She won

She fucking won.

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NOBODY CARES. low effort post.



y does this thread keep existing

Wtf i hate blumpf now


Just like the Falcons beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Sure sweetie

too bad all the estrogen renders it non-potable

Her number gets bigger every time somebody posts this. soon she'll have 100 million votes.

The rules for the electoral college have been in place for over 240 years. She lost due to her hubris, being more concerned with fund raisers in New York and California instead of stepping foot in Wisconsin.



Sage this thread newfags

Then why isn't she president? :) Silly wiwwy wittle poody pie gettin all confused because of fake news polls

Trump is your President for 7.5 more years cutie wootie :3

She won the popular vote by a margin with millions of illegals voting for her. And could also mention that democucks stuffed people in busses and drove them around voting ballots where voting id wasnt mandatory.


Boycott Israel

Trump won 30 popular votes vs Hilldogs 20
Now fuck off faggot

Yes, she won the game that neither of them were playing and didn't matter.

The game that did matter, she got BTFO.

What is this counting?
There is no national popular vote.

Not if you discard the beaner, nigger, woman, and poor people vote- like the constitution and Jefferson intended.

That's funny, I don't remember any glass ceilings breaking....


She's the most embarrassing failure ever in the history of politics


This so much!


And yet, she lost.


>The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

'we' expect a high level of discourse. hahahaha. who is this 'we' you speak of? 80% of pol are from putin's moscow shill warehouse especially that continuous PTG propaganda thread.


If Hillary won I'd hate to see what losing is like.

what did she win, exactly?

That's because those are impossible user.

Take out the dreamers who illegally voted for her and she didnt Moonbeam

an estimate 3-5 million illegals and dead people voted for Hillary

>Screencapping your own posts and then using them as macros to support your own faggotry

KYS shill faggot retard

where is the evidence for this? you faggits whine about evidence for muh russia all day long but swallow this idiotic myth with no evidence whatsoever, and demagogic swill from tards like hannity and savage-weiner dont count as evidence

The electoral college exists so that states with more cows than people have SOME say in the direction of their country. If not we would be the United States of California and Texas.

The ironic part is the states with such a low population are the lifeblood of our nation and they still have such a small voice in impacting their future.

hahahah estimated by who? how is the weather in moscow, comrade?

you left out

>... using a reddit flag to hide your country (leaf, swede, german, or poo) and typing in all caps like this is a 1997 aol chatroom

please respond to my question, leaf:

what did hillary win? you stated that "she won" in your op but you forgot to qualify what she actually won

one wyoming vote now equals four california votes, this is not a recipe for national unity, it is a recipe for secession, it is taxation without representation

>vote so that electors can elect a president

Is this what neo-socialism is like? No wonder the JEWS love the USA so much. It sure as shit isn't a real democracy.

irrelevant, hillary didnt win

if she won why isn't she president?

We wish California would leave.
The most they do is try to hold their breath till they pass out when they don't get their way.

No. She didn't.

after the voter fraud commission finds out there were more than 11 million illegal votes cast for her... nah, she lost hardcore and she fucking committed voter fraud.

>literally kill yourself faggot

please respond to my question:

what did hillary win? you stated that "she won" in your op but you forgot to qualify what she actually won

please give us the evidence for these illegal votes you speak of, comrade, putin surely must have a few hundred prefab boilerplate posts you can spit out

She won the presidency of Mexico, not the United States.

U need to -4mil illegals
> she lost pop + electoral


>5 million illegals voted
>I-it was h-her turn!

you quoted the wrong person and did not answer my question.

please respond to my question:

what did hillary win? you stated that "she won" in your op but you forgot to qualify what she actually won

I can't wait to see what happens when a Dem wins the EC while.losing the popular vote by a few million.

I'll bet the cons will want to abolish the EC then, once it stops benefitting them.

Why don't the fucking janitors clean this shit thread up? This has been going on since Trump won.

Useless fucking pricks.

part of me wishes she did win, but she really didn't sweetie.

It would have been awesome watching her have epileptic fits and aneurysms in front of world leaders, as they try and keep a straight face at her falling down stairs all the time like a clown.

they're too busy dishing out month-long bans for posting the link to the shills' discord that they use to organize their posting

i am absolutely not kidding.

Sup Forums mods are useless. Make me a janitor. I have no fucking life. You'll see shariablue vanish from this site forever.

Read that ~a year ago as well.
Think its true? Wouldn't be suprised if it is.
The authenticity of it is embattled, fits the pic- there something in it nobdoy can deny...

nod 11 times for yes and 12 times for no Hilldawg

hire this man pol

Referring to the pic of abedins email

Lmao those two things are not comparable at all. But Hillary's statement is hyperbole, it implies Trump had 1 billion liquid and somehow lost it. Billionaires regularly lose net worth in the range of a billion as usually most of their net worth is made up in various investments and property ownerships. If a big investment fails their net worth can decrease by quite a lot.

Any of this shit would earn an instant lifetime ban:

Fucking pathetic I swear. A Hiro approved meta thread and they STILL ban it?

I wish Moot was still in charge.

If to win the election you had to win the popular vote, Trump would've campaigned in places like California and Hillary would've gone to Texas. Instead they went to strategic locations to win the majority of the electorates.

Cool, when's the inauguration?

>She fucking won
Sure, even if you accept those numbers, she certainly won the game of "get the most popular votes."

Unfortunately, that's not the game she signed up for. The only game that mattered was the electoral college, and she lost.

All this salt is akin to the Super Bowl, where one team shows up and plays football and the other team goes out in the parking lot and plays a pickup game of basketball and then complains that they scored more three point shots.

Oh yeah,wouldn't wanna actually count them.
Oh yeah,wouldn't want to actually prove anything

i got banned for much less.

>one wyoming vote now equals four california votes
Again. This gives them an impacting voice as a state of the republic. These are states who, one could argue, are just as important if not more important to the nation as New York, Texas, and California. If the raito was any less dominating sheer population groups would run the country. That leads into a new issue that only stupid and impoverished people are breeding at an exponential rate. What group do you benefits from this hmm? It is a very powerful tool for the left to use, but their issue is that the impoverished already live in blue states. That is why they cart them around with illegals to different counties and states on election dates.
>this is not a recipe for national unity
Yes it is. If you diminish the value of these states we would all be screwed. These states need a voice if they have little impact on the shaping of the nation the foundation of our country would crumble in the name of the masses.

>it is a recipe for secession
I pray for the day many blue states to leave the Republic. California would go bankrupt as it could no longer get loans from other states every year that they never pay back and if they left would have to pay off their debt basically falling into chaos. Illinois would just be up in flames. New York and Jersey would be in total Anarchy. This would harm the nation as a whole but for me personally the ends would justify the means as I would have a grand time watching the rioting like a TV series on Netflix.

>it is taxation without representation
I don't think you know what that means.


She got Schlong'd

the mods are such newfag reddit cancer

And yet, Trump is in the White House. So we got the right man at the right time after all.

Really makes you think.

If you remove the illegal votes, she got between 6 and 8 million votes less.

Why does this thread have so many repliee? Why is Sup Forums the easiest board to bait?

Man im really really glad she lost.
True story here: i bet all my money on Trump.

On November 6th i even completely overcharged all my credit cards and put everything on the man.

I had a very very strong feeling that he will win right from the day he was about to win the rep nomination.

Since November 17th (it took the broker very long to verify and pay out cause it was such a huge ass sum) im rich AF and dont even know where to put all that cash.

2nd True Story here too:

Also as a kid, when i watched Home Alone 2 and the DJT scene came up i thought back then to myself "This guy will make me rich and he will be president". Really happend...that memory was also a big kick for me and haunted me in the weeks before the election...i wouldnt had gone all in if it wasnt for that. Can't explain how to happened but glad im happy he wo and that useless cunt lost. But it was clear to me all along that he would literally kill her, she was just so bad in all areas... how can this senile lady even think to compete ? Seriously Hillary was just the worst candidate for like at least 50+years or even more

funny, because all I see in the news is stuff about Trump doing president things.

Hillarys 6 Gorillion votes!
oy vey!

What is with these liberal retards... we are a republic, popular vote doesn't matter...

We're also a republic and our popular vote does matter. That's not an argument, Joe. Explain the world why you have an electoral system and why it makes sense for America.

>She he happened to win big in the three biggest states that always vote blue by 15+ points
>this creates a false sense of representation around the entirety of the union
>people who post the raw numbers have no grasp of their 8th grade civics course
>the US is comprised of states which have a high degree of sovereignty, and hillary got absolutely crushed by this more relevant metric

see reasoning

Muh popular vote

It's just not fair. She fucking won!

say what?

I got banned for posting your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

>But my sports team kicked/hit the ball more times than the other! WHY DID THE OTHER TEAM WIN? WHAT THE FUCK ARE GOALS?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE RUNS?! REEEEEEEEEEEEE

god she looks like a fucking man

When people's votes are not equal, we no longer have a functioning democracy. People should be able to support abolishing the electoral college on principle, regardless of what party they support.

this is a republic, you stupid public schooled fuck

The founders of this country understood that. Which is why the vote was limited to male property owners.

Frankly, most of our problems could be fixed if we limited the vote to JUST people who pay income tax--that would restrict it to people who actually have a stake in our country. It would ensure that welfare leeches and undesirables didn't have the power to affect the rest of us. The majority of people have no business being involved in the political process at all.


She won? Shit! We put the wrong person in the white house! We have to warn somebody!

It's as if they gave every American a little box with a red button on it labeled "FUCK HILLARY CLINTON". Then they spent a year trying to shame Americans into not pressing the button. "If you press that button, you're a bigot! You're a racist and a sexist!"

How could Americans have done anything else?

Sure, that's easy.

America is a union of formerly independent states. They had no obligation to come together or join the union. Each state is covers vastly different geographical and political territories, with wide ranging differences in culture, politics, and economy. Those independent states realized that, by working together, they could be fucking awesome and accomplish a lot; however, they also realized that if they came together under a popular vote, then larger, more populous states would effectively monopolize the national political landscape. Thus, we have a bicameral legislative body that allows both proportional representation and even representation. Our electoral college is based upon the numbers of our bicameral legislature. That way, we remain a country of 50 states and not just a country of "California + NY + Florida." We get the smaller or less populated states to come on board the union by ensuring that their local ideals are not overrun.

>USA isn't a real democracy
>USA is a democracy

>American education
There are different systems of democracy your poor fuck.