofcourse realize is far better then the multi culti hellhole we live in now
Your pension system: I thought that it's not as bad as in Finland since you need to have additional pension savings alongside with the public one. Public pension system works like ponzi scam all around the world but you have something even when it collapses.
Yes, I know we need to restore courage somehow and I don't know how at the moment. I've personally gained a lot by sorting out my herritage by observing Swedish art and the country side.
As for the feminists, I think that we need to shame them for being irresponsible with children, in leading position, in art, in history, in health, in philosophy, in academics and most importantly in truth.
Another thing I've recently thought about is to reinstate the ideal woman again either in from of Holy Mary or Freya as a way to drive the point home that we are in this together. The ideal woman will awaken the potential of man capable of creating worlds. So the first step would be to seize control over the porn and unsully the desire of the western man.
This thread is the future of my people and it makes me sad.
Sorry swedistanbro.
Jävlar vad patetiskt, sugit mycket Anlgo snopp ännu din lilla mesiga shill?
Yeah that's what always happens if you say the truth. Some newly converted teen comes in and starts acting tough.
Tell me, how are you gonna save Sweden? Our homeland is fucking DEAD and if you're too dumb to see it then you're part of the problem.
As a person whom lives in Norrland where our largest 'cities' are being filled with migrants which see increases in rape, murder, theft, drugs - everything you can imagine, people are slowly waking up.
Our piece of the country has been dyed in the color of deepest socialism for decades but now that Social Demokraterna is literally selling apartments, areas and land to private investors - people are starting to have enough.
Lulebo - sold half the city, attempting to double the rent for remaining tennants.
Bodenbo - the city is as brown as it can get.
Pitebo - the annual tourism stream from Norway stopped coming after two new migrant shelters opened up, essentially dooming 75% of the small business owners. Half the city is on the brink of economical collapse.
If people don't wake up from this in time for the next election, the north will never recover..
Thanks, Social Demokraterna.
Svetsarjävel, kom aldrig tillbaka...
No offense but Northlanders are retards for voting red for so many decades. not that I'm saying the Alliance is much better but still fuck V and S
>Pitebo - the annual tourism stream from Norway stopped coming after two new migrant shelters opened up, essentially dooming 75% of the small business owners. Half the city is on the brink of economical collapse.
HOLY SHIT that is insane. And here S were claiming the migrants would revitalise the countryside :^)
Umeå is going towards being Malmö-tier.
>möh voting
>möh parties
This is part of the problem. The 68-leftists had the right idea but it's too late for us to copy that now.
V and S are idiots but at least they pretend to care about Sweden that exists above Stockholm. The bourgeois don't even do that.
What I am thinking is that the western man should desire a woman that he want to make his wife, to share his burden of work and life and her to share her burden of protection life and in return you should have a family. And for that to work, men in the west needs to be able to start shunning whores, not women, but whores, publicly. However i think it is important not to shame looks unless we want to walk the same path as Islam, but behavior as in not shaming a fat woman for looking fat, but for eating to much.
Unrelated but I've also thought about getting myself a spear or atleast a pole for self defense.
National socialism will never triumph in Sweden user. Voting is the only chance.
>The 68-leftists had the right idea
how? Please elaborate
exactly. I prefer the Bourgeois who at least don't pretend to care. V are retarded commies whose ideas would be the nail in the coffin of Sweden and S are literally M except they pretend not to be
>how? Please elaborate
They took power by infiltrating all institutions and changing the mindset of the entire nation, laying the foundation for the decision to make Sweden into a multicultural country.
>who at least don't pretend to care.
I guess that's a fair point. It's like the Sweden democrats who pretend to fight for the Swedish people when they're actually a bigger threat than all of sjuklövern together.
yeah just give us SD with a strong majority for a decade or so
Have a look, the largest summer resort in Piteå, the adventure swimmingpool's hotel was turned into a migrant assylum last year to the owners delight:
That put the nail in the coffin for Piteå - 1000 rich Norwegians always get the place booked - now it's filled with sandniggers of different varieties.
The owners for the summer resort earns triple the amount by selling it off to the state instead for the Norwegians - since everything they order, break and buy they simply bill to the Social Democrats.
Win for them, death for the city..
It's making me depressed.
This, original Swedish socialism was.... well actual socialism
not what ever this PC culture pretends to be
Become active in your municipality. That is not only your money, but your community as well.
Figure out how much in total that has been spent, make that total public and you will sure as hell start to see some reactions.
Why save Sweden? It would still be useless and shitty even without subhumans infesting the country.
The SD wants to outlaw NRM and their party is filled with moslems, homosexuals, feminsts and other awful people. The SD can go fuck themsleves.
>They took power by infiltrating
oh now I understand what you meant. Yes you're completely right, very effective method. I don't know if it will work as effectively with nationalists since universities which is one of the strognest places pof indoctrination tend to lean to the left everywhere else in the World as well.
>It's like the Sweden democrats
I see SD as a necessary step towards fixing this country. I don't see them as the solution but I hope they become the biggest party because it influences public opinion greatly when the establishment keeps losing to them.
This is literally insane. Yep rip Piteå tourism
>The owners for the summer resort earns triple the amount by selling it off to the state instead for the Norwegians
and somehow despite this being tax money and despite the other busineses in Piteå not benefitting this will help our economy in the long term according to Lövfen and Reinfeldt :^)
And they are mostly backed by Jews. Their goal is to lure right wingers in and soften them up towards other races.
Turismen ska fungera som vanligt
Hur kommer flyktingmottagandet påverka sommarturismen på Pite havsbad?
>Från midsommar och fram till 20 augusti friläggs hela havsbadet till turisterna. Då kommer asylboende att föras över till närliggande anläggningar, säger Tobias Lindfors.
Så detta skedde inte alltså?
Like i give a shit, this country is beyond saving, alteast in the fashion the average Sup Forumstard thinks it needs to be saved
atleast SD will try to make a just country where people dont get away with rape and crime just because the colour of their skin
i rather put my hope in SD then fall for your dumb ass shilling tactics
SD is part of the problem. Look at the news with a nationalist perspective and you'll see how planned everything is. They want a police state. A totalitarian surveillance society in Europe and America, ruled by pro-israeli counterjihadist parties like AfD and Front National.
1. Problem - Create a problm (immigration through destabilization of their native countries)
2. Reaction - Await the peoples reaction (people get sick of all the crimes and terror)
3. Solution - Present a "solution" to the problem that you created, a solution that will benefit you (right wing populism such as LePen, Wilders and Åkesson)
>the jews brainwash people into liking open borders, faggotry, feminism and the breakdown of traditions
>europe grows weaker and weaker and no longer poses a real threat to anyone
>the people of europe see that it's getting out of hand
>the jews come with a solution the the problem that they themselves created
>the people become pro-israeli (the only democracy in MENA, our natural allies, muslimkillers etc.)
>as a result, europe is reduced to a chaotic third world-tier country with constant internal conflicts (because the right wing populists won't deport people based on race) and mass surveillance of the citizens (because they'd rather turn europe into a police state than to actually throw out the foreigners)
>israel can now with the help of the right wing governments of europe take total control of MENA and create their greater Israel
Norrbaggarna läste tidningen och dök aldrig upp den sommaren.
>They want a police state. A totalitarian surveillance society in Europe and America
Here I agree with you which is why I am very wary of SD and giving them too much Power. As I said I want to use them to influence public opinion but I don't like their police state mentality.
This is again why I say Sweden can be saved but we can't be saved from socialism. We can never be a truly free society where Citizens freedoms are respected.
And that's why there is no real point in caring anymore. The mentality of the Swedish people is so fucked up that they can't even imagine a world without the authoritarian dick down their throat.
The only thing that's good with SD is that they want to get rid of förmögenhetsskatten.
well yes 100 years of socialism will do that to a people. And even before that we were very collectivistic which is why socialism took hold here so easily without a revolution.
But as I said we can always move abroad to escape it and even though I dislike it 1960s "sosse"socialism is at least preferable to the shit we have right now
Socialism leads eventually to problems of the Ponzi shcheme based SS (pensions, "free" healthcare) which in turn leads to "hey we need to import millions of foreginers to sustain it" and "I don't need kids and a family, the state will take care of me comrade"
And do you think they would come and live in Sweden if not the fucking handouts? THe thounsands of euros for spitting out 10 retard-level IQ niggers and arabs?
The problems in Europe started with socialism and the Cult of the Weak (social egalistarism leads to racial egalistarism and so on)
we will never be swedish again, the non european immigrants will take up more and more space and they will outbreed us. the only chance we have is a complete economic crash which probably won't happen before it's too late. Too few are affected by the immigration for them to see the problem, things have to get really bad for people to change their minds, hitler would have never gotten power if it wasn't for the terrible conditions in germany.
>"hey we need to import millions of foreginers to sustain it" and "I don't need kids and a family, the state will take care of me comrade"
>And do you think they would come and live in Sweden if not the fucking handouts?
>The problems in Europe started with socialism and the Cult of the Weak (social egalistarism leads to racial egalistarism and so on)
this this this!!!
Eastern europeans understand this. I wish western euros did as well
It's going to get worse before it gets better. A Sven from Malmö told me the migrants are getting involved in politics so they can set up sharia courts and enclaves independent of Swedish government control. The Swedes will eventually send in armed forces to reclaim these lands but by then it will be too late. At best Sweden will be partitioned like Bosnia, at worse civil war
SD is the shittiest solution, the only thing good about them is their immigration solution (which is not that good).
Probably gonna vote "blankt", unless they fix their politics..
its better to vote NMR if you want stricter immigration politics, even if you don't like them you will show that you are unsatisfied
I agree, I also talked about this during the French and Anglo elections that the best thing would be for them to elect true commies (Corbyn, Melenchon) that would completely crash the economy (esp. now with a global crash near). Other than that they'll get slowly boiled, bit by bit until it's too late to react.
A crash of the economy could eventually spark very big racial/ethnic tensions ("we have no money and we need to pay these arabs and negroes?" etc.) that would probably lead to an all out revolution
Well I wish we all did understand this but sadly we took a strong turn to socialism recently (albeit more nationalistic but still the same garbage) that will most probably lead to a massive crash of the economy (the social security system can't hold on long from the estimates). Even after 50 fucking years of communism people never learn and believe in "free" stuff and giving money for breeding to 80 IQ alcoholics.
I hate fucking socialists, heli rides NOW
>KKK Nordic version
You do know that you don't have to vote anything specific? There is an option to vote "blankt" which is there for giving you a chance to show that you aren't satisfied
Of course they understand it, they were Commies. Socialism isn't (((socialism))) though. (((Socialism))) is best described as (((Communism)))-lite.
Socialism is socialism, globalist and national. It's a cuck ideology for a fuck mentality that values the weak and useless above the strong and ambitious
Do you know what happens when Atlas shrugs?
>the only thing good about them is their immigration solution
Well yes and that is what we need ight now which is why they'll get my vote next election.
Their tougher stance on crime is also good and their anti EU stance is something I agree with greatly. The EU needs to die
>we took a strong turn to socialism recently
shit sorry to hear that. Hope you guys turn away. Eastern Europe would be as rich as the west if it wasn't for all those decades under socialism/communism
I know we in he west should've learned from them and rejected socialism in all it's forms
and why should they give a fuck if you are satisified or not? the only way to make them feel threatened is to show them what happens if they don't change their politics.
they don't care a single bit about you voting blank as long as they get their seats in the parlament.
You want to vote for this?
everyone hates them and consider them ultra nazis so it doesn't really matter, I dont ever expect them to have any power anyway. its simply the best way to show the politicians what they are creating.
>business owner making milions on imigrants on the local tourist resort
>4 year contract to lease majority of the hotel to newly arrived immigrants
>regardless of the amounts of migrants that live in the hotel, the business owner will be paid for 1300 asylum seekers, not more, not less
>if all 1300 agreed migrants it would cost the taxpayers of Sweden 46,150 sek per migrant, a reasonable sum
>the actual costs in this temporary asylum hotel lands at 195,000 sek per migrant
>all in all the business owner earns several milions per year straight out of the taxpayers wallets
And i quote:
>"The way this contract was setup is not up to us, it's the government and the local municipality that wrote it. We didn't have any sort of input in the way it turned out."
>"This is a great way for us to fill up rooms (and my wallet) during the low tourism period for the winter half year :^)"
Sounds like a great chap.
>even if you don't like them you will show that you are unsatisfied
I don't blame him. the problem is government. If the government didn'¨t havethe Power to do this, this never would've happened.
Look at fucking Malmö kommun. They are outbidding private citizens in the housing market WITH THEIR OWN TAX MONEY thus ensuring that housing prices go up and the houses go to migrants instead of citizens who would've paid for them
Followup for the very same year the migrants took root:
>15 year old girl sexually assaulted by childmigrant
>the childmigrant arrived in september last year
>he has been set free because the police can't be bothered to figure out who should deal with it