British white guy BTFO'd by Pajeet
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Why can't wh*Tes fight?
wh*Tes are subhumans
The punch didn't seem to bother him
lol the little guy took that punch pretty well.
stayed on his feet.
I'd like to see a rematch in a few years time when the little dude has grown.
I think we can all agree that there is something inherently wrong with the Western white civilization. The white race, which comprises just 18% of the population of the world, has committed 85% of the most heinous atrocities against humanity and is the most violent race of them all.
I'll begin by pointing out that the white race is NOT superior. It just has a momentary advantage of 100 years or so, which is nothing in the 200,000 year span of modern humans. By CHANCE, whites industrialized first, allowing them a momentary advantage.
The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world.
The United States are the logical culmination of the White Farce. It's a fine country, I'll give them that. But this beauty is only skin deep. To put it shortly, this country is not a peaceful, egalitarian utopia. Blacks, hundreds of years later, are still being excluded from the so-called American Experiment. Their ancestors were kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, murdered, starved, raped, belittled, and degenerated by none other than white folk.
The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.
whites =
-skin can't handle the sun
-almost no melanin
-never age well
-males have less testosterone on the average than browns or blacks (thus less muscles)
-females have no boobs and no ass
-no lips
>trying hard
>w-wow h-he resisted guys!!
Dont talk to my white gf white man or Ill beat your beta face in.
Every turk I've ever met has been a closet homosexual. What the fuck is up with that shit? Why are Arab men such faggots?
typical beta french faggot
Turks =/= Arab dumbass subhuman
ITs albinism, a disease. Go figure. Mostly. Its the shame of this disease and the projection of its inferiority. They are deficient.
Are there actually people out there who get off to reading this shit or is it just a meme? Anyone who finds this stuff arousing is no better than a pedophile
You're all the same stinking shit to me
Reminds me of this
So why do you keep moving to white countries?
>Their ancestors were kidnapped
This is a fallacy.
Their ancestors were SOLD by their countrymen.
White people didn't start slavery. They just partook in something initiated by tribes who had captured other tribes in Africa.
because white people have to realize brown assholes are in a race war with white people, and white people have to realize you need to kill asshole brown people in a war before they kill all white people through fourth generational warfare
Organized shitposting at it's finest. Dont take the bait people
Nice try there pajeet.
Whites lose pretty much every fight with blacks and even turks.
To fuck your women while they still have their youth.
I lived in the U.K. for a year for school and I continued my MMA training there. I was appalled by how unathletic and terrible at fighting the British are. I was submitted literally twice in the span of that year and it was after being horribly gassed after fighting wave after wave of opponents. Their main tactical move is the drunken sucker punch, whose victims line the streets of every pub or club every night. After my time there I'm convinced the best Brits died in the world wars.
Doesn't say much for your kind if we are the diseased ones and all you worthless fucking shitskins CANNOT STOP FOLLOWING US WHEREVER WE GO
I don't see any "diseased" whites desperately trying to get into Africa or Asia. Explain this to me please, why has this disease made us so successful and desirable?
I can only assume people actually get off to it, I've seen similar stories posted on porn boards unironically. And I agree, hopefully death comes soon to them.
Meanwhile here
>pajeet BTFO by white guy's invention
Knowing that in the near future, whites will be a minority. I rather have the world enter a new dark age then see whites in power. RIP WHITE
It's a gypsy
They are white
>skin cant hadle the sun
its the adaptation to cold environment, letting more sunlight into skin
>never age well
at least we age, niggers in africa die at median age of 40 years
>males have less testosterone on the average than browns or blacks
that's why all niggers are so aggresive and act like monkeys, civilised europeans dont need to be violent to survive or get food
>females have no boobs and no ass
only niggers act like this towards women, a white woman doesnt have to have huge breasts or bottom to be attractive, but be a potential good mother
Youre albino descended and deeply ashamed of it. Your "white" race doesnt exist. You live in the matrix because you cannot deal with reality. I pity your cowardly existence brother.
You didn't answer my question. Why your people so desperately want to live amongst us, breed with us, and constantly try to change your appearance to look like us. You wear our clothes, speak our languages, live by our rules. If I really thought that I was living in a diseased society then I would go back to wherever I came from?
90% of men from all races could easily beat these 2 faggots.What's your point?
Don't reply to that guy. He posts this retarded shit constantly. I have thoroughly blown him out and made him leave the thread with a sore ass twice, but he keeps coming back here. Just ignore the dumb fuck.
>I love love the smell of CHAKCHAKACHAKAVROOMVROOM in the morning
Because the west is the great nation controlled by Satan, and Good has no purpose without Evil.
Oldest thing i saw today. Kys bicot
The indian guy blames him for stealing his womenz when really it was because the womenz dont like the smell of curry.
Things that never happened. I own you bitch. Youre in my house loser. Lonely pos shit Loser rofl. LONELY motherfucker. No game or social skills. Ugly ass loser beta bitch. Sorry about your whore mothers divorce broken home billy =*( You are going to be sad for the rest of your lonely broken life. Finish rotting old man.
Southern poorfag.
>the emancipation of women
our biggest mistake desu
>beating up a kid
gayrope was a mistake. I'm glad it won't exist in 20 years max
Although the white kid looked like a betafag I hate seeing someone with glasses get punched.
Why does every shitskin around the world talk like an American nigger?
>can't handle sun
>almost no melanin
this is a good thing, black skin is fucking disgusting
>never age well
that's just blatantly untrue, id argue that most races age worse than whites
>less test
citation needed
>females have no boobs and ass
not only is this categorically not true on a large scale but even if it was I would prefer it desu
>no lips
This is a good thing not a flaw, large lips make you look like a subhuman monkey
I like cheating stuff, including interracial stuff, but I'm not big on the homoerotic tendencies, especially cuckold shit. A lot of cheating erotica also paces itself very poorly and/or has shitty characterization. There's no tension if things go from 100% normal to full-on interracial gang-bangs with zero intervening.
Does Pajeet know how to take the poo to the loo?
Only 1,322,000,000 viewer and we can stop this madness
Like are they deaf or just plain retarded?
You even type like a butthurt Indian. Funniest shit ever, I do hope you're roleplaying and not actually that much of a stereotype.
At seconds 5-8 Vishram enters what boxers refer to as "the pocket. You can see he's planning a sucker punch, and he wants to keep his right hand hidden from view. At 7 he puts his weight on his front foot with his right leg trailing. You can see he doesn't need to adjust his footwork, it's simply a lean.
Pandiloo was in striking range for 15 seconds before he threw the punch. For 10 seconds he had a loaded up stance. If someone approaches you like this, you need to create space or jab them. 90% of street fights end in 1 haymaker from a blind side, if someone gives you a bad feeling do not let them get this close. Niggers are experts at this fighting style, they walk up with a puffed up chest to close distance, drop their trail foot a half step, and throw an overhand powershot from real low.
If you have to fight somebody, you can't get away or you need to protect your family, then create space with leg kicks and jabs. Throw the cross a few times, keep your distance, and bait a big attack. If he charges low knee him/kick him. If he charges with the big punch, level change and hit his waist with your chest then sweep the legs into a double. Take a knee ride stance and throw the fists of fury.
Whatever you need to tell yoursef old man. Wont get get your ugly lonely ass a girlfriend you complete loser.
You're right we should up those heinous atricocities to atleast 10 % and only do those to non whites.
How does someone learn how to fight? I'm a middle class, mid-twenties white guy whose never been in a real physical confrontation.
Shit that guy in the pic is such an aryan , he must be drowning in puss
Watch heavyweight boxing/MMA you faggot
says the frenchie
Street fights are 75% athleticism and 25% "fighting skill"
If you can simply tire out your opponent things become much easier for those who have remarkable stamina.
what do expects from whites? There pretty much too domesticated for there own good
They learn english from movies and music, Black music is very popular among the youth of America so the language spreads that way.
If country music was popular over there they would talk like rednecks. It's really that simple.
>entire thread casually overlooks that both of them have american accents
>has committed 85% of the most heinous atrocities against humanity and is the most violent race of them all.
Haha, I don't know where you got that number but ALL humans groups are pretty violent and savage, regardless of skin color. Could it be that most of the history books you've read are Euro-centric?
The notion of the "noble savage", the idea that a primitive society is peaceful and harmonious, is a load of crap. The Yanomano tribe in South Africa routinely steals, rapes, murders. They are the most violent people per capita, I think. North Sentinel Island, with its Sentinels people, are so xenophobically hostile to outsiders that they instantly try and spear them on sight. The Sentinelese are thought to be direct descendants of the first humans who emerged from Africa. They have lived on the tiny island for almost 60,000 years.
The hordes of Genghis Khan killed and raped their way across the continent. They killed all the men, women and children of cities and stacked their heads in high mounds. They also liked to rape people to death.
The Aztec terrorized their neighbors so much that they gladly assisted the Conquistadors in their war. The same thing happened with American indian tribes. The Iraquois were so ruthlessly savage (torture was a sport to them), that other tribes gladly helped Whites in their battles.
And, of course, there is that whole Turkish Armenian genocide thing.
I don't think there's a single old man in existence who identifies with the "alt-right" and that guy in your shill pic isn't old either so I'm not sure why you're calling me old, or what it has to do with your goofy conspiracy theory other than a strawman ad-hominem.
Anyway, you're really funny but like I said before I have no desire to spend an hour or so making you get angry and leave, I'm bored of it at this point. I've gotten my entertainment value from you before, so enjoy whatever it is you think you're doing here.
lmao cumskins are so weak
you dont deserve life
Whites were the fair nobility in India. Rig Veda says.
Albinism can occur everywhere - even in whites.
>shitty american fashion
Nice try, garçon
That was one of the weakest punches I've seen in my fucking life.
Self defense is about situations and behavior and weapons.
Fighting as a sport is about striking and grappling. For striking I'd look at Muay Thai or Kickboxing or just Boxing. Knowing footwork is really important. For grappling I take a Wrestling/Sambo course with a touch of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. As others have said your cardio and strength are pivotal as well, there is no exercise more strenuous than fighting.
If you want to learn find a gym, it's a simple as that. A lot of places now a days have first month deals or your first 5 classes free or whatever. Find somewhere with a good vibe that fits your goals. Everyone at my gym likes to compete, so a lot of our training is focused around scoring rulesets, not self defense. Other places you'll never spar and you'll learn techniques with chill older guys. Just try a few and find what you're looking for.
>t. 56% Sanchez Alvarez Rico
Best boxers:
Best MMA fighters:
British Isles
>For striking I'd look at Muay Thai or Kickboxing or just Boxing. Knowing footwork is really important. For grappling I take a Wrestling/Sambo course with a touch of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Americans, ladies and gentlemen.
That's super true but if your self defense system involves getting in hand to hand street fights then you're unprepared and a nigger
>turkroaches and gayrabs
>say shit saying whites are evil
I wonder why huwhite nationalism is rising kek
The 6 most common sports represented in the UFC or any MMA promotion. The only other would be Grecco wrestling but I don't think it's that accessible from a casual perspective. Judo too maybe but you'd have to convince me of it's utility without using the words "big coat"
>Not a British accent
Pussy ass arab
would of punched my boy like that it would of been a rap
>how unathletic and terrible at fighting the British are
t.500lbs Hispanic who needs to rely on guns for safety and not billhooks
English you fucking cucks
8/8 GR8
Reverse colonization.
Do Britshits regret now coming to India and plundering our wealth? Fuck Britshits and the white trash that defends them.
My qt3.14 gf confided in me last night that she is scared of the coming race war. She said that she is scared because white men don't stand up for themselves anymore and prefer to be cucked than fight for something. She said she is glad that her children won't be targeted since they will inherit my dark latino skin.
jokes on you, he now doesn't have to get arrested for fighting back as he knew his insane society would have instantly labelled him a racist for standing up for himself. The U.K. will still go the way of Germany.
That exact scene I was thinking of as well!
Wasn't even a knockout. Pretty pathetic considering the white cuck is pretty light framed.
Whatever, you cheese eating surrender monkey who's going the way of Germans by being cucked by the """refugees""""
>never age well
You don't have to worry about aging like shit if you always have looked like shit.
Good, it'll make him think
Well... I guess it is time for a major world war again... since you all are seeming to forget why you should respect and FEAR the white man.
So be it. Let the fucking place burn. All of it. We will spread our cancer and you will fucking DIE from it.
-that time of the day when the lonely virgins get out of their holes and start LARPing as blacks
dont Forget to sage this shitfest guys
Niggers all die of unnatural causes before the age of 30 anyway. That's why they constantly say whites age like shit. Because they compare 70 year old whites with 30 year old blacks (their oldest).
I was assaulted like this in high school and all the pussy-ass white boys celebrated. I didn't even hit back because I'm a civilized man and I worried about permanently damaging him.
Know your place.
What you talking about? We brought our own women there.
Just a reminder that the Poo in the Loo will not work forever.